Dr Carlo Petrucci

c.petrucci@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874095
5NW.8.4, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Thursday 4-6pm on Zoom. Please email me to book an appointment.
Dr Carlo Petrucci joined the School of Law of University of Essex in September 2016. In October 2013 he took up the position of Research Associate atCardiff School of Law and Politics in the research project Law, Science and Interests in European policy-making (LASI), a research funded by the European Research Council and led by Prof. Stijn Smismans. Carlo holds a degree in law at the Università degli Studi di Milano. He conducted his postgraduate research studies at the University of Manchester and University of Birmingham. He was a Postgraduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Birmingham from 2009 to 2011 and a lecturer in EU law and EU competition law at Salford Law School in 2012 and 2013. My research interests range from EU law in general, especially EU policy-making, to market regulation, with particular reference to competition law. The areas of competition law I am mostly interested in are: competition law in the digital economy, co-operation agreements among competitors, private enforcement of competition law. Finally, I have started a thorough study of Brexit legislation (The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement). I am also interested in financial regulation (financial executives remuneration), political theory, philosophy of economics, and political science (public policy, scientific expertise, and epistemic communities in policy-making).
LLM, University of Manchester
MPhil, University of Manchester
PhD University of Birmingham
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Research interests
EU competition law, EU policy-making, EU internal market, market regulation.
Current research
Decision making process in EU competition law;
Online consultations in EU competition law (a paper to beco-authored with Professor Stijn Smismans);
The use of economic expertise within DG Comp, with a particular focus on the Chief Competition Economist.
Conferences and presentations
September 2017, European Consortium for Political Research 11th General Conference - Oslo
Oslo, Norway, 2017
March 2017, Ethics and Challenges in Chinese Financial Markets, School of Law, University of Essex
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2017
September 2016, European Consortium for Political Research 10th General Conference - Prague
Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
September 2016, The Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies 45th Annual Conference London.
London, United Kingdom, 2016
July 2016, European Consortium for Political Research 6th Biennial Conference on Regulatory Governance - Tilburg.
Tilburg, Netherlands, 2016
June 2016, European Consortium for Political Research The 8th Pan-European Conference on the European Union Trento.
Trento, Italy, 2016
November 2015, Irish Association of Law Teachers 2015 Annual Conference Galway.
Galway, Ireland, 2015
September 2015, The Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies 45th Annual Conference Bilbao.
Bilbao, Spain, 2015
September 2014, University of Cardiff New Directions in the Effective Enforcement of EU Law and Policy
Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2014
June 2014, University of Birmingham Reforming the EU: The Future of European Law and Policy IV
Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2014
June 2014, European Consortium for Political Research 7th Pan-European Conference on the European Union The Hague.
Leiden, Netherlands, 2014
Title of the paper: 'EU rules on remuneration of financial institutions' executives (Directive 2013/36): a public policy analysis'
June 2010, University of Birmingham, After Lisbon: The Future of European Law & Policy Conference on European Law & Policy in Context
Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2010
July 2008, University of Birmingham, After the First 50 Years: The Future of European Law and Policy
Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2008
May 2008, Osgoode Law School York University, Graduate Law Students Association Annual Conference Toronto.
Toronto, Canada, 2008
April 2007, Kings College London, International Graduate Legal Research Conference
London, United Kingdom, 2007
September 2006, CLaSF Conference, Competition Law Scholars Forum, eight workshop.
Title of the paper: ' The CJEU cases on the protection of the decision-making process - Regulation No 1049/2001'
Title of the paper: Court of Justice of the European Union and regulatory politics: public access to Impact Assessment
Title of the paper: 'Between politics and expertise: economics in DG Comp'
Title of the paper: The Chief Competition Economist in DG Comp: interactions and evidence
Title of the paper: Expertise in DG Comp: The Chief Competition Economist
Title of the paper: Input/output legitimacy in EU collective redress
Title of the paper: Consultation throughout the policy-cycle; lessons from EU competition policy online
Title of the paper: Collective redress in EU Competition Law: regulatory strategies and actors
Title of the paper: Subsidiarity and proportionality in the directive on damages actions for breach of EU competition law
Title of the paper: Impact assessment of damages actions for breach of EU competition law
Title of the paper: Damages claims for breach of European competition law: compensation for all?
Title of the paper: The limits of the extraterritorial application of domestic antitrust and the opportunities arising from international antitrust rules
Title of the paper: Global markets and antitrust: from co-operation to a minimum international antitrust standard
Title of the paper: The passing-on defence and the indirect purchaser standing in European competition law: a first map and possible options
Title of the paper: Broadening consumer welfare in the light of consumer protection law and protecting the competitive process from the buyer power: a test in the retail sector politics and expertise: economics in DG Comp'
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
French Administrative Law (LW206)
Legal Research Skills (LW254)
Law of the European Union (LW302)
Competition Law and Fundamentals of Digital Markets Regulation (LW343)
Legal Research (LW360)
Introduction to the Law of the European Union (LW430)
Competition Law and Fundamentals of Digital Markets Regulation (LW702)
Journal articles (5)
Petrucci, C., (2023). Self-preferencing in the EU: a legal and policy analysis of the Google Shopping case and the Digital Markets Act. Competition Law Journal. 22 (1), 18-29
Petrucci, C., (2021). The Commission’s Evaluation of the Financial Executives’ Remuneration Policy and the Amendments of Directive No 2019/878. European Business Law Review. 32 (6), 1039-1066
Petrucci, C., (2021). The Commission’s Evaluation of the Financial Executives’ Remuneration Policy and the Amendments of Directive No 2019/878. European Business Law Review. 32 (Issue 6), 1039-1066
Petrucci, C., (2019). Unequal representation of stakeholders in the Commission’s impact assessment process and the protection of the decision-making process. European Review of Public Law (ERPL). 31 (4)
Petrucci, C., (2017). Subsidiarity in Directive 2014/104 EU on damages actions for breach of EU competition law. European Public Law. 23 (2), 395-421
Book chapters (2)
Petrucci, C., (2016). Effective private enforcement of EU competition law: an input and output legitimacy analysis of collective redress. In: Effective Enforcement of EU Law and Policy. Editors: Drake, S. and Smith, M., . Edward Elgar. 231- 255. 9781784718688
Petrucci, C., (2010). Beyond Microsoft: An International Agreement on Abuse of Market Power?. In: Microsoft on Trial. Edward Elgar Publishing. 463- 486. 9781848442443
Academic support hours:
Thursday 4-6pm on Zoom. Please email me to book an appointment.