Dr Seonghui Lee

s.lee@essex.ac.uk -
5.422, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
By appointment (on research leave AY 2024-25)
Ph.D. in Political Science Rice University, (2015)
University of Essex
Senior Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (2021 - present)
Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (2018 - 2021)
Other academic
Assistant professor, Political Science, Aarhus University (2015 - 2018)
Post-doctoral research fellow, University of Zurich (2014 - 2015)
Journal articles (15)
Lin, N. and Lee, S., (2024). Anchoring vignettes as a diagnostic tool for cross-national (in)comparability of survey measures: The case of voters’ left-right self-placement. British Journal of Political Science. 54 (2), 492-502
Lee, S., (2024). The distance between us: the role of ideological proximity in shaping perceptions of inter-partisan relationships. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, 1-19
Lee, S., (2024). When Elections Wait: A Cross-National Analysis of Election Postponement During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Political Research Quarterly
Kevins, A. and Lee, S., (2023). Projection in the Face of Centrism: Voter Inferences about Candidates’ Party Affiliation in Low-information Contexts. Political Psychology. 44 (2), 319-336
Wenzelburger, G., Jensen, C., Lee, S. and Arndt, C., (2020). How Governments Strategically Time Welfare State Legislation: Empirical Evidence From Five European Countries. West European Politics. 43 (6), 1285-1314
Lee, S., Jensen, C., Arndt, C. and Wenzelburger, G., (2020). Risky Business? Welfare State Reforms and Government Support in Britain and Denmark. British Journal of Political Science. 50 (1), 1-20
Jensen, C. and Lee, S., (2019). Mass media attention to welfare state reforms: evidence from Britain, 1996–2014. West European Politics. 42 (1), 113-132
Lee, S., Haime, A. and Stevenson, R., (2019). Measuring Knowledge of Parties’ Legislative Seat Shares. Political Science Research and Methods. 7 (1), 185-196
Lee, S. and Matsuo, A., (2018). Decomposing political knowledge: What is confidence in knowledge and why it matters. Electoral Studies. 51, 1-13
Jensen, C., Arndt, C., Lee, S. and Wenzelburger, G., (2018). Policy instruments and welfare state reform. Journal of European Social Policy. 28 (2), 161-176
Matsuo, A. and Lee, S., (2018). Multi-dimensional Policy Preferences in the 2015 British General Election: A Conjoint Analysis. Electoral Studies. 55, 89-98
Lee, S., Lin, N. and Stevenson, RT., (2016). An expanded empirical evaluation of the cross-national comparability of survey measures of political interest using anchoring vignettes: A research note. Electoral Studies. 44, 423-428
Jensen, C., Lee, S., Arndt, C. and Wenzelburger, G., (2016). Hvordan reagerer vælgerne på velfærdsreformer?. Politica. 48 (3)
Lee, S., Lin, NCN. and Stevenson, RT., (2015). Evaluating the cross-national comparability of survey measures of political interest using anchoring vignettes. Electoral Studies. 39, 205-218
Lee, S., (2014). Party Responsiveness to the Collective Judgment of the Electorate. Comparative Political Studies. 47 (14), 1973-1999
Grants and funding
The Gender Gap in Political Misinformation and Its Consequences
British Academy
Academic support hours:
By appointment (on research leave AY 2024-25)