Prof Ramakrishnan Ramanathan

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Ramakrishnan (Ram) Ramanathan is a professor and is a member of Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship Group. Prior to joining Essex Business School, he worked at the University of Bedfordshire Business School and Nottingham University Business School. In the past, he has worked and taught in a number of countries, including the UK, Finland, the Netherlands, Oman and India. He has taught basic and advanced courses on Operations Management, Production Systems Management, Supply Chain Management, Optimization Theory, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Management Science, Business Statistics, Simulation, Energy and Environment, Energy and Environmental Economics, Energy and Transport Economics, and others. He is a Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK. He has served as an external examiner for taught programmes in 3 UK universities. Currently, he is an external examiner for undergraduate modules in Sussex Business School. Ram works extensively on various facets of operations management including the use of new digital technologies for improving productivity of organisations. He is interested in approaching operations management activities from an environmental sustainability point of view. Ram has research interests in the fields of e-Commerce, modelling methodologies and, qualitative & quantitative approaches. In terms of modelling, Ram’s interests lie in management science tools of linear programming, goal programming, data envelopment analysis, statistical tools (regression, structural equation modelling, etc.) and the analytic hierarchy process. Ram has successfully completed more than 47 research projects across the world generating more than £8 million from various funding bodies. His current major research projects include the following. More projects are listed in another tab in this page 1. Co-investigator, “Co-creation of Future Flight Ecosystems and Enterprise (CoFFEE)”, Proposal successful for the research grant Theme 4: Grant E - Future Flight Ecosystems and Enterprises, 2023-2024 Future Flight Challenge Social Science Grant programme, managed by the University of Birmingham, in collaboration with the ESRC and the UKRI’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF). £ 149,992.00, 14 months. January 2023. 2. Co-investigator, “Carbon Footprint Estimation with Technical Inputs from the Plant Sciences (CAFÉ-TIPS) - The personal carbon capture calculator,” proposal funded by BBSRC Impact Acceleration Account Commercial Accelerator Fund, November 2022-March 2023. £11,921.94 (exc VAT). Dr Adrian Clark from University of Essex Computer Science department is the Principal Investigator. Prof Tracy Lawson from Life Sciences is another co-investigator. 3. Co-investigator, “Commercializing machine learning to reduce food-waste at farms and shops,” proposal funded by BBSRC Impact Acceleration Account Commercial Accelerator Fund, November 2022-March 2023. £22,239.05 (exc VAT). Somdip Dey from University of Essex Computer Science department is the Principal Investigator. 4. Consultancy – “The Porter Hypothesis and Chemical Regulation”, project successful in securing DEFRA funding (evaluating the Porter Hypothesis in the UK Chemicals sector). £49,900. Led by the consultancy firm ICF Consulting Services Ltd., UK. September 2022 – March 2023. 5. Principal Investigator, “Improving Resource Efficiency of Agribusiness supply chains by Minimising waste using Big Data and Internet of Things sensors (REAMIT) (”, Project number 831 funded by the Interreg North West Europe (NWE), January 2019 - June 2023. Total budget for the project is nearly €5.73 million. The project is being carried out in Ireland, Germany, France, the UK and the Netherlands with support from six universities , 4 SMEs and a large logistics end-user More agribusiness end-users are being recruited during the implementation of the project. 6. KTP - Other academic, “Digitising, modernizing and embedding advanced analytic decision-making tools in the UK’s leading independent juice and spice purveyor”, a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) application funded by 2022-2023, round 1 to the Innovate UK. The participating SME is Gerald McDonald and Company Limited based in Basildon. September 2022 – August 2024 (24 months). Value: £190,183 7. Co-investigator, “Building Virtual Learning Platform for Environmentally-Friendly Digital Transformation Management (DigiVIP)”, funded by Erasmus+ Action: KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness, April 2021- March 2023. Value: €263,211. 8. Co-investigator, “Project Insight - Fruit Scouting Robot Validation and Integration into Supply-Chain”, funded by Farming Innovation Pathways (FIP) – industrial research - Innovate UK funding competition. January 2022 - December 2023. Value: £730,760. Project number: 1000465510004655. Ram recently completed the TAF project ( funded by the Newton Fund for improving productivity of artisanal fishing in Brazil using IoT sensors (nearly £100,000). Ram is on the editorial boards of several journals (e.g., the open access journal “Sustainability”) and is a member of Editorial Advisory Board, Oxford Research Encyclopaedia (ORE) - Business & Management by Oxford University Press ( He has featured in the technical/advisory committees of several international conferences in his field. He has so far supervised 17 PhD students & 4 MPhil students to successful completion, and examined 27 PhD theses & 2 Masters by Research theses submitted to various universities across the world. He is an assessor of funding applications submitted to Innovate UK. He was a member of ESRC Peer Review College in the UK and reviews applications submitted to various funding bodies. On a personal front, Ram enjoys Carnatic Indian classical music and reading about ancient Indian and British history.
PhD Indian Institute of Technology Madras, (1993)
M.Tech. Indian Institute of Technology Madras, (1988)
University of Essex
Director of MSc Business Analytics & Master of Business Management courses, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/11/2021 - present)
Other academic
Visiting Professor, Business School, Henan University (1/6/2017 - 31/5/2022)
Professor of Operations Management and Director of Business and Management Research Institute, Business School, University of Bedfordshire (1/9/2011 - 1/11/2021)
Associate Professor in Operations Management, Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham (1/1/2006 - 31/8/2011)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Operations and supply chain management
I am willing to supervise any suitable topic in the fields of operations management, supply chains and productivity improvement.
Environmental sustainability
Environmental sustainability
Making business sense of big data, the Internet of Things, and business analytics
Making business sense of big data, the Internet of Things, and business analytics
Agri-food supply chains especially for reducing food waste
Agri-food supply chains especially for reducing food waste
Research and applications of Operational Research Models
Research and applications of Operational Research Models including Analytic Hierarchy Process, Data Envelopment Analysis, Goal programming and Multi-Criteria Decision Making
Current research
Improving Resource Efficiency of Agribusiness supply chains by Minimising waste using Big Data and Internet of Things sensors (REAMIT)
I am the Principal Investigator of the REAMIT project funded by the Interreg North West Europe (NWE), January 2019 - June 2023. Nearly €5 Million. The project is being carried out in Ireland, Germany, France, the UK and the Netherlands with support from six universities (University of Bedfordshire - UK, University College Dublin - Ireland, Université de Nantes - France, Nottingham Trent University – UK, Ulster University - UK, and the Institute of Technology in Tralee, Ireland), 4 SMEs (Images & Réseaux - France, Levstone Ltd. – UK, Whysor – the Netherlands, SenX – France) and a large logistics end-user WD Meats (Northern Ireland) in the UK. More agribusiness end-users are being recruited during the implementation of the project.
Reducing food waste is of highest priority for the EU (88Mt or € 143B wasted per year). The EU has committed to halving food waste by 2030 by focusing on all stages in the supply chain. 35% of food waste in EU-28 has occurred in supply chains in 2012. Though technologies exist to reduce food waste, they have not been applied to food supply chains.
The REAMIT project is adapting and applying existing innovative digital technology tools (Internet of Things and Big Data) to food supply chains in NWE to reduce food waste and hence improve resource efficiency. Through testing and adaptation, these technologies are being enabled to continuously monitor and record food quality and signal potential food quality issues. Through analytics, owners of 'food to be at risk of becoming waste' will be provided with decision support options to minimise food waste including redistribution to nearby customers.
REAMIT project will save 1.8Mt of food waste or €3B per year in NWE, avoid 5.5Mt/yr of CO2 emissions, test and operationalise 8 solutions, and, support 20 enterprises. The technologies will be self-sustaining at the end of the project. They will be made available to the public via REAMIT website and social media. The long-term effects of REAMIT will be optimising (re)use of food and natural resources in NWE economies and a consortium capable of jointly addressing the challenges in food sector.
More information about this project
Project Insight - Fruit Scouting Robot Validation and Integration into Supply-Chain
The main objective of the project is to identify opportunities for using novel scouting robot among growers that would help improve revenues, productivity, move towards zero emissions through effective integration of supply chains, address labour shortages due to Brexit/the pandemic/aging population, and achieve wider economic, environmental and social benefits.
Implementing technology solutions for sustainable development of artisanal fisheries in Santa Catarina (TAF)
The TAF project was funded by the Newton Fund Institutional Links programme, The British Council. April 2018 – March 2020. Brazilian PI: Prof Jaoqim Manoel Monteiro Valverde (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Catarinense, Brazil), 2 co-investigators each from the UK and Brazil, six associated partners (one from the UK and five from Brazil). Value: £99,902.
The project achieved the following aims in spite of the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic: (i) improve capacity of Brazilian partner in supporting sustainability of artisanal fisheries (AFs), (ii) implement a new technology, and (iii) develop documents to train local stakeholders on the use of chosen technology.
More information about this project
Leeds Children’s Services: Reimagining child welfare services for the 21st century
I was a co-investigator of this project, funded by Department for Education - Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme/ Partners in Practice. £374,681. My role involved evaluating cost-benefit analysis of the services.
Data-driven agri-food supply chains for sustainability and productivity: A case in Henan Province, China
I was a co-investigator of the project funded by the STFC Food Network+ (SFN) Collaborative Scoping call. £8,000.
Building Virtual Learning Platform for Environmentally-Friendly Digital Transformation Management (DigiVIP)
The project intends to develop a curriculum at MSc level in order to train individuals which are demanded by the labour market with high-level digital skills. It has the following intellectual outputs.
• Developing a digital transformation management curriculum module at MSc level and accrediting this module among partner universities
• To design an e-learning platform and define module content, training materials and learning outcomes,
• Identifying good practices in the field of green digital transformation for the industry,
• Developing virtual and augmented reality applications for experiencing digital tools (3d printer, IoT, Rfid etc.), and integrating these tools into the training module.
• To ensure continuous improvement in the project process with "webinar trainings" in the field of digital transformation management.
More information about this project
Exploratory study to understand the feasibility of AI driven psychometric tool in UK higher education
Exploratory study to understand the feasibility of AI driven psychometric tool in UK higher education for OLT ERP Ltd. (Innovation Voucher)
The transformative role of digital technologies for resilience in Fresh Food supply chains in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
To explore how Fresh Food supply chains (FFSC) have been affected due to the restrictions placed during the multiple COVID- 19 lockdowns. To explore ways in which digital technologies (DT) have helped to transform and improve resilience in FFSCs during and after the restrictions. Specifically, to identify best practices in FFSCs that used digital technologies to help monitor food quality and keep running their businesses during the lockdown
Understanding Commercialisation Potential of Embedded Machine Learning Technology to Help in Achieving Net Zero Emissions
Bringing a promising Machine learning based technology in smartphones and laptops that has potential to reduce energy consumption and improve reliability closer to market
More information about this project
Developing an Interdisciplinary Framework to Combat Food Waste in the UK Aquaculture Supply Chain
Investigate the need to reduce food waste based on technology, accounting and policy perspectives
Conferences and presentations
Some uses of DEA in measuring and supporting reduction of food waste
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 13th International Conference on Decisions and Data Envelopment Analysis, Iranian DEA Society,, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 27/10/2021
Annual Conference of the Logistics Research Network, 2021, Logistics Research Network, Corby, United Kingdom, 8/9/2021
Improving Efficiency and Sustainability of Agribusiness Supply Chains using Internet of Things sensors and Big Data Analytics
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2021), Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Pandey, Joint Head - Amity School of Engineering & Technology,, Noida, India, 26/8/2021
Uses of DEA in measuring and reducing food waste
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, International Workshop on Recent Advancements in Data Envelopment Analysis and Applications, Pilāni, India, 10/7/2021
An optimisation model for cost effective integration of transportation network design with quality control to reduce fresh food wastage
Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) 2021 (05 - 07 Jul 2021), Online conference,, Brighton, United Kingdom, 6/7/2021
Big data and IoT in Food Supply Chain Management – Cases for reducing food waste
Invited presentation, Webinar organised by the Operations Research Society of India, Webinar, Bengaluru, India, 12/6/2021
Improving Resources Efficiency of Agribusiness supply chains by Minimizing waste using Internet of Things sensors
Invited presentation, Internet of Food Things (IoFT) Network Lunchtime talk, Online, Internet of Food Things (IoFT) Network, Lincoln, United Kingdom, 22/1/2021
Journal articles (120)
Ramanathan, U., Ramanathan, R., Balakrishnan, AS. and Hermens, I., (2025). The link between sustainability initiatives at firm and supply chain levels: The mediating role of involvement of partners. Sustainable Development. 33 (1), 1284-1297
Li, R. and Ramanathan, R., (2024). The interactive effect of environmental penalties and environmental subsidies on corporate environmental innovation: Is more better or worse?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 200, 123193-123193
Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U., Pelc, K. and Hermens, I., (2024). How Do Existing Organizational Theories Help in Understanding the Responses of Food Companies for Reducing Food Waste?. Sustainability. 16 (4), 1534-1534
Arhavbarien, J., Duan, Y. and Ramanathan, R., (2024). An investigation of antecedents and consequences of green value internalisation among sampled UK enterprises. Journal of Environmental Management. 365, 121501-121501
Eze, J., Duan, Y., Eze, E., Ramanathan, R. and Ajmal, T., (2024). Machine learning-based optimal temperature management model for safety and quality control of perishable food supply chain. Scientific Reports. 14 (1), 27228-
Li, R., Ramanathan, R. and Xu, G., (2023). The impact of penalties for environmental violations on corporate environmental responsibility. Sustainable Development. 31 (3), 1343-1363
Gillespie, J., da Costa, TPD., Cama-Moncunill, X., Cadden, T., Condell, J., Cowderoy, T., Ramsey, E., Murphy, F., Kull, M., Gallagher, R. and Ramanathan, R., (2023). Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Cold Chain Transportation Using IoT Technology. Sustainability. 15 (3), 2255-2255
Al-Tamimi, M., Azure, JD-C. and Ramanathan, R., (2023). Corporate Reporting on Food Waste by UK Seafood Companies: Literature Review and an Assessment of Current Practices. Sustainability. 15 (2), 1213-1213
Costa, TPD., Gillespie, J., Pelc, K., Shenker, N., Weaver, G., Ramanathan, R. and Murphy, F., (2023). An Organisational-Life Cycle Assessment Approach for Internet of Things Technologies Implementation in a Human Milk Bank. Sustainability. 15 (2), 1137-1137
Ramanathan, R., Duan, Y., Ajmal, T., Pelc, K., Gillespie, J., Ahmadzadeh, S., Condell, J., Hermens, I. and Ramanathan, U., (2023). Motivations and Challenges for Food Companies in Using IoT Sensors for Reducing Food Waste: Some Insights and a Road Map for the Future. Sustainability. 15 (2), 1665-1665
Ramanathan, R., Duan, Y., Valverde, J., Van Ransbeeck, S., Ajmal, T. and Valverde, S., (2023). Using IoT Sensor Technologies to Reduce Waste and Improve Sustainability in Artisanal Fish Farming in Southern Brazil. Sustainability. 15 (3), 2078-2078
Ahmadzadeh, S., Ajmal, T., Ramanathan, R. and Duan, Y., (2023). A Comprehensive Review on Food Waste Reduction Based on IoT and Big Data Technologies. Sustainability. 15 (4), 3482-3482
Maiyar, LM., Ramanathan, R., Roy, I. and Ramanathan, U., (2023). A Decision Support Model for Cost-Effective Choice of Temperature-Controlled Transport of Fresh Food. Sustainability. 15 (8), 6821-6821
Ramanathan, U., Aluko, O. and Ramanathan, R., (2022). Supply chain resilience and business responses to disruptions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Benchmarking. 29 (7), 2275-2290
Li, R., Xu, G. and Ramanathan, R., (2022). The impact of environmental investments on green innovation: An integration of factors that increase or decrease uncertainty. Business Strategy and the Environment. 31 (7), 3388-3405
Ramanathan, U., Ramanathan, R., Adefisan, A., Da Costa, T., Cama-Moncunill, X. and Samriya, G., (2022). Adapting Digital Technologies to Reduce Food Waste and Improve Operational Efficiency of a Frozen Food Company—The Case of Yumchop Foods in the UK. Sustainability. 14 (24), 16614-16614
Dib, OH., Assaf, A., Pean, A., Durand, M-J., Jouanneau, S., Ramanathan, R. and Thouand, G., (2022). Raman Spectroscopy: Toward a Portable Food Quality-Warning System. Sustainability. 15 (1), 188-188
da Costa, TP., Gillespie, J., Pelc, K., Adefisan, A., Adefisan, M., Ramanathan, R. and Murphy, F., (2022). Life Cycle Assessment Tool for Food Supply Chain Environmental Evaluation. Sustainability. 15 (1), 718-718
da Costa, TP., Gillespie, J., Cama-Moncunill, X., Ward, S., Condell, J., Ramanathan, R. and Murphy, F., (2022). A Systematic Review of Real-Time Monitoring Technologies and Its Potential Application to Reduce Food Loss and Waste: Key Elements of Food Supply Chains and IoT Technologies. Sustainability. 15 (1), 614-614
Ramanathan, U., Pelc, K., da Costa, TP., Ramanathan, R. and Shenker, N., (2022). A Case Study of Human Milk Banking with Focus on the Role of IoT Sensor Technology. Sustainability. 15 (1), 243-243
Mathirajan, M., Suba, P. and Ramanathan, R., (2021). Location of depots and allocation of buses to depots in urban road transport organisations: A mathematical model and greedy heuristic algorithm. International Journal of Operational Research. 40 (4), 411-436
Mathirajan, M., Devadas, R. and Ramanathan, R., (2021). Transport analytics in action: A cloud-based decision support system for efficient city bus transportation. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences. 42 (2), 371-416
Li, R. and Ramanathan, R., (2020). Can environmental investments benefit environmental performance? The moderating roles of institutional environment and foreign direct investment. Business Strategy and the Environment. 29 (8), 3385-3398
Li, M., Zhang, J., Ramanathan, R. and Li, R., (2020). Opening the Black Box: The Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Technological Innovation.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (12), 4365-4365
He, Q., Gallear, D., Ghobadian, A. and Ramanathan, R., (2019). Managing knowledge in supply chains: a catalyst to triple bottom line sustainability. Production Planning & Control. 30 (5-6), 448-463
Subramanian, N. and Ramanathan, R., (2019). A heuristics approach for computing the largest eigenvalue of a pairwise comparison matrix. International Journal of Operational Research. 34 (4), 524-524
Ramanathan, R., (2018). Understanding Complexity: the Curvilinear Relationship Between Environmental Performance and Firm Performance. Journal of Business Ethics. 149 (2), 383-393
Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U. and Bentley, Y., (2018). The debate on flexibility of environmental regulations, innovation capabilities and financial performance – A novel use of DEA. Omega. 75, 131-138
Li, R. and Ramanathan, R., (2018). Impacts of Industrial Heterogeneity and Technical Innovation on the Relationship between Environmental Performance and Financial Performance. Sustainability. 10 (5), 1653-1653
Li, R. and Ramanathan, R., (2018). Exploring the relationships between different types of environmental regulations and environmental performance: Evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 196, 1329-1340
Yu, W., Ramanathan, R., Wang, X. and Yang, J., (2018). Operations capability, productivity and business performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 118 (1), 126-143
Ramanathan, R., Philpott, E., Duan, Y. and Cao, G., (2017). Adoption of business analytics and impact on performance: a qualitative study in retail. Production Planning & Control. 28 (11-12), 985-998
Ramanathan, R., He, Q., Black, A., Ghobadian, A. and Gallear, D., (2017). Environmental regulations, innovation and firm performance: A revisit of the Porter hypothesis. Journal of Cleaner Production. 155, 79-92
Yu, W., Ramanathan, R. and Nath, P., (2017). Environmental pressures and performance: An analysis of the roles of environmental innovation strategy and marketing capability. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 117, 160-169
Ramanathan, R. and Ramanathan, U., (2016). A new rational IPA and application to cruise tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 61, 264-267
Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U. and Zhang, Y., (2016). Linking operations, marketing and environmental capabilities and diversification to hotel performance: A data envelopment analysis approach. International Journal of Production Economics. 176, 111-122
Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R., (2016). Environmental management practices and environmental performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 116 (6), 1201-1222
Nath, P. and Ramanathan, R., (2016). Environmental management practices, environmental technology portfolio, and environmental commitment: A content analytic approach for UK manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics. 171, 427-437
Poorkavoos, M., Duan, Y., Edwards, JS. and Ramanathan, R., (2016). Identifying the configurational paths to innovation in SMEs: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. Journal of Business Research. 69 (12), 5843-5854
Ramanathan, R., Di, Y. and Ramanathan, U., (2016). Moderating roles of customer characteristics on the link between service factors and satisfaction in a buffet restaurant. Benchmarking: An International Journal. 23 (2), 469-486
Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R., (2015). An empirical examination of stakeholder pressures, green operations practices and environmental performance. International Journal of Production Research. 53 (21), 6390-6407
Ramanathan, R., Poomkaew, B. and Nath, P., (2014). The impact of organizational pressures on environmental performance of firms. Business Ethics: A European Review. 23 (2), 169-182
Yu, W., Ramanathan, R. and Nath, P., (2014). The impacts of marketing and operations capabilities on financial performance in the UK retail sector: A resource-based perspective. Industrial Marketing Management. 43 (1), 25-31
Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U. and Ko, LWL., (2014). Adoption of RFID technologies in UK logistics: Moderating roles of size, barcode experience and government support. Expert Systems with Applications. 41 (1), 230-236
Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R., (2013). Business environment, employee competencies and operations strategy: anempirical study of retail firms in China. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 24 (2), 231-252
Ramanathan, U. and Ramanathan, R., (2013). Investigating the impact of resource capabilities on customer loyalty: a structural equation approach for the UK hotels using online ratings. Journal of Services Marketing. 27 (5), 404-415
Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U. and Hsiao, H-L., (2012). The impact of e-commerce on Taiwanese SMEs: Marketing and operations effects. International Journal of Production Economics. 140 (2), 934-943
Subramanian, N. and Ramanathan, R., (2012). A review of applications of Analytic Hierarchy Process in operations management. International Journal of Production Economics. 138 (2), 215-241
Ramanathan, R., (2012). An exploratory study of marketing, physical and people related performance criteria in hotels. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 24 (1), 44-61
Ramanathan, R., (2012). A mathematical programming model for estimating the importance levels of performance criteria and an application in e-commerce. Expert Systems with Applications. 39 (2), 2067-2072
Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R., (2012). Managing strategic business relationships in retail operations: evidence from China. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 24 (3), 372-393
Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R., (2012). Retail service quality, corporate image and behavioural intentions: the mediating effects of customer satisfaction. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. 22 (5), 485-505
Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R., (2012). The effects of employee competencies and IT applications on operations strategy: an empirical study of retail firms in China. Measuring Business Excellence. 16 (1), 3-20
Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R., (2012). Effects of business environment on international retail operations: case study evidence from China. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 40 (3), 218-234
Ramanathan, U. and Ramanathan, R., (2011). Guests' perceptions on factors influencing customer loyalty. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 23 (1), 7-25
Ramanathan, R., (2011). An empirical analysis on the influence of risk on relationships between handling of product returns and customer loyalty in E-commerce. International Journal of Production Economics. 130 (2), 255-261
Ramanathan, R. and Ramanathan, U., (2011). A performance measurement framework combining DEA and balanced scorecard for the UK health sector. International Journal of Operational Research. 12 (3), 257-257
Ramanathan, R., (2011). An empirical analysis on the impact of risk on customer loyalty in electronic commerce. International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 9 (2), 183-183
Zhu, JC., Ramanathan, R. and Ramanathan, U., (2011). Measuring Service Quality using SERVQUAL and AHP: an application to a Chinese IT company and comparison. International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 8 (4), 418-418
Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R., (2011). Effects of firm characteristics on the link between business environment and operations strategy: evidence from China's retail sector. International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 9 (3), 330-330
Ramanathan, U. and Ramanathan, R., (2011). An investigation into rank reversal properties of the multiplicative AHP. International Journal of Operational Research. 11 (1), 54-54
Ramanathan, R. and Karpuzcu, H., (2011). Comparing perceived and expected service using an AHP model: an application to measure service quality of a company engaged in pharmaceutical distribution. OPSEARCH. 48 (2), 136-152
Ramanathan, R., (2010). E-commerce success criteria: determining which criteria count most. Electronic Commerce Research. 10 (2), 191-208
Ramanathan, R., (2010). The moderating roles of risk and efficiency on the relationship between logistics performance and customer loyalty in e-commerce. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 46 (6), 950-962
Ramanathan, R. and Ramanathan, U., (2010). A qualitative perspective to deriving weights from pairwise comparison matrices. Omega. 38 (3-4), 228-232
Ramanathan, R., Black, A., Nath, P. and Muyldermans, L., (2010). Impact of environmental regulations on innovation and performance in the UK industrial sector. Management Decision. 48 (10), 1493-1513
Nath, P., Nachiappan, S. and Ramanathan, R., (2010). The impact of marketing capability, operations capability and diversification strategy on performance: A resource-based view. Industrial Marketing Management. 39 (2), 317-329
RAMANATHAN, R. and YUNFENG, J., (2009). Incorporating cost and environmental factors in quality function deployment using data envelopment analysis☆. Omega. 37 (3), 711-723
Ramanathan, R., (2009). Estimating relative attractiveness of locations using data envelopment analysis. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling. 1 (1), 99-99
Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R., (2009). An assessment of operational efficiency of retail firms in China. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 16 (2), 109-122
Ramanathan, R., (2008). An assessment of operations of oil-exporting countries in terms of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 35 (1), 58-58
Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R., (2008). An assessment of operational efficiencies in the UK retail sector. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 36 (11), 861-882
MacCarthy, BL. and Ramanathan, R., (2007). Recent developments in operations strategy, supply chain design and production systems—Selected papers from the 18th International Conference on Production Research. International Journal of Production Economics. 110 (1-2), 1-4
Ramanathan, R., (2007). Supplier selection problem: integrating DEA with the approaches of total cost of ownership and AHP. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 12 (4), 258-261
Mathirajan, M. and Ramanathan, R., (2007). A (0–1) goal programming model for scheduling the tour of a marketing executive. European Journal of Operational Research. 179 (2), 554-566
Ramanathan, R., (2007). Editorial. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management. 2 (4), 343-344
Ramanathan, R., (2007). An analysis of indian rural energy and agricultural scenarios using data envelopment analysis. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management. 13 (1), 65-73
Ramanathan, R., (2007). Performance of banks in countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 56 (2), 137-154
Ramanathan, R., (2006). ABC inventory classification with multiple-criteria using weighted linear optimization. Computers & Operations Research. 33 (3), 695-700
Ramanathan, R. and Subramanian, G., (2006). A Study of the Patterns of Production and Consumption of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products in the Sultanate of Oman. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy. 1 (1), 37-53
Ramanathan, R., (2006). A multi-factor efficiency perspective to the relationships among world GDP, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 73 (5), 483-494
Ramanathan, R., (2006). Data envelopment analysis for weight derivation and aggregation in the analytic hierarchy process. Computers & Operations Research. 33 (5), 1289-1307
Ramanathan, R., (2006). Evaluating the comparative performance of countries of the Middle East and North Africa: A DEA application. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 40 (2), 156-167
Ramanathan, R., (2006). Stocking and discounting decisions for perishable commodities using expected profit approach. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 34 (2), 172-184
Ramanathan, R., (2005). Selecting the best statistical distribution—a comment and a suggestion on multi-criterion evaluation. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 49 (4), 625-628
RAMANATHAN, R., (2005). An analysis of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Energy. 30 (15), 2831-2842
Ramanathan, R., (2005). Estimating energy consumption of transport modes in India using DEA and application to energy and environmental policy. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 56 (6), 732-737
Ramanathan, R., (2005). Operations assessment of hospitals in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 25 (1), 39-54
Ramanathan, R., (2004). Business excellence of industrial groups in Oman. Measuring Business Excellence. 8 (4), 34-44
Salo, A., Gustafsson, T. and Ramanathan, R., (2003). Multicriteria methods for technology foresight. Journal of Forecasting. 22 (2-3), 235-255
Ramanathan, R. and Subramanian, G., (2003). Elasticities of gasoline demand in the Sultanate of Oman. Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy. 13 (2), 105-113
Ramanathan, R., (2002). Successful transfer of environmentally sound technologies for greenhouse gas mitigation: a framework for matching the needs of developing countries. Ecological Economics. 42 (1-2), 117-129
Ramanathan, R., (2002). Combining indicators of energy consumption and CO<SUB align=right>2 emissions: a cross-country comparison. International Journal of Global Energy Issues. 17 (3), 214-214
Ramanathan, R., (2001). A note on the use of the analytic hierarchy process for environmental impact assessment. Journal of Environmental Management. 63 (1), 27-35
Ramanathan, R., (2001). The long-run behaviour of transport performance in India: a cointegration approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 35 (4), 309-320
Ramanathan, R., (2001). Comparative Risk Assessment of energy supply technologies: a Data Envelopment Analysis approach. Energy. 26 (2), 197-203
Ramanathan, R., (2000). Link between population and number of vehicles. Cities. 17 (4), 263-269
Ramanathan, R., (2000). A holistic approach to compare energy efficiencies of different transport modes. Energy Policy. 28 (11), 743-747
Ramanathan, R., (1999). Short- and long-run elasticities of gasoline demand in India: An empirical analysis using cointegration techniques. Energy Economics. 21 (4), 321-330
RAMANATHAN, R., (1999). Selection of appropriate greenhouse gas mitigation options. Global Environmental Change. 9 (3), 203-210
Parikh, JK. and Ramanathan, R., (1999). Linkages among energy, agriculture and environment in rural India. Energy Economics. 21 (6), 561-585
Ramanathan, R. and Parikh, JK., (1999). Transport sector in India: an analysis in the context of sustainable development. Transport Policy. 6 (1), 35-45
Ramanathan, R., (1998). Development of Indian passenger transport. Energy. 23 (5), 429-430
Ramanathan, R., (1998). A multicriteria methodology for global negotiations on climate change. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews). 28 (4), 541-548
Chattopadhyay, D. and Ramanathan, R., (1998). A new approach to evaluate generation capacity bids. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 13 (4), 1232-1237
Ramanathan, R. and Geetha, S., (1998). Socio-economic impact assessment of industrial projects in India. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 16 (1), 27-32
Ramanathan, R., (1997). Stochastic decision making using multiplicative AHP. European Journal of Operational Research. 97 (3), 543-549
RAMANATHAN, R., (1997). A note on the use of goal programming for the multiplicative AHP. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 6 (5), 296-307
RAMANATHAN, R., (1996). Indian Transport Sector: Energy and Environmental Implications. Energy Sources. 18 (7), 791-805
Ramanathan, R. and Ganesh, LS., (1995). Using AHP for resource allocation problems. European Journal of Operational Research. 80 (2), 410-417
Ramanathan, R. and Ganesh, LS., (1995). Energy resource allocation incorporating qualitative and quantitative criteria: An integrated model using goal programming and AHP. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 29 (3), 197-218
Ramanathan, R. and Ganesh, LS., (1995). Energy alternatives for lighting in households: An evaluation using an integrated goal programming-AHP model. Energy. 20 (1), 63-72
Ramanathan, R. and Sudhakara Reddy, B., (1995). Conservation and deferral potentials of demand side management programmes: A case study. International Journal of Energy Research. 19 (6), 493-505
RAMANATHAN, R. and GANESH, LS., (1995). A Multiobjective Evaluation of Energy Alternatives for Water Pumping in Urban Households. Energy Sources. 17 (2), 223-239
Ramanathan, R., (1995). Rural energy planning incorporating energy and agricultural interactions. RERIC International Energy Journal. 17 (1), 73-81
KOUNDINYA, S., CHATTOPADHYAY, D. and RAMANATHAN, R., (1995). Incorporating Qualitative Objectives in Integrated Resource Planning: Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process and Compromise Programming. Energy Sources. 17 (5), 565-581
Ramanathan, R. and Ganesh, LS., (1994). A multi-objective analysis of cooking-energy alternatives. Energy. 19 (4), 469-478
Ramanathan, R. and Ganesh, LS., (1994). Group preference aggregation methods employed in AHP: An evaluation and an intrinsic process for deriving members' weightages. European Journal of Operational Research. 79 (2), 249-265
Ramanathan, R. and Ganesh, LS., (1994). A multi-objective evaluation of decentralized electricity generation options available to urban households. Energy Conversion and Management. 35 (8), 661-670
Ramanathan, R. and Ganesh, LS., (1993). A multiobjective programming approach to energy resource allocation problems. International Journal of Energy Research. 17 (2), 105-119
Books (6)
(2020). Sustainable Supply Chains: Strategies, Issues, and Models. Springer International Publishing. 3030488764. 9783030488758
Ramanathan, U. and Ramanathan, R., (2020). Preface
(2017). Big Data Analytics Using Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Models. CRC Press
(2014). Supply Chain Strategies, Issues and Models. Springer London. 9781447153511
Ramanathan, R., (2004). Indian Transport Towards the New Millennium Performance, Analysis, and Policy. Concept Publishing Company. 8180690784. 9788180690785
Ramanathan, R., (2003). An Introduction to Data Envelopment Analysis A Tool for Performance Measurement. SAGE. 0761997601. 9780761997603
Book chapters (14)
Liao, C., Parker, CJ., Parkhurst, G., Oldziejewska, M., Uddin, M. and Ramanathan, R., (2025). Sustainable Future Flight Business Models: Motivations and Barriers. In: Lecture Notes in Mobility. Springer Nature Switzerland. 363- 369. 9783031855771
Maiyar, LM., Ramanathan, R., Swamy, SLBN. and Ramanathan, U., (2023). Fighting Food Waste: How Can Artificial Intelligence and Analytics Help?. In: Innovation Analytics. WORLD SCIENTIFIC (EUROPE). 171- 189. 9781800610002
Ramanathan, U. and Ramanathan, R., (2021). Information Sharing and Business Analytics in Global Supply Chains. In: International Encyclopedia of Transportation. Elsevier. 71- 75. 9780081026724
Ramanathan, R., Ko, LWL., Chen, H. and Ramanathan, U., (2020). A Study on Green Characteristics of RFID using Innovation Diffusion Theory. In: Information Diffusion Management and Knowledge Sharing. IGI Global. 1- 12
Ramanathan, R., Philpott, E., Ramanathan, U. and Duan, Y., (2020). A Framework for the Application of Industry 4.0 in Logistics and Supply Chains. In: Sustainable Supply Chains: Strategies, Issues, and Models. Springer International Publishing. 51- 74. 9783030488758
Nath, P. and Ramanathan, R., (2020). Impact of Environmental Initiatives on Environmental Performances: Evidence From the UK Manufacturing Sector. In: Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials. Elsevier. 408- 413. 9780128131961
Ramanathan, R., (2019). Flexibility of Environmental Regulations and the Impact on Operations Innovation. In: Operations Management and Sustainability. Springer International Publishing. 27- 42. 9783319932118
Kumar, UD., Pradhan, M. and Ramanathan, R., (2017). Basics of analytics and big data. In: Big Data Analytics Using Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Models. 67- 86
Ramanathan, R., (2017). Use of DEA for studying the link between environmental and manufacturing performance. In: Big Data Analytics Using Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Models. 303- 313
Ramanathan, R., Ravindran, AR. and Mathirajan, M., (2017). Multi-criteria decision making: An overview and a comparative discussion. In: Big Data Analytics Using Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Models. 21- 66
Ramanathan, R., Ko, LWL., Chen, H. and Ramanathan, U., (2015). Green Characteristics of RFID Technologies. In: Advances in E-Business Research. IGI Global. 156- 178
Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U. and Ko, LWL., (2015). An Analysis of the Diffusion of RFID in the UK Logistics Sector Using a Technology-Acceptance Perspective. In: Advances in E-Business Research. IGI Global. 247- 259
Ramanathan, R., George, J. and Ramanathan, U., (2014). The Role of Logistics in E-commerce Transactions: An Exploratory Study of Customer Feedback and Risk. In: Supply Chain Strategies, Issues and Models. Springer London. 221- 233. 9781447153511
(2003). India and Global Climate Change. In: India and Global Climate Change: Perspectives on Economics and Policy from a Developing Country. Editors: Michael A. Toman, . Routledge. 195- 216
Conferences (8)
Arhavbarien, J., Ramanathan, R. and Duan, Y., 2022 Online POMS Annual Conference
Arhavbarien, J., Ramanathan, R. and Duan, Y., Green Supply Chain Management: An investigation of firm level antecedents of Green Value Internalisation
Arhavbarien, J., Ramanathan, R. and Duan, Y., An Examination of Antecedents of Green Value Internalisation for Firm-Level Supply Chain Collaboration
Kaul, A., Gupta, A., Aggarwal, S., Jha, PC. and Ramanathan, R., (2021). Optimal Duration of Integrated Segment Specific and Mass Promotion Activities for Durable Technology Products: A Differential Evolution Approach
Ramanathan, R., Duan, Y., Ajmal, T., Dong, F., Ransbeeck, SV., Valverde, JMM. and Valverde, SB., (2019). IoT sensors in aquaculture-barriers and facilitators for sustainability in Brazilian context
Ramanathan, R., Subramanian, G. and Chaudhuri, D., (2010). Quantitative Assessment of Stakeholder Perceptions for Tourism Development
Nachiappan, S. and Ramanathan, R., (2008). Robust decision making using Data Envelopment Analytic Hierarchy Process
Other (1)
Ramanathan, R., (2023).Written evidence submitted by the REAMIT project and the University of Essex to the Environmental Audit Committee's inquiry, Environmental Change and Food Security. Written evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee's inquiry, Environmental Change and Food Security,Environmental Audit Committee's inquiry, Environmental Change and Food Security
Grants and funding
The Porter Hypothesis and Chemical Regulation
ICF Consulting Services Limited
EPC Improvements KTP Application (June 2022 submisison)
EPC Improvements Ltd
Exploratory study to understand the feasibility of AI driven psychometric tool in UK higher education
REAMIT - Improving Resource Efficiency of Agribusiness supply chains by Minimising waste using Big Data and Internet of Things sensors
European Commission
The transformative role of digital technologies for resilience in Fresh Food supply chains in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
University of Essex
Project insight - Fruit Scouting Robot Commercialisation and Integration into Supply-Chain
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
EPC Improvements KTP Application (June 2022 submisison)
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
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