
Professor Sheina Orbell

Department of Psychology
Professor Sheina Orbell



Professor Sheina Orbell studied psychology firstly at Birmingham University (BSc) followed by a PhD from Queens University Belfast. After completing her PhD, she worked for three years as a Lecturer at Dundee University Medical School. In 1992 she was awarded a personal MRC Fellowship to investigate and develop psychological theory in relation to our understanding of behaviour with consequences for physical health. During the four years of her Fellowship, she was based in the psychology departments at St Andrews University and Sheffield University. In 1996 she became a Lecturer and, in 1998, a Senior Lecturer at Sheffield University before coming to Essex as a Professor in 2000. Sheina Orbell was Head of the Department of Psychology from 2010 - 2013.


  • BSc Psychology (Birmingham, UK), 1984;

  • PhD Psychology (Queens University Belfast), 1988

  • Cert. Health Economics University of Aberdeen, (1992)

  • Chartered Psychologist Membership No. (023657)

  • Health Professions Council Registered (Registration No. PYL19081)

  • Adjunct Professor, University of Curtin, Australia, 2014-

  • Senior Fellow HEA HEA, (2022)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Intention-behaviour relation

Open to supervise


Open to supervise

Social psychology of volition and volitional strategies in behavioural change

Open to supervise

Motivational models of health-related behaviour

Open to supervise

Social psychology of sexual health

Open to supervise

Social-cognitive accounts of motivation and health-related behaviour

Open to supervise

Cervical screening

Open to supervise

Colorectal cancer screening

Open to supervise

Arthritis and Interoception

Examining how interoception influences exercise and active movement when treating patients who have arthritis.

Conferences and presentations

Self regulation in sickness and in health

Invited presentation, European Health Psychology Society Annual Conference 2018 Galway, Galway, Ireland, 23/8/2018

Consumer misinterpretations of verbal nutrition quantities.

British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2018

Intuitive words and analytical numbers: Decisions with GDAs

Summer Institute for Bounded Rationality, Berlin, Germany, 2017

Verbal and numerical labels and the heuristics of food quantity decision.

26th Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making Conference, Haifa, Israel, 2017

Framing our food: Does it matter if we use words or numbers?

University of Essex Ada Lovelace Day event, Colchester, United Kingdom, 2017

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • The Psychology of (Self)-Improvement (PS515)

  • Research Management (PS912)

Previous supervision

Olayinka Bilikisu Farris
Olayinka Bilikisu Farris
Thesis title: The Role of Self-Regulation in Managing Chronic Kidney Disease
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/11/2024
Claire Lynette Wicks
Claire Lynette Wicks
Thesis title: The Impact of Green Exercise on Mental Ill-Health in Community Populations
Degree subject: Health Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/6/2022
Olayinka Bilikisu Farris
Olayinka Bilikisu Farris
Degree subject: Research Methods in Psychology
Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 6/10/2021
Jamie Anthony Raines
Jamie Anthony Raines
Thesis title: Being Transgender: Effects of Behaviour, Arousal and Well-Being
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/1/2021
Dawn Holford
Dawn Holford
Thesis title: Integrating Dual-Process and Pragmatic Theories for the Processing of Verbal and Numerical Food Quantifiers
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/1/2020
Alistair Thorpe
Alistair Thorpe
Thesis title: The Role of Information in the Reduction of Clinically Inappropriate Expectations of Antibiotics
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/10/2019
Hina Zahid
Hina Zahid
Thesis title: Cultural Influences in Representation, Management and Prevention of Illness
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/7/2019
Mark Henry Wheeler
Mark Henry Wheeler
Thesis title: Managing Common Mental Disorders and Ptsd in the Community.
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/12/2018
Kali Anne Demes
Kali Anne Demes
Thesis title: Worlds Apart: A Longitudinal, Multinational Examination of Sojourner Well-Being and Cultural Adaptation
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/4/2014
Laura Elizabeth Rebecca Blackie
Laura Elizabeth Rebecca Blackie
Thesis title: A Test of Dual-Existential Systems: Exploring Approach and Avoidance Motivation as a Function of Mortality Awareness
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/1/2012


Journal articles (128)

The UK CRC Screening Pilot Evaluation Team, Weller, D., Alexander, F., Orbell, S., Campbell, H. and Szczepura, A., Evaluation of the UK Colorectal Cancer Screening Pilot. Final Report. May 2003

Szczepura, A., Johnson, M., Orbell, S., Gumber, A., O'Sullivan, I., Clay, D. and Owen, D., Ethnicity:UK Colorectal Cancer Screening Pilot. final Report. May 2004.

Zahid, H., Orbell, S. and Geeraert, N., Effect of Temporal Frame on Pakistani Britons’ Motivation to Engage in Preventive Health Screening. Health Psychology

Farris, O., Orbell, S., Lamarche, VM. and Smith, R., (2025). Promoting self-management in chronic disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of behaviour change interventions for patients on dialysis. Health Psychology Review, 1-41

Gardner, B., Arden, M., Brown, D., Eves, F., Green, J., Hamilton, K., Hankonen, N., Inauen, J., Keller, J., Kwasnicka, D., Labudek, S., Marien, H., Masaryk, R., McCleary, N., Mullan, B., Neter, E., Orbell, S., Potthoff, S. and Lally, P., (2023). Developing habit-based health behaviour change interventions: Twenty-one questions to guide future research. Psychology and Health. 38 (4), 518-540

Wicks, C., Barton, JL., Andrews, L., Orbell, S., Sandercock, G. and Wood, C., (2023). The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Contribution of Local Green Space and Nature Connection to Mental Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 (6), 5083-5083

Wheeler, MH., Orbell, S. and Rakow, T., (2023). How and why the choice of success criteria can impact therapy service delivery: A worked example from a psychological therapy service for anxiety and depression. Clinical Psychology in Europe. 5 (4), e10237-

Skaczkowski, G., Orbell, S. and Wilson, C., (2023). "Life Without Symptoms" or "Being Able to Enjoy Life": What does it Mean to be "Well" After Cancer?. Journal of Cancer Education. 39 (2), 204-210

Verplanken, B. and Orbell, S., (2022). Attitudes Habits and Behavior Change. Annual Review of Psychology. 73 (1), 327-352

Hagger, MS. and Orbell, S., (2022). The common sense model of illness self- regulation: a conceptual review and proposed extended model. Health Psychology Review. 16 (3), 347-377

Wicks, C., Barton, J., Orbell, S. and Andrews, L., (2022). Psychological benefits of outdoor physical activity in natural versus urban environments: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of experimental studies.. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. 2022 (3), 1037-1061

Keech, JJ., Orbell, S., Hagger, MS., O'Callaghan, FV. and Hamilton, K., (2021). Psychometric properties of the Stress Control Mindset Measure in University students from Australia and the UK.. Brain and Behavior. 11 (2), e01963-

Raines, J., Holmes, L., Watts-Overall, T., Slettevold, E., Gruia, D., Orbell, S. and Rieger, G., (2021). Patterns of Genital Sexual Arousal in Transgender Men. Psychological Science. 32 (4), 485-495

Thorpe, A., Sirota, M., Orbell, S. and Juanchich, M., (2021). Effect of information on reducing inappropriate expectations and requests for antibiotics. British Journal of Psychology. 112 (3), 804-827

Stephenson, P., Yuen, E., Skaczkowski, G., Spelten, ER., Orbell, S. and Wilson, C., (2021). The impact of illness perceptions and coping strategies on use of supportive care for cancer. Cancers. 13 (10), 2501-2501

Croft, A., Atkinson, C., Sandstrom, G., Aknin, L. and Orbell, S., (2021). Loosening the GRIP (Gender Roles Inhibiting Prosociality) to Promote Gender Equality. Personality and Social Psychology Review. 25 (1), 66-92

Liu, D., Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Orbell, S., (2021). Differences between decisions made using verbal or numerical quantifiers. Thinking and Reasoning. 27 (1), 69-96

Thorpe, A., Sirota, M., Juanchich, M. and Orbell, S., (2020). Action bias in the public’s clinically inappropriate expectations for antibiotics. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 26 (3), 422-431

Thorpe, A., Sirota, M., Juanchich, M. and Orbell, S., (2020). ‘Always take your doctor’s advice’: Does trust moderate the effect of information on inappropriate antibiotic prescribing expectations?. British Journal of Health Psychology. 25 (2), 358-376

Liu, D., Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Orbell, S., (2020). The Intuitive Use of Contextual Information in Decisions made with Verbal and Numerical Quantifiers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 73 (4), 481-494

Valentini, E., Fetter, E. and Orbell, S., (2020). Treatment preferences in fibromyalgia patients: A cross‐sectional web‐based survey. European Journal of Pain. 24 (7), 1290-1300

Wheeler, M., Cooper, NR., Andrews, L., Hacker Hughes, J., Juanchich, M., Rakow, T. and Orbell, S., (2020). Outdoor recreational activity experiences improve psychological wellbeing of military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder: Positive findings from a pilot study and a randomised controlled trial. PLoS One. 15 (11), e0241763-e0241763

Watts, TM., Holmes, L., Raines, J., Orbell, S. and Rieger, G., (2019). Correction to: Finger Length Ratios of Identical Twins with Discordant Sexual Orientations. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 48 (3), 995-996

Liu, D., Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Orbell, S., (2019). People Overestimate Verbal Quantities of Nutrients on Nutrition Labels. Food Quality and Preference. 78, 103739-103739

Orbell, S. and Phillips, LA., (2019). Automatic processes and self-regulation of illness. Health Psychology Review. 13 (4), 378-405

Hamilton, K., Orbell, S., Bonham, M., Kroon, J. and Schwarzer, R., (2018). Dental flossing and automaticity: a longitudinal moderated mediation analysis. Psychology, Health and Medicine. 23 (5), 619-627

Watts, TM., Holmes, L., Raines, J., Orbell, S. and Rieger, G., (2018). Gender Nonconformity of Identical Twins With Discordant Sexual Orientations: Evidence From Childhood Photographs. Developmental Psychology. 54 (4), 788-801

Inauen, J., Radtke, T., Rennie, L., Scholz, U. and Orbell, S., (2018). Transfer or Compensation? An experiment testing the effects of actual and imagined exercise on eating.. Swiss Journal of Psychology. 77 (2), 59-67

Barnett, KN., Weller, D., Smith, S., Steele, RJ., Vedsted, P., Orbell, S., Moss, SM., Melia, JW., Patnick, J. and Campbell, C., (2018). The contribution of a negative colorectal screening test result to symptom appraisal and help-seeking behaviour among patients subsequently diagnosed with an interval colorectal cancer. Health Expectations. 21 (4), 764-773

Inauen, J., Radtke, T., Rennie, L., Scholz, U. and Orbell, S., (2018). Transfer or compensation?: An experiment testing the effects of actual and imagined exercise on eating behavior. Swiss Journal of Psychology. 77 (2), 59-67

Watts, TM., Holmes, L., Raines, J., Orbell, S. and Rieger, G., (2018). Finger Length Ratios of Identical Twins with Discordant Sexual Orientations. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 47 (8), 2435-2444

Cavers, D., Calanzani, N., Orbell, S., Vojt, G., Steele, RJC., Brownlee, L., Smith, S., Patnick, J., Weller, D. and Campbell, C., (2018). Development of an evidence-based brief 'talking' intervention for non-responders to bowel screening for use in primary care: stakeholder interviews.. BMC Family Practice. 19 (1), 105-

Allom, V., Mullan, BA., Monds, L., Orbell, S., Hamilton, K., Rebar, AL. and Hagger, MS., (2018). Reflective and impulsive processes underlying saving behavior and the additional roles of self-control and habit.. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics. 11 (3), 135-146

Watts, T., Holmes, L., Raines, J., Orbell, S. and Rieger, G., (2018). Sexual arousal patterns of identical twins with discordant sexual orientations. Scientific Reports. 8 (1), 14970-

Chatzisarantis, NLD., Barkoukis, V., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Ntoumanis, N., Hardcastle, S., Orbell, S. and Hagger, MS., (2017). Sensitivity of statistical models in detecting effects of equal prioritisation on physical activity participation. International Journal of Sport Psychology. 48 (2), 165-182

Orbell, S., Szczepura, A., Weller, D., Gumber, A. and Hagger, MS., (2017). South Asian Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and Psychological Mediators of Faecal Occult Blood Colorectal Screening Participation: A Prospective Test of a Process Model. Health Psychology. 36 (12), 1161-1172

Hagger, MS., Koch, S., Chatzisarantis, NLD. and Orbell, S., (2017). The Common Sense Model of Self-Regulation: Meta-Analysis and Test of a Process Model. Psychological Bulletin. 143 (11), 1117-1154

Calanzani, N., Cavers, D., Vojt, G., Orbell, S., Steele, RJC., Brownlee, L., Smith, S., Patnick, J., Weller, D. and Campbell, C., (2017). Is an opportunistic primary care-based intervention for non-responders to bowel screening feasible and acceptable? A mixed-methods feasibility study in Scotland. BMJ Open. 7 (10), e016307-e016307

Barnett, KN., Weller, D., Smith, S., Orbell, S., Vedsted, P., Steele, RJC., Melia, JW., Moss, SM., Patnick, J. and Campbell, C., (2016). Understanding of a negative bowel screening result and potential impact on future symptom appraisal and help-seeking behaviour: a focus group study. Health Expectations. 20 (4), 584-592

Mullan, B., Henderson, J., Kothe, E., Allom, V., Orbell, S. and Hamilton, K., (2016). The Role of Habit and Perceived Control on Health Behavior among Pregnant Women. American Journal of Health Behavior. 40 (3), 291-301

Orbell, S. and Henderson, CJ., (2016). Automatic effects of illness schema activation on behavioral manifestations of illness.. Health Psychology. 35 (10), 1144-1153

Orbell, S. and Verplanken, B., (2015). The strength of habit. Health Psychology Review. 9 (3), 311-317

Orbell, S., Henderson, CJ. and Hagger, MS., (2015). Illness Schema Activation and the Effects of Illness Seasonality on Accessibility of Implicit Illness-Related Information. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 49 (6), 918-923

Radtke, T., Inauen, J., Rennie, L., Orbell, S. and Scholz, U., (2014). Trait Versus State: Effects of dispositional and situational compensatory health beliefs on high-calorie snack consumption. Zeitschrift fur Gesundheitspsychologie. 22 (4), 156-164

Radtke, T., Inauen, J., Rennie, L., Orbell, S. and Scholz, U., (2014). Trait Versus State. Zeitschrift f�r Gesundheitspsychologie. 22 (4), 156-164

Campbell, C., Barnett, K., Smith, SC., Steele, RJC., Orbell, S., Vedsted, P., Melia, J., Moss, S., Patnick, J. and Weller, DP., (2014). ?The tests always came back negative you know?: the influence of a negative bowel cancer screening result among patients who subsequently develop colorectal cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care. 23 (S1), creators-Orbell=3ASheina=3A=3A

Morison, LA., Cozzolino, PJ. and Orbell, S., (2011). Temporal perspective and parental intention to accept the human papillomavirus vaccination for their daughter. British Journal of Health Psychology. 15 (1), 151-165

Morison, LA., Cozzolino, PJ. and Orbell, S., (2010). Temporal perspective and parental intention to accept the human papillomavirus vaccination for their daughter. British Journal of Health Psychology. 15 (1), 151-165

Orbell, S. and Verplanken, B., (2010). The automatic component of habit in health behavior: Habit as cue-contingent automaticity.. Health Psychology. 29 (4), 374-383

Henderson, CJ., Orbell, S. and Hagger, MS., (2009). Illness schema activation and attentional bias to coping procedures.. Health Psychology. 28 (1), 101-107

Orbell, S., Lidierth, P., Henderson, CJ., Geeraert, N., Uller, C., Uskul, AK. and Kyriakaki, M., (2009). Social–cognitive beliefs, alcohol, and tobacco use: A prospective community study of change following a ban on smoking in public places.. Health Psychology. 28 (6), 753-761

Techer, L., Campbell, C., Weller, D., Orbell, S., Szepura, A. and Gumber, A., (2009). Strategies to improve uptake of colorectal cancer screening in South Asian and lower income groups- a qualitative study. Psycho-Oncology. 18 (3), 307-330

Balasubramani, L., Orbell, S., Hagger, M., Brown, V. and Tidy, J., (2008). Can default rates in colposcopy really be reduced?. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 115 (3), 403-408

Orbell, S., O'Sullivan, I., Parker, R., Steele, B., Campbell, C. and Weller, D., (2008). Illness representations and coping following an abnormal colorectal cancer screening result. Social Science & Medicine. 67 (9), 1465-1474

Orbell, S. and Kyriakaki, M., (2008). Temporal framing and persuasion to adopt preventive health behavior: Moderating effects of individual differences in consideration of future consequences on sunscreen use.. Health Psychology. 27 (6), 770-779

Balasubramani, L., Orbell, S., Hagger, M., Brown, V. and Tidy, J., (2007). Do women with high‐grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia prefer a see and treat option in colposcopy?. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 114 (1), 39-45

Henderson, CJ., Hagger, MS. and Orbell, S., (2007). Does priming a specific illness schema result in an attentional information-processing bias for specific illnesses?. Health Psychology. 26 (2), 165-173

Balasubramani, L., Orbell, S., Hagger, M., Brown, V. and Tidy, J., (2007). Do Women With High-Grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Prefer a See and Treat Option in Colposcopy?. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. 62 (4), 239-240

Orbell, S., Hagger, M., Brown, V. and Tidy, J., (2006). Comparing two theories of health behavior: A prospective study of noncompletion of treatment following cervical cancer screening.. Health Psychology. 25 (5), 604-615

Orbell, S. and Hagger, M., (2006). Temporal framing and the decision to take part in type 2 diabetes screening: Effects of individual differences in consideration of future consequences on persuasion.. Health Psychology. 25 (4), 537-548

Orbell, S. and Hagger, M., (2006). "When No Means No": Can Reactance Augment the Theory of Planned Behavior?. Health Psychology. 25 (5), 586-594

Rickett, B., Orbell, S. and Sheeran, P., (2006). Social-cognitive determinants of hoist usage among health care workers.. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 11 (2), 182-196

Hagger, MS. and Orbell, S., (2006). Illness representations and emotion in people with abnormal screening results. Psychology & Health. 21 (2), 183-209

Hagger, MS. and Orbell, S., (2005). A confirmatory factor analysis of the revised illness perception questionnaire (IPQ-R) in a cervical screening context. Psychology & Health. 20 (2), 161-173

Orbell, S., Hagger, M., Brown, V. and Tidy, J., (2004). Appraisal theory and emotional sequelae of first visit to colposcopy following an abnormal cervical screening result. British Journal of Health Psychology. 9 (4), 533-555

O'Sullivan, I. and Orbell, S., (2004). Self-sampling in screening to reduce mortality from colorectal cancer: a qualitative exploration of the decision to complete a faecal occult blood test (FOBT). Journal of Medical Screening. 11 (1), 16-22

O’ Sullivan, I., Orbell, S., Rakow, T. and Parker, R., (2004). Prospective Research in Health Service Settings: Health Psychology, Science and the ‘Hawthorne’ Effect. Journal of Health Psychology. 9 (3), 355-359

Orbell, S., Perugini, M. and Rakow, T., (2004). Individual Differences in Sensitivity to Health Communications: Consideration of Future Consequences.. Health Psychology. 23 (4), 388-396

Orbell, S., Hagger, M., Brown, V. and Tidy, J., (2004). Appraisal theory and emotional sequelae of first visit to colposcopy following an abnormal cervical screening result. British Journal of Health Psychology. 9 (4), 533-55

Orbell, S., (2003). Personality systems interactions theory and the theory of planned behaviour: Evidence that self‐regulatory volitional components enhance enactment of studying behaviour. British Journal of Social Psychology. 42 (1), 95-112

Hagger, MS. and Orbell, S., (2003). A Meta-Analytic Review of the Common-Sense Model of Illness Representations. Psychology & Health. 18 (2), 141-184

Norman, P., Sheeran, P. and Orbell, S., (2003). Does State Versus Action Orientation Moderate the Intention‐Behavior Relationship?. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 33 (3), 536-553

Verplanken, B. and Orbell, S., (2003). Reflections on Past Behavior: A Self‐Report Index of Habit Strength1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 33 (6), 1313-1330

Orbell, S., (2003). Personality systems interactions theory and the theory of planned behaviour: evidence that self-regulatory volitional components enhance enactment of studying behaviour. British Journal of Social Psychology. 42 (1), 95-112

Milne, S., Orbell, S. and Sheeran, P., (2002). Combining motivational and volitional interventions to promote exercise participation: Protection motivation theory and implementation intentions. British Journal of Health Psychology. 7 (2), 163-184

Mckee, KJ., Orbell, S., Austin, CA., Bettridge, R., Liddle, BJ., Morgan, K. and Radley, K., (2002). Fear of falling, falls efficacy, and health outcomes in older people following hip fracture. Disability and Rehabilitation. 24 (6), 327-333

Milne, S., Orbell, S. and Sheeran, P., (2002). Combining motivational and volitional interventions to promote exercise participation: protection motivation theory and implementation intentions. British Journal of Health Psychology. 7 (Pt 2), 163-84

Orbell, S., Johnston, M., Rowley, D., Davey, P. and Espley, A., (2001). Self‐efficacy and goal importance in the prediction of physical disability in people following hospitalization: A prospective study. British Journal of Health Psychology. 6 (1), 25-40

Street, H., Sheeran, P. and Orbell, S., (2001). Exploring the relationship between different psychosocial determinants of depression: a multidimensional scaling analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 64 (1), 53-67

Orbell, S., Blair, C., Sherlock, K. and Conner, M., (2001). The Theory of Planned Behavior and Ecstasy Use: Roles for Habit and Perceived Control Over Taking Versus Obtaining Substances. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 31 (1), 31-47

Hagger, MS., Chatzisarantis, N., Biddle, SJH. and Orbell, S., (2001). Antecedents of children's physical activity intentions and behaviour: Predictive validity and longitudinal effects. Psychology & Health. 16 (4), 391-407

Orbell, S., Johnston, M., Rowley, D., Davey, P. and Espley, A., (2001). Self-efficacy and goal importance in the prediction of physical disability in people following hospitalization: a prospective study.. British Journal of Health Psychology. 6 (1), 25-40

Sheeran, P. and Orbell, S., (2000). Using implementation intentions to increase attendance for cervical cancer screening.. Health Psychology. 19 (3), 283-289

Orbell, S. and Sheeran, P., (2000). Motivational and Volitional Processes in Action Initiation: A Field Study of the Role of Implementation Intentions1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 30 (4), 780-797

MILNE, S., SHEERAN, P. and ORBELL, S., (2000). Prediction and Intervention in Health‐Related Behavior: A Meta‐Analytic Review of Protection Motivation Theory. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 30 (1), 106-143

Sheeran, P. and Orbell, S., (2000). Self-schemas and the theory of planned behaviour. European Journal of Social Psychology. 30 (4), 533-550

Rapaport, P. and Orbell, S., (2000). Augmenting the theory of planned behaviour: Motivation to provide practical assistance and emotional support to parents. Psychology & Health. 15 (3), 309-324

J. McKee,, K., Orbell,, S. and Radley, KA., (1999). Predicting perceived recovered activity in older people after a fall. Disability and Rehabilitation. 21 (12), 555-562

Orbell, S., (1999). The Role of Social–Cognitive Research in Informal Care. Journal of Health Psychology. 4 (1), 41-44

Sheeran, P., Abraham, C. and Orbell, S., (1999). Psychosocial correlates of heterosexual condom use: A meta-analysis.. Psychological Bulletin. 125 (1), 90-132

Sheeran, P. and Orbell, S., (1999). Augmenting the Theory of Planned Behavior: Roles for Anticipated Regret and Descriptive Norms1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 29 (10), 2107-2142

Street, H., Sheeran, P. and Orbell, S., (1999). Conceptualizing depression: an integration of 27 theories. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 6 (3), 175-193

Cowley, M. and Orbell, S., (1999). Towards a psychology of service use in informal care: Social and psychological variables associated with service need and uptake amongst carers of learning disabled adults. Psychology & Health. 14 (2), 217-239

Sheeran, P. and Orbell, S., (1999). Implementation intentions and repeated behaviour: augmenting the predictive validity of the theory of planned behaviour. European Journal of Social Psychology. 29 (2-3), 349-369

Sheeran, P., Orbell, S. and Trafimow, D., (1999). Does the temporal stability of behavioral intentions moderate intention-behavior and past behavior - Future behavior relations?. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 25 (6), 721-730

Sheeran, P., Norman, P. and Orbell, S., (1999). Evidence that intentions based on attitudes better predict behaviour than intentions based on subjective norms. European Journal of Social Psychology. 29 (23), 403-406

Sheeran, P., Abraham, C. and Orbell, S., (1999). Psychosocial correlates of heterosexual condom use: A meta-analysis.. Psychological Bulletin. 125 (1), 90-132

Sheeran, P., Orbell, S. and Trafimow, D., (1999). Does the Temporal Stability of Behavioral Intentions Moderate Intention-Behavior and Past Behavior-Future Behavior Relations?. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 25 (6), 724-734

Orbell, S., Espley, A., Johnston, M. and Rowley, D., (1998). Health benefits of joint replacement surgery for patients with osteoarthritis: prospective evaluation using independent assessments in Scotland. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 52 (9), 564-570

Orbell, S., Johnston, M., Rowley, D., Espley, A. and Davey, P., (1998). Cognitive representations of illness and functional and affective adjustment following surgery for osteoarthritis. Social Science & Medicine. 47 (1), 93-102

Abraham, C., Sheeran, P. and Orbell, S., (1998). Can social cognitive models contribute to the effectiveness of HIV-preventive behavioural interventions? A brief review of the literature and a reply to Joffe (1996; 1997) and Fife-Schaw (1997). British Journal of Medical Psychology. 71 (3), 297-310

Orbell, S. and Sheeran, P., (1998). ‘Inclined abstainers’: A problem for predicting health‐related behaviour. British Journal of Social Psychology. 37 (2), 151-165

Sheeran, P. and Orbell, S., (1998). Do intentions predict condom use? Metaanalysis and examination of six moderator variables. British Journal of Social Psychology. 37 (2), 231-250

Hodgkins, S. and Orbell, S., (1998). Can protection motivation theory predict behaviour? A longitudinal test exploring the role of previous behaviour. Psychology & Health. 13 (2), 237-250

Conner, M., Sherlock, K. and Orbell, S., (1998). Psychosocial determinants of ecstasy use in young people in the UK. British Journal of Health Psychology. 3 (4), 295-317

Orbell, S. and Sheeran, P., (1998). Regulation of behaviour in pursuit of health goals. Psychology & Health. 13 (4), 753-758

AGAR, S., MONIZ-COOK, E., ORBELL, S., ELSTON, C. and WANG, M., (1997). Measuring the outcome of psychosocial intervention for family caregivers of dementia sufferers: A factor analytic study. Aging & Mental Health. 1 (2), 166-175

Orbell, S., Hodgkins, S. and Sheeran, P., (1997). Implementation Intentions and the Theory of Planned Behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 23 (9), 945-954

Orbell, S., (1996). Cognition and affect after cervical screening: The role of previous test outcome and personal obligation in future uptake expectations. Social Science & Medicine. 43 (8), 1237-1243

Orbell, S., (1996). Informal care in social context: A social psychological analysis of participation, impact and intervention in care of the elderly. Psychology & Health. 11 (1), 155-178

Orbell, S., Crombie, I. and Johnston, G., (1996). Social cognition and social structure in the prediction of cervical screening uptake. British Journal of Health Psychology. 1 (1), 35-50

Johnston, G., Orbell, S., Crombie, I., Robertson, A. and Kenicer, M., (1996). Women's preferences for cervical screening: who, where and when. Health Education Journal. 55 (1), 84-91

Sheeran, P. and Orbell, S., (1996). How confidently can we infer health beliefs from questionnaire responses?. Psychology & Health. 11 (2), 273-290

Orbell, S., Crombie, I., Robertson, A., Johnston, G. and Kenicer, M., (1995). Assessing the effectiveness of a screening campaign: Who is missed by 80% cervical screening coverage?. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 88 (7), 389-394

Crombie, IK., Orbell, S., Johnston, G., Robertson, AJ. and Kenicer, M., (1995). Women's Experiences at Cervical Screening. Scottish Medical Journal. 40 (3), 81-82

Sheeran, P., Abrams, D. and Orbell, S., (1995). Unemployment, Self-Esteem, and Depression: A Social Comparison Theory Approach. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 17 (1-2), 65-82

Sheeran, P., Abrams, D. and Orbell, S., (1995). Unemployment, Self-Esteem, and Depression: A Social Comparison Theory Approach. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 17 (1), 65-82

du V. Florey, C., Yule, B., Fogg, A., Napier, A., Orbell, S. and Cuschieri, A., (1994). A randomized trial of immediate discharge of surgical patients to general practice. Journal of Public Health. 16 (4), 455-464

Crombie, IK., Orbell, S., Johnston, G., Robertson, AJ. and Kenicer, M., (1994). Cervical screening: the optimum visit plan for contacting users and non-users in Scotland.. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 48 (6), 586-589

ORBELL†, S. and ABRAHAM, C., (1993). Behavioural sciences and the real world: report of a community interview scheme for medical students. Medical Education. 27 (3), 218-228

Orbell, S. and Gillies, B., (1993). What's Stressful About Caring?1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 23 (4), 272-290

Orbell, S. and Hopkins, N., (1993). Integrating sociological and psychological perspectives on informal care. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. 3 (3), 225-230

Orbell, S., Hopkins, N. and Gillies, B., (1993). Measuring the impact of informal caring. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. 3 (2), 149-163

Orbell, S. and Hopkins, N., (1993). Conceptual and methodological issues in care research. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. 3 (3), 231-232

Orbell, S. and Sheeran, P., (1993). Health psychology and uptake of preventive health services: A review of 30 years' research on cervical screening. Psychology & Health. 8 (6), 417-433

Orbell, S. and Gillies, B., (1993). Factors Associated With Informal Carers’ Preference Not To Be Involved In Caring. The Irish Journal of Psychology. 14 (1), 99-109

Orbell, S., (1990). Workshop for researchers in community care.. Health bulletin. 48 (5), 260-264

Orbell, S., Trew, K. and McWhirter, L., (1990). Mental illness in Northern Ireland. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 25 (4), 165-169

Book chapters (10)

Orbell, S. and Farris, O., Psychological Processes in Screening Behaviour. In: Sage Handbook of Health Psychology. Editors: Brown, K., Hagger, M., Cheng, C., Hamilton, K. and Sutton, S., . Sage

Orbell, S., Zahid, H. and Henderson, C., (2020). Changing Behavior Using the Health Belief Model and Protection Motivation Theory. In: Cambridge Handbook of Behavior Change. Editors: Hagger, M., . Cambridge University Press

Orbell, S. and Verplanken, B., (2020). Changing Behaviour using Habit Theory. In: Cambridge Handbook of Behavior Change. Cambridge University Press. 178- 192

Orbell, S., Zahid, H. and Henderson, CJ., (2020). Changing Behavior Using the Health Belief Model and Protection Motivation Theory. In: The Handbook of Behavior Change. Cambridge University Press. 46- 59. 9781108496391

Orbell, S. and Verplanken, B., (2020). Changing Behavior Using Habit Theory. In: The Handbook of Behavior Change. Cambridge University Press. 178- 192. 9781108496391

Verplanken, B. and Orbell, S., (2019). Habit and Behavior Change. In: Social Psychology in Action. Springer International Publishing. 65- 78. 9783030137878

Orbell, S., (2018). Habit in Everyday Life From Cradle to Grave. In: The Sage Encyclopaedia of Lifespan Human Development. Editors: Bornstein, MH., . Sage

Orbell, S. and Verplanken, B., (2018). Progress and Prospects in Habit Research. In: The Psychology of Habit. Springer International Publishing. 397- 409. 9783319975283

Orbell, S., (2013). Habit Strength. In: Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. Editors: Gellman, MD. and Turner, JR., . Springer New York. 885- 886. 9781441910042

(2004). Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes. In: Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes. Editors: Haddock, G. and Maio, GR., . Psychology Press. 145- 168. 9780203645031

Conferences (16)

Zahid, H., Geeraert, N. and Orbell, S., PHYSICAL HEALTH ACROSS CULTURES


Zahid, H., Orbell, S. and Geeraert, N., IF YOU LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR, YOU STILL HAVE TO DIE

Zahid, H., Geeraert, N. and Orbell, S., CULTURE AND COPING

Zahid, H., Orbell, S. and Geeraert, N., CROSS-CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN COPING




Orbell, S., Campbell, C., Steele, R., Parker, R., Elton, R. and Weller, D., (2016). ENHANCING VOLITIONAL SELF EFFICACY TO COMPLETE FOBT SCREENING

Barnett, K., Swanson, V., Orbell, S., Smith, SC., Steele, RJC., Vedsted, P., Melia, J., Moss, S., Patnick, J., Weller, D. and Campbell, C., (2015). How do colorectal cancer screening participants interpret a negative faecal occult blood test (FOBt) result in relation to future cancer risk? A focus group study

Calanzani, N., Cavers, D., Vojt, G., Steele, RJC., Orbell, S., Patnick, J., Smith, S., Weller, D. and Campbell, C., (2015). A brief intervention in primary care for non-responders to bowel cancer screening - feasibility study in general practices in Lothian, Scotland

Campbell, C., Barnett, K., Smith, SC., Steele, RJC., Orbell, S., Vedsted, P., Melia, J., Moss, S., Patnick, J. and Weller, DP., (2014). 'The tests always came back negative you know': the influence of a negative bowel screening result among patients who subsequently develop colorectal cancer

Techer, L., Campbell, C., Weller, D., Orbell, S., Szepura, A. and Gumber, A., (2009). Strategies to improve uptake of colorectal cancer screening in South Asian and lower income groups-a qualitative study

Henderson, CJ., Orbell, S. and Hagger, MS., (2008). Illness schema activation and encoded coping behaviours



Grants and funding



National Institute for Health Research


To develop the capability to measure and enhance the impact of the Frogmore Mill visitor experience, enabling our visitors to engage with the Mill's sustainability heritage, which will encourage them to adopt long-lasting behaviour change with regards to the environment and climate change.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


A nature-based intervention to improve mental health: Efficacy of an angling intervention for military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.

National Institute for Health Research

Essex ESNEFT Psychological Research Unit for Behaviour, Health and Wellbeing (EEPRU)

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust



Colchester Borough Council (CBC)


Time perspective effects in persuasion and behaviour change

The British Academy


Promoting Pro-Environmental behaviour in University Communities

The British Psychological Society (BPS)

+44 (0) 1206 874840


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