Dr Serafeim Perdikis

serafeim.perdikis@essex.ac.uk -
3A.524, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Autumn term: Monday 12:00 - 13:00 in Zoom or office 5A.542 Tuesday 13:00 - 14:00 in Zoom or office 5A.542 Spring term: Teaching at the NWU campus, China
I was born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1984. I received the M.E. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) in 2007 and the Ph.D. degree in brain-computer interaction (BCI) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 2014, where I subsequently served as a post-doctoral researcher until May 2015. My thesis title is "Mutual learning and spelling in Motor Imagery BCI". In June 2015 I joined the Wyss Center for Bio- and Neuro-engineering at Campus Biotech, Geneva, Switzerland working on BCI-based stroke rehabilitation. Between November 2017 and February 2019 I have been employed by Mindmaze SA as Biosignal Research Engineer. As of February 2019 I am serving as a Lecturer of the Neural Engineering and BCI Laboratory at the University of Essex, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, UK. My main areas of research interest include brain-computer interface (BCI), theoretical and applied machine learning, artificial intelligence, bio-signal and especially electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) signal processing, mutual learning and co-adaptation in BCI, translational and rehabilitation applications of BCI.
Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (2007)
PhD in Brain-Computer Interaction École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, (2014)
University of Essex
Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/2/2019 - present)
Other academic
Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/2/2019 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Brain-Computer Interface
Machine Learning
Translational applications of BCI
Conferences and presentations
ANTNeuro EEG summer school, Berlin, Germany
IADS Summer School
RehabWeek 2021
BCi Society Next Gen 2021
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Digital Systems Design (CE264)
Engineering Electromagnetics (CE266)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/5/2024
Publications (1)
Krueger, J., Krauth, R., Reichert, C., Perdikis, S., Vogt, S., Huchtemann, T., Duerschmid, S., Sickert, A., Lamprecht, J., Huremovic, A., Goertler, M., Nasuto, SJ., Tsai, I-C., Knight, RT., Hinrichs, H., Heinze, H-J., Lindquist, S., Sailer, M., Millan, JDR. and Sweeney-Reed, CM., (2023). Hebbian plasticity induced by temporally coincident BCI enhances post-stroke motor recovery
Journal articles (22)
Perdikis, S., Bayati, H., Leeb, R. and Millan, JDR., Evidence Accumulation in asynchronous BCI. International journal of bioelectromagnetism. 13 (3), 131-132
Tonin, L., Perdikis, S., Leeb, R. and Millan, JDR., A BCI-driven telepresence robot. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism. 13 (4), 125-126
Krueger, J., Krauth, R., Reichert, C., Perdikis, S., Vogt, S., Huchtemann, T., Dürschmid, S., Sickert, A., Lamprecht, J., Huremovic, A., Görtler, M., Nasuto, SJ., Tsai, I-C., Knight, RT., Hinrichs, H., Heinze, H-J., Lindquist, S., Sailer, M., Millán, JDR. and Sweeney-Reed, CM., (2024). Hebbian plasticity induced by temporally coincident BCI enhances post-stroke motor recovery. Scientific Reports. 14 (1), 18700-
Sultana, M. and Perdikis, S., (2024). Automatic Feature Selection for Sensorimotor Rhythms Brain-Computer Interface Fusing Expert and Data-Driven Knowledge.. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 32, 3422-3431
Vourvopoulos, A., Fleury, M., Tonin, L. and Perdikis, S., (2023). Editorial: Neurotechnologies and brain-computer interaction for neurorehabilitation. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics. 4, 1203934-1203934
Tonin, L., Perdikis, S., Kuzu, TD., Pardo, J., Orset, B., Lee, K., Aach, M., Schildhauer, TA., Martinez-Olivera, R. and Millan del R., J., (2022). Learning to control a BMI-driven wheelchair for people with severe tetraplegia. iScience. 25 (12), 105418-105418
Perdikis, S., Leeb, R., Chavarriaga, R. and Millan, JDR., (2021). Context–aware Learning for Generative Models. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 32 (8), 3471-3483
Cunha, JD., Perdikis, S., Halder, S. and Scherer, R., (2021). Post-adaptation effects in a motor imagery brain-computer interface online coadaptive paradigm. IEEE Access. 9, 41688-41703
Perdikis, S. and Millan, JDR., (2020). Brain-Machine Interfaces: A Tale of Two Learners. IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Magazine. 6 (3), 12-19
Krauth, R., Schwertner, J., Vogt, S., Lindquist, S., Michael, S., Almut, S., Lamprecht, J., Perdikis, S., Corbet, T., Millan, JDR., Hinrichs, H., Heinze, H-J. and Sweeney-Reed, C., (2019). Cortico-muscular coherence is reduced acutely post-stroke and increases bilaterally during motor recovery: a pilot study. Frontiers in Neurology. 10 (FEB), 126-
Noel, J-P., Chatelle, C., Perdikis, S., Jöhr, J., Lopes Da Silva, M., Ryvlin, P., De Lucia, M., Millán, JDR., Diserens, K. and Serino, A., (2019). Peri-personal space encoding in patients with disorders of consciousness and cognitive-motor dissociation. NeuroImage: Clinical. 24, 101940-101940
Bevilacqua, M., Perdikis, S. and Millan, JDR., (2019). On Error-related Potentials during Sensorimotor-based Brain-Computer Interface: Explorations with a Pseudo-Online Brain-Controlled Speller. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology. 1, 17-22
Biasiucci, A., Leeb, R., Iturrate, I., Perdikis, S., Al-Khodairy, A., Corbet, T., Schnider, A., Schmidlin, T., Zhang, H., Bassolino, M., Viceic, D., Vuadens, P., Guggisberg, AG. and Millán, JDR., (2018). Brain-actuated functional electrical stimulation elicits lasting arm motor recovery after stroke. Nature Communications. 9 (1), 2421-
Perdikis, S., Tonin, L., Saeedi, S., Schneider, C. and Millán, JDR., (2018). The Cybathlon BCI race: Successful longitudinal mutual learning with two tetraplegic users. PLoS Biology. 16 (5), e2003787-e2003787
Corbet, T., Iturrate, I., Pereira, M., Perdikis, S. and Millán, JDR., (2018). Sensory threshold neuromuscular electrical stimulation fosters motor imagery performance. NeuroImage. 176, 268-276
Randazzo, L., Iturrate, I., Perdikis, S. and Millán, JDR., (2018). mano: A Wearable Hand Exoskeleton for Activities of Daily Living and Neurorehabilitation.. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 3 (1), 500-507
Perdikis, S., Tonin, L. and del R. Millan, J., (2017). Brain racers. IEEE Spectrum. 54 (9), 44-51
Perdikis, S., Leeb, R. and Millán, JDR., (2016). Context-aware adaptive spelling in motor imagery BCI. Journal of Neural Engineering. 13 (3), 036018-036018
Sollfrank, T., Ramsay, A., Perdikis, S., Williamson, J., Murray-Smith, R., Leeb, R., Millán, JDR. and Kübler, A., (2016). The effect of multimodal and enriched feedback on SMR-BCI performance. Clinical Neurophysiology. 127 (1), 490-498
Sagha, H., Perdikis, S., Millan, JDR. and Chavarriaga, R., (2015). Quantifying Electrode Reliability During Brain–Computer Interface Operation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 62 (3), 858-864
Perdikis, S., Leeb, R., Williamson, J., Ramsay, A., Tavella, M., Desideri, L., Hoogerwerf, E-J., Al-Khodairy, A., Murray-Smith, R. and Millán, JDR., (2014). Clinical evaluation of BrainTree, a motor imagery hybrid BCI speller.. Journal of Neural Engineering. 11 (3), 036003-036003
Leeb, R., Perdikis, S., Tonin, L., Biasiucci, A., Tavella, M., Creatura, M., Molina, A., Al-Khodairy, A., Carlson, T. and Millán, JDR., (2013). Transferring brain–computer interfaces beyond the laboratory: Successful application control for motor-disabled users. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 59 (2), 121-132
Book chapters (3)
Andrews, RJ., Sultana, M. and Perdikis, S., (2024). Neurotechnology: brain-machine interfaces, Medlink Neurology. Editors: Greene, J., . https://www.medlink.com/articles/neurotechnology-brain-computer-and-brain-machine-interfaces
Millán, JDR. and Perdikis, S., (2020). Brain–machine interfaces. In: Principles of Tissue Engineering. Elsevier. 1037- 1045. 9780128184226
Leeb, R., Chavarriaga, R., Perdikis, S., Iturrate, I. and Millan, JDR., (2015). Moving Brain-Controlled Devices Outside the Lab: Principles and Applications. In: Recent Progress in Brain and Cognitive Engineering. Editors: Lee, S-W., Bülthoff, H. and Müller, K-R., . Springer. 9401772398. 9789401772396
Conferences (39)
Perdikis, S., Bourban, F., Rouanne, V., Millán, JDR. and Leeb, R., Effects of data sample dependence on the evaluation of BCI performance
Perdikis, S., Noel, JP., Silva, M., Chatelle, C., Johr, J., Pincherle, A., Pignat, J-M., Millan, JDR., Serino, A. and Millan, JDR., EEG paradigms as a supplemental tool to behavioural assessments of DOC
Corbet, T., Iturrate, I., Pereira, M., Perdikis, S. and Millan, JDR., Importance of feedback modality for brain-machine interface performances
Perdikis, S., BCI-NMES therapy enhances effective connectivity in the damaged hemisphere in stroke patients
Leeb, R., Carlson, T., Perdikis, S., Tonin, L., Biasiucci, A. and Millan, JDR., Transferring BCI skills to successful application controls
Perdikis, S., Leeb, R. and Millan, JDR., Effects of adaptation intensity in motor imagery BCI.
Carlson, T., Tonin, L., Perdikis, S., Leeb, R. and Millan, JDR., A hybrid BCI for telepresence
Shaga, H., Perdikis, S., Millan, JDR. and Chavarriaga, R., Toward online detection of BCI performance Serafeim Perdikis, PhD5 degradation
Leeb, R., Molina, A., Al-Khodairy, A., Perdikis, S., Tonin, L., Carlson, T. and Millán, JDR., From BCI training to successful application control
Perdikis, S., Ramsay, A., Leeb, R., Williamson, J., Al-Khodairy, A., Murray- Smith, R. and Millán, JDR., Clinical evaluation of a hybrid-BCI text-entry system
Perdikis, S., Ramsay, A., Leeb, R., Murray-Smith, R. and Millán, JDR., Context-aware, semi-supervised adaptation for BCI
Perdikis, S., Tavella, M., Leeb, R., Chavarriaga, R. and Millan, JDR., A supervised recalibration protocol for unbiased BCI
Leeb, R., Al-Khodairy, A., Biasiucci, A., Perdikis, S., Tavella, M. and Millan, JDR., Are we ready? Issues in transferring BCI technology from experts to users
Tavella, M., Perdikis, S., Leeb, R. and Millan, JDR., Non-intentional control for asynchronous BCI: a statistical approach
Millán, JDR., Chavarriaga, R., Leeb, R., Perdikis, S., Tavella, M., Garipelli, G., Lew, E., Lostuzzo, M. and Tonin, L., BCI research at EPFL
Leeb, R., Perdikis, S., Tavella, M. and Millan, JDR., Multimodal fusion of muscle and brain activity for a hybrid-BCI
Perdikis, S., BCI for augmentingcommunication and control capabilities of disabled people
Perdikis, S., Leeb, R. and Millán, JDR., Feedback controller for mental imagery BCI
Leeb, R., Tavella, M., Perdikis, S. and Millán, JDR., Towards a hybrid-BCI: reliability dependent usage of either muscle or brain activity for a simple control task
Perdikis, S., Leeb, R., Liboni, N., Tangermann, M. and Millán, JDR., TOBI Project: BCI for enhancing communication and control capabilities of disabled people.
Stolz, J., Ralser, S., Bayer, MC., Craffonara, M., Ortelli, P., Ferrazzoli, D., Sebastianelli, L., Saltuari, L., Versace, V. and Perdikis, S., Functional electrical stimulation with assistive support driven by a Brain-Computer Interface on the upper limb rehabilitation of chronic stroke patients: preliminary single-center experience
Sultana, M., Reichert, C., Sweeney-Reed, C. and Perdikis, S., (2024). Towards calibration-less BCI-based rehabilitation
Halder, S., Matran-Fernandez, A., Nawaz, R., Lopes da Silva, M., Bertoni, T., Noel, J-P., Jöhr, J., Serino, A., Diserens, K., Scherer, R. and Perdikis, S., (2024). To repeat or not to repeat? Erp-based assessment of the level of consciousness - a case study
Sultana, M., Jain, O., Halder, S., Matran-Fernandez, A., Nawaz, R., Scherer, R., Chavarriaga, R., Millan, JDR. and Perdikis, S., (2024). Evaluating dry EEG technology out of the lab
Sultana, M., Gheorghe, L. and Perdikis, S., (2024). Assessing the impact of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on the enhancement of race driving skills
Amaunam, I., Schneider, C., Lopes da Silva, M., Johr, J., Diserens, K. and Perdikis, S., (2024). A discussion of statistical criteria for assessing awareness with SMR BCI after brain injury
Amaunam, I., Sultana, M., Rodriguez-Herreros, B., Tadi, T., Leeb, R. and Perdikis, S., (2024). EEG correlates of error-related activity during ballistic computer mouse movements
Sartzetaki, C., Antoniadis, P., Antonopoulos, N., Gkinis, I., Krasoulis, A., Perdikis, S. and Pitsikalis, V., (2024). Beyond Within-Subject Performance: A Multi-Dataset Study of Fine-Tuning in the EEG Domain
Sultana, M., Reichert, C., Sweeney-Reed, C. and Perdikis, S., (2023). Towards Calibration-Less BCI-Based Rehabilitation
Jin, Z., Bourban, F., Leeb, R. and Perdikis, S., (2022). Quantifying the impact and profiling functional EEG artifacts
Krueger, J., Krauth, R., Reichert, C., Perdikis, S., Vogt, S., Huchtemann, T., Durschmid, S., Sickert, A., Lamprecht, J., Huremovic, A., Gortler, M., Nasuto, SJ., Knight, RT., Hinrichs, H., Heinze, H-J., Lindquist, S., Sailer, M., Millan, JDR. and Sweeney-Reed, CM., (2022). Functional electrical stimulation driven by a brain–computer interface in acute and subacute stroke patients impacts beta power and long-range temporal correlation
Rodriguez-Herreros, B., Perdikis, S., Leeb, R., Serino, A. and Ionta, S., (2019). Neuromodulation of temporal dynamics in on-line visuomotor control by anodal HD-tDCS over the left intraparietal cortex
Schneider, C., Perdikis, S., Silva, M., Johr, J., Pincherle, A., Millan, JDR. and Diserens, K., (2018). Motor Attempt EEG Paradigm as a Diagnostic Tool for Disorders of Consciousness
Corbet, T., Iturrate, I., Pereira, M., Perdikis, S. and Millán, JDR., (2017). Sensory Threshold electrical stimulation enhances Classification of motor imagery.
Perdikis, S., Leeb, R. and Del R Millan, J., (2014). Subject-oriented training for motor imagery brain-computer interfaces
Carlson, T., Tonin, L., Perdikis, S., Leeb, R. and Del R Millan, J., (2013). A hybrid BCI for enhanced control of a telepresence robot
Quek, M., Boland, D., Williamson, J., Murray-Smith, R., Tavella, M., Perdikis, S., Schreuder, M. and Tangermann, M., (2011). Simulating the feel of brain-computer interfaces for design, development and social interaction
Tonin, L., Leeb, R., Tavella, M., Perdikis, S. and Millan, JDR., (2010). The role of shared-control in BCI-based telepresence
Perdikis, S., Tzovaras, D. and Strintzis, MG., (2008). Recognition of Human Actions using Layered Hidden Markov Models.
Reports and Papers (1)
Perdikis, S., Leeb, R., Chavarriaga, R. and Millán, JDR., (2015). Context-aware learning for finite mixture models
Scholarly Editions (1)
Perdikis, S., Tonin, L., Saeedi, S., Schneider, C. and Millan, JDR., The Cybathlon BCI race highlights mutual learning as the roadmap to translational non-invasive motor imagery BCI
Grants and funding
Developing and evaluating deep learning brain-computer interfaces in closed-loop
BCI consultancy for Cyborg Soloists research project
Royal Holloway, University to London
Study of Functional Electrical Stimulation with assistive support driven by a Brain-Computer Interface on the upper limb rehabilitation of chronic stroke patients.
Ospedale di Vipiteno
Neurotechnology-based monitoring and enhancement of race driving skills
NISSAN North America
Academic support hours:
Autumn term: Monday 12:00 - 13:00 in Zoom or office 5A.542 Tuesday 13:00 - 14:00 in Zoom or office 5A.542 Spring term: Teaching at the NWU campus, China