Dr Filip Kostelka

filip.kostelka@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Wednesday 10-12
Filip Kostelka is Senior Lecturer in Government. He holds a PhD in Political Science from Sciences Po, Paris where he is still an associate researcher at the Centre d'études européennes et de la politique comparée. He joined Essex in 2019 after predoctoral and postdoctoral research and teaching positions at the College of Europe, Bruges; University of Montreal; and University of Barcelona. His chief research interests lie in political behaviour, party systems, and democratisation. Among other topics, he studies why and when citizens (don't) vote or protest, and how different political and contextual factors (e.g., political regime change, institutional reform etc.) affect citizens' behaviour and attitudes (e.g., democratic satisfaction). His research has been published in journals such as the American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, or World politics, and publicised in media outlets such as Le Monde, Radio Canada, France Inter, or Euroactiv. From 2022, he is on academic leave and holds the Chair in Political and Social Change at the European University Institute. For more details, see the personal webpage: https://filipkostelka.com
PhD Sciences Po, Paris, (2015)
University of Essex
Senior Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Essex (2021 - present)
Co-convenor of speaker series, Department of Government, University of Essex (2019 - 2021)
Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Essex (2019 - 2021)
Other academic
Chair in Political and Social Change, European University Institute (2022 - present)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institutions and Political Economy Research Group, University of Barcelona (1/1/2017 - 1/1/2018)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Chair in Electoral Studies, University of Montreal (1/1/2016 - 1/1/2017)
Academic Assistant, Programme in European General Studies, College of Europe (1/1/2014 - 1/1/2015)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Political Behaviour
Party systems
Conferences and presentations
"Should Participative Theorestis Be Grounded? For a Realist Approch to Citizen Participation
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Serbian Political Science Association Conference, Belgrade, 26/10/2024
Journal articles (14)
Kostelka, F., Understanding Voter Fatigue: Election Frequency & Electoral Abstention Approval. British Journal of Political Science
Kostelka, F., Singh, SP. and Blais, A., (2024). Is compulsory voting a solution to low and declining turnout? Cross-national evidence since 1945. Political Science Research and Methods. 12 (1), 76-93
Kostelka, F., Krejcova, E., Sauger, N. and Wuttke, A., (2023). Election Frequency and Voter Turnout. Comparative Political Studies. 56 (14), 2231-2268
Dassonneville, R. and Kostelka, F., (2021). The Cultural Sources of the Gender Gap in Voter Turnout. British Journal of Political Science. Online (3), 1040-1061
Kostelka, F. and Blais, A., (2021). The Generational and Institutional Sources of the Global Decline in Voter Turnout. World Politics. 73 (4), 629-667
Kostelka, F., Blais, A. and Gidengil, E., (2019). Has the gender gap in voter turnout really disappeared?. West European Politics. 42 (3), 437-463
Kostelka, F. and Rovny, J., (2019). It’s Not the Left: Ideology and Protest Participation in Old and New Democracies. Comparative Political Studies. 52 (11), 1677-1712
Stockemer, D., Blais, A., Kostelka, F. and Chhim, C., (2018). Voting in the Eurovision Song Contest. Politics. 38 (4), 428-442
Kostelka, F. and Blais, A., (2018). The Chicken and Egg Question: Satisfaction with Democracy and Voter Turnout. PS: Political Science and Politics. 51 (02), 370-376
Kostelka, F., (2017). Does Democratic Consolidation Lead to a Decline in Voter Turnout? Global Evidence Since 1939. American Political Science Review. 111 (04), 653-667
Kostelka, F., (2017). Distant souls: post-communist emigration and voter turnout. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 43 (7), 1061-1083
Polk, J., Rovny, J., Bakker, R., Edwards, E., Hooghe, L., Jolly, S., Koedam, J., Kostelka, F., Marks, G., Schumacher, G., Steenbergen, M., Vachudova, M. and Zilovic, M., (2017). Explaining the salience of anti-elitism and reducing political corruption for political parties in Europe with the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey data. Research & Politics. 4 (1), 205316801668691-205316801668691
Blais, A. and Kostelka, F., (2015). The decision to vote or abstain in the 2014 European elections. Revue européenne des sciences sociales. 53 (53-1), 79-94
Kostelka, F., (2014). The State of Political Participation in Post-Communist Democracies: Low but Surprisingly Little Biased Citizen Engagement. Europe - Asia Studies. 66 (6), 945-968
Book chapters (7)
Kostelka, F., (2023). Czech Republic: History. In: Central and South-Eastern Europe 2024. Routledge. 177- 185. 1032483369. 9781032483368
Kostelka, F., (2022). The Czech Republic (Czechia): History. In: Central and South-Eastern Europe 2023. Routledge. 9781032273167
Kostelka, F., (2021). The Czech Republic (Czechia): History. In: Central and South-Eastern Europe 2022. Routledge. 9780367694746
Kostelka, F., (2020). The Czech Republic (Czechia): History. In: Central and South-Eastern Europe 2021. Routledge. 9780367440190
Blais, A., Dassonneville, R. and Kostelka, F., (2020). Political Equality and Turnout. In: The Oxford Handbook of Political Representation in Liberal Democracies. Editors: Rohrschneider, R. and Thomassen, J., . Oxford University Press, USA. 396- 412. 9780198825081
Blais, A., Dassonneville, R. and Kostelka, F., (2020). Political Equality and Turnout. In: The Oxford Handbook of Political Representation in Liberal Democracies. 396- 412
Kostelka, F., (2019). The Czech Republic (Czechia): History. In: Central and South-Eastern Europe 2020. Routledge. 9780367175078
Reports and Papers (1)
Kostelka, F. and Scott, C., (2016). The National Youth Election Survey Report: A Subgroup Analysis of Political and Civic Participation among Canadian Youth
Dataset (3)
Stephenson, L., Blais, A., Bol, D. and Kostelka, F., (2017).Making Electoral Democracy Work
Kostelka, F., (2017).Voter Turnout in New and Established Democracies 1939-2015
Bakker, R., Edwards, E., Hooghe, L., Jolly, S., Koedal, J., Kostelka, F., Marks, G., Polk, J., Rovny, J., Schumarcher, G., Steenbergen, M., Vachudova, M. and Zilovic, M., (2015).1999-2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File
Other (1)
Kostelka, F., (2012).Territory and Electoral Rules in Post-communist Democracies. SOCIOLOGICKY CASOPIS-CZECH SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW. 48(3)
Grants and funding
Political Causes of Economic Inequality
British Academy
Academic support hours:
Wednesday 10-12