Dr Elif Kubilay

elif.kubilay@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872512
5B.118, Colchester Campus
Research and professional activities
Conferences and presentations
Impersonal Trust in a Just and Unjust World: Evidence from an Educational Intervention
Invited presentation, 9/9/2021
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Applied Economics and Policy (EC116)
Labour Economics (EC363)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/12/2024

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/4/2020
Journal articles (7)
Kubilay, E. and Alan, S., Empowering Adolescents to Transform Schools: Lessons from a Behavioral Targeting. The American Economic Review
Alan, S. and Kubilay, E., (2023). Impersonal Trust in a Just and Unjust World: Evidence from an Educational Intervention. Journal of Development Economics. 162, 103044-103044
Kubilay, E., Raiber, E., Spantig, L., Cahlikova, J. and Kaaria, L., (2023). Can you spot a scam? Measuring and improving scam identification ability. Journal of Development Economics. 165, 103147-103147
Alan, S., Baysan, C., Gumren, M. and Kubilay, E., (2021). Building Social Cohesion in Ethnically Mixed Schools: An Intervention on Perspective Taking. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 136 (4), 2147-2194
Alan, S., Duysak, E., Kubilay, E. and Mumcu, I., (2021). Social Exclusion and Ethnic Segregation in Schools: The Role of Teacher's Ethnic Prejudice. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 105 (5), 1039-1054
Alan, S., Ertac, S., Kubilay, E. and Loranth, G., (2020). Understanding Gender Differences in Leadership. The Economic Journal. 130 (626), 263-289
Atakan, A., Kockesen, L. and Kubilay, E., (2020). Starting Small to Communicate. Games and Economic Behavior. 121, 265-296
Reports and Papers (4)
Kubilay, E., Raiber, E., Spantig, L., Cahlíková, J. and Kaaria, L., (2023). Can You Spot a Scam? Measuring and Improving Scam Identification Ability
Alan, S., Baysan, C., Gumren, M. and Kubilay, E., (2021). Building Social Cohesion in Ethnically Mixed Schools: An Intervention on Perspective Taking
Alan, S., Kubilay, E., Bodur, E. and Mumcu, I., (2021). Social Status in Student Networks and Implications for Perceived Social Climate in Schools
Alan, S., Duysak, E., Kubilay, E. and Mumcu, I., (2021). Social Exclusion and Ethnic Segregation in Schools: The Role of Teacher&Apos;S Ethnic Prejudice
Scholarly Editions (3)
Alan, S., Ertac, S., Kubilay, E. and L r nth, GN., Understanding Gender Differences in Leadership
Atakan, A., Kockesen, L. and Kubilay, E., Optimal Delegation of Sequential Decisions: The Role of Communication and Reputation
Alan, S., Ertac, S., Kubilay, E. and Loranth, G., (2020). Understanding Gender Differences in Leadership
Grants and funding
Misinformation and Take-up of Social Programmes: Evidence from Western Kenya
British Academy
Transforming School Climate in Post-Primary Schools
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Transforming School Climate in Post-Primary Schools
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Scam identification ability, confidence, and the use of digital financial services
Innovations for Poverty Action
Clean Water, Better Health: A cost-effective and sustainable approach to water decontamination in Sierra Leone
British Academy
Fostering Empathy in the Classroom: A Randomized Educational Intervention for the Integration of Child Refugees
Innovations for Poverty Action
The Research Centre for Micro-Social Change (MiSoC)
Economic & Social Research Council