Prof Sheldon Leader

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Colchester Campus
Sheldon Leader, a graduate of Yale and Oxford Universities,is the director of the Essex Business and Human Rights Project(EBHR) and a longstanding member of the Human Rights Centre at University of Essex. He is; a member of the Advisory to the Human Rights Committee of the Law Society of England and Wales. He teaches andlectures at the University ofEssex, theUniversity of Paris-Ouest and ata number ofuniversities in the US. His work with the EBHR involves advice and training on issues involving business and human rights in various parts of the world.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Labour/Employment Law
Links between Human Rights, International Trade, and Investment
Philosophy of Human Rights
Conferences and presentations
Addresstomeeting at the European Parliament of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) European Coalition for Corporate Justice(ECCJ)and Friends of the Earth, Brussels, on July 13, 2011: The duty of states to protect against human rights abuses by business: what new is offered by the Ruggie framework
Brussels, Belgium, 2011
International Business Leaders Forum, London 1 March 2011: Making sense of the state duty to protect in the light of the Ruggie principles
London, United Kingdom, 2011
Distinguished Global Visitor, Hebert Law Center, Louisiana State University March-April, 2009, 2010 lectures on trade, investment and human rights.
Baton Rouge, United States, 2009
Address to the UK Law Society: Human rights inside investment and corporate law constraints, April, 2009
United Kingdom, 2009
Conference on International Labor Law for practitioners: New York University School of Law, June 2008: labour rights and international investment law
New York, United States, 2008
Office of the High Commission for Human Rights: invited speaker to plenary session, Geneva, February 2007: Human Rights and Global Project Finance
Geneva, Switzerland, 2007
Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House: London, April 2006: The place of human rights in arbitration; May 2006, New frontiers in corporate social responsibility; March, 2005: Human Rights and Corporate Responsibility
London, United Kingdom, 2006
British Institute of Comparative Law, London, April 21 2004: The UN Norms on Business and Human Rights
London, United Kingdom, 2004
Yale Law School, April 26, 2004: Human Rights and Investment Agreements
New Haven, United States, 2004
Conference organized by the journal Ethical Corporation: London May 11, 2004: Proactive human rights regulation and investment
London, United Kingdom, 2004
Institute for Corporate Accountability, Zicklin School of Business (Baruch College, CUNY) New York City May 13 2004: Compensatory vs proactive protection of human rights the case of BTC
New York, United States, 2004
Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po), Paris May 25, 2004 Moralization of Capitalism
Paris, France, 2004
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Jan 19, 2004: Integration and federation in ethics and law
Paris, France, 2004
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2019

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/6/2015

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/2/2015

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/7/2014

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/12/2013

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/6/2013

Degree type: Master of Laws
Awarded date: 5/10/2011

Degree type: Master of Laws
Awarded date: 5/10/2011

Degree type: Master of Laws
Awarded date: 5/10/2011

Degree type: Master of Laws
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Laws
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Laws
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Laws
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Laws
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Laws
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Laws
Awarded date: 6/10/2010
Journal articles (20)
Terwindt, C., Leader, S., Yilmaz Vastardis, A. and Wright, J., (2018). Supply chain liability: pushing the boundaries of the common law?. Journal of European Tort Law. 8 (3), 261-296
Leader, S., (2016). Statehood, Power, and the New Face of Consent. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 23 (1), 12-142
Leader, S., (2013). Interview with sheldon leader transnational corporations and human rights. Sur. 9 (17), 107-211
Leader, S., (2010). Legal science, social science, and the problem of competing values. Droit et société. n° 75 (2), 363-378
Leader, SL., (2010). Can You Derive a Right to Strike from the Right to Freedom of Association?. Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal. 15 (2), 271-295
Leader, SL., (2010). Legal Theory and the Variety of Legal Cultures. Journal of Civil Law Studies. 3, 99-110
Leader, SL., (2010). Legal science, social science, and the problem of competing values. Droit et soci�t�. 2 (75), 363-378
Leader, SL., (2009). The Collateral Protection of Rights in a Global Economy. New York Law School Law Review. 53 (4), 805-814
Leader, SL. and Lokiec, P., (2008). Gouvernement d'entreprise et droits des salari�s. Revue de droit du travail, Paris. 2008 (3), 201-203
Leader, S., (2007). Freedom and Futures: Personal Priorities, Institutional Demands and Freedom of Religion. The Modern Law Review. 70 (5), 713-730
Leader, S., (2006). Human Rights, Risks, and New Strategies for Global Investment. Journal of International Economic Law. 9 (3), 657-705
Leader, S., (2005). Two ways of linking economic activity to human rights. International Social Science Journal. 57 (185), 541-550
Leader, S., (2002). Choosing an interpretation of the right to freedom of association. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 40 (1), 128-137
Leader, S., (2000). Three Faces of Justice and the Management of Change. The Modern Law Review. 63 (1)
Leader, S., (2000). Participation and property rights. Journal of Business Ethics. 27 (2), 97-109
Leader, S., (1999). Participation and property rights. Journal of Business Ethics. 21 (2-3), 97-109
Leader, SL., (1996). The Modern Corporation and American Political Thought. By Scott Bowman · University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996. xii + 436 pp. Bibliography and index. Cloth, $55.00, ISBN 0-271-01472-5; paper, $18.95, ISBN 0-271-01473-3.. Business History Review. 70 (3), 408-410
Leader, S., (1996). Three Faces of Toleration in a Democracy*. Journal of Political Philosophy. 4 (1), 45-67
LEADER, S., (1991). The European Convention on Human Rights, The Employment Act of 1988 and the Right to Refuse to Strike. Industrial Law Journal. 20 (1), 39-59
Leader, S., (1985). Introduction. Journal of Southern African Studies. 12 (1), 1-11
Books (2)
Leader, S. and Ong, D., (2011). Global Project Finance, Human Rights and Sustainable Development. Cambridge University Press. 9780511974311
Gilbert, G., Hampson, FJ. and Sandoval, C., (2010). Strategic Visions for Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Kevin Boyle. Routledge. 9781136919329
Book chapters (27)
Leader, S., (2020). The Reach of Rights in the Crisis. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 5- 9. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Leader, S. and Yanes, LF., (2020). Levers for and Obstacles to Social Change: Bank Lending, the Law and the Equator Principles. In: Advocating Social Change through International Law. Brill | Nijhoff. 228- 249. 9789004382480
Leader, S., (2017). Coherence, Mutual Assurance, and a Treaty on Business and Human Rights. In: Building a Treaty on Business and Human Rights: Context and Contours. Editors: Deva, S. and Bilchitz, D., . Cambridge University Press (CUP). 79- 102. 978-1107199118
Leader, S., (2017). Enterprise-Network and Enterprise-Groups: Trends and National/International Experiences The Duty of Care. In: Enterprise and Social Rights. Editors: Perulli, A. and Treu, T., . Kluwer Law International. 9789041182340
Leader, S., (2016). Human Rights and the Constitutionalized Corporation. In: Multinationals and the Constitutionalization of the World Power System. Editors: Robé, J-P., Lyon-Caen, A. and Vernac, S., . Routledge. 193- 203. 9781472482921
Leader, SL., (2015). Labour Rights in the World Economy. In: Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights Impacts: New Expectations and Paradigms. Editors: Blecher, L., Stafford, NK. and Bellamy, GC., . American Bar Association. 393- 400. 978-1627223911
Leader, SL., (2014). Accountable Corporate Governance. In: The Oxford Handbook on Public Accountability. Editors: Bovens, M., Goodin, RE. and Schillemans, T., . Oxford University Press. 354- 369. 978-0-19-964125-3
Leader, S., (2014). Project Finance and Human Rights. In: Making Sovereign Financing and Human Rights Work. Editors: Bohoslavsky, JP. and Černič, JL., . Hart Publishing. 199- 212. 9781849464383
Leader, S., (2013). Human Rights and International Trade. In: Routledge Handbook of International Human Rights Law. Editors: Rodley, N. and Sheeran, S., . Routledge. 245- 262. 9780415620734
Leader, S. and Kazimova, R., (2011). Overview and recommendations. In: Global Project Finance, Human Rights and Sustainable Development. Cambridge University Press. 490- 498. 9780521762601
Leader, S., (2011). Risk management, project finance and rights-based development. In: Global Project Finance, Human Rights and Sustainable Development. Cambridge University Press. 107- 141. 9780521762601
Leader, S., (2011). An introduction to the issues. In: Global Project Finance, Human Rights and Sustainable Development. Editors: Leader, S. and Ong, D., . Cambridge University Press. 3- 11. 9780511974311
Leader, SL., (2011). Global responsibility, commercial pressures, and the problem of priorities. In: Responsabilit� sociale de l'entreprise transnationale et globalisation de l'�conomie. Editors: Daugareilh, I., . Bruylant/LJDG. 9782802730293
(2010). Strategic Visions for Human Rights. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, F. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. xix- xxvi
(2010). Global Health and Human Rights. In: Global Health and Human Rights: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives. Editors: Harrington, J. and Stuttaford, M., . Routledge. 28- 61. 9780415479387
Leader, SL., (2010). La responsabilit� globale de l?entreprise: pressions commerciales et gestion des prioriti�s. In: Responsabilit� sociale de l'entreprise transnationale et globalisation de l'�conomie. Editors: Daugareilh, I., . Emile Bruylant. 9782802730293
Leader, SL., (2010). Labour Rights in the World Economy. In: Valutare il diritto del lavoro [Evaluate Labour Law]. Editors: Lyon-Caen, A. and Perulli, A., . Wolters Kluwer Italia. 113- 122. 9788813299095
Leader, SL., (2010). The Place of Labor Rights in Foreign Direct Investment. In: Global Labor and Employment Law for the Practicing Lawyer. Editors: Estreicher, S. and Morriss, AP., . Wolters Kluwer. 579- 596. 9789041132659
Gilbert, G., (2010). Implementing Protection: What Refugee Law Can Learn from IDP Law... and Vice Versa. In: The Delivery of Human Rights: Essays in honour of Professor Sir Nigel Rodley. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, FJ. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. 183- 198. 9780415579926
Sandoval, C. and Duttwiler, M., (2010). Redressing non-pecuniary damages of torture survivors: The practice of the inter-American court of human rights. In: The Delivery of Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Sir Nigel Rodley. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, FJ. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. 114- 136. 9780415579926
Gilbert, G., Hampson, F. and Sandoval, C., (2010). The common introduction. xxiii- xxx
Leader, S., (2010). Deriving concrete entitlements from abstract rights. In: The Delivery of Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Sir Nigel Rodley. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, FJ. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. 1- 12. 9780415579926
Lubell, N., (2010). Still waiting for the goods to arrive: The delivery of human rights to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In: The Delivery of Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Sir Nigel Rodley. 199- 227
Leader, S., (2010). Human rights, power, and the protection of free choice. In: Strategic Visions for Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Kevin Boyle. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, FJ. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. 81- 90. 0203844327. 9780415579889
Gilbert, G., (2010). Law and human rights rather than international human rights law. In: Strategic Visions for Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Kevin Boyle. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, F. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. 19- 33. 9781136919329
Leader, S., (2006). Inflating consent, inflating function, and inserting human rights. In: Human Rights and Capitalism: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Globalisation. 28- 47. 9781845422684
Leader, S., (2005). Collateralism. In: Global Governance and the Quest for Justice: Volume IV: Human Rights. 53- 67
Conferences (3)
Leader, S., (2000). The United Kingdom: A new generation of issues
Leader, S., (1999). Participation and property rights
Reports and Papers (3)
Leader, SL. and Yilmaz Vastardis, A., (2018). Improving Paths to Business Accountability for Human Rights Abuses: A Legal Guide
Van Ho, T., Yilmaz Vastardis, A., Leader, S., Michalowski, S., Netto, U., Danesi, R., Ong, D. and Wlodarczak, B., (2011). Corporate Liability in a New Setting: Shell and the Changing Legal Landscape for the Multinational Oil Industry in the Niger Delta
Farah, Y., Leader, SL. and Kazimova, R., (2008). Analysis of the Amended and Restated Concession Agreement Between the Republic of Liberia and Firestone Liberia, Inc., of 2008
Grants and funding
Business and human rights sector risk assessment
International Marine Purchasing Association
University of Essex
Evaluating redress mechanisms governing the human rights practices of transnational business: lessons for institutional design and operation
University Of Melbourne - Australia
Consultancy - Sheldon Leader - Global Witness
Global Witness