Dr Antonio Marco

amarco@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873339
3SW.3.06, Colchester Campus
2020-present Senior Lecturer. University of Essex. 2013-2020 Lecturer. University of Essex. 2012-2013 Stepping Stones Research Fellow. University of Manchester. 2009-2012 Research Associate. University of Manchester. 2008-2009 Postdoctoral Research Associate. Arizona State University. 2007-2008 Research Assistant. Universidad de Valencia. 2003-2007 Predoctoral Fellow. Universidad de Valencia. Current Members: Mohab Helmy, PhD student Andrea Hatlen, PostDoc My blog on evolutionary biology and genetics: http://eblogution.wordpress.com My Google Scholar citation profile is available here: http://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=vJrDewYAAAAJ My ORCID profile is accesible here: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8603-7503
Ph. D. Genetics (University of Valencia, 2007),
B. Sc. Biological Sciences (University of Valencia, 2002),
Grad. Dip. Mathematics (LSE University of London, 2017),
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Evolution is driven by changes in the genome, not only in their gene products but in their regulatory interactions. My research interest is in evolutionary genomics with a strong focus on gene regulatory mechanisms.
Current research
Evolutionary dynamics of gene regulatory networks
MicroRNA function and evolution
Regulatory RNAs in Drosophila
Analysis of high-throughput sequencing for gene expression
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Quantitative methods for Life Sciences (BS141)
Employability Skills for the Biosciences (BS211)
Biomedical Science: Practice and Employability (BS214)
Genome Bioinformatics (BS312)
Human Molecular Genetics (BS320)
Research Project in Life Sciences (BS832)
Analysis of Genomic Data (BS939)
Advanced Research Skills (BS953)
Genomics (BS982)
Professional Skills and the Business of Biosciences (BS985)
Research Project - Health Genomics (BS996)
Research Project in Biomedical Science (BS831)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Cell and Molecular Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/5/2023

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/4/2023

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/4/2022

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 10/12/2021

Degree subject: Cell and Molecular Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/2/2021

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/4/2019
Publications (4)
Cronin, R., Azadova, A., Marco, A., Laissue, PP., Brooke, GN. and Prischi, F., (2024). The p90 Ribosomal S6 Kinases 2 and 4 promote Prostate Cancer cell proliferation in androgen-dependent and independent ways
Azadova, A., Ekperuoh, A., Brooke, GN. and Marco, A., (2024). Analysis of coding gene expression from small RNA sequencing
Akachukwu, AC., Ratcliff, JS. and Marco, A., (2024). Somatic evolution of cancer genes in sex chromosomes
Marco, A., (2021). The chromosomal distribution of sex-biased microRNAs in Drosophila is non-adaptive
Journal articles (33)
Pine, AC., Brooke, GN. and Marco, A., (2023). A computational approach to identify efficient RNA cleaving 10-23 DNAzymes.. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics. 5 (1), lqac098-
Marco, A., (2022). The Chromosomal Distribution of Sex-Biased MicroRNAs in Drosophila is Nonadaptive.. Genome Biology and Evolution. 14 (7), evac103-
Hatlen, A. and Marco, A., (2020). Pervasive selection against microRNA target sites in human populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 37 (12), 3399-3408
Helmy, M., Hatlen, A. and Marco, A., (2019). The Impact of Population Variation in the Analysis of microRNA Target Sites. Non-Coding RNA. 5 (2), 42-42
Marco, A., (2019). Comment on “microRNAs in the Same Clusters Evolve to Coordinately Regulate Functionally Related Genes”. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 36 (8), 1843-1843
Hatlen, A., Helmy, M. and Marco, A., (2019). PopTargs: a database for studying population evolutionary genetics of human microRNA target sites. Database. 2019 (1)
Marco, A., (2018). SeedVicious: Analysis of microRNA target and near-target sites.. PLoS ONE. 13 (4), e0195532-e0195532
Clifton, BD., Librado, P., Yeh, S., Solares, E., Real, D., Jayasekera, S., Zhang, W., Shi, M., Park, R., Magie, R., Ma, H., Xia, X., Marco, A., Rozas, J. and Ranz, JM., (2017). Rapid Functional And Sequence Differentiation of a Tandemly-Repeated Species-Specific Multigene Family in Drosophila. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 34 (1), 51-65
Marco, A., (2015). Selection Against Maternal microRNA Target Sites in Maternal Transcripts. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics. 5 (10), 2199-2207
Marco, A., (2014). Sex-biased expression of microRNAs inDrosophila melanogaster. Open Biology. 4 (4), 140024-140024
Marco, A., (2014). Sex-biased expression of microRNAs in Drosophila melanogaster. Open biology. 4, creators-Marco=3AAntonio=3A=3A
Marco, A., Ninova, M., Ronshaugen, M. and Griffiths-Jones, S., (2013). Clusters of microRNAs emerge by new hairpins in existing transcripts. Nucleic Acids Research. 41 (16), 7745-7752
Hui, JHL., Marco, A., Hunt, S., Melling, J., Griffiths-Jones, S. and Ronshaugen, M., (2013). Structure, evolution and function of the bi-directionally transcribed iab-4/iab-8 microRNA locus in arthropods. Nucleic Acids Research. 41 (5), 3352-3361
Marco, A., Kozomara, A., Hui, JHL., Emery, AM., Rollinson, D., Griffiths-Jones, S. and Ronshaugen, M., (2013). Sex-Biased Expression of MicroRNAs in Schistosoma mansoni. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 7 (9), e2402-e2402
Marco, A., Ninova, M. and Griffiths-Jones, S., (2013). Multiple products from microRNA transcripts. Biochemical Society Transactions. 41 (4), 850-854
Jones, MK., Marco, A., Kozomara, A., Hui, JHL., Emery, AM., Rollinson, D., Griffiths-Jones, S. and Ronshaugen, M., (2013). Sex-Biased Expression of MicroRNAs in Schistosoma mansoni. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 7 (9), creators-Marco=3AAntonio=3A=3A
Marco, A., Hooks, K. and Griffiths-Jones, S., (2012). Evolution and function of the extended miR-2 microRNA family. RNA Biology. 9 (3), 242-248
Marco, A. and Griffiths-Jones, S., (2012). Detection of microRNAs in color space. Bioinformatics. 28 (3), 318-323
Marco, A., (2012). Regulatory RNAs in the light of Drosophila genomics. Briefings in Functional Genomics. 11 (5), 356-365
Marco, A., MacPherson, JI., Ronshaugen, M. and Griffiths-Jones, S., (2012). MicroRNAs from the same precursor have different targeting properties. Silence. 3 (1), 8-8
Marco, A., MacPherson, JI., Ronshaugen, M. and Griffiths-Jones, S., (2012). MicroRNAs from the same precursor have different targeting properties. Silence. 3 (1), creators-Marco=3AAntonio=3A=3A
Griffiths‐Jones, S., Hui, JHL., Marco, A. and Ronshaugen, M., (2011). MicroRNA evolution by arm switching. EMBO reports. 12 (2), 172-177
Marco, A., Hui, JHL., Ronshaugen, M. and Griffiths-Jones, S., (2010). Functional Shifts in Insect microRNA Evolution. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2, 686-696
Marco, A. and Marín, I., (2009). Interactome and Gene Ontology provide congruent yet subtly different views of a eukaryotic cell. BMC Systems Biology. 3 (1), 69-
Kumar, S., Suleski, MP., Markov, GJ., Lawrence, S., Marco, A. and Filipski, AJ., (2009). Positional conservation and amino acids shape the correct diagnosis and population frequencies of benign and damaging personal amino acid mutations. Genome Research. 19 (9), 1562-1569
Marco, A. and Marin, I., (2009). CGIN1: A Retroviral Contribution to Mammalian Genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 26 (10), 2167-2170
Marco, A., Konikoff, C., Karr, TL. and Kumar, S., (2009). Relationship between gene co-expression and sharing of transcription factor binding sites in Drosophila melanogaster. Bioinformatics. 25 (19), 2473-2477
Marco, A. and Mar�n, I., (2009). Interactome and Gene Ontology provide congruent yet subtly different views of a eukaryotic cell. BMC Systems Biology. 3 (1), creators-Marco=3AAntonio=3A=3A
Marco, A. and Marín, I., (2008). How Athila retrotransposons survive in the Arabidopsis genome. BMC Genomics. 9 (1), 219-219
Marco, A. and Mar�n, I., (2008). How Athila retrotransposons survive in the Arabidopsis genome. BMC Genomics. 9 (1), creators-Marco=3AAntonio=3A=3A
Marco, A. and Marín, I., (2007). A general strategy to determine the congruence between a hierarchical and a non-hierarchical classification. BMC Bioinformatics. 8 (1), 442-
Marco, A. and Mar�n, I., (2007). A general strategy to determine the congruence between a hierarchical and a non-hierarchical classification. BMC Bioinformatics. 8 (1), creators-Marco=3AAntonio=3A=3A
Marco, A., (2004). Evolutionary and Structural Analyses of GDAP1, Involved in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Characterize a Novel Class of Glutathione Transferase-Related Genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 21 (1), 176-187
Book chapters (2)
Marco, A., (2017). Clearance of Maternal RNAs: Not a Mummy's Embryo Anymore. In: Zygotic Genome Activation. Editors: Lee, K., . Springer. 1- 10. 9781493969869
Marco, A., (2017). The Origin and Evolution of Maternal Genes. In: Oocytes. Editors: Kloc, M., . Springer. 483- 494. 978-3-319-60854-9
Reports and Papers (5)
Hatlen, A., Helmy, M. and Marco, A., (2019). PopTargs: A database for studying population evolutionary genetics of human microRNA target sites
Helmy, M., Hatlen, A. and Marco, A., (2019). The impact of population variation in the analysis of microRNA target sites
Marco, A., (2018). No evidence of functional co-adaptation between clustered microRNAs
Hatlen, A. and Marco, A., (2018). Pervasive selection against microRNA target sites in human populations
Marco, A., (2017). SeedVicious: analysis of microRNA target and near-target sites
Grants and funding
Summer Studentship 2024 (Liam Burns)
Genetics Society
Identifying Black Men at Increased Risk of Developing Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer Research (PCR)
Population dynamics of microRNA regulation: biomedical applications
Wellcome Trust