
Dr Andrew Priest

Senior Lecturer
School of Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr Andrew Priest
  • Email

  • Location

    6.129, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Wednesday, 9:30-10:30am Thursday, 1:30-2:30pm



As with so many people, history became my favourite subject because I had a great teacher. Because of her, I decided to study the subject at university and my plan was to focus on the Early Modern period but this didn't work out as expected because I became diverted by United States history. In my second year, I took a great module on the history of US foreign policy since 1890 again with an inspiring teacher and I was hooked, as I have been since. I studied history and American studies at the University of Birmingham, gaining my PhD in 2003. During this time I was also a Research Associate at the Centre for Studies in Security and Diplomacy at Birmingham. From 2003 I was a lecturer in International Politics at Aberystwyth University, leaving in 2013 to join the University of Essex. I have also been a Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University in Washington DC and an Eccles Fellow in North American Studies at the British Library. My main areas of research and teaching interest are the United States in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially foreign policy. I recently published Designs on Empire: America’s Rise to Power in the Age of European Imperialism (Columbia University Press, 2021) on the United States and the European empires of the late nineteenth century. This is an attempt to explain how American elites, especially Republicans who dominated policymaking after the Civil War, understood and reacted to empires and imperialism, and how these views affected their ideas about the role of the United States in the international system. I am also interested in the connections between domestic and foreign policies in the United States and have edited a book with Andrew Johnstone from the University of Leicester about US presidential elections and American foreign policy, which was published by the University Press of Kentucky in 2017.


  • B.A. History and American Studies, University of Birmingham 1996

  • Ph.D. American and Canadian Studies, University of Birmingham, 2003

Research and professional activities

Research interests

US foreign policy since c1860

Open to supervise

Public opinion and foreign policy

Open to supervise

Anglo-American relations

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • America and the World (CS261)

  • Rebellious Pasts: Challenging and Creating Histories (HR173)

  • The United States and the Vietnam War (HR394)

  • Making History, Sharing History: Sources, Methods, and Audiences for Historical Research (HR935)

  • Archives and Power (HR949)

  • Approaches to War, Culture and Society (HR962)

  • Research Project (HR831)

Previous supervision

Liam James Redfern
Liam James Redfern
Thesis title: Against the Grain: British Food Security Policy and Colonial Authority in South-East Asia 1945-1948
Degree subject: History
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/6/2024
Ryan Oliver Clarke
Ryan Oliver Clarke
Thesis title: Ngos and Strategic Resettlement During the Zimbabwean Liberation War (1972-1980).
Degree subject: History
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/8/2023
Claire Elizabeth Sims
Claire Elizabeth Sims
Thesis title: More Than Municipal Housekeepers: How Women’S Organisations Fought Environmental Inequalities in Chicago Circa 1890-1990.
Degree subject: History
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/7/2022


Journal articles (7)

Priest, A., (2015). Imperial Exchange: American views of the British Empire during the Civil War and Reconstruction. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. 16 (1)

Priest, A., (2014). Thinking about Empire: The Administration of Ulysses S. Grant, Spanish Colonialism and the Ten Years' War in Cuba. Journal of American Studies. 48 (2), 541-558

Priest, A., (2013). The Rhetoric of Revisionism: Presidential Rhetoric about the Vietnam War since 9/11. Presidential Studies Quarterly. 43 (3), 538-561

Priest, A., (2011). The President, the 'Theologians' and the Europeans: The Johnson Administration and NATO Nuclear Sharing. The International History Review. 33 (2), 257-275

Priest, A., (2009). From Saigon to Baghdad: The Vietnam Syndrome, the Iraq War and American Foreign Policy. Intelligence and National Security. 24 (1), 139-171

Priest, A., (2005). In American Hands: Britain, the United States and the Polaris Nuclear Project 1962?1968. Contemporary British History. 19 (3), 353-376

Priest, A., (2005). 'In Common Cause': The NATO Multilateral Force and the Mixed-Manning Demonstration on the USS Claude V. Ricketts, 1964-1965. The Journal of Military History. 69 (3), 759-788

Books (3)

Priest, A., (2021). Designs on Empire: America's Rise to Power in the Age of European Imperialism. Columbia University Press. 0231197454. 9780231197441

Johnstone, A. and Priest, A., (2017). US Presidential Elections and Foreign Policy: Candidates, Campaigns, and Global Politics from FDR to Bill Clinton. University Press of Kentucky. 978-0-8131-6905-7

Priest, A., (2006). Kennedy, Johnson and NATO: Britain, America and the Dynamics of Alliance, 1962-68. Routledge. 9780415385343

Book chapters (11)

Priest, A., (2025). Die Vereinigten Staaten and die Berliner Afrika-Konferenz. In: Die Berliner Afrika-Konferenz 1884/85: Impulse zu Einem Umstrittenen Globalen Ereignis. Editors: Afflerbach, H., Mangold-Will, S., Morgenster, U. and Scholtyseck, J., . Brill. 235- 255. 978-3-506-79736-0

Priest, A., (2019). Inside JFK’s White House: The Myth of John F. Kennedy and Thirteen Days (2000). In: Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media. Springer International Publishing. 277- 294. 9783319894072

Priest, A., (2017). Dealing with Defeat: Gerald R. Ford, Foreign Policy, and the 1976 Election. In: US Presidential Elections and Foreign Policy: Candidates, Campaigns, and Global Politics from FDR to Bill Clinton. Editors: Johnstone, A. and Priest, A., . University Press of Kentucky. 229- 249. 978-0-8131-6905-7

Priest, A., (2014). Making a Grand Alliance: Kennedy and Europe. In: A Companion to John F. Kennedy. Editors: Selverstone, MJ., . Wiley-Blackwell. 291- 306. 978-1-4443-5036-4

Priest, A., (2014). The Neustadt Model, Anglo-American Relations and the Suez Crisis. In: Les Occidentaux et la Crise de Suez: Une Relecture Politico-Militaire. Editors: Alexander, MS. and Vial, P., . Publications de la Sorbonne. 9782859447694

Priest, A., (2014). Europe. In: A Companion to John F. Kennedy. Wiley. 289- 306. 9781444350364

Priest, A., (2011). George W. Ball, the Multilateral Force and the Transatlantic Alliance. In: Atlantic, Euratlantic, or Europe-America? The Atlantic Community and Europe. Editors: Scott-Smith, G. and Aubourg, V., . Soleb. 172- 191. 9782918157007

Priest, A., (2011). The US War in Iraq: confronting the Vietnam Analogy. In: Challenging US Foreign Policy : America and the World in the Long Twentieth Century. Editors: Lucas, S. and Sewell, B., . Palgrave Macmillan. 225- 243. 9780230249899

Priest, A., (2010). Power to the People? American Public Opinion and the Vietnam War. In: The US Public and American Foreign Policy. Editors: Johnstone, A. and Laville, H., . Routledge. 41- 55. 9780415553155

Hughes, RG. and Priest, A., (2008). American and British Intelligence on South Vietnam, 1963. In: Exploring Intelligence Archives: Enquiries into the Secret State. Editors: Hughes, RG., Jackson, P. and SCott, L., . Routledge. 173- 212. 9781134270170

Priest, A., (2006). From Hardware to Software: The End of the MLF and the Rise of the Nuclear Planning Group. In: Transforming NATO in the Cold War: Challenges Beyond Deterrence in the 1960s. Editors: Wenger, A., Nuenlist, C. and Locher, A., . Routledge. 148- 161. 9780415397377



6.129, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Wednesday, 9:30-10:30am Thursday, 1:30-2:30pm

More about me