Dr Chaoyuan She

c.she@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873107
EBS.2.64D, Colchester Campus
Chaoyuan joined the Essex Business School in January 2020 as a Lecturer in Accounting. Prior to his post at Essex, he was a Doctoral student in Accounting at the University of Exeter. He also holds a Master's degree in Accounting and Finance and a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance at the University of Exeter. His research interests mainly focus on topics including social media engagement, corporate social responsibility, social and environmental reporting, and corporate governance. He has publications in Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Accounting Forum, Organization & Environment and Corporate Governance. He serves as the editorial board member of Accounting Forum and as ad-hoc reviewer in journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Accounting Forum, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, and Social and Environmental Accounting Journal.
BA in Accounting & Finance University of Exeter,
MSc in Accounting & Finance University of Exeter,
PhD in Accounting University of Exeter,
University of Essex
Deputy Postgraduate Taught Programme Director (Accounting), Essex Business School, University of Essex (9/1/2023 - present)
Other academic
Research Assistant, Accounting and Finance, University of Exeter (8/10/2018 - 7/10/2019)
Teaching Assistant, Accounting and Finance, University of Exeter (14/9/2015 - 13/12/2019)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Social and Environmental Reporting
Social Media Communication
Environmental accounting
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Introduction to Accounting II (BE103)
Corporate Governance and Sustainability (BE156)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/12/2023
Publications (1)
Baboukardos, D., Schiemann, F. and She, C., (2022). Market Valuation Implications of Scope 2 Carbon Emissions: Measurement Effects of Dual Reporting
Journal articles (8)
Nerantzidis, M., Tampakoudis, I. and She, C., (2024). Social media in accounting research: A review and future research agenda. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. 54, 100595-100595
Cho, CH., Zarzycka, E., She, C., Dobija, D., Krasodomska, J. and Bothello, J., (2024). Examining stakeholder reactions to corporate social irresponsibility: Evidence from social media. European Management Journal
She, C., (2023). Social media dissemination of counter accounts and stakeholder support – evidence from greenpeace’s “Save the Arctic” campaign on Facebook. Accounting Forum. 47 (3), 390-415
Dobija, D., Cho, CH., She, C., Zarzycka, E., Krasodomska, J. and Jemielniak, D., (2023). Involuntary Disclosures And Stakeholder-Initiated Communication on Social Media. Organization and Environment. 36 (1), 69-97
She, C. and Michelon, G., (2023). A governance approach to stakeholder engagement in sustainable enterprises – evidence from B Corps. Business Strategy and the Environment. 32 (8), 5487-5505
Baboukardos, D., Gaia, S. and She, C., (2021). Social performance and social media activity in times of pandemic: evidence from COVID-19-related Twitter activity. Corporate Governance. 21 (6), 1271-1289
She, C. and Michelon, G., (2019). Managing stakeholder perceptions: Organized hypocrisy in CSR disclosures on Facebook. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 61, 54-76
She, C., (2019). How Sustainable is Big Data?. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal. 39 (3), 203-204
Book chapters (5)
Gaia, S. and She, C., (2024). Corporate governance and environmental disclosures. In: Handbook on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. Editors: Magnan, M. and Michelon, G., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 147- 162. 1802208763. 9781802208764
Jalil, MA., Gaia, S. and She, C., (2024). SDG water disclosure around the globe. In: Research Handbook on Sustainability Reporting. Editors: Rimmel, G., Aras, G., Baboukardos, D., Krasodomska, J., Nielsen, C. and Schiemann, F., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 414- 426. 9781035316250
Cho, C., Dobija, D., She, C. and Zarzycka, E., (2024). Sustainability reporting and communication in new media. In: Research Handbook on Sustainability Reporting. Editors: Rimmel, G., Aras, G., Baboukardos, D., Krasodomska, J., Nielsen, C. and Schiemann, F., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 470- 482. 9781035316250
Jalil, MA., Gaia, S. and She, C., (2024). SDG water disclosure around the globe. In: Research Handbook on Sustainability Reporting. Edward Elgar Publishing. 418- 430. 9781035316250
Cho, CH., Dobija, D., She, C. and Zarzycka, E., (2024). Sustainability reporting and communication in new media. In: Research Handbook on Sustainability Reporting. Edward Elgar Publishing. 474- 486. 9781035316250
Grants and funding
Love food hate waste - an analysis of food losses and waste reporting by food-waste-sensitive companies
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
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