
Professor Yseult Marique

Essex Law School
Professor Yseult Marique



Yseult is a Professor at Essex Law School with expertise in comparative public law in Europe. She teaches French public law (Essex), the law of public finances and law and economics at the UC Louvain (2022-) and administrative real estate law at the ULB (2022-2025). She holds a PhD from Cambridge (2011) and law degrees from the Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis (Candidatures, FUSL), the Université libre de Bruxelles (Licences, ULB) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Licenciaat notariaat, VUB). She is a research associate at the Centre de droit Public of the ULB (Belgium, 2009-) and the Centre Montesquieu d'Etudes de l'Action Publique (Belgium, 2022-). From 2016 to 2023, she was a Fellow of the Deutsches Forschungsinstitut für Öffentliche Verwaltung (Speyer). Yseult develops her academic expertise in two main legal fields, with a keen interest for interdisciplinarity collaboration and input from history, ethics, economics/organisational theories and political philosophy. 1/ Law of public finances at all levels of governance (international, European, national, local) In this area, Yseult is one of the founding members of the Research Network on Public Authorities in Financial Distress. With Eugenio Vaccari, Laura Coordes and Geo Quinot, she is the co-author of a book on Municipalities in Financial Distress : An Environmental, Social and Governance Critique (Edward Elgar 2025, open access). With Eugenio Vaccari, she is co-editing a book on Local Government and the Territorial Constitution – Social Justice and Local Finances in the UK (Bristol University Press forthcoming 2026, open access). She is editing a special issue on solidarity in times of crisis at EU level with Theodore Konstadinides and Esin Küçük for the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (published online first). Her book Public Private Partnerships and the Law (Edward Elgar 2014) was shortlisted for the 2015 Birks Prize from the Society of Legal Scholars (UK). An on-going project includes a Commentary of the EU Directive on 'classic procurement' (with Kris Wauters and Laurent Coutron, in French, Larcier, planned publication 2026). With F De Wispelaere (KULeuven), she is working on policy recommendations pertaining to access for SMEs to subcontracting in the construction sector (contract awarded by the SPW / service public wallonie, 2025-2026). Yseult's approach to the law of public finances builds on her keen interest for public economic law and the allocation of scarce resources (such as money, soil, water or clean air), and she is interested in how public entities spend taxpayers' money for the public good through big infrastructure projects (eg water infrastructures) or how they collect money in innovative ways to sustain their activities. In particular, the borderline between public finances and repression is one of the lines of inquiry she pursues both at EU and at local levels. She connects this question to the tensions that can arise in the realm of social justice, especially between enforcing public policies and an ethics of care. In addition, a reflection on the different conceptions that decision-makers of the time and space dimensions of their decisions and investments enriches her teaching and research. 2/ Comparative public law in Europe Yseult has developed a strand of research pertaining to comparative public law in Europe thanks to her participation in a number of international projects, such as the one led by Giacinto della Cananea on the common core of European administrative law, by Ulrich Stelkens on the pan-European principles of good administration, or by Stephane de la Rosa on the principles of procurement. She authored the entry on administrative courts in the Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, and a chapter on administrative justice and the rule of law in the Oxford Handbook on Administrative Justice. She also co-authored an overview of comparative administrative law with Mariolina Eliantonio for the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law and contributed a chapter comparing the European Union and the Council of Europe for Comparative Administrative Law - New Voices (edited by P Lindseth et al, Edward Elgar forthcoming) with Ulrich Stelkens. She also co-edited a special issue of REALaw on resistance to transplants in the European administrative state with Emmanuel Slautsky. On-going projects include the updating and expansion of the second edition of the Casebook on Texts and Materials - Judicial Review of Administrative Action (two volumes, with Mariolina Eliantonio - under contract with Hart, planned publication 2026), the co-edition of a book on Pan-european principles of good administration (two volumes, with Ulrich Stelkens - under contract with Brill, planned publication 2026, open access), a co-authored book on Comparative Judicial Review: Principles, Core Questions and Beyond (with Maurice Sunkin, Oren Tamir and Paul Daly - under contract with Edward Elgar, planned publication 2029); and an co-edited collection on transnational administrative law (Bruylant in French with JB Auby, E Chevalier and O Dubos with the publisher). Yseult is especially interested in differentiation processes, narratives, linguistic mapping and cognitive mindsets across legal and administrative epistemic communities. She explores these matters in specific administrative law related-topics such as principles of judicial review, procurement, effective judicial protection, ethical standards in the civil service, bias, deference, climate change and intertemporal equity. Yseult has been the recipient of a British Academy/Leverhulme Trust small research grant (2013-2015), a ESRC - Essex Impact Acceleration Account grant (2016), a SLS small project grant (2017-2018) and a British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award (2016-2017). An associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law and the Belgian representative for the Group of Independent Experts to the Charter of Local Self-Government, (Council of Europe), Yseult is one of the co-leads of the Law and Administration strand at the European Group of Public Administration. She sits in the editorial board of REALaw and in the advisory boards of comparative and European law journals (European Public Law, Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law (2020-2025), Central European Public Administration Review (CEPAR), Droit Public Comparé - Comparative Public Law, and French Yearbook of Public Law). Yseult welcomes queries and submissions for the British Association of Comparative Law and its blog (,, Yale Comparative Administrative Law mailserv and the Law and Administration group at EGPA. For a Q&A with Yseult and her passion for comparative public law, please visit : * * * Yseult welcomes inquiries for doctoral supervision and for supporting applications to the MCSA post-doctoral fellowship on topics pertaining to her research interests.


  • PhD University of Cambridge, (2011)

  • MA in contemporary ethics Anglia Ruskin University, (2023)


University of Essex

  • International and Comparative Law Academic Lead, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)

  • Deputy Research Director, School of Law, University of Essex (31/8/2022 - 31/7/2023)

  • International Cooperation Coordinator, School of Law, University of Essex (1/10/2021 - 31/8/2022)

  • Co-director LLB French and English Laws (with Maitrise), Law School, University of Essex (1/9/2010 - 30/6/2016)

Other academic

  • Elected Associate Member, International Academy of Comparative Law (31/7/2021 - present)

  • Member, Peer-review college (Academic), Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) (1/1/2020 - present)

  • Professor, Law, Université catholique de Louvain (1/9/2024 - present)

  • Chargée de cours invitée, Law, UC Louvain (1/11/2022 - 31/8/2024)

  • Visiting Professor, University of Paris-Assas (1/10/2023 - 30/6/2024)

  • Maître de Conférence, Université Libre de Bruxelles (1/9/2011 - present)

  • Research Fellow, Deutsche Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung (1/9/2016 - 28/2/2023)

  • Guest Professor, University of Hasselt (30/9/2021 - 1/9/2022)

  • External Examiner, Trinity College Dublin (1/9/2017 - 30/9/2020)

  • Lecturer, University Paris Dauphine (1/9/2014 - 1/8/2016)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Regulation and administrative law, especially public-private relationships

Open to supervise

Public contracts (procurement, enforcement, corruption)

Open to supervise

European administrative law

Open to supervise

Constitutional and Administrative Justice Initiative

Administrative Justice, Constitutional and Public Law, Social Justice, Judicial Review.

Open to supervise

Comparative Law in Europe

Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Sanctions on digital platforms - proportionality on the modern public square

IGF Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 27/11/2019

Administrative democracy and local government

Invited presentation, Quarante ans de démocratie(s), Brussels, Belgium, 22/11/2019

‘Sanctions on platforms beyond the public / private divide’

8th Annual Cambridge International Law Journal Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 20/3/2019

December 2017: 'The pre-history of administrative law in Belgium (1885-1914)', conference organised in Rome by Professor G della Cananea, Common Core Principles of Administrative Law

Rome, Italy, 2017

November 2017: 'Sous-traitance et dumping social', with K Wauters, Conference on Procurement and Social Dumping organised by the Université libre de Bruxelles

Brussels, Belgium, 2017

September 2017: 'Law and Public Administration', Public administration in European Perspective, Potsdam

Potsnam, Netherlands, 2017

August 2017: 'Transparency in France - Law and Practice', with E Slautsky, Milan, EGPA Conference

Milan, Italy, 2017

July 2017: 'Innovation in administrative law required? Comparative lessons from public contracts' (with S Van Garsse), I.CON Conference, Copenhagen

Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017

July 2017: 'Changes in the European administrative space - Towards sustainable coordination', Council of European Studies Conference, Glasgow

Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2017

July 2017: 'Collective interests in classic administrative law - How the founding fathers shaped individual legal protection against power', 2017 Hart workshop 'Law, Society and Administration in a changing world', P. Cane, J. King and H. Haylay (org.), IALS, London

London, United Kingdom, 2017

November 2016: 'Marché public et participation du public', 11ème rendez-vous européen de Strasbourg, Europe - où sont tes valeurs?, atelier La commande publique, instrument des politiques sociales et environnementales (

Strasbourg, France, 2016

November 2016 (with Dr S Van Garsse) : 'PPPs and innovation in administrative law', Vth Conference on Public Private Partnerships, University of Antwerp

Antwerp, Belgium, 2016

April 2016 (with Dr S Van Garsse): 'Public and private relationships: A new administrative law emerging - Comparing lessons from public contracts', Public and Private Powers, Conference Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law


September 2015: 'Tensions in administrative justice in federal states - Belgium as a case-study', Administrative Justice Conference 2015 organised by Bangor University (upon their invitation)

Bangor, United Kingdom, 2015

May 2015: 'Modifications en cours d'exécution des contrats publics - Un nouveau pas vers une emprise progressive de la concurrence européenne dans la gestion contractuelle', Conference organised by the editorial board of Contrats et Marchés Publics, Brussels

Brussels, Belgium, 2015

December 2014 (with Dr Rhita Bousta): 'Comparative administrative law - Teaching practice in France and Belgium', Jean Monnet workshop on European administrative law, University of Maastricht, campus of Brussels (working paper available from the Maastricht Faculty of Law working paper 2016/1)

Maastricht, Netherlands, 2014

November 2014: 'Localism anglais et subsidiarité - a work-in-progress', Lille 2, ERDP, research meeting

Lille, France, 2014

September 2014: 'Crises and changes in English and French local PPPs', SLS, Comparative Law Section, University of Nottingham

Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2014

May 2014: 'Modification des contrats publics', workshop for continuing education organised by Professor K Wauters (UCL), Brussels and Mons (upon their invitation)

London, United Kingdom, 2014

April 2014: 'Legal Changes and Administrative Cultures - Comparing English and French PPPs', Comparative Public Law Perspectives on Public Private Partnerships, student-led conference, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge (upon their invitation)

Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2014

April 2014: 'Efficacité et finalité des décisions du juge administratif - Aperçu des tensions dans les pays voisins', La réforme du Conseil d'Etat belge, cycles de conférences organisé par le Centre de droit public de l'ULB (upon their invitation)


September 2012: 'Reforms in English public private partnerships - An institutional investigation', SLS Conference 2012, Public law section, Bristol

Bristol, United Kingdom, 2012

September 2011: 'Corruption and conflicts of interest in public contracts', Sciences Po Paris and Economic Efficiency of the Law, Paris (upon their invitation)

Paris, France, 2011

September 2011: 'Complex construction projects between partnering and remedies', 2011 COBRA/RICS Conference, Salford (Manchester)

Salford, United Kingdom, 2011

September 2011: 'Local government and public private partnerships - Politics of French and English reforms compared', SLS Conference 2011, Comparative law section, Cambridge

Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2011

February 2011: 'L'autonomie de la volonté et les contrats avec l'autorité publique', Business & Contracts, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (upon their invitation)

Brussels, Belgium, 2011

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • French Constitutional Law (LW106)

  • Canadian Constitutional Law (LW366)


Journal articles (24)

Marique, Y. and Tambou, O., Data protection in times of Covid-19 - Comparative perspectives from Europe and beyond. Privacy in Germany

Marique, Y., ‘Budget Conditionality Judgments – A Virtuous Circle of Solidarity to Overcome Moral Hazard?’. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (MJ)

Marique, Y., Budget Conditionality judgments: A virtuous circle of solidarity to overcome moral hazard?. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law

Marique, Y. and Eliantonio, M., (2024). Comparative administrative law in Europe: state-of-the-art overview and research agenda. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. 30 (6), 689-704

Marique, Y., (2023). Transnational Climate Change Law – A Case for Reimagining Legal Reasoning?. French Yearbook of Public Law. 1 (1), 69-88

Marsons, L. and Marique, Y., (2023). Comparative section: UK. French Yearbook of Public Law, 379-404

Coordes, L., Marique, Y. and Vaccari, E., (2023). Collectivity and Equality (Pari Passu) in the Treatment of Local Public Entities in Distress. International Insolvency Review. 32 (1), 93-121

Marique, Y., (2022). Le principe de légalité en droit administratif anglais - Un concept « flou » face aux transformations de l’action administrative. Revue Française de Droit Administratif. 2022 (2), 241-246

Marsons, L. and Marique, Y., (2022). The politicisation of the UK Civil Service: Causes, manifestations, and evolutions. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic. 65 (65), 93-111

Marique, Y. and Boyron, S., (2021). Proportionality in English Administrative Law - Resistance and Strategy in Relational Dynamics. Review of European Administrative Law. 14 (1), 65-93

Marique, Y. and Slautsky, E., (2021). Resistance to Transplants in the European Administrative Space An Open-Ended Reading of Legal Changes. Review of European Administrative Law. 14 (1), 7-36

Van Garsse, S. and Marique, Y., (2020). La motivation des actes administratifs en droit Belge. Cahiers de la Recherche sur les Droits Fondamentaux. 17 (2019), 69-75

Marique, E. and Marique, Y., (2020). Sanctions on digital platforms: Balancing proportionality in a modern public square. Computer Law and Security Review. 36, 105372-105372

Marique, Y., (2020). Editorial. Review of European Administrative Law. 13 (3), 1-4

Marique, Y., (2019). 'Quarante ans d’évolution des relations entre les citoyens et l’administration au Royaume-Uni’. Annuaire européen d’administration publique. 2017, 313-347

Marique, E. and Marique, Y., (2019). Sanctions on digital platforms - Beyond the public-private divide. Cambridge International Law Journal. 8 (2), 258-281

Marique, Y. and Wauters, K., (2018). La lutte contre le dumping social dans la sous-traitance de marchés publics. Marchés et Contrats Publics. 2018 (1), 57-88

Marique, YM., (2018). Susan Rose-Ackerman, Peter Lindseth and Blake Emerson (eds.), Comparative Administrative Law, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 2017, 2nd edn., ISBN 9781784718657, xxii + 723 pp.. Review of European Administrative Law. 2018 (1), 77-81

Marique, Y. and Van Garsse, S., (2018). Public-private co-operation and judicial review - A case study drawn from European infrastructure projects. European Public Law. 24 (3), 515-538

Marique, Y. and Van Garsse, S., (2018). Public-Private Cooperation and Judicial Review: A Case Study Drawn from European Infrastructure Projects. EUROPEAN PUBLIC LAW. 24 (3), 515-538


Bousta, R. and Marique, Y., (2016). Taking Comparative Administrative Law (Almost) Seriously? Comparative Administrative Law in French & Belgium Legal Education. Maastricht Faculty of Law Working Paper (2016)

Marique, Y., (2013). Cooperation and competition in complex construction projects: Implementation of EU procurement rules in England and Belgium. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment. 5 (1), 53-70

Marique, Y., (2008). Un exemple anglais de régulation éthique : les conflits d’intérêt et la technique de « Value for Money ». Pyramides : Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches en Administration Publique. 16 (2), 119-157

Books (6)

Vaccari, E., Quinot, G., Marique, Y. and Coordes, L., Municipal Financial Distress : A ESG Critique. Edward Elgar

Abderemane, K., Claeys, A., Langelier, E., Marique, Y. and Perroud, T., (2019). Manuel de droit comparé des administrations européennes. Larcier. 2804487067. 9782804487065

Marique, Y. and Wauters, K., (2016). EU Directive 2014/24 on public procurement A new turn for competition in public markets ?. Larcier. 978-2804490454

Palmer, E., Cornford, T., Marique, Y. and Guinchard, A., (2016). Access to Justice: Beyond the Policies and Politics of Austerity. Hart Publishing. 9781849467346

Palmer, E., Cornford, T., Guinchard, A. and Marique, Y., (2016). Introduction

Marique, Y., (2014). Public-Private Partnerships and the Law: Regulation, Institutions and Community. Edward Elgar. 978 1 78100 454 8

Book chapters (42)

Marique, Y. and Marsons, L., Collateral challenges in England and Wales: More questions than answers. In: Plea of Illegality in Europe. Editors: Drago, D. and Eliantonio, M., . Routledge

Marique, Y., Civil Servants. In: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law [MPECCoL]. Editors: Rainer, G., Frauke, L. and Rüdiger, W., . Oxford University Press

Marique, Y., Ethical standards between law and politics. In: Liber Amicorum Patrick Birkinshaw. Editors: Gromek-Broc, K., . Kluwer

Marique, Y. and Stelkens, U., The Many Faces of “Good Administration” in European Integration: the European Union and Council of Europe in Comparative Perspective. In: Comparative Administrative Law - New Voices. Editors: Prado, M. and Lindseth, P., . Edward Elgar

Marique, Y. and Slautsky, E., (2025). The Civil Service in Belgium - Between Fragmentation and Common Principles. In: The Civil Service in Europe A Research Companion. Routledge. 96- 113. 1003458335. 9781003458333

Marique, Y., (2023). Administrative Courts. In: Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law. Editors: Smith, J., Husa, J. and Valcke, C., . Edward Elgar. 36- 47. 9781839105593

Marique, Y. and Rizcallah, C., (2023). Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights - A Fruitful Tree Growing in the Belgian Landscape of Judicial Protection. In: Article 47 of the EU Charter and Effective Judicial Protection, Volume 2 - The National Courts’ Perspectives. Editors: Gentile, G., Bonelli, M. and Eliantonio, M., . Hart Publishing / Bloomsburry. 7- 27. 9781509947997

Marique, Y., (2022). Les missions de contrôle de l'administration de l'Union européenne - Un système fragmenté en voie de perfectionnement progressif. In: Traité de droit administratif européen. Editors: Auby, J-B. and Dutheil de la Rochère, J., . Bruylant. 263- 294

Marique, Y., (2022). Rule of Law and Administrative Justice. In: Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice. Editors: Tomlinson, J., Thomas, R., Hertogh, M. and Kirkham, R., . Oxford University Press. 305- 328. 9780190903084

Marique, Y., (2022). Public and Private Sovereign Powers in Liberal Models of Property Protection -- Belgium, Sweden, and The Netherlands. In: Procedural Requirements for Administrative Limits to Property Rights. Editors: Perroud, T. and Conticelli, M., . Oxford University Press

Marique, Y., (2022). Legal, economic and managerial principles in English public contracts – degrees in normativity and effectiveness. In: General Principles of Public Contracts / Les principes communs des marchés publics en Europe. Editors: de la Rosa, S., . Bruylant. 433- 456

Marique, Y., (2021). The judge and the administration : Pragmatism in Belgian administrative law’. In: Administrative law - Fin de Siècle. Editors: della Cananea, G., . Oxford University Press

Marique, Y., (2021). Comment: C.E., SPRL Lambregts Transportbedrijf n°28.938, 1er décembre 1987. In: Grands arrêts de droit administratif. Editors: Goffaux, P., Slautsky, E. and Sohier, J., . Bruylant. 349- 366. 2804477789. 9782804477783

Marique, Y., (2021). Comment: C.E., SA Intercommunale voor teledistributie van het gewest Antwerpen Integan n°19.671, 31 mai 1979. In: Grands arrêts de droit administratif. Editors: Goffaux, P., Slautsky, E. and Sohier, J., . Bruylant. 602- 612. 2804477789. 9782804477783

Marique, Y., (2021). Comment: C.E., De Kempeneer n° 3.775, 29 octobre 1954. In: Grands arrêts de droit administratif. Editors: Goffaux, P., Slautsky, E. and Sohier, J., . Bruylant. 613- 624. 2804477789. 9782804477783

Marique, Y., (2021). Comment: C.E., Mersch, n° 32.320, 24 mars 1989. In: Grands arrêts de droit administratif. Editors: Goffaux, P., Slautsky, E. and Sohier, J., . Bruylant. 659- 671. 2804477789. 9782804477783

Marique, Y., (2021). The Administration and the Judge: Pragmatism in Belgian Case Law (1890–1910). In: Administrative Justice Fin de siècle. Oxford University PressOxford. 73- 112. 0198867565

Marique, Y., (2021). Une lecture belge du Brexit: droit et politique en Grande-Bretagne, une grande démocratie contemporaine. In: Mélanges au Professeur Philippe Lauvaux. Editors: Pasquiet-Briand, T., . Edition Panthéon-Assas. 653- 690

Marique, Y., (2020). Europafreundlichkeit auf Belgisch: Umsetzung von Umweltrichtlinien (organisatorische und verfahrenstechnische Aspekte). In: Die Umsetzung organisations- und verfahrensrechtlicher Vorgaben des europäischen Umweltrechts in ausgewählten Mitgliedstaaten. Editors: Fraenkel-Haeberle, C., Sommermann, K-P. and Socher, J., . Duncker & Humblot. 45- 59

Marique, Y. and Marique, E., (2020). Power Beyond the Public-Private Divide on Digital Platforms - After laissez-faire, Time for Organised Checks and Balances?. In: Public and Private Law and the Challenges of New Technologies and Digital Markets. Volume I. Regulatory Challenges. Editors: Bani, E., Pachuca-Smulska, B. and Rutkowska-Tomaszewska, E., . Beck. 129- 152

Flynn, T., Fujita, S., Marique, Y., Osuji, O. and Sandoval, C., (2020). Global, Regional and Comparative Perspectives: A Discussion. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 29- 30. 978-1-5272-6632-2

Marique, Y., (2020). A “New Normal”: Legality in Times of Necessity: French Administrative Law under the Health Emergency. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 63- 71. 978-1-5272-6632-2

Marique, Y., (2020). ‘Principles of good administration in Belgium – Opportunities and challenges in a pluralistic and pragmatic society’. In: Good administration and the Council of Europe – Law, principles and effectiveness. Editors: Stelkens, U. and Andrijauskaite, A., . Oxford University Press. 123- 153

Stelkens, U., Andrijauskaite, A. and Marique, Y., (2020). Mapping, Explaining and Constructing the Effectiveness of the Pan-European Principles of Good Administration: Overall Assessment. In: Good administration and the Council of Europe – Law, principles, and effectiveness. Editors: Stelkens, U. and Andrijauskaite, A., . Oxford University Press (OUP). 755- 820. 9780198861539

Marique, Y. and Slautsky, E., (2020). Die Unabhängigkeit der belgischen Energieregulierungsbehörden zwischen korporativem Erbe und deliberativem Konzept. In: Die Umsetzung organisations- und verfahrensrechtlicher Vorgaben des europäischen Umweltrechts in ausgewählten Mitgliedstaaten. Editors: Sommermann, K-P., Fraenkel-Haeberle, C. and Socher, J., . Duncker & Humblot. 201- 238

Stelkens, U., Andrijauskaitė, A. and Marique, Y., (2020). Mapping, Explaining, and Constructing the Effectiveness of the Pan-European Principles of Good Administration. In: Good Administration and the Council of Europe. Oxford University PressOxford. 757- 822. 0198861532

Marique, Y., (2020). Belgian Pluralism and Pragmatism. In: Good Administration and the Council of Europe. Oxford University PressOxford. 123- 153. 0198861532

Marique, Y. and Wauters, K., (2019). The Fight against Social Dumping in the Subcontracting of Belgian Public Procurement. In: Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law. Editors: Szabó, M., Láncos, PL. and Réka Varga, R., . 403- 436. 9789462369535

Marique, Y. and Van Garsse, S., (2019). Setting up public-private partnerships in smart cities - An exploration of legal techniques and some challenges. In: Le Futur du Droit Administratif / The Future of Administrative Law. Editors: Auby, J-B., . LexisNexis. 343- 362. 978-2-7110-3053-8

Marique, YM., (2019). Article 9: Public procurement and management of public finances. In: Commentary of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Editors: Rose, C., Kubiciel, M. and Landwehr, O., . Oxford University Press

Marique, Y. and Slautsky, E., (2019). Freedom of Information in France: Law and Practice. In: Governance and Public Management. Springer International Publishing. 73- 118. 9783319764597

Marique, YM. and Munungu Lungungu, K., (2018). Les marchés publics : un levier efficace dans la mise en oeuvre des obligations sociales et environnementales ?. In: Les marchés publics. Editors: Vandeburie, A., . Larcier. 53- 137

Marique, E. and Marique, Y., (2018). Uber in London: The battle between public and private regulation. In: Uber & Taxis : Comparative Law Studies. Editors: Renders, D. and Noguellou, R., . Bruylant. 163- 200. 978-2802762263

Marique, Y. and Slautsky, E., (2018). Freedom of Information in France: Law and Practice. In: The Laws of Transparency in Action. Editors: Dragos, D., Kovac, P. and Marseille, AT., . Palgrave. 73- 118. 978-3-319-76459-7

Marique, Y., (2017). The Shaping of Federal Administrative Justice in Belgium: Recasting Citizens–administration Relationships. In: Administrative Justice in Wales and Comparative Perspectives. Editors: Nason, S., . University of Wales Press. 283- 315. 1786831392. 9781786831392

Marique, Y., (2016). Changes during performance - A case for revising the extension of competition. In: EU Directive 2014/24 on public procurement A new turn for competition in public markets?. Editors: Marique, Y. and Wauters, K., . Larcier. 197- 215. 978-2804490454

Marique, Y., (2015). English judges: little mice in the big business of corruption?. In: The Impact of Corruption on International Commercial Contracts. Editors: Bonell, MJ. and Meyer, O., . Springer. 141- 158. 978-3-319-19053-2

Marique, Y., (2014). Integrity in English and French public contracts: Changing administrative cultures?. In: Corruption and Conflicts of Interest. Editors: Auby, J-B., Breen, E. and Perroud, T., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 85- 112. 9781781009345

Marique, Y., (2014). Modifications en cours d’exécution des contrats publics – Tensions entre intérêt général et concurrence : Enseignements de la métamorphose belge. In: Les contrats publics. Editors: Durviaux, AL., Marique, Y. and Vandeburie, A., . Anthemis. 67- 136. 978-2-87455-696-8

Marique, Y., (2012). Les contrats publics anglais et français entre technique et loyauté. In: Wilsautonomie, contractvrijheid en ondernemingscontracten. Welke toekomst beschoren?. Editors: Feltkamp, R. and Vanbossele, F., . Intersentia. 285- 333. 9789050957489

Marique, Y., (2011). An English legal perspective on public-private partnerships. In: Partenariats public-privé : Rapport du XVIIIe congrès de l'académie internationale de droit comparé [Public-private partnerships - Reports of the XVIIIth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law]. Editors: Lichère, F., . Emile Bruylant. 95- 165. 9782802730569

Marique, Y., (2007). The Rule-Making Powers of Independent Administrative Agencies (?QUANGOs?). In: General Reports of the XVIIth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law: Rapports Generaux Du XVIIe Congres International De Droit Compare. Editors: Boele-Woelki, K. and Van Erp, S., . Bruylant/Eleven publishing. 589- 636. 978-9077596197

Conferences (3)

Marique, YM. and Munungu Lungungu, K., (2018). Les marchés publics : un levier efficace dans la mise en oeuvre des obligations sociales et environnementales ?

Marique, Y. and Van Garsse, S., (2018). Public-private relationships and smart cities – Opportunities and challenges for innovation

Marique, Y., (2011). Complex construction projects between remedies and partnering

Reports and Papers (1)

Chavent-Leclère, A-S., Marique, Y. and Roccati, M., (2021). Access to Justice in France

Other (1)

Marique, Y., (2022).Belgian Constitution (1831),OUP

Grants and funding


When Liquidation is Not an Option: A Global Study on Municipalities in Distress

International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Professionals


Researching Administrative Power Workshop

Society of Legal Scholars


Shaping a European Legal Culture - Opportunities and challenges for comparative public law

The British Academy


Public private partnerships, legal changes and administrative cultures

The British Academy
