
Dr Ina Shaw

Reader (R)
School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences
Dr Ina Shaw
  • Email

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    +44 (0) 1206 873846

  • Location

    ESA.3.22, Colchester Campus



Ina Shaw is currently the President of the International Physical Activity Projects (IPAP), a Co-director of the Non-Communicable Disease Intervention Research Unit (NCDIRU), and Visiting Professor, and Director of the Clinical Exercise and Rehabilitation Cluster (CERC) at the University of Essex. Prior to this, she was a Professor at the University of Zululand, Head of Physical Wellness Research at MMI Holdings, Head of Research and Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor: Research (acting) at Monash South Africa (Campus of Monash University, Australia), and Associate Professor at the Vaal University of Technology. In addition, she has held previous honorary appointments as Professor Extraordinaire at the Tshwane University of Technology, Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Venda. To support health promotion and curbing the expansion of non-communicable disease (NCD), Ina’s research focus has addressed the restriction of these diseases in various populations through physical activity. Since NCD afflicts all levels of society, she has strived to develop physical activity programmes that are suitable in an array of clinical and non-clinical settings and populations. In addition to her numerous scientific publications, she is a regularly invited contributor to popular press publications and has been profiled in the national and international media for her work. Her research has also been featured on international radio programmes and in magazines such as Woman’s World® (USA), Prevention® (USA), Runner’s World® (USA), and Muscle and Fitness® (USA) In addition to her contributions to the Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), a publication of UNESCO, her research has been utilised to bring about significant impactful changes in medical and life insurance systems.


  • Adv Dip (Higher Education) University of the Free State,

  • PhD (Biokinetics) University of Johannesburg,

  • MPhil (Biokinetics) Rand Afrikaans University,

  • BHons (Biokinetics) Rand Afrikaans University,

  • BA (Humanities) Rand Afrikaans University,


University of Essex

  • Director: Clinical Exercise & Rehabilitation Research Cluster (CERC), University of Essex (1/9/2022 - present)

Other academic

  • Professor (Full), Human Movement Science, University of Zululand (1/4/2018 - 3/4/2022)

  • Adjunct Professor (Full), University of Venda (1/9/2013 - 31/8/2018)

  • Visiting Professor (Full), University of Johannesburg (1/11/2013 - 28/2/2018)

  • Head of Research and Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor: Research (acting), Monash South Africa (Campus of Monash University, Australia) (1/5/2011 - 31/7/2015)

  • Professor Extraordinaire, Tshwane University of Technology (1/6/2011 - 31/12/2014)

  • Professor (Associate), Vaal University of Technology (1/1/2004 - 30/4/2011)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Mind Body Exercise and Community Non-Communicable Disease Prevention

Prepare a grant for a project looking at mind-body exercise and its impact on interoception and disease.

Conferences and presentations

Effects of high-intensity interval training and continuous aerobic training on health-fitness, health related quality of life, and psychological measures in college-aged smokers

2nd International Forum on Public Health and Health Care Management, 7/9/2023

Boys and girls differ in track and field performance before puberty

2023 Annual American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Meeting, 31/5/2023

Concurrent aerobic plus resistance exercise versus aerobic exercise alone to improve total and intra-abdominal visceral fat mass

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Primary Healthcare and Medicare Summit, Paris, France, 2/11/2022

Visual abilities distinguish level of play in rugby

International Festival of Sports Exercise and Medicine Conference, 30/9/2022

Factors affecting vision and visio-spatial intelligence (VSI) in sport

2nd Ophthalmology and Eye Diseases Summit, 21/9/2022

Comparison of Running Performance between Division and Sex in NCAA Outdoor Track Running Championships 2010-2019

69th Annual American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Meeting, 3/6/2022

Effects of Resistance Exercise Modalities on Chest Expansion, Spirometry and Cardiorespiratory fitness in Untrained Smokers

69th Annual American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Meeting, 2/6/2022

Analysis of physiological determinants during a single bout of German Volume Training

69th Annual American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Meeting, Indianapolis, United States, 1/6/2022

Comparison of Running Performance Between Division and Sex in NCAA Outdoor Track Running Championships 2010-2019.

Northland Regional Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, 8/4/2022

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Professional Skills and Development 1 (SE101)

  • Anatomy and Physiology for Sport (SE111)

  • Professional Skills 2 (SE201)

  • Exercise Physiology (SE203)

  • Strength and Conditioning: Application and Theory (SE210)

  • Evaluation of Sports and Exercise Injuries (SE218)

  • Research Project (SE309)

  • Research Project (SE318)

  • Exercise Prescription (SE337)

  • Applied Physiology (SE735)

  • Research Project (SE740)

  • Research Project (SE777)

  • Physical Activity, Nutrition and Cardio-Metabolic Disease (SE336)

  • Dietary and Body Composition Assessment (SE779)

  • Strength and Conditioning (SE307)


Publications (2)

Dube, A., Shaw, I., Mathunjwa, ML. and Shaw, BS., (2025). Impact of Traditional Dance and Games on Cardiovascular Health: A Scoping Review of Outcomes Across Diverse Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Mahmoudzadeh, A., Nakhostin Ansari, N., Naghdi, S., Sadeghi-Demneh, E., Motamedzadeh, O., Shaw, BS., Shariat, A. and Shaw, I., (2019). Effect of Ankle Plantar Flexor Spasticity Level on Balance in Patients With Stroke: Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study (Preprint)

Journal articles (112)

Hlasho, TSH., Mathunjwa, ML., Shaw, I. and Shaw, B., Past, Present, and Future of Judo in South Africa: A Narrative Revie. American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research. 23 (4)

Hlasho, T., Mathunjwa, M., Shaw, B. and Shaw, I., Effects of Apartheid Legacy on South African Judo: A Sys-tematic Review. American Journal of Sports Science. 12 (4), 53-60

Saeed Ali, H., Khanmohammadi, R., Arabameri, E., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., The Effect of Baduanjin Qigong on Impact of Disease and Sleep Quality in Elderly Fibromyalgia Patients. Elderly Health Journal

Dube, A., Shaw, I., Mathunjwa, M. and Shaw, B., Impact of Traditional Dance and Games on Cardiovascular Health: A Scoping Review of Outcomes Across Diverse Low- and Middle-Income Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 22 (440), 440-440

Brown, GA., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2025). Sex‐based differences in swimming performance in 10‐years‐old‐and‐under athletes in short course national competition. European Journal of Sport Science. 25 (1), e12237-

Brown, GA., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2025). Sex‐based differences in shot put, javelin throw, and long jump in 8‐and‐under and 9–10‐year‐old athletes. European Journal of Sport Science. 25 (1), e12241-

Hlasho, TS., Mathunjwa, ML., Shaw, B. and Shaw, I., (2025). Factors Affecting Recruitment and Retention of Different Race Groups in Judo South Africa. Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences. 6 (1), 098-106

Shaw, B., Breukelman, G., Millard, L., Moran, J., Sandercock, G. and Shaw, I., (2024). Maximal aerobic exercise and acute visual performance in females: Implications for concussion side-line testing. Journal of Optometry. 17 (4), 100515-100515

Moran, J., Sandercock, G., Shaw, BS., Freeman, P., Kerr, C. and Shaw, I., (2024). The relationship between modifiable lifestyle behaviours and self-reported health in children and adolescents in the United Kingdom.. PLoS One. 19 (5), e0303575-e0303575

Saeed Ali, H., Khanmohammadi, R., Arabameri, E., Shaw, I. and Shaw, B., (2024). The Effect of Baduanjin Qigong on Lower Limb Strength and Balance in Elderly Patients with Fibromyalgia. The Neuroscience Journal of Shefaye Khatam. 12 (2), 42-55

Moselakgomo, TJ., Muluvhu, TC., Phaswana, M., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2024). Cardiorespiratory Fitness Is Not Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Firefighters: A Cross-Sectional Study in South African Firefighters. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 21 (9), 1239-1239

Mathunjwa, ML., Shandu, NM., Ndwandwe, K., Shongwe, N., Linda, N., Elumalai, V., Syed, K., Avramov, D., Shaw, I. and Shaw, B., (2024). Nutrition and Academic Success: Exploring the Vital Link for University Students. American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research. 22 (6)

Gisour, BB., Ghayour Najafabadi, M., Zandi, HG. and Shaw, I., (2024). Using teleconsultation for health aspects of computer-based workers in the new normal situation (post COVID-19) of the world.. Work. 77 (4), 1071-1074

Brown, G., Shaw, B. and Shaw, I., (2024). Sex‐based differences in track running distances of 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1500m in the 8 and under and 9–10‐year‐old age groups. European Journal of Sport Science. 24 (2), 217-225

Hlasho, T., Mathunjwa, M., Shaw, B. and Shaw, I., (2024). A Systematic Review of the History of Judo in South Africa: Implications for the Future. Open Public Health Journal. 17

Mathunjwa, M., Nduduzo, S., Schoeman, H., Linda, N., Linda, N., Nkwanyana, S., Mkhasibe, G., Joubert, A., Ndwandwe, K., Pillay, Z., Mkhwanazi, N., Avramov, D., Shaw, I. and Shaw, B., (2024). The Need for Community-Centered Intervention Strategies on Promoting Health Living in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in South Africa. Medical Research Archives. 12 (12)

Hlasho, T., Mathunjwa, ML., Shaw, B. and Shaw, I., (2024). PERCIEVED BARRIERS AND FACILITATORS TO JUDO PARTICIPATION IN SOUTH AFRICAN MEN AND WOMEN. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. 11 (12), h134-h145

Nduduzo, S., Mathunjwa, M., Shaw, B. and Shaw, I., (2023). Effects of high-intensity interval training on health-fitness, health related quality of life, and psychological measures in college-aged smokers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 23 (1), 200-209

Mathunjwa, M., Shaw, I., Moran, J., Sandercock, GR., Brown, GA. and Shaw, BS., (2023). Implementation of a Community-Based Mind-Body (Tae-Bo) Physical Activity Programme on Health-Related Physical Fitness in Rural Black Overweight and Obese Women with Manifest Risk Factors for Multimorbidity.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 (15), 6463-6463

Shariat, A., Maleklou, F., Noormohammadpour, P., Nahand, MS., Shaw, I., Ghannadi, S. and Cleland, JA., (2023). Lipoma as Potential Delayed Side Effect of Anabolic Steroids Abuse in an Athlete. Asian journal of Sports Medicine. 14 (3), e135737-

Shandu, NM., Mathunjwa, ML., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2023). Exercise Effects on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL), Muscular Function, Cardiorespiratory Function, and Body Composition in Smokers: A Narrative Review.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 (19), 6813-6813

Waterworth, S., Kerr, C., McManus, C., Chung, H., Shaw, B., Shaw, I. and Sandercock, G., (2023). Four-year longitudinal associations of physical activity, waist circumference, and blood pressure in UK adolescents.. Pediatric Research. 95 (3), 736-743

Faraji, S., Najafabadi, MG., Zandi, HG. and Shaw, I., (2023). Effect of aquatic therapy on motor skill and executive function in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. 45 (2), 17-27

Ferreira, S., Lategan, L., Shaw, B. and Shaw, I., (2023). Gender and limb effects on adult normative data for the Biodex Balance System. Kinesiology. 55 (2), 222-227

Najafabadi, MG., Shariat, A., Anastasio, AT., Khah, AS., Shaw, I. and Kavianpour, M., (2023). Wheelchair basketball, health, competitive analysis, and performance advantage: a review of theory and evidence.. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation. 19 (4), 208-218

Shaw, BS., Jan Breukelman, G., Millard, L. and Shaw, I., (2022). Effect of a Prolonged Maximal Bout of Exercise on Visual Performance. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 13 (1)

Gisour, BB., Najafabadi, MG., Gharayagh Zandi, H. and Shaw, I., (2022). Effect Of Mental Imagery And Physical Exercise On Musculoskeletal Pain And Quality Of Life Among Office Workers: A Commentary. Russian Open Medical Journal. 11 (1)

Babazadeh-Zavieh, SS., Ansari, NN., Ghotbi, N., Naghdi, S., Jafar Haeri, SM., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2022). Effects of dry needling and exercise therapy on post-stroke spasticity and motor function- protocol of randomized clinical trial.. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 28, 100921-100921

Millard, L., Breukelman, G., Nonkululeko, M., Shaw, I. and Shaw, B., (2022). A review of the essential visual skills required for soccer: Beyond 20–20 optometry. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 4, 965195-

Abdelkader, M., Hammami, R., Drury, B., Clark, N., Sandercock, G., Shaw, I., Shaw, B., Gaied Chortane, S. and Moran, J., (2022). A randomised controlled trial of 1- versus 2-day per week formats of Nordic hamstring training on explosive athletic tasks in prepubertal soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 40 (19), 2173-2181

Shaw, BS., Breukelman, G., Millard, L., Moran, J., Brown, G. and Shaw, I., (2022). Effects of a maximal cycling all-out anaerobic test on visual performance.. Clinical and Experimental Optometry. 106 (7), 777-782

Shandu, NM., Mathunjwa, ML., Shaw, B. and Shaw, I., (2022). Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training and Continuous Aerobic Training on Health-Fitness, Health Related Quality of Life, and Psychological Measures in College-Aged Smokers.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 (1), 653-653

Shaw, BS., Lloyd, R., Da Silva, M., Coetzee, D., Moran, J., Waterworth, SPW., Mathunjwa, ML. and Shaw, I., (2022). German volume training for health promotion: Acute vasopressor, pulmonary and metabolic responses.. Frontiers in Physiology. 13, 1025017-

Shariat, A., Ghayour Najafabadi, M., Soroush Fard, Z., Nakhostin-Ansari, A. and Shaw, BS., (2022). A systematic review with meta-analysis on balance, fatigue, and motor function following aquatic therapy in patients with multiple sclerosis.. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 68, 104107-104107

Shariat, A., Ghayour Najafabadi, M., Ghannadi, S., Nakhostin-Ansari, A., Hakakzadeh, A., Shaw, BS., Ingle, L. and Cleland, JA., (2022). Effects of aquatic therapy on balance in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Geriatric Medicine. 13 (2), 381-393

Breukelman, GJ., Shaw, BS., Basson, AK., Djarova, TG., Millard, L. and Shaw, I., (2021). Immune function response following a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet (LCHFD) in patients with type 2 diabetes. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 12 (1), 1-11

Breukelman, GJ., Basson, AK., Djarova, TG., Shaw, BS., du Preez, CJ. and Shaw, I., (2021). Establishing a proof of concept for the effects of low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet (LCHFD) and physical activity on body composition in type 2 diabetes.. Heliyon. 7 (2), e06266-e06266

Millard, L., Shaw, I., Breukelman, GJ. and Shaw, BS., (2021). Visio-spatial skills in athletes: comparison of rugby players and non-athletes. Sport Sciences for Health. 17 (1), 137-143

Lewis Mathunjwa, M., Djarova, T., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2021). Effects of Four Weeks of Concurrent Taekwondo Plus Resistance Training on Post-exercise Blood Biomarkers of Physiological Stress in Previously-Trained Individuals. Asian journal of Sports Medicine. 12 (4)

Shaw, I., Turner, S., McCrorie, C., Schnetler, A. and Shaw, BS., (2021). Reductions in Cardiopulmonary Disease Risk Following Calisthenic Concurrent Aerobic and Resistance Training in Young Adults in a Low Resource Setting. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 12 (1), 1-6

Shaw, I., E Boshoff, V., Coetzee, S. and Shaw, BS., (2021). Efficacy of Home-Based Callisthenic Resistance Training on Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Overweight Compared to Normal Weight Preadolescents. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 12 (1), 1-5

Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2021). Resistance Training as a Countermeasure for Key Non-communicable Diseases in Low-Resource Settings: A Review. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 12 (1), 1-8

Shaw, BS., Turner, S. and Shaw, I., (2021). Comparison of Muscular Endurance and Hypertrophy Resistance Training on Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Sedentary Male Smokers. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 12 (2), 1-6

Breukelman, GJ., Basson, AK., Djarova, TG., Du Preez, CJ., Shaw, I., Malan, H. and Shaw, BS., (2021). Concurrent low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet with/without physical activity does not improve glycaemic control in type 2 diabetics. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 34 (1), 18-21

Mahmoudzadeh, A., Nakhostin Ansari, N., Naghdi, S., Ghasemi, E., Motamedzadeh, O., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2021). Role of Spasticity Severity in the Balance of Post-stroke Patients. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15, 783093-

DUBE, S., MATHUNJWA, M., SHAW, BS., VAN BILJON, A. and SHAW, I., (2021). Comparative effects of high-intensity versus moderate-intensity concurrent aerobic and resistance exercise training on obese females. Medicina dello Sport. 74 (3), 528-536

Brown, GA., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2021). How much water is in a mouthful, and how many mouthfuls should I drink? A laboratory exercise to help students understand developing a hydration plan. Advances in Physiology Education. 45 (3), 589-593

Soori, R., Hashemi, B., Gharehlo, AAN., Hashemi, N., Pournemati, P. and Shaw, I., (2021). Screening and comparison of elite male and female soccer players for ECG changes associated with sudden cardiac death. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. 43 (2), 123-133

Ntshaba, S., Mhlongo, M., Erasmus, H., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2021). Combined Aerobic and Resistance Training Lowers Body Fat Percentage in Rural Black South African Women. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 12 (2), 1-6

Millard, L., Shaw, I., Breukelman, GJ. and Shaw, BS., (2021). Differences in visio-spatial expertise between 1st division rugby players and non-athletes. Heliyon. 7 (2), e06290-e06290

Shaw, I., Cronje, M. and Shaw, BS., (2021). Group-based exercise as a therapeutic strategy for the improvement of mental outcomes in mild to moderate alzheimer’s patients in low resource care facilities. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 12 (1), 1-6

van Biljon, A., Longhurst, G., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2021). Role of Exergame Play on Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Composition in Overweight and Obese Children. Asian journal of Sports Medicine. 12 (1)

Khanmohammadi, R., Sheikh, M., Bagherzadeh, F., Hoomanian, D., Khajavi, D. and Shaw, I., (2020). Effect Of Cognitive And Exercise Rehabilitation On Gait In Male Schizophrenic Patients Suffering From Depression Disorder. Russian Open Medical Journal. 9 (4)

Mahmoudzadeh, A., Nakhostin Ansari, N., Naghdi, S., Sadeghi-Demneh, E., Motamedzadeh, O., Shaw, BS., Shariat, A. and Shaw, I., (2020). Effect of Ankle Plantar Flexor Spasticity Level on Balance in Patients With Stroke: Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Research Protocols. 9 (8), e16045-e16045

Millard, L., Shaw, I., Breukelman, GJ. and Shaw, BS., (2020). Factors Affecting Vision and Visio-Spatial Intelligence (VSI) in Sport: A Review of the Literature. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 11 (3), 1-9

Gouws, C., Millard, L., Naude, A., Meyer, J-W., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2020). Educational Framework for Coaches on Injury Prevention in Adolescent Team Sports. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 11 (4), 1-6

Millard, L., Shaw, B., Breukelman, G. and Shaw, I., (2020). Visual Abilities Distinguish Level of Play in Rugby. Annals of Applied Sport Science. 8 (3), 0-0

Mathunjwa, ML., Djarova-Daniels, T., Shaw, I., Mugandani, S. and Shaw, BS., (2020). Short duration high-intensity interval taekwondo training substantially improves body composition and physical fitness in previously-trained individuals: A proof-of-concept study. Archives of Budo. 16, 221-226

Mathunjwa, ML., Shaw, BS., Djarova-Daniels, TG., Shariat, A. and Shaw, I., (2020). Hematologic responses following concurrent Taekwondo and resistance training. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. 42 (1), 47-56

Nichas, A., Shaw, BS., Millard, L., Breukelman, GJ. and Shaw, I., (2020). Kinanthropometric attributes of elite south african male kata and kumite karateka. Archives of Budo. 16, 181-194

Shaw, I., Schwartzel, D., Millard, L., Breukelman, GJ. and Shaw, BS., (2020). Lower-body strength, power and flexibility in kara-teka: Implications for musculoskeletal health. Archives of Budo. 16, 77-82

Vahdani, M., Gholami, A., Vahdani, H., Mazaherinezhad, A. and Shaw, I., (2020). Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases among office workers: A narrative review. Journal of Pain Management. 13 (1), 9-13

Akbari, S., Pirzadeh, A., Farivarnia, F., Rajab, A. and Shaw, I., (2020). Magnetic resonance imaging for detection of musculoskeletal disorders: A literature review. Journal of Pain Management. 13 (1), 15-18

Breukelman, GJ., Basson, AK., Djarova, TG., Du Preez, CJ., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2019). Combination Low Carbohydrate, High Fat Diet and Physical Activity Intervention on Lipoprotein-Lipids in Type 2 Diabetics. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. In Press (In Press)

Shariat, A., Alizadeh, R., Moradi, V., Afsharnia, E., Hakakzadeh, A., Ansari, NN., Ingle, L., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2019). The impact of modified exercise and relaxation therapy on chronic lower back pain in office workers: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation. 15 (5), 703-708

Shariat, A., Ansari, NN., Shaw, BS., Kordi, R., Kargarfard, M. and Shaw, I., (2018). CYCLING TRAINING AND FUNCTIONAL ELECTRICAL STIMULATION FOR POST-STROKE PATIENTS. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte. 24 (4), 300-302

Shariat, A., Hosseini, L., Ghayour Najafabadi, M., Cleland, JA., S Shaw, B. and Shaw, I., (2018). Functional Electrical Stimulation and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Neurorehabilitation in Patients Post Stroke: A Short Communication. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. In Press (In Press)

Kargarfard, M., Amiri, E., Shaw, I., Shariat, A. and Shaw, BS., (2018). Salivary testosterone and cortisol concentrations, and psychological societe francaise de medecine du sport overtraining scores as indicators of overtraining syndromes among elite soccer players. Revista de Psicologia del Deporte. 27 (1), 155-160

Shariat, A., Shaw, BS., Kargarfard, M., Shaw, I. and Lam, ETC., (2017). KINANTHROPOMETRIC ATTRIBUTES OF ELITE MALE JUDO, KARATE AND TAEKWONDO ATHLETES. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte. 23 (4), 260-263

Kargarfard, M., Shariat, A., Shaw, I., Haddadi, P. and Shaw, BS., (2017). Effects of Resistance and Aerobic Exercise Training or Education Associated with a Dietetic Program on Visfatin Concentrations and Body Composition in Overweight and Obese Women. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. In Press (In Press)

Shariat, A., Lam, ETC., Shaw, BS., Shaw, I., Kargarfard, M. and Sangelaji, B., (2017). Impact of back squat training intensity on strength and flexibility of hamstring muscle group. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 30 (3), 641-647

Zahiri, N., Abollahi, I., Nabavi, SM., Ehsani, F., Arab, AM., Shaw, I., Shariat, A., Shaw, BS., Dastoorpoor, M., Danaee, M. and Sangelaji, B., (2017). Interference Effect of Prior Explicit Information on Motor Sequence Learning in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences. 24 (1), 69-80

Shaw, I., Kinsey, JE., Richards, R. and Shaw, BS., (2016). Individualized supervised resistance training during nebulization in adults with cystic fibrosis. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. 32 (5), 1152-1157

Kahle, A., Brown, GA., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2016). Mechanical and physiological analysis of minimalist versus traditionally-shod running. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 56 (9), 974-979

Kargarfard, M., Lam, ETC., Shariat, A., Asle Mohammadi, M., Afrasiabi, S., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2016). Effects of endurance and high intensity training on ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 levels and arterial pressure in obese and normal weight adolescents. The Physician and Sportsmedicine. 44 (3), 208-216

Shaw, BS., Gouveia, M., McIntyre, S. and Shaw, I., (2016). Anthropometric and cardiovascular responses to hypertrophic resistance training in postmenopausal women. Menopause. 23 (11), 1176-1181

Kargarfard, M., Lam, ETC., Shariat, A., Shaw, I., Shaw, BS. and Tamrin, SBM., (2016). Efficacy of massage on muscle soreness, perceived recovery, physiological restoration and physical performance in male bodybuilders. Journal of Sports Sciences. 34 (10), 959-965

Kargarfard, M., Shariat, A., Shaw, BS., Shaw, I., Lam, ETC., Kheiri, A., Eatemadyboroujeni, A. and Tamrin, SBM., (2015). Effects of Polluted Air on Cardiovascular and Hematological Parameters After Progressive Maximal Aerobic Exercise. Lung. 193 (2), 275-281

Brown, GA., Bice, MR., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2015). Online quizzes promote inconsistent improvements on in-class test performance in introductory anatomy and physiology. Advances in Physiology Education. 39 (2), 63-66

Brown, GA., Heiserman, K., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2015). Rectus abdominis and rectus femoris muscle activity while performing conventional unweighted and weighted seated abdominal trunk curls. Medicina dello Sport. 68 (1), 9-18

Kargarfard, M., Shariat, A., Lam, E., Shaw, B., Shaw, I., Shariat, A. and Nayyeri, F., (2015). Prevalence and Perceptions Toward Anabolicandrogenic Steroid Use Amongst University Students. Acta Medica Bulgarica. 42 (2), 61-67

Shaw, BS., Shaw, I. and Brown, GA., (2015). Resistance exercise is medicine: Strength training in health promotion and rehabilitation. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 22 (8), 385-389

Shaw, SB., Dullabh, M., Forbes, G., Brandkamp, J-L. and Shaw, I., (2015). Analysis of physiological determinants during a single bout of Crossfit. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. 15 (3), 809-815

Shariat, A., Shaw, I., Shaw, BS. and Sadeghi, H., (2015). Analysis of the effects of resistance training on circadan rhythm of endocrine hormones. Russian Open Medical Journal. 4 (3), e0302-e0302

Siti, MI., Saat, MI., Krasilshchikov, O., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2014). Enhancing jump ground reaction forces in children through jump training. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. 36 (1), 199-209

Scheer, KC., Siebrandt, SM., Brown, GA., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2014). Wii, Kinect, & Move. Heart Rate, Oxygen Consumption, Energy Expenditure, and Ventilation due to Different Physically Active Video Game Systems in College Students. International Journal of Exercise Science. 7 (1), 22-32

Goon, DT., Toriola, AL., Shaw, BS., Amusa, LO., Khoza, LB. and Shaw, I., (2013). Body Fat Percentage of Urban South African Children: Implications for Health and Fitness. West Indian Medical Journal. 62 (7), 582-588

Fourie, M., Gildenhuys, GM., Shaw, I., Shaw, BS., Toriola, AL. and Goon, DT., (2013). Effects of a Mat Pilates Programme on Body Composition in Elderly Women. West Indian Medical Journal. 62 (6), 524-528

Brown, GA., Krueger, RD., Cook, CM., Heelan, KA., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2013). A prediction equation for the estimation of cardiorespiratory fitness using an elliptical motion trainer. West Indian Medical Journal. 62 (2), 114-117

Fourie, M., Gildenhuys, GM., Shaw, I., Shaw, BS., Toriola, AL. and Goon, DT., (2013). Effects of a mat pilates program on flexibility in elderly women. Medicina dello Sport. 66 (4), 545-553

Lynch, E., Lombard, AJJ., Coopoo, Y., Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2013). Shoulder injury incidence and severity through identificationof risk factors in rugby union players. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. 29 (6), 1400-1405

Marinda, F., Magda, G., Ina, S., Brandon, S., Abel, T. and Goon, DT., (2013). Effects of a mat pilates program on cardiometabolicparameters in elderly women. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. 29 (2), 500-504

Jarvi, M., Brown, GA., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2013). Measurements of Heart Rate and Accelerometry to Determine the Physical Activity Level in Boys Playing Paintball. International Journal of Exercise Science. 6 (3), 199-207

Shaw, BS., Shaw, I. and Goon, DT., (2011). Resistance training and blood lipid regulation: A review of the evidence. Medicina dello Sport. 64 (4), 511-521

Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2011). Static standing posture and pulmonary function in moderate-persistent asthmatics following aerobic and diaphragmatic breathing training. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. 27 (3), 549-552

Billson, JH., Cilliers, JF., Pieterse, JJ., Shaw, BS., Shaw, I. and Toriola, AL., (2011). Comparison of home- and gymnasium-based resistance training on flexibility in the elderly. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. 33 (3), 1-9

Shaw, I., Shaw, BS. and Brown, GA., (2011). Concurrent Training and Pulmonary Function in Smokers. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 32 (10), 776-780

Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2011). Pulmonary Function and Abdominal and Thoracic Kinematic Changes Following Aerobic and Inspiratory Resistive Diaphragmatic Breathing Training in Asthmatics. Lung. 189 (2), 131-139

Shaw, I., Shaw, BS., Brown, GA. and Cilliers, JF., (2010). Concurrent resistance and aerobic training as protection against heart disease. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa. 21 (4), 196-199

Shaw, BS., Shaw, I. and Mamen, A., (2010). Contrasting effects in anthropometric measures of total fatness and abdominal fat mass following endurance and concurrent endurance and resistance training. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 50 (2), 207-213

Shaw, B., Shaw, I. and Brown, G., (2010). Relationship between resistance training and selfreported habitual macronutrient and energy intake. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. 32 (2), 109-116

Brown, GA., Ray, MW., Abbey, BM., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2010). Oxygen Consumption, Heart Rate, and Blood Lactate Responses to an Acute Bout of Plyometric Depth Jumps in College-Aged Men and Women. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 24 (9), 2475-2482

Shaw, I., Shaw, BS. and Brown, GA., (2010). Role of diaphragmatic breathing and aerobic exercise in improving pulmonary function and maximal oxygen consumption in asthmatics. Science & Sports. 25 (3), 139-145

Shaw, BS., Shaw, I. and Brown, GA., (2009). Comparison of Resistance and Concurrent Resistance and Endurance Training Regimes in the Development of Strength. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 23 (9), 2507-2514

Shaw, BS., Shaw, I. and Brown, GA., (2009). Effect of resistance training on total, central and abdominal adiposity. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. 31 (2), 97-108

Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2009). Compatibility of concurrent aerobic and resistance training on maximal aerobic capacity in sedentary males. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa. 20 (2), 104-106

Shaw, I., Shaw, BS. and Krasilshchikov, O., (2009). Comparison of aerobic and combined aerobic and resistance training on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations in men. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa. 20 (5), 290-295

Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2008). Relationship between resistance training and lipoprotein profiles in sedentary male smokers. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa. 19 (4), 194-197

Semin, K., Stahlnecker IV, AC., Heelan, K., Brown, GA., Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2008). Discrepancy between training, competition and laboratory measures of maximum heart rate in NCAA division 2 distance runners. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 7 (4), 455-460

Shaw, BS., Shaw, I. and Brown, GA., (2008). Self-reported dietary intake following endurance, resistance and concurrent endurance and resistance training. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 7 (2), 255-259

Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2006). Consequence of resistance training on body composition and coronary artery disease risk. Cardiovascular Journal of South Africa. 17 (3), 111-116

Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2005). Effect of resistance training on cardiorespiratory endurance and coronary artery disease risk. Cardiovascular Journal of South Africa. 16 (5), 256-259

Book chapters (4)

Shaw, B., Sandercock, G., Van Biljon, A. and Shaw, I., (2022). Moving beyond Cardio: The Value of Resistance Exercise Training for Cardiovascular Disease. In: Cardiovascular Disease. Editors: Gaze, DC., . IntechOpen Publishers

Shaw, I., Triplett, NT. and Shaw, B., (2022). Resistance training and weight management: rationale and efficacy. In: Weight Management - Challenges and Opportunities. Editors: Heshmati, HM., . IntechOpen Publishers

Shaw, I. and Shaw, BS., (2014). Resistance training's role in the prevention of sports injuries. In: Sports Injuries: Prevention, Management and Risk Factors. 123- 136

Shaw, BS. and Shaw, I., (2013). Role of aerobic exercise in cardiopulmonary health and rehabilitation. In: Aerobic Exercise: Health Benefits, Types and Common Misconceptions. 59- 83

Conferences (1)

Brown, GA., Brown, CJ., Shaw, I. and Shaw, B., (2023). Boys And Girls Differ In Running And Jumping Track And Field Event Performance Before Puberty

Reports and Papers (1)

Shandu, NM., Ellor, M., Mathunjwa, ML., Shaw, I., Maqina, L. and Shaw, BS., Shoulder Electromyography (EMG) Evaluation During Latissimus-Dorsi Pulldown Variations Following an Accelerated Shoulder Resistance Training Program

Grants and funding


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