Dr Dimitrios Kyritsis

d.kyritsis@essex.ac.uk -
5S.4.18, Colchester Campus
Dimitrios joined the University of Essex in 2020. Prior to that he was Associate Professor at the University of Reading (2014-20), Lecturer at the University of Sheffield (2007-14), and Hauser Global Law Fellow at New York University (2006-7). His main research interests are in legal and political philosophy, constitutional theory and human rights law. He is the author of Shared Authority: Courts and Legislatures in Legal Theory (Hart 2015) and Where Our Protection Lies: Separation of Powers and Constitutional Review (OUP 2017).
DPhil University of Oxford,
MPhil University of Oxford,
MJur University of Oxford,
LLB University of Athens,
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Human Rights: Theories and Applications (HU901)
Public Law (LW103)
Jurisprudence (LW301)
Final Year Research Project (LW304)
Postgraduate research methods and professional development (LW987)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/3/2024
Journal articles (15)
Kyritsis, D. and Lakin, S., (2022). The Methodology of Constitutional Theory-Introduction. The Methodology of Constitutional Theory, 1-14
Kyritsis, D., (2021). Williams and Rawls in Philadephia. Res Publica. 27 (2), 203-218
Kyritsis, D., (2020). Justifying constitutional review in the legitimacy register, A reply to Bello Hutt, Harel and Klatt. Revus. 42 (42), 1-12
Kyritsis, D., (2017). Re-viewing Shared Authority. Jurisprudence. 8 (3), 676-684
Kyritsis, D., (2016). A New Interpretivist Conception of the Rule of Law. Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoría del Derecho. 1 (10), 91-91
Kyritsis, D., (2015). Intending to Legislate. The Modern Law Review. 78 (1), 164-175
Kyritsis, D., (2015). Law's Province in the Domain of Value. Jurisprudence. 6 (2), 341-348
Kyritsis, D., (2015). Introduction. Jurisprudence. 6 (2), 274-275
Kyritsis, D., (2014). Whatever Works: Proportionality as a Constitutional Doctrine. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 34 (2), 395-415
Kyritsis, D. and Tsakyrakis, S., (2013). Neutrality in the classroom. International Journal of Constitutional Law. 11 (1), 200-217
KYRITSIS, D., (2012). The Persistent Significance of Jurisdiction*. Ratio Juris. 25 (3), 343-367
Kyritsis, D., (2012). Constitutional Review in Representative Democracy. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 32 (2), 297-324
Kyritsis, D., (2008). WHAT IS GOOD ABOUT LEGAL CONVENTIONALISM?. Legal Theory. 14 (2), 135-166
Kyritsis, D., (2007). Principles, Policies and the Power of Courts. Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence. 20 (2), 379-397
Kyritsis, D., (2006). Representation and Waldron's Objection to Judicial Review. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 26 (4), 733-751
Books (4)
Kyritsis, D. and Lakin, S., (2022). The Methodology of Constitutional Theory. Bloomsbury Publishing. 1509933840. 9781509933846
Kyritsis, D., (2017). Where Our Protection Lies. Oxford University Press. 9780199672257
Kyritsis, D., (2017). Where Our Protection Lies Separation of Powers and Constitutional Review. Oxford University Press (OUP). 0199672253. 978-0199672257
Kyritsis, D., (2015). Shared Authority Courts and Legislatures in Legal Theory. Hart Publishing. 1849463891. 978-1849463898
Book chapters (10)
Kyritsis, D., The limits of neutrality in the legal philosophy of Stavros Tsakyrakis
Kyritsis, D., Legitimacy and the Misguided Quest for a Representative Constitutional Court. In: Political representation by the constitutional jurisdiction. Editors: Coutinho, L., . Springer
Kyritsis, D., Freedom and sociability. In: Essays on freedom and proportionality. Editors: Kyritsis, DIMITRIOS., . Hart Publishing
Kyritsis, D., (2023). Freedom of speech. In: Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Editors: Sellers, M. and Kirste, S., . Springer. 1- 5. 9789400767300
Kyritsis, D., (2022). Constitutional Law as Legitimacy Enhancer. In: The Methodology of Constitutional Theory. Editors: Kyritsis, D. and Lakin, S., . Bloomsbury Publishing. 211- 231. 9781509933860
Kyritsis, D., (2021). Semantic sting controversy. In: Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Editors: Sellers, M. and Kirste, S., . Springer. 1- 6. 978-9400765184
Kyritsis, D., (2021). The two lives of law's moral aim. In: Collective Action, Philosophy and Law. Editors: Marques, T. and Valentini, C., . Taylor & Francis (Routledge). 89- 104. 9781003242451
Kyritsis, D., (2018). Is Moralised Jurisprudence Redundant?. In: Unpacking Normativity Conceptual, Normative, and Descriptive Issues. Editors: Himma, KE., Jovanovic, M. and Spaic, B., . Hart Publishing. 3- 15. 1509916245. 9781509916245
Kyritsis, D., (2011). The Normativity of the Practice of Officials. In: New Essays on the Normativity of Law. Editors: Pavlakos, G. and Bertea, S., . Bloomsbury Publishing. 1847316719. 9781847316714
Kyritsis, D., (2011). The Normativity of the Practice of Officials: A Philosophical Programme. In: New Essays on the Normativity of Law. 177- 195
Reports and Papers (2)
Kyritsis, D., (2020). The Two Lives of Law’s Moral Aim
Kyritsis, D., (2019). Williams and Rawls in Philadelphia