Professor Leila Musavian

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+44 (0) 1206 876033
1NW.4.16, Colchester Campus
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Tuesdays: 13:00-14:00 Fridays: 15:30-16:30
Prof. Leila Musavian received her PhD degree in Telecommunications from Kings College London, UK. She is currently working as a Professor of Wireless Communications at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex. Prior to that, she was Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of Essex and also a Reader in Telecommunications at CSEE, University of Essex and a Senior Lecturer/Lecturer at InfoLab21, Lancaster University. She has also worked at McGill University (Canada), Loughborough University (UK) and at INRS-EMT (Canada). She has been the Deputy Director of Research of the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex. Her research interests lie in Radio Resource Management for Low latency communications, 6G, Energy Harvesting and SWIPT, Semantic Communications, Security, Green Communications and cross-layer design for delay QoS provisioning. She is currently Editor for the IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. She has been an Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, Associate Editor of Wiley’s Internet Technology Letters, Executive Editor of Wiley's Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. She is currently Co-chair of Track 2, IEEE WCNC 2023. She has been Workshop Co-Chair of VTC-Spring-2020 and the Wireless Communications Symposium Lead Co-Chair for IEEE ICC 2021, Montreal, Canada, lead chair UHS5G WP in IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, UHSLLS WP in IEEE WCNC 2019, lead chair for URLLC Special Session in IEEE PIMRC 2018, TPC Co-Chair of CorNer 2016 (in conjunction with ISWCS 2016) and Co-Chair of mmWave 5G (STEMCOM 2016) and TPC member of several conferences including IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE WCNC, IEEE ICCCN, IEEE PIMRC, ChinaCom.
University of Essex
Professor of Wireless Communications, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - present)
Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research, University of Essex (23/9/2019 - 31/12/2020)
CSEE Deputy Director of Research, CSEE, University of Essex (1/10/2017 - 22/9/2019)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
URLLC Use case
Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications are important use cases of 5G and Beyond 5G communications. Our group has a strong background and history in enabling technologies for Low latency communications.
6G Communications
Massive MIMO
Physical Layer Network Coding
Machine Learning for Communication
5G/Beyond 5G
Current research
5G and beyond
radio resource allocation
Multimedia Communications
Delay QoS provisioning
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Fundamentals of Digital Systems (CE161)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/9/2023

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/5/2023

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/11/2022

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/9/2022

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/3/2022
Publications (4)
Sui, Z., Liu, Z., Musavian, L., Yang, L-L. and Hanzo, L., (2025). Generalized Spatial Modulation Aided Affine Frequency Division Multiplexing
Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2024). OTFS-NOMA System for MIMO Communication Networks with Spatial Diversity
Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2024). Performance Analysis of OTFS-NOMA System with Fractional Doppler
Altinoklu, A. and Musavian, L., (2024). Investigation of Holographic Beamforming via Dynamic Metasurface Antennas in QoS Guaranteed Power Efficient Networks
Journal articles (59)
İlgüy, M., Özbek, B., Musavian, L. and Mumtaz, S., (2024). Phase Shift Optimization for RIS Enabled PNC System With Multiple Antennas. IEEE Access. 12, 62107-62117
Islam, A., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2024). 5G NR Codes and Modulation Deep-RL Optimization for uRLLC in Vehicular OCC. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 25 (12), 19592-19604
Islam, A., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2024). Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Vehicular OCC. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 1-1
Islam, A., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2023). Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Spectral Efficiency Optimization in Vehicular Optical Camera Communications. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 23 (5), 3666-3679
Dhawal, B., Musavian, L. and Sonia, A., (2023). Novel Mathematical Framework for Performance Analysis of Energy Harvesting Based Point-to-Point Communications. IEEE Access. 11, 118229-118240
Yilmaz, SS., Ozbek, B., Ilguy, M., Okyere, B., Musavian, L. and Gonzalez, J., (2022). User Selection for NOMA based MIMO with Physical Layer Network Coding in Internet of Things Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 9 (16), 14998-15006
Yu, W., Jia, H. and Musavian, L., (2022). Joint Adaptive M-QAM Modulation and Power Adaptation for a Downlink NOMA Network. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 70 (2), 783-796
Shuai, W., Ruihua, H., Yuncong, H., Qi, H., Miaowen, W., Musavian, L., Shahid, M. and Derrick Wing Kwan, N., (2022). Robotic Wireless Energy Transfer in Dynamic Environments: System Design and Experimental Validation. IEEE Communications Magazine. 60 (3), 40-46
Milad, A., Aissa, S., Musavian, L. and Anirban, B., (2022). Rate Splitting in the Presence of Untrusted Users: Outage and Secrecy Outage Performances. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. 3, 921-935
Ari, N., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2022). Performance Analysis of Short Packet Communications with Multiple Eavesdroppers. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 70 (10), 6778-6789
Goudarzi, S., Anisi, MH., Ahmadi, H. and Musavian, L., (2021). Dynamic Resource Allocation Model for Distribution Operations using SDN. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 8 (2), 976-988
Okyere, B., Musavian, L., Ozbek, B., Busari, SA. and Gonzalez, J., (2021). The Resilience of Massive MIMO PNC to Jamming Attacks in Vehicular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 22 (7), 1-8
Salem, A. and Musavian, L., (2021). NOMA in Cooperative Communication Systems with Energy-Harvesting Nodes and Wireless Secure Transmission. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 20 (2), 1023-1037
Sharma, N., Kumar, A., Pervaiz, H., Magarini, M., Musavian, L., Muhammad, MA., Jindal, A. and Imran, MA., (2021). Aerial Base Station Assisted Cellular Communication: Performance and Trade-off. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 8 (4), 2765-2779
Okyere, B., Musavian, L., Ozbek, B., Busari, SA. and Gonzalez, J., (2021). A Novel Joint Index Modulation and Physical Layer Network Coding Mechanism for Beyond 5G. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine. 5 (2), 100-105
Okyere, B., Musavian, L. and Mumtaz, R., (2021). Performance Analysis of Physical Layer Network Coding in Massive MIMO Systems with M-QAM Modulations. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 70 (5), 4631-4645
Chughtai, O., Rehmani, MH., Musavian, L., Senouci, S-M., Cherkaoui, S. and Mao, S., (2021). IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Flying Ad Hoc Networks: Challenges, Potentials, Future Applications, and Way Forward. IEEE Access. 9, 74189-74193
Affan, A., Mumtaz, S., Asif, HM. and Musavian, L., (2021). Performance Analysis of Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) –A 6G Waveform Design. IEEE Communications Letters. 25 (12), 3985-3989
Siddiqui, AM., Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2021). Time-Switching Energy Harvesting Communications: Harvesting Beneficialness and Performance Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 70 (10), 11023-11027
Umer, A., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L., Ni, Q. and Imran, MA., (2020). Secrecy Spectrum and Energy Efficiency Analysis in Massive MIMO-enabled Multi-Tier Hybrid HetNets. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. 4 (1), 246-262
Salem, A., Musavian, L., Jorswieck, E. and Aissa, S., (2020). Secrecy Outage Probability of Energy-Harvesting Cooperative NOMA Transmissions with Relay Selection. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. 4 (4), 1130-1148
Mitev, M., Chorti, A., Reed, M. and Musavian, L., (2020). Authenticated secret key generation in delay-constrained wireless systems. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2020 (1), 122-122
Musavian, L., Muhammad, A. and Aissa, S., (2020). NOMA versus OMA in Finite Blocklength Regime: Link-Layer Rate Performance. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 69 (12), 16253-16257
Bello, M., Chorti, A., Fijalkow, I., Yu, W. and Musavian, L., (2020). Asymptotic Performance Analysis of NOMA Uplink Networks Under Statistical QoS Delay Constraints. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Societs. 1, 1691-106
Salem, A., Musavian, L. and Hamdi, KA., (2019). Wireless Power Transfer in Distributed Antenna Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 67 (1), 737-747
Zareei, M., Vargas-Rosales, C., Anisi, MH., Musavian, L., Villalpando-Hernandez, R., Goudarzi, S. and Mohamed, EM., (2019). Enhancing the Performance of Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring Applications. Energies. 12 (14), 2794-2794
Amjad, M., Musavian, L. and Rehmani, MH., (2019). Effective Capacity in Wireless Networks: A Comprehensive Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. 21 (4), 3007-3038
Yu, W., Chorti, A., Musavian, L., Vincent Poor, H. and Ni, Q., (2019). Effective Secrecy Rate for a Downlink NOMA Network. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 18 (12), 5673-5690
Siddiqui, AM., Musavian, L., Aissa, S. and Ni, Q., (2018). Performance Analysis of Relaying Systems with Fixed and Energy Harvesting Batteries. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 66 (4), 1386-1398
Omar, MS., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q., Musavian, L., Mumtaz, S. and Dobre, OA., (2018). Multiobjective Optimization in 5G Hybrid Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 5 (3), 1588-1597
Naqvi, SAR., Pervaiz, H., Hassan, SA., Musavian, L., Ni, Q., Imran, MA., Ge, X. and Tafazolli, R., (2018). Energy-Aware Radio Resource Management in D2D-Enabled Multi-Tier HetNets. IEEE Access. 6, 16610-16622
Khakurel, S., Musavian, L., Vu, HV. and Le-Ngoc, T., (2018). QoS-Aware Utility-Based Resource Allocation in Mixed-Traffic Multi-User OFDM Systems. IEEE Access. 6, 21646-21657
Yu, W., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2018). Link-Layer Capacity of NOMA Under Statistical Delay QoS Guarantees. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 66 (10), 4907-4922
Munir, H., Pervaiz, H., Hassan, SA., Musavian, L., Ni, Q., Imran, MA. and Tafazolli, R., (2018). Computationally Intelligent Techniques for Resource Management in MmWave Small Cell Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications. 25 (4), 32-39
Mili, MR. and Musavian, L., (2017). Interference Efficiency: A New Metric to Analyze the Performance of Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 16 (4), 2123-2138
Munir, H., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Musavian, L., (2017). Resource Optimization in Multi-Tier HetNets Exploiting Multi-Slope Path Loss Model. IEEE Access. 5, 8714-8726
Yu, W., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2017). Statistical Delay QoS Driven Energy Efficiency and Effective Capacity Tradeoff for Uplink Multi-User Multi-Carrier Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 65 (8), 1-1
Robat Mili, M., Musavian, L. and Ng, DWK., (2017). Rate-Power-Interference Optimization in Underlay OFDMA CRNs with Imperfect CSI. IEEE Communications Letters. 21 (7), 1657-1660
Yu, W., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2016). Tradeoff Analysis and Joint Optimization of Link-Layer Energy Efficiency and Effective Capacity Toward Green Communications. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 15 (5), 3339-3353
Robat Mili, M., Musavian, L., Hamdi, KA. and Marvasti, F., (2016). How to Increase Energy Efficiency in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 64 (5), 1829-1843
Musavian, L. and Le‐Ngoc, T., (2016). QoS‐based power allocation for cognitive radios with AMC and ARQ in Nakagami‐m fading channels. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 27 (2), 266-277
Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2015). Effective Capacity Maximization With Statistical Delay and Effective Energy Efficiency Requirements. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 14 (7), 3824-3835
Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L., Ni, Q. and Ding, Z., (2015). Energy and Spectrum Efficient Transmission Techniques Under QoS Constraints Toward Green Heterogeneous Networks. IEEE Access. 3, 1655-1671
Musavian, L. and Le-Ngoc, T., (2014). Energy-Efficient Power Allocation Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels Under Delay-Outage Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 13 (8), 4081-4091
Ben Fredj, K., Aïssa, S. and Musavian, L., (2013). Ergodic and outage capacities of relaying channels in spectrum‐sharing constrained systems. IET Communications. 7 (2), 98-109
Helmy, A., Musavian, L. and Le-Ngoc, T., (2013). Energy-Efficient Power Adaptation over a Frequency-Selective Fading Channel with Delay and Power Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 12 (9), 4529-4541
Musavian, L., Aissa, S. and Lambotharan, S., (2011). Adaptive Modulation in Spectrum-Sharing Channels Under Delay Quality-of-Service Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 60 (3), 901-911
Musavian, L., Aissa, S. and Lambotharan, S., (2010). Effective capacity for interference and delay constrained cognitive radio relay channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 9 (5), 1698-1707
Cumanan, K., Krishna, R., Musavian, L. and Lambotharan, S., (2010). Joint Beamforming and User Maximization Techniques for Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Branch and Bound Method. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 9 (10), 3082-3092
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2010). Effective capacity of delay-constrained cognitive radio in Nakagami fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 9 (3), 1054-1062
Cumanan, K., Musavian, L., Lambotharan, S. and Gershman, AB., (2010). SINR Balancing Technique for Downlink Beamforming in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 17 (2), 133-136
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2009). Capacity and power allocation for spectrum-sharing communications in fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 8 (1), 148-156
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2009). Fundamental capacity limits of cognitive radio in fading environments with imperfect channel information. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 57 (11), 3472-3480
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2008). On the achievable sum-rate of correlated mimo multiple access channel with imperfect channel estimation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 7 (7), 2549-2559
Musavian, L. and Aïssa, S., (2008). Outage-constrained capacity of spectrum-sharing channels in fading environments. IET Communications. 2 (6), 724-732
Musavian, L. and Aïssa, S., (2007). Distributed Space-Time Block Coded Transmission with Imperfect Channel Estimation: Achievable Rate and Power Allocation. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2008 (1)
Musavian, L. and Nakhai, MR., (2007). On the capacity of orthogonalised correlated MIMO channels under different adaptive transmission techniques. IET Communications. 1 (3), 464-471
Musavian, L., Nakhai, MR., Dohler, M. and Aghvami, AH., (2007). Effect of Channel Uncertainty on the Mutual Information of MIMO Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 56 (5), 2798-2806
Musavian, L., Dohler, M., Nakhai, MR. and Aghvami, AH., (2004). Closed-Form Capacity Expressions of Orthogonalized Correlated MIMO Channels. IEEE Communications Letters. 8 (6), 365-367
Book chapters (1)
Beohar, D., Musavian, L. and Aïssa, S., (2022). Low-Complexity Framework for Performance Analysis of Energy Harvesting Communications. In: Signals and Communication Technology. Springer International Publishing. 235- 247. 9783031069468
Conferences (71)
Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., OTFS-NOMA System for MIMO Communication Networks with Spatial Diversity
Aritra, B., Mohsen, N., Musavian, L. and Sonia, A., Channel Hardening in RIS-Assisted Short-Packet Communication Systems
Ari, N., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., Secrecy Analysis of Context-Aware Short Packet Transmission
Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., Performance Analysis of OTFS-NOMA System with Fractional Doppler
Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., Performance Analysis of OTFS-NOMA System with Fractional Doppler
Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2024). OTFS-NOMA System for MIMO Communication Networks with Spatial Diversity
İlgüy, M., Özbek, B., Musavian, L. and Mumtaz, R., (2023). Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted PNC System with Multiple Antennas
Naseri, M., Aïssa, S. and Musavian, L., (2023). ARQ Assisted Short-Packet Communications with Rate Splitting Multiple Access
Atefat Doost, E., Saghezchi, FB., Mumtaz, S., Rodriguez, J. and Musavian, L., (2023). OFDM-based Synchronous PNC Communications Using Higher Order QAM Modulations
Beohar, D., Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2022). RF Energy Harvesting Communications Using Time-Switching Protocol with QoS Guarantee
Ari, N., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2022). Secrecy Performance of Short Packet Communications: Wiretap Channel with Multiple Receivers and Eavesdroppers
Islam, A., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2022). Achieving uRLLC with Machine Learning Based Vehicular OCC
Glazkov, R., Ozbek, B., Pyattaev, A., Musavian, L. and Koucheryavy, Y., (2022). Testbed SDR Implementation Approach for Millimetre Wave IoT Applications
İlgüy, M., Özbek, B., Okyere, B., Musavian, L. and Pereira, A., (2022). Physical Layer Network Coding Enabled NOMA with Multiple Antennas
Islam, A., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2022). Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning in Vehicular OCC
Ari, N., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2021). Active Eavesdropping in Short Packet Communication: Average Secrecy Throughput Analysis
Song, Z., Yu, W., Xiao, L., Musavian, L., Ni, Q. and Sun, X., (2021). Low-Latency Driven Performance Analysis for Single-Cluster NOMA Networks
Islam, A., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2020). Performance Analysis of Vehicular Optical Camera Communications: Roadmap to uRLLC
Jia, H. and Musavian, L., (2020). Performance Analysis for NOMA with M-QAM Modulation
Okyere, B., Musavian, L., Mumtaz, R. and Gonzalez, J., (2020). The Resilience of MIMO Based Physical Layer Network Coding to Jamming Attack
Bello, M., Yu, W., Chorti, A. and Musavian, L., (2020). Performance Analysis of NOMA Uplink Networks under Statistical QoS Delay Constraints.
Bello, M., Yu, W., Chorti, A. and Musavian, L., (2020). Performance Analysis of NOMA Uplink Networks under Statistical QoS Delay Constraints
Ari, N., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2020). Average Secrecy Throughput Analysis with Multiple Eavesdroppers in the Finite Blocklength
Amjad, M., Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2020). Link-Layer Rate of NOMA with Finite Blocklength for Low-Latency Communications
Siddiqui, AM., Musavian, L., Aissa, S. and Ni, Q., (2019). Weighted Tradeoff Between Spectral Efficiency and Energy Efficiency in Energy Harvesting Systems
Kashif, M., Ullah, Z., Iqbal, M., Musavian, L., Sarwar, S., Wang, X., Mumtaz, S., Ul-Qayyum, Z. and Safyan, HM., (2019). Multiuser Detection Using Hybrid ARQ with Incremental Redundancy in Overloaded MIMO Systems (Workshop Paper)
Okyere, B., Musavian, L. and Mumtaz, R., (2019). Multi-User Massive MIMO and Physical Layer Network Coding
Umer, A., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q., Musavian, L. and Ahmed, SH., (2018). Secrecy Outage Analysis for Massive MIMO-Enabled Multi-Tier 5G Hybrid HetNets
Salem, A. and Musavian, L., (2018). Adaptive Transmission Policy for Energy Harvesting Relaying systems
Salem, A. and Musavian, L., (2018). Secrecy Capacity for Multi-Antenna Wireless-Powered AF Relaying Systems
Salern, A. and Musavian, L., (2018). Rate Splitting in Multi - Pair Energy Harvesting Relaying systems
Yu, W., Musavian, L., Quddus, AU., Ni, Q. and Xiao, P., (2018). Low Latency Driven Effective Capacity Analysis for Non-Orthogonal and Orthogonal Spectrum Access
Amjad, M. and Musavian, L., (2018). Performance Analysis of NOMA for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications
Munir, H., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Musavian, L., (2017). Energy efficient resource allocation in 5G hybrid heterogeneous networks: A game theoretic approach
Munir, H., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Musavian, L., (2017). User association in 5G heterogeneous networks exploiting multi-slope path loss model
Umer, A., Hassan, S., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Musavian, L., (2017). Coverage and Rate Analysis for Massive MIMO enabled Heterogeneous Networks with Millimeter wave Small Cells
Mili, MR. and Musavian, L., (2017). Interference efficiency: A new concept to analyze the performance of cognitive radio networks
Bhatti, OW., Suhail, H., Akbar, U., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2017). Performance analysis of decoupled cell association in multi-tier hybrid networks using real blockage environments
Naqvi, SAR., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Musavian, L., (2016). Self-Adaptive Power Control Mechanism in D2D Enabled Hybrid Cellular Network with mmWave Small Cells: An Optimization Approach
Yu, W., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2015). Weighted tradeoff between effective capacity and energy efficiency
Yu, W., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2015). Multi-carrier link-layer energy efficiency and effective capacity tradeoff
Siddiqui, AM., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2015). Energy efficiency optimization with energy harvesting using harvest-use approach
Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2015). Energy and spectrum efficiency trade-off for Green Small Cell Networks
Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2015). Area energy and area spectrum efficiency trade-off in 5G heterogeneous networks
Pervaiz, H., Song, Z., Musavian, L., Ni, Q. and Ge, X., (2015). Throughput and backhaul energy efficiency analysis in two-tier HetNets: A multiobjective approach
Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2014). Delay-QoS-driven spectrum and energy efficiency tradeoff
Khakurel, S., Le-Ngoc, T. and Musavian, L., (2013). QoS-driven energy-efficient power adaptation in a multi-channel fading communication link
Khakurel, S., Musavian, L. and Le-Ngoc, T., (2013). Trade-Off between Spectral and Energy Efficiencies in a Fading Communication Link
Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L. and Qiang Ni, (2013). Joint user association and energy-efficient resource allocation with minimum-rate constraints in two-tier HetNets
Helmy, A., Musavian, L. and Le-Ngoc, T., (2013). Energy-efficient power allocation for multicarrier systems with delay-outage probability constraints
Musavian, L. and Le-Ngoc, T., (2012). Cross-layer design for cognitive radios with joint AMC and ARQ under delay QoS constraint
Khakurel, S., Musavian, L. and Le-Ngoc, T., (2012). Energy-efficient resource and power allocation for uplink multi-user OFDM systems
Musavian, L. and Tho Le-Ngoc, (2012). Energy-efficient power allocation for delay-constrained systems
Fredj, KB., Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2010). Closed-Form expressions for the capacity of spectrum-sharing constrained relaying systems
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2009). Cross-Layer Analysis of Cognitive Radio Relay Networks under Quality of Service Constraints
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2009). Adaptive Modulation in Spectrum-Sharing Systems with Delay Constraints
Musavian, L. and Lambotharan, S., (2009). Power allocation under service-outage constraints for spectrum-sharing cognitive radio networks
Rahulamathavan, Y., Cumanan, K., Musavian, L. and Lambotharan, S., (2009). Optimal subcarrier and bit allocation techniques for cognitive radio networks using integer linear programming
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2009). Adaptive Modulation in Spectrum-Sharing Systems with Delay Constraints
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2008). Capacity of Spectrum-Sharing Channels with Minimum-Rate Requirements
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2008). Quality-of-Service Based Power Allocation in Spectrum-Sharing Channels
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2007). Performance Analysis of Distributed Space-Time Coded Transmission with Channel Estimation Error
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2007). Fundamental Capacity Limits of Spectrum-Sharing Channels with Imperfect Feedback
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2007). On the Achievable Sum-Rate of MIMO MAC with Channel Uncertainty and Delayed Feedback
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2007). Ergodic and Outage Capacities of Spectrum-Sharing Systems in Fading Channels
Musavian, L. and Aissa, S., (2007). Performance analysis of distributed space-time coded transmission with channel estimation error
Musavian, L., Nakhai, MR. and Aghvami, AH., (2006). Capacity of space time block codes with adaptive transmission in correlated Rayleigh fading channels
Musavian, L., Nakhai, MR., Dohler, M. and Aissa, S., (2006). WLC01-3: Effect of Channel Uncertainty on MIMO Systems with Covariance Information at the Transmitter
Musavian, L., Nakhai, M., Dohler, M. and Aissa, S., (2006). Effect of Channel Uncertainty on the Mutual Information of MIMO Multiple Access Channels
Musavian, L., Nakhai, MR., Dohler, M. and Aissa, S., (2006). Effect of Channel Uncertainty on the Mutual Information of MIMO Multiple Access Channels
Musavian, L., Dohler, M., Nakhai, MR. and Aghvami, AH., (2005). Transmitter design in partially coherent multiple antenna systems
Reports and Papers (4)
Islam, A., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2022). Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning in Vehicular OCC
Bello, M., Chorti, A., Fijalkow, I., Yu, W. and Musavian, L., (2020). Asymptotic Performance Analysis of NOMA Uplink Networks under Statistical QoS Delay Constraints
Bello, M., Yu, W., Pischella, M., Chorti, A., Fijalkow, I. and Musavian, L., (2020). Flexible Multiple Access Enabling Low-Latency Communications: Introducing NOMA-R
Islam, A., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2019). Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Vehicular Communication using Optical Camera Communications
Grants and funding
Semantic Aware Modulation Schemes for Space-Air-Ground Networks
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Task Specific Security Solutions for Space-Air-Ground Networks
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Platform Driving The Ultimate Connectivity
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Net-Zero self-adaptive activation of distributed self-resilient augmented services
European Commission
Pervasive Wireless Intelligence Beyond the Generations (PerCom)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Cloudfm KTP Application twin-associate
Cloudfm KTP Application twin-associate
(TangO) Towards delay, energy And spectrum-efficient Next Generation wireless netwOrks
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
Academic support hours:
Tuesdays: 13:00-14:00 Fridays: 15:30-16:30