
Professor Andrew Le Sueur

Essex Law School
Professor Andrew Le Sueur



I joined Essex Law School of Law in 2013 as Professor of Constitutional Justice. Currently on research leave, I'm working on a book about past 200 years and next 200 years of the British constitutional system (working title: 'This Effete Old Kingdom: contested pasts, imagined futures'). The project is trying to bring clarity to our thoughts and feelings about what our forebears have done, what's happening now, and decisions that future generations may make. I'm using microhistory methods (the study has a strong Essex flavour) and futures studies techniques. I'm also working on projects trying to improve law and justice in my home island of Jersey. As a member of the Jersey Law Commission (a publicly funded but independent law reform agency), I've investigated and developed proposals for reform of redress mechanisms -- including advocating creating a public sector ombudsperson, which the Government of Jersey has agreed to implement. I'm now exploring how the Human Rights (Jersey) Law 2000, closely based on the UK's Human Rights Act 1998, has been working in the island. From 2017-23, I held a senior leadership role at the University, as Executive Dean for Arts and Humanities. In years past, I served as an adviser to several parliamentary select committees, including as legal adviser to the House of Lords Constitution Committee (2006-09) and was editor of the journal 'Public Law'. My previous academic posts were at Queen Mary, University of London (Professor of Public Law 2006-13), at Birmingham (Barber Professor of Jurisprudence 2001-2006) and UCL (lecturer and reader 1988-2000). I am a Bencher of Middle Temple and since 2023 a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.


  • LL.B. (Hons) (LSE, University of London)

  • Barrister, of the Middle Temple


University of Essex

  • Professor of Constitutional Justice, Essex Law School, University of Essex (1/8/2013 - present)

  • Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Essex (14/8/2017 - 31/7/2023)

  • Inclusivity Champion for Jewish Students and Staff, University of Essex (30/9/2019 - 31/7/2023)

  • Head, School of Law, Law, University of Essex (1/1/2017 - 1/9/2017)

Other academic

  • Fellow, Constitution Unit, UCL, University College London (1/9/2015 - present)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

The constitutional role of the judiciary

Administrative law and justice

Tiny legal systems (serving populations of fewer than 100,000)

Human Rights in the British Crown Dependencies

The three British Crown Dependencies were requested by the UK Government to adopt legislation similar to the UK Human Rights Act 1998. How effective has this legislation in tiny jurisdictions, legally, politically and culturally different from the UK been in enhancing human rights protection?

Key words: human rights
Open to supervise

Nineteenth Century English constitutional and justice system

Using methods from microhistory, this project reconstructs the life of J.S. Gardiner (1820-1910), and Essex farmer and political activist who served on a Poor Law Board of Guardians, a highways board and was an inaugural member of Essex County Council in 1889. An obscure person (Gardiner) and place (rural parishes of North Essex) provide perspectives to challenge received understandings of how the 19th century constitutional and justice systems operated and what was important.

Key words: constitution
Open to supervise

Constitutional and Administrative Justice Initiative

Administrative Justice, Constitutional and Public Law, Social Justice, Judicial Review.

Open to supervise

Current research

Constitutional implications of automated decision-making by government

The legal systems and cultures of tiny jurisdictions (territories with fewer than 100,000 people)

How the UK Parliament considers proposals for designs of dispute resolution mechanisms (e.g. whether a bill should create rights of appeal to a tribunal, the role of ombudsmen, etc). This is a smaller scale study bridges two themes in my current scholarship: how redress mechanisms are designed and how parliamentarians engage with issues related to the judicial system (broadly conceived).

Conferences and presentations

15 April 2015: paper on robot government presented to roundtable organised in association with the UKCLA and the Study of Parliament Group.


9 January 2015: participated in UKCLA roundtable on constitutional developments of 2014, speaking to this paper on the national justice infrastructure.


16 July 2014: written and oral evidence to House of Lords Constitution Committee inquiry on the office of Lord Chancellor.


23 June 2014: presentation at Second Annual Conference on Teaching Public Law, City University, London (report here)

London, United Kingdom, 2014

16-20 June 2014: International Association of Constitutional Law, IXth World Congress, Constitutional Challenges: global and local. Co-convenor of a workshop on immigration and asylum.


21 October 2013: Immovable Property: The issues across sectors, across jurisdictions, Jersey.

Jersey, United Kingdom, 2013

2-6 September 2013: UK-China Conference in Public Law: The Rule of Law in Modern Constitutionalism at Renmin University, Beijing.

Beijing, China, 2013

Teaching and supervision


Journal articles (5)

Le Sueur, A., (2012). Designing Redress: Who Does it, How and Why. Asia Pacific Law Review. 20 (1), 17-44

Le Sueur, A., (2008). Gordon Brown?s new constitutional settlement. Public Law. 2008, 21-24

Le Sueur, A., (2005). The Rise and Ruin of Unreasonableness?. Judicial Review. 10 (1), 32-51

Le Sueur, A., (2004). Developing mechanisms for judicial accountability in the UK. Legal Studies. 24 (1-2), 73-98

Le Sueur, A., (1996). The Judicial Review Debate: From Partnership to Friction. Government and Opposition. 31 (1), 8-26

Books (12)

Le Sueur, A., Sunkin, M. and Khushal Murkens, JE., (2023). Public Law Text, Cases, and Materials (Fifth Edition). Oxford University Press. 0192870610. 9780192870612

Sunkin, M., Le Sueur, A. and Murkens, J., (2019). Public Law Text Cases and Materials, 4th edition

Horne, A. and Le Sueur, A., (2016). Parliament: Legislation and Accountability. Hart. 9781849467162

Le Sueur, A., Sunkin, M. and Murkens, JEK., (2016). Public Law Text, Cases, and Materials (Third edition). Oxford University Press (OUP). 9780198735380

Le Sueur, AP., Woolf, H., Jowell, J., Hare, I. and Donnelly, C., (2016). De Smith's Judicial Review: 3rd supplement to 7th edition. Sweet & Maxwell. 0414060105. 9780414060104

Horne, A. and Le Sueur, A., (2016). Introduction

Woolf, RHL., Jowell, J., Le Sueur, A., Hare, I. and Donnelly, C., (2015). De Smith?s Judicial Review: Second Supplement to the 7th edition. Sweet & Maxwell. 9780414054509

Woolf, RHL., Jowell, J., Le Sueur, A., Hare, I. and Donnelly, C., (2014). De Smith?s Judicial Review: First Supplement to the 7th edition. Sweet & Maxwell. 9780414036673

Woolf, RHL., Jowell, J., Le Sueur, A., Hare, I. and Donnelly, C., (2013). De Smith's Judicial Review (Seventh edition). Sweet & Maxwell. 9780414042155

Le Sueur, A., Sunkin, M. and Murkens, J., (2013). Public Law: Text Cases and Materials (2nd edition). Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-964418-6

Le Sueur, A., Sunkin, M. and Murkens, J., (2010). Public Law: Text Cases and Materials. Oxford University Press. 0198820283. 9780199284191

Le Sueur, A., (2004). Building the UK's New Supreme CourtNational and Comparative Perspectives. Oxford University Press. 9780199264629

Book chapters (18)

Le Sueur, A., (2019). The Foundations of Justice. In: The Changing Constitution. Editors: Jowell, J. and O'Cinneide, C., . Oxford University Press, Oxford. 209- 238. 0198806361. 9780198806363

Le Sueur, A., (2016). Robot Government: Automated Decision-Making and its Implications for Parliament. In: Parliament: Legislation and Accountability. Editors: Horen, A. and Le Sueur, A., . Hart. 183- 202. 9781849467162

Le Sueur, A., (2016). Administrative litigation in England and Wales. In: Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe. 163- 190

Le Sueur, A., (2015). The foundations of justice. In: The Changing Constitution (8th edition). Editors: Jowell, J., Oliver, D. and O'Cinneide, C., . Oxford University Press. 978-0198709824

Le Sueur, A., (2014). Administrative litigation in England and wales. In: Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe. 163- 190. 9781472436085

Le Sueur, A., (2014). Regulating home ownership and occupation in Jersey: Human Rights Issues. In: Immovable Property: The Issues across sectors, across jurisdictions. Editors: Thomas, M., . Institute of Law. 88- 109. 978-1-908716-35-4

Le Sueur, A., (2013). 'Tradition' in English Administrative Law. In: Administrative Law in Europe: Between Common Principles and National Traditions. Editors: Ruffert, M., . Europa Law Publishing. 19- 34. 9789089521323

Le Sueur, A. and Simson Caird, J., (2013). The House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution. In: Parliament and the Law. Editors: Horne, A., Drewry, G. and Oliver, D., . Hart Publishing. 281- 308. 9781849462952

Le Sueur, A., (2011). Administrative Justice and the Resolution of Disputes. In: The Changing Constitution (Seventh Edition ). Editors: Jowell, J. and Oliver, D., . Oxford University Press. 9780199579051

Le Sueur, A., (2011). People as ?Users? and ?Citizens. In: Legitimacy in European Administrative Law Back Legitimacy in European Administrative Law Reform and Reconstruction. Editors: Ruffert, M., . Europa Law Publishing. 27- 48. 9789089520982

Le Sueur, A., (2009). 5. From Appellate Committee to Supreme Court: A Narrative. In: The Judicial House of Lords. Oxford University Press. 64- 95. 9780199532711

Le Sueur, A., (2009). Constitutional Fundamentals; Fundamental Principles. In: English Public Law (Second Edition ). Editors: Feldman, D., . Oxford University Press. 9780199227938

Le Sueur, A., (2009). The Nature, Powers, and Accountability of Central Government. In: English Public Law (Second Edition ). Editors: Feldman, D., . Oxford University Press. 9780199227938

(2008). Constitutional Futures Revisited. In: Constitutional Futures Revisited: Britain's Constitution to 2020. Editors: Hazell, R., . Palgrave Macmillan UK. 109- 122. 9781349306220

Le Sueur, A., (2007). Administrative justice and the rise of informal dispute resolution in England. In: The Transformation of Administrative Law in Europe. Editors: Ruffert, M., . Sellier European Law Publishers. 9783935808910

Le Sueur, A., (2007). Courts: Tribunals, Ombudsmen, ADR: Administrative Justice, Constitutionalism and Informality. In: The Changing Constitution (6th Edition). Editors: Jowell, J. and Oliver, D., . Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-920511-0

Le Sueur, A., (2007). Entries on: Accountability, Adversary System, Courts, Judges, Judicial Appointments, Judicial Independence, Solicitor General and UK Supreme Court. In: New Oxford Companion to Law. Editors: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J., . Oxford University Press. 9780199290543

Le Sueur, A., (2005). Judicial Autonomy, Human Rights and the Future of the Bailiff. In: A Celebration of Autonomy: 1204-2004, 800 Years of Channel Islands' Law. Editors: Bailhache, P., . Jersey Law Review. 0953590372

Reports and Papers (6)

Le Sueur, A., (2024). Keeping the Complaints Panel or creating the Ombudsperson?

Le Sueur, AP., (2018). Designing a Public Services Ombudsman for Jersey

Le Sueur, AP., (2017). Improving Administrative Redress in Jersey

Le Sueur, A., (2016). Jersey Law Commission: Consultation Paper on Improving Administrative Redress in Jersey

Other (3)

Le Sueur, A., (2024).Finally, separation of powers in Jersey?. UK Constitutional Law Association Blog,UK Constitutional Law Association

Le Sueur, A., (2014).Written and oral evidence to House of Lords Constitution Committee inquiry on the office of Lord Chancellor,House of Lords, United Kingdom

Le Sueur, A., (2013).Parliamentary Accountability and the Judicial System,Oxford University Press

Grants and funding


Designing a Public Services Ombuds scheme for Jersey

University of Essex


UK Administrative Initiative

Nuffield Foundation

+44 (0) 1206 873482


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