Professor Ewa Morawska

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Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Wednesday 11.00-12.00; Thursday 10.00-11.00
Currently Supervised PhD Students Gulzat Botoeva Sait Bayrakdar Nephat Shumba Parvaneh Professional Service -Executive Board member, Research Committee on Historical Sociology,International Sociological Association -Vice-President, Research Committee on International Migration,International Sociological Association -Executive Board member, Immigration and Ethnic History Society -Memebr of the Academic Advisory Board, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity -Member of the Coalition for the National Museum of the American PeopleMember of international migration research networks of the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, University of Amsterdam; Institute fuer Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien, University of Osnabrueck; International Migration and Ethnic Relations, Malmo University; Istituto Carlo Cattaneo, University of Trent.
PhD in Sociology, Boston University 1976
MA in History, Warsaw University 1973
MA in Sociology, Warsaw University 1972
Research and professional activities
Research interests
(Im)Migration/Ethnicity (Policies, Settlement, Adaptation) in the Context of Globalization and in a Historical-Comparative Perspective (Europe and North America, 19th-21st C) Ground-level Multiculturalism Across Time and Space East European Societies in Transition
Comparative-Historical Sociology Classical and Contemporary Social Theory Qualitative Research Methods
Current research
a comparative historical-sociological study of ground-level multiculturalism inRenaissance Venice, Eighteen-century St. Petersburg, and wilhelmine Berlin (research design in progress)
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/2/2024

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/8/2021

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/10/2019

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2017

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/4/2016

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/1/2016

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/9/2015

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/1/2014

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/10/2013
Journal articles (14)
Morawska, ER., (2018). Multifarious Transnational Engagements of Contemporary Diaspora Members: From Revolving-door Universalists to Multi-nationals and Site-Hopping Vagabonds. Diaspora. 20 (1), 1-19
Morawska, E., (2016). Strangers no more's several contributions (and my few regrets). Ethnic and Racial Studies. 39 (13), 2346-2351
Morawska, E., (2016). How Deborah Dash Moore's At Home in America Led Me to Study Small-town Jewish Life. American Jewish History. 100 (2), 261-270
Morawska, E., (2016). Bringing the Notion of “Ethclass” to Life: Victor Greene's Contributions to the History of American Industrial Workers. Polish American Studies. 73 (2), 8-10
Morawska, E., (2014). Composite meaning, flexible ranges, and multi-level conditions of conviviality: Exploring the polymorph. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 17 (4), 357-374
Morawska, E., (2011). 'Diaspora' diasporas' representations of their homelands: exploring the polymorphs. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 34 (6), 1029-1048
Morawska, E., (2011). Different Times, Different Places, Different Standpoints. Sociological Research Online. 16 (3)
Morawska, E., (2008). Introduction to special issue of Sociological Quarterly on "Research Agendas in International Migration Studies in Different World Regions". Sociological Quarterly. 49 (3), 395-406
Morawska, E., (2008). The Recognition Politics of Polish Radio MultiKulti in Berlin. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 34 (8), 1323-1335
Morawska, E., (2008). Research on Immigration/Ethnicity in Europe and The United States: A Comparison. Sociological Quarterly. 49 (3), 465-482
Morawska, E., (2004). Exploring Diversity in Immigrant Assimilation and Transnationalism: The Case of Poles and Russian Jews in Philadelphia. International Migration Review. 38 (4), 1372-1412
Morawska, E., (2003). Disciplinary Agendas and Analytic Strategies of Research on Immigrant Transnationalism: Challenges of Interdisciplinary Knowledge. International Migration Review. 37 (3), 611-640
Morawska, E., (2001). Structuring Migration: The Case of Polish Income-Seeking Travelers to the West. Theory and Society. 30 (1), 47-80
Morawska, E., (2000). Intended and Unintended Consequences of Forced Migrations: A Neglected Aspect of East Europe's 20th Century History. International Migration Review. 34 (4), 1049-1087
Books (5)
Morawska, E., (2009). A Sociology of Immigration. (Re)Making Multifaceted America. Palgrave Macmillan. 9780230223950
Bommes, M. and Morawska, E., (2005). International Migration Research: Constructions, Omissions, and Promises of Interdisciplinarity. Ashgate. 9780754642190
Joppke, C. and Morawska, E., (2002). Toward assimilation and citizenship : immigrants in liberal nation-states. Palgrave Macmillan. 9781403904911
Morawska, E., (1996). Insecure Prosperity: Small-Town Jews in Industrial America, 1890-1940. Princeton University Press. 9780691005379
Morawska, E., (1985). For Bread With Butter: The Life-Worlds of East Central Europeans in Johnstown, Pennsylvania 1890-1940. Cambridge University Press. 9780521530637
Book chapters (18)
Morawska, ER., (2018). Conviviality in the World of "Many Multiplicities": Its Varieties, Challenges, and Rewards. In: Race, Ethnicity, and Inclusion. The University of Essex Reader. Editors: Boncori, I.,
Morawska, E., (2018). Researching Migration with the Humanistic Coefficient: The Founding Premises, Types of Questions Asked, and Proposed Generalizations. In: Contemporary Migrations in the Humanistic Coefficient Perspective. Florian Znaniecki's Thought in Today's Social Science Research. Editors: Kubera, J. and Skoczylas, Ł., . Peter Lang Editions. 978-3631724538
Morawska, E., (2018). Qualitative Migration Research: Viable Goals, Open-Ended Questions, and Multidimensional Answers. In: Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies. Editors: Zapata Barrero, R. and Yalaz, E., . Springer. 113- 131. 978-3-319-76860-1
Morawska, E., (2016). (Im)Migrants? Diverse Identities and Their Impact on Host-Society Ideas and Practices of National Membership. In: After the Soviet Empire Legacies and Pathways. Editors: Eliaeson, S., Harutyunyan, L. and Titarenko, LG., . Brill. 9789004291447
Morawska, E., (2014). Glocalization Effects of Immigrants' Activities on the Host Society: An Exploration of a Neglected Theme. In: European Glocalization in Global Context. Editors: Robertson, R., . Palgrave Macmillan. 103- 128. 9780230390799
Morawska, E., (2013). Multiculturalism 'From Below': Reflections of an Immigrant Ethnographer. In: Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States. Editors: Kivisto, P. and Wahlbeck, . Palgrave Macmillan. 9780230360198
Morawska, E., (2013). Structuring Immigrants' Civic-Political Incorporation into the Host Society. In: Outsiders No More? Models of Immigrant Political Incorporation. Editors: Hochschild, J., Chattopadhyay, J., Gay, C. and Jones-Correa, M., . Oxford University Press. 137- 161. 9780199311316
Morawska, E., (2013). Toward a Reconciliation of the Structuration and Morphogenesis Theories ?Tested? in the Eventful Historical Analysis. In: Social Theories of History and Histories of Social Theory. Editors: Dahms, HF., . Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 221- 246. 9781783502189
Morawska, E., (2012). Historical-Structural Models of International Migration. In: An Introduction to International Migration Studies: European Perspectives. Editors: Martiniello, M. and Rath, J., . Amsterdam University Press. 9789089644565
Morawska, E., (2011). Ethnicity as a Primordial-Situational-Constructed Experience: Different Times, Different Places, Different Constellations. In: Ethnicity and Beyond, Theories and Dilemmas of Jewish Group Demarcation. Editors: Lederhendler, E., . Oxford University Press USA. 3- 25. 9780199793495
Morawska, E., (2011). Polish Labour Migrants in Central and Western Europe Since 1989. In: The Encyclopedia of Migration and Minorities in Europe. From the 17th Century to the Present. Editors: Bade, KJ., Emmer, PC., Lucassen, L. and Oltmer, J., . Cambridge University Press. 9780521895866
Morawska, E., (2008). The Economic Adaptation of Past and Present Immigrants: Lessons from a Comparative-Historical Approach. In: Citizenship and Immigrant Incorporation: Comparative Perspectives on North America and Western Europe. Editors: Yurdakul, G. and Bodemann, YM., . Palgrave Macmillan. 29- 55. 9780230600133
Morawska, E., (2008). Four Pillars of a Revisionist Marxism. In: Nature, Social Relations and Human Needs. Essays in Honour of Ted Benton. Editors: Moog, S. and Stones, R., . Palgrave Macmillan. 99- 104. 9780230201156
Morawska, E., (2007). Human Trafficking in and out of East Europe. In: Human Smuggling and Migration. Editors: Lee, M., . Willan Publishing. 92- 115. 978-1843922421
Morawska, E., (2002). Transnational Migration in the Enlarged European Union: A Perspective from East Central Europe. In: Europe Unbound: Enlarging and Reshaping the Boundaries of the European Union. Editors: Zielonka, J., . Routledge. 978-0415282536
Morawska, E., (2001). Immigrants, Transnationalism, and Ethnicization: A Comparison of this Great Wave and the Last. In: E Pluribus Unum? Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on Immigrant Political Incorporation. Editors: Gerstle, G. and Mollenkopf, J., . Russell Sage Foundation. 175- 212. 978-0871543066
Morawska, E., (2001). International Migration and the Consolidation of Democracy. In: Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe: Domestic and International Factors. Editors: Pradva, A. and Zielonka, J., . Oxford University Press (OUP). 163- 191. 9780191529191
Morawska, E., (2001). Gappy Immigration Controls, Resourceful Migrants and Pendel Communities: East West European Travelers. In: Controlling a New Migration World. Editors: Joppke, C. and Guiraudon, V., . Routledge. 173- 199. 9780415252966
Reports and Papers (3)
Morawska, E., (2011). Studying International Migration in the Long(er) and Short(er) Duree: Contesting Some and Reconciling Other Disagreements Between the Structuration and Morphogenetic Approaches
Morawska, E., (2010). Glocalization Effects of Immigrants? Activities on the Home and Host Societies: An Exploration of a Neglected Theme
Morawska, E., (2008). East European Westbound Income-Seeking Migrants: Some Unwelcome Effects on Sender- and Receiver-Societies
Academic support hours:
Wednesday 11.00-12.00; Thursday 10.00-11.00