Professor Abdellah Salhi

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 873022
STEM 5.34, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
9:00am to 5:00pm, except when teaching or in meetings.
Past PhD Students Dr Paschal Nyiam Dr Syed Ghufran Dr Nassim Brahimi Dr Dhia Kadhem Dr Rewayda Razaq Abo AlSabah Dr Irem Birsen Selamoglu Dr Muhammad Sulaiman Dr Maharani Maharani Dr Ghazwan Mahmood AlSoufi Dr Jose Antonio Vazquez Rodriguez Dr Horacio Camacho Hernandez Dr Muhammad Yousaf Dr Muhammad Farooq Dr Rasheeda Adeeb Khanum Dr Abdelhak Kheniche Dr Christopher Taylor Dr Adam Woodhouse Dr Hamed Oladire Bisira
PhD Aston University,
BSc University of Constantine,
Other academic
Professor, Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex (1997 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Optimisation Mathematical Programming and Heuristics (Evolutionary Computing, Nature-inspired Algorithms, the Strawberry Algorithm)
Numerical Analysis Data Mining (Big Data) Bioinformatics
Current research
Linked with the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering.
Member of the Evolutionary Computation Group.
PI on the KTP TSB funded project on Labour Scheduling in Container Ports with Qingfu Zhang, Xinan Yang. Dr Ali Shaghaghi is the Research Assistant on the project; Tom Corkhill and Stephen Peck are the Port of Felixstowe links.
PI on the TSB funded project on Re-imaginng the Town Centre: Smart Town Centre with Vania Sena (EBS), Ken Guild, and Jeff Guild. Liang Wang is the Research Assistant on the project.
PI on TSB funded project Optimum Pollination with Honeybees in collaboration with Andrew Lewis of SimulSys ltd.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Combinatorial Optimisation (MA306)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Statistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/11/2020

Degree subject: Mathematics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2019

Degree subject: Operational Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/6/2019

Degree subject: Operational Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/2/2019

Degree subject: Applied Mathematics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/8/2018

Degree subject: Operational Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/1/2018

Degree subject: Mathematics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/12/2017

Degree subject: Operational Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/8/2017

Degree subject: Operational Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2017

Degree subject: Mathematics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/12/2015

Degree subject: Mathematics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/4/2015
Journal articles (75)
Alsoufi, G., Yang, X. and Salhi, A., An evolutionary approach to solving a new integrated quay crane assignment and quay crane scheduling mathematical model. European Journal of Operational Research
Yang, X., Salhi, A., Moghadam, AM., Nguyen, TT. and Pourhejazy, P., (2025). A Multi-Objective Approach for the Integrated Planning of Drone and Robot Assisted Truck Operations in Last-Mile Delivery. Expert Systems With Applications. 269, 126434-126434
Pratama, DA., Bakar, MA., Roslan, UAM., Surono, S. and Salhi, A., (2024). Numerical solutions of sea turtle population dynamics model by using restarting strategy of PINN-Adam. Results in Applied Mathematics. 22, 100457-100457
Mawengkang, H., Syahputra, MR., Sutarman, S. and Salhi, A., (2024). A Non-Linear Optimization Model for the Multi-Depot Multi-Supplier Vehicle Routing Problem with Relaxed Time Windows. Vehicles. 6 (3), 1482-1495
Abo-Alsabeh, RR., Cheraitia, M. and Salhi, A., (2024). A Plant Propagation Algorithm for the Bin Packing Problem. JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science. 30 (8), 1008-1022
Salhi, A. and Nyiam, PB., (2023). Application of the Plant Propagation Algorithm and NSGA-II to Multiple Objective Linear Programming. Mathematics and Computer Science. 8 (1), 19-38
Abo-Alsabeh, RR., Daham, HA. and Salhi, A., (2023). On the maximum empty hyper-rectangle problem. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology. 17
Abo-Alsabeh, R., Daham, HA. and Salhi, A., (2023). A Heuristic Approach to the Consecutive Ones Submatrix Problem. Baghdad Science Journal. 20 (1), 0189-0189
Pratama, DA., Abo-Alsabeh, RR., Bakar, MA., Salhi, A. and Ibrahim, NF., (2023). Solving partial differential equations with hybridized physic-informed neural network and optimization approach: Incorporating genetic algorithms and L-BFGS for improved accuracy. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 77, 205-226
Mellal, MA. and Salhi, A., (2022). System reliability-redundancy allocation by the multiobjective plant propagation algorithm. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 39 (4), 902-909
Abo-Alsabeh, RR. and Salhi, A., (2022). The Genetic Algorithm: A study survey. Iraqi Journal of Science. 63 (3), 1215-1231
Yang, X., Salhi, A. and Daham, H., (2021). Combined Strip and Discharge Delivery of Containers in Heterogeneous Fleets with Time Windows. Computers and Operations Research. 127, 105141-105141
Bisira, H. and Salhi, A., (2021). Reshuffle minimisation to improve storage yard operations efficiency. Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology. 15, 174830262199401-174830262199401
Mellal, MA. and Salhi, A., (2021). Multi-objective System Design Optimization via PPA and a Fuzzy Method. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems. 23 (5), 1213-1221
Nyiam, PB. and Salhi, A., (2021). A Comparison of Benson’s Outer Approximation Algorithm with an Extended Version of Multiobjective Simplex Algorithm. Advances in Operations Research. 2021, 1-11
Nyiam, PB. and Salhi, A., (2021). On the simplex, interior-point and objective space approaches to multiobjective linear programming. Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology. 15, 1-20
Abo-Alsabeh, R. and Salhi, A., (2021). A Metaheuristic Approach to the C1S Problem. Iraqi Journal of Science. 62 (1), 218-227
Alsoufi, G., Zeidan, MA., Mohammed, LJ. and Salhi, A., (2021). A Robust Expected Makespan for Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Depending on Machine Failure Rate. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences. 6 (5), 1345-1360
Mellal, MA., Salhi, A. and Williams, EJ., (2020). Accelerated cuckoo optimization algorithm for the multi-objective welding process. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 42 (1)
Suparman, S., Salhi, A. and Rusiman, MS., (2020). Determining the Order of a Moving Average Model of Time Series Using Reversible Jump MCMC: A Comparison between Laplacian and Gaussian Noises. Mathematics and Statistics. 8 (6), 721-727
Salhi, A., Alsoufi, G. and Yang, X., (2019). An evolutionary approach to a combined mixed integer programming model of seaside operations as arise in container ports. Annals of Operations Research. 272 (1-2), 69-98
Cheraitia, M., Haddadi, S. and Salhi, A., (2019). Hybridising plant propagation and local search for uncapacitated exam scheduling problems. International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 32 (4), 450-450
Maharani, NA., Larasati, N., Salhi, A. and Khan, WM., (2019). Lanczos-type algorithms with embedded interpolation and extrapolation models for solving large-scale systems of linear equations. International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics. 10 (5), 429-442
Nyiam, PB. and Salhi, A., (2019). A comparative study of two key algorithms in multiple objective linear programming. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology. 13, 174830261987042-174830261987042
Alsoufi, G., Yang, X. and Salhi, A., (2018). Combined quay crane assignment and quay crane scheduling with crane inter-vessel movement and non-interference constraints. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 69 (3), 372-383
Haddadi, S., Guessoum, F., Cheraitia, M. and Salhi, A., (2018). A Two-Phase Heuristic for Set Covering. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research. 13 (1), 61-78
Sulaiman, M., Salhi, A., Khan, A., Muhammad, S. and Khan, W., (2018). On the Theoretical Analysis of the Plant Propagation Algorithms. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2018, 1-8
Brahimi, N., Salhi, A. and Ourbih-Tari, M., (2018). Convergence analysis of the plant propagation algorithm for continuous global optimization. RAIRO - Operations Research. 52 (2), 429-438
Maharani, M., Salhi, A. and Suharto, RA., (2018). Enhancing the Stability of Lanczos-type Algorithms by Embedding Interpolation and Extrapolation for the Solution of Systems of Linear Equations. Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences. 50 (2), 148-165
Maharani, M., Salhi, A., Mashwani, WK., Yeniay, O., Larasati, N. and Triyani, T., (2018). Solving Large Scale Systems Of Linear Equations with A Stabilized Lanczos-Type Algorithms Running On A Cloud Computing Platform. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. 47 (6), 1730-1741
Khan Mashwani, W., Salhi, A., Yeniay, O., Hussian, H. and Jan, MA., (2017). Hybrid non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with adaptive operators selection. Applied Soft Computing. 56, 1-18
Mashwani, WK., Salhi, A., Yeniay, O., Jan, MA. and Khanum, RA., (2017). Hybrid adaptive evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition. Applied Soft Computing. 57, 363-378
Brahimi, N., Salhi, A. and Ourbih-Tari, M., (2017). Drift analysis of ant colony optimization of stochastic linear pseudo-boolean functions. Operations Research Letters. 45 (4), 342-347
Taylor, C. and Salhi, A., (2017). On partitioning multivariate self-affine time series. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 21 (6), 845-862
Sulaiman, M., Salhi, A., Fraga, ES., Mashwani, WK. and Rashidi, MM., (2016). A Novel Plant Propagation Algorithm: Modifications and Implementation. Science International. 28 (1), 201-209
Mashwani, WK. and Salhi, A., (2016). Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on multimethod with dynamic resources allocation. Applied Soft Computing. 39, 292-309
Mashwani, WK., Salhi, A., Jan, MA., Sulaiman, M., Khanum, RA. and Algarni, A., (2016). Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Decomposition and Indicator Functions: State-of-the-art Survey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS. 7 (2), 583-593
Sulaiman, M. and Salhi, A., (2015). A Seed‐Based Plant Propagation Algorithm: The Feeding Station Model. The Scientific World Journal. 2015 (1), 904364-
Sulaiman, M., Salhi, A. and Fraga, ES., (2015). The Plant Propagation Algorithm: Modifications and Implementation. Science International. 28 (1), 201-209
Kheniche, A., Brahimi, N. and Salhi, A., (2015). A Deterministic Algorithm for Alpha-Numeric Sequence Comparison with Application to Protein Sequence Detection. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology. 9 (3), 323-338
Moula, N., Salhi, A., Touazi, L. and Philippe, FX., (2015). Greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production in rural area of Algeria, the case of Chemini (Kabylie). Livestock Research for Rural Development. 27 (10)
Maharani, M. and Salhi, A., (2015). Restarting from Specific Points to Cure Breakdown in Lanczos-type Algorithms. Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences. 47 (2), 167-184
Fraga, ES., Salhi, A., Zhang, D. and Papageorgiou, LG., (2015). Optimisation as a Tool for Gaining Insight: An Application to the Built Environment. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology. 9 (1), 13-26
Gözükizil, ÖF. and Salhi, A., (2015). New Travelling Wave Solutions of Two Nonlinear Physical Models by Using a Modified Tanh-Coth Method. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology. 9 (1), 1-12
Sulaiman, M. and Salhi, A., (2015). A Seed-based Plant Propagation Algorithm: The Feeding Station Model. The Scientific World Journal. 2015, 1-16
Khan, W., Salhi, A., Asif, M., Adeeb, R. and Sulaiman, M., (2015). Enhanced Version of Multi-algorithm Genetically Adaptive for Multiobjective optimization. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 6 (12), 279-287
Mashwani, WK., Salhi, A., Jan, MA., Khanum, RA. and Sulaiman, M., (2015). Impact analysis of crossovers in a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Science International. 27 (6), 4943-4956
Alsoufi, G., Yang, X. and Salhi, A., (2015). A combined Mixed Integer Programming model of seaside operations arising in container ports. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
Ullah, Z., Farooq, M. and Salhi, A., (2015). A19/B6: A new Lanczos-type algorithm and its implementation. Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics. 11 (1), 106-122
Farooq, M. and Salhi, A., (2014). A Switching Approach to Avoid Breakdown in Lanczos-Type Algorithms. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. 8 (5), 2161-2169
Sulaiman, M., Salhi, A., Selamoglu, BI. and Kirikchi, OB., (2014). A Plant Propagation Algorithm for Constrained Engineering Optimisation Problems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2014 (1), 1-10
Farooq, M. and Salhi, A., (2014). A New Lanczos-Type Algorithm for Systems of Linear Equations. Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics. 10 (1), 104-119
Mashwani, WK. and Salhi, A., (2014). Multiobjective memetic algorithm based on decomposition. Applied Soft Computing. 21, 221-243
Salhi, A. and Vázquez Rodríguez, JA., (2014). Tailoring hyper-heuristics to specific instances of a scheduling problem using affinity and competence functions. Memetic Computing. 6 (2), 77-84
Farooq, M. and Salhi, A., (2013). A preemptive restarting approach to beating the inherent instability of Lanczos-type algorithms. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSACTION A-SCIENCE. 37 (A3), 349-358
Moula, N., Tandiang D, M., Salhi, A., Farnir, F., Antoine-Mo, N. and Leroy, P., (2013). Egg Production Performance of the Local Kabyle Hen and its Crossbreeds with ISA-Brown Strain in Semi-Intensive Conditions. International Journal of Poultry Science. 12 (3), 148-152
Farooq, M. and Salhi, A., (2013). A preemptive restarting approach to beating the inherent instability of Lanczos-type algorithms. Iranian Journal of Science & Technology. 37 (3.1), 349-358
Khan Mashwani, W. and Salhi, A., (2012). A decomposition-based hybrid multiobjective evolutionary algorithm with dynamic resource allocation. Applied Soft Computing. 12 (9), 2765-2780
Farooq, M. and Salhi, A., (2012). New recurrence relationships between orthogonal polynomials which lead to new Lanczos-type algorithms. Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics. 8, 61-75
Kheniche, A., Salhi, A., Harrison, A. and Dowden, JM., (2010). A Deterministic DNA Database Search. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 680, 371-378
Salhi, A. and Pattas, E., (2010). An Evolutionary Approach to Linear Programming. International Journal of Optimization: Theory, Methods and Applications. 2 (2), 138-149
Rodríguez, JAV. and Salhi, A., (2007). A Robust Meta-Hyper-Heuristic Approach to Hybrid Flow-Shop Scheduling. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 49, 125-142
Wang, K., Salhi, A. and Fraga, ES., (2004). Process design optimisation using embedded hybrid visualisation and data analysis techniques within a genetic algorithm optimisation framework. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. 43 (5), 657-669
Fraga, ES., Wang, K. and Salhi, A., (2003). Interactivity and Automated Process Design. Chemical Engineering & Technology. 26 (8), 823-827
Wang, K., Salhi, A. and Fraga, ES., (2003). Cluster analysis and visualisation enhanced genetic algorithm. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 15 (C), 642-647
Wang, K., Salhi, A. and Fraga, ES., (2002). Cluster identification using a Parallel Co-ordinate System for knowledge discovery and nonlinear optimization. EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING - 12. 10 (C), 1003-1008
Proll, LG., Salhi, A. and Rios Insua, D., (2001). Improving an optimization‐based framework for sensitivity analysis in multi‐criteria decision‐making. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 10 (1), 1-9
Salhi, A., Proll, LG., Rios Insua, D. and Martin, JI., (2000). Expériences with Stochastic Algorithms fir a class of Constrained Global Optimisation Problems. RAIRO - Operations Research. 34 (2), 183-197
Salhi, A., Glaser, H. and De Roure, D., (1998). Parallel implementation of a genetic-programming based tool for symbolic regression. Information Processing Letters. 66 (6), 299-307
Insua, DR., Martin, J., Proll, L., French, S. and Salhi, A., (1997). Sensitivity analysis in statistical decision theory: A decision analytic view. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 57 (1-4), 197-218
Proll, LG. and Salhi, A., (1994). A note on a maximum distance problem. Computers & Operations Research. 21 (10), 1069-1072
Salhi, A., Horst, R. and Tuy, H., (1994). Global Optimization: Deterministic Approaches (2nd Edition).. The Journal of the Operational Research Society. 45 (5), 595-595
Proll, LG., Rios Insua, D. and Salhi, A., (1993). Mathematical programming and the sensitivity of multi-criteria decisions. Annals of Operations Research. 43 (2), 109-122
Salhi, A. and Lindfield, GR., (1991). Effects of ordering and updating techniques on the performance of the Karmarkar algorithm. RAIRO - Operations Research. 25 (2), 209-235
Book chapters (9)
Fraga, ES., Salhi, A. and Talbi, E-G., (2018). On the Impact of Representation and Algorithm Selection for Optimisation in Process Design: Motivating a Meta-Heuristic Framework. In: Recent Developments in Metaheuristics. Editors: Amodeo, L., Talbi, EG. and Yalaoui, F., . Springer. 141- 149. 978-3-319-58253-5
Selamoğlu, BI., Salhi, A. and Sulaiman, M., (2018). Strip Algorithms as an Efficient Way to Initialise Population-Based Metaheuristics. In: Recent Developments in Metaheuristics. Editors: Amodeo, L., Talbi, EG. and Yalaoui, F., . Springer. 319- 331. 978-3-319-58253-5
Alsoufi, G., Yang, X. and Salhi, A., (2016). Robust Berth Allocation Using a Hybrid Approach Combining Branch-and-Cut and the Genetic Algorithm. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing. 187- 201. 9783319396354
Selamoğlu, Bİ. and Salhi, A., (2016). The Plant Propagation Algorithm for Discrete Optimisation: The Case of the Travelling Salesman Problem. In: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer International Publishing. 43- 61. 9783319302331
Sulaiman, M. and Salhi, A., (2016). A Hybridisation of Runner-Based and Seed-Based Plant Propagation Algorithms. In: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer International Publishing. 195- 215. 9783319302331
Salhi, A., Lausen, B., Rohmatul, F., Baeshen, M. and Töreyen, Ö., (2010). A game theory framework for clustering. In: Proceedings of the 6th IMT-GT Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and its Applications (ICMSA2010). Editors: Goh, KY., . Wiley. 552- 564. 978-983-41743-3-0
Salhi, A. and T�reyen, (2010). A Game Theory-Based Multi-Agent System for Expensive Optimisation Problems. In: Computational Intelligence in Optimization Applications and Implementations. Editors: Tenne, Y. and Goh, C., . Springer Verlag. 211- 232. 9783642127748
Salhi, A., (2010). The Ultimate Solution Approach to Intractable Problems. In: Proceedings of the 6th IMT-GT Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and its Applications (ICMSA2010). Editors: Goh, KY., . Wiley. 84- 93. 978-983-41743-3-0
Khuhro, Z., Naureen, F. and Salhi, A., (2009). Allocation of extra components to ki-out-of-mi subsystems using the NPI method. In: 2009 2nd International Conference on Computer, Control and Communication. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 1- 6. 9781424433131
Conferences (20)
Woodhouse, A. and Salhi, A., Construction of an Axiomatic Basis for Error Analysis in Origami
Niewenhuis, D., Salhi, A. and van den Berg, D., (2024). Making Hard(er) Benchmark Functions: Genetic Programming
Abo-Alsabeh, R., Daham, HA. and Salhi, A., (2021). An Evolutionary Approach for Solving the Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Estimator Problem
Salhi, A., Mellal, MA., García Márquez, FP., Xu, J., García Márquez, FP., Ali Hassan, MH., Duca, G., Hajiyev, A. and Altiparmak, F., (2021). System Availability and Cost Optimization Under Failure Dependencies by Flower Pollination and Plant Propagation Algorithms
Abo-Alsabeh, R. and Salhi, A., (2020). An Evolutionary Approach to Constructing the Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Containing a Set of Points and the Maximum Volume Ellipsoid Embedded in a Set of Points
Bakar, MA. and Salhi, A., (2019). RMEIEMLA : The recent advance in improving the robustness of Lanczos-type algorithms
Salhi, A., (2019). A data privacy preservation approach and a case study in data analytics
Salhi, A. and Fraga, ES., (2011). Nature-Inspired Optimisation Approaches and the New Plant Propagation Algorithm
Toreyen, O. and Salhi, A., (2010). Solving a practical clustering problem via GTMAS
Khuhro, Z-U-A., Naureen, F. and Salhi, A., (2009). Allocation of extra components to k<inf>i</inf>-out-of-m<inf>i</inf> subsystems using the NPI method
Kheniche, A., Salhi, A., Harrison, A. and Dowden, JM., (2008). A deterministic algorithm for DNA sequence comparison
Salhi, A., Rodríguez, JAV. and Zhang, Q., (2007). An estimation of distribution algorithm with guided mutation for a complex flow shop scheduling problem
Vazquez Rodriguez, JA., Petrovic, S. and Salhi, A., (2007). An investigation of hyper-heuristic search spaces
Rodríguez, JAV. and Salhi, A., (2005). Performance of Single Stage Representation Genetic Algorithms in scheduling Flexible Flow Shops
Camacho, JH., Salhi, A. and Zhang, Q., (2005). A Graph Theoretic Approach to Key Equivalence
Rodríguez, JAV. and Salhi, A., (2005). Radial Search: A Simple Solution Approach to Hard Combinatorial Problems
Markose, S., Tsang, E., Hakan Er and Salhi, A., (2001). Evolutionary arbitrage for FTSE-100 index options and futures
Markose, S., Tsang, E., Er, H. and Salhi, A., (2001). Evolutionary arbitrage for FTSE-100 index options and futures
Reports and Papers (1)
Ullah, S., Farooq, M. and Salhi, A., (2014). An alternative derivation of a new Lanczos-type algorithm for systems of linear equations
Other (1)
Salhi, A., (2012).Explaining the Mpemba effect,University of Essex
Grants and funding
Pole Star Space Applications Limited KTP 22_23 R3 - KTP Application
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Pole Star Space Applications Limited KTP 22_23 R3 - KTP Application
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
The project will improve efficiencies of the system, customer demand and control the price in real time.
Ocado Technology
To develop a predictive, self-learning model for automotive warranty expenditure with reference to a broad range of drivers ranging from product quality to dealer and customer behaviour.
MSX International
The Smart Town Centre Project
Technology STrategy Board
Smart Data Analytics for Business and Local Government
Economic & Social Research Council
Optimum Labour Scheduling in Container Ports - 50%
Technology STrategy Board
Optimum Labour Scheduling in Container Ports - 50%
Hutchison Ports (UK) Limited
Academic support hours:
9:00am to 5:00pm, except when teaching or in meetings.