
Muhammad Shujahat

EBS - Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship (SOE)
 Muhammad Shujahat



I have been Lecturer (Assistant Professor) of Business & Management since October 2022 with an interest in the intersection of Human Resource Management/Organizational Behaviour, Knowledge Management, and (Counter)productive Organizational Behaviours. I completed PhD from the University of Hong Kong in July 2022. In terms of my teaching experience and services, I served as the Module Co-leader and Lecturer of Knowledge Management for the master's in Library & Information Management program at the University of Hong Kong. I have Fellowship of Advance HE (formerly HEA) since February 2024. I am module leader of New Venture Creation at the University of Essex. Further, I do teach and assessment for other modules, such as Strategic Management, Capstone Projects, and master's dissertations. I do external examination and supervision for several Pakistani universities, including the Ulster University (2024-2027), University of Wah (2024), COMSATS University Islamabad (2022), Qurtuba University (2023), and Khushal Khan Khattak University (2023). The primary theme of my research is to improve employee wellbeing and behavioral performance. Thereby, I investigate the managerial practices, the factors, and the complex interactions between them that can affect employee wellbeing and performance (non)favourably. My research deals with a range of ex-ante and ex-post aspects of wellbeing and behavioural performance, including but not limited to the wellbeing during religious fasting, menstruation, knowledge sharing, and knowledge hiding. I have published impactful research studies on the above theme in renowned subject-matter journals, including but not limited to the Journal of Business Research (Web of Science ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Articles), Technovation, the Journal of Knowledge Management, Computers & Education, and Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People & Performance amongst others. My research papers have achieved several distinctions, such as the two Web of Science ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Articles, Best Research Postgraduate Paper Award, and the Journal's Most Downloaded Article. Further, my research has appeared in the European Union's 2020 Innovation Policy Report. I have been PI and Co-PI of several grants amounting to about 100,000 US Dollars from the University of Hong Kong as well as King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. I am an Executive Editor of Knowledge Management & E-Learning, a SSCI indexed journal published by the University of Hong Kong, as well as an editorial advisory board member of academic and practitioner journals including Management Decision (one of the long-running journals of the management field), Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, and International Journal of HRD: Practice, Policy & Research. I review for several journals including Journal of Business Research, Info & Management, and Studies in Higher Education amongst others. I was awarded the Publons/Web of Science Top Peer-review Award in 2018. I love collaborating, helping, and supervising enthusiastic postgraduate research students. Interested collaborators and PhD students should always feel free to contact me my email. My life is not just limited to academia 😊. I like running, reading, and enjoying the company of my favourite people in my leisure time.


  • PhD University of Hong Kong, (2022)

  • M.S. (Management Science) COMSATS University Islamabad (Attock Campus), (2017)

  • B.S (Business Administration) COMSATS University Islamabad (Attock Campus), (2015)


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, Essex Business School, University of Essex (20/10/2022 - present)

Other academic

  • Lecturer, University of Hong Kong (3/5/2021 - 28/2/2022)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Human Resource Management

Key words: Employee Performance
Open to supervise

(Counter)productive Organizational Behaviours

Key words: Innovative Behaviour
Open to supervise

Knowledge Management

Key words: Knowledge-Work(er) Productivity
Open to supervise

Employee wellbeing

Key words: Employee wellbeing
Open to supervise

Current research

Job Design and Knowledge Sharing & Knowledge Hiding

Menstruation and Productivity of Female Professional Workers

Abusive Leadership and Knowledge Sharing

Managerial Practices for and Determinants of Gig Knowledge-Workers Productivity

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • New Venture Creation (BE200)


Publications (1)

Ali, M., Shujahat, M., Fatima, N., Jabbour, ABLDS., Vo-Thanh, T., Salam, MA. and Latan, H., Green HRM Practices and Corporate Sustainability Performance

Journal articles (23)

Zainuddin, Z. and Shujahat, M., Understanding students’ activities in Wi-Fi coffee shops in Aceh: A survey and narrative interview report. Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities. 10 (1), 217-217

Sahibzada, U., Aslam, N., Muavia, M., Shujahat, M. and Piyya, MR-U-S., Navigating Digital Waves: Unveiling Entrepreneurial Leadership Towards Digital Innovation and Sustainable Performance in the Chinese IT Industry. Journal of Enterprise Information Management

Ali, M., Shujahat, M., Fatima, N., Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, AB., Vo-Thanh, T., Salam, MA. and Latan, H., (2024). Green HRM practices and corporate sustainability performance. Management Decision

Ali, M., Shujahat, M., Ali, Z., Kianto, A., Wang, M. and Bontis, N., (2022). The neglected role of knowledge assets interplay in the pursuit of organisational ambidexterity. Technovation. 114, 102452-102452

Shujahat, M. and Wang, M., (2022). The online communities of practices and faculty members’ professional development: A critical literature review. Multidisciplinary Business Review. 15 (2), 54-64

Shujahat, M., Wang, M., Ali, M., Bibi, A., Razzaq, S. and Durst, S., (2021). Idiosyncratic job-design practices for cultivating personal knowledge management among knowledge workers in organizations. Journal of Knowledge Management. 25 (4), 770-795

Sumbal, MS., Tsui, E., Durst, S., Shujahat, M., Irfan, I. and Ali, SM., (2020). A framework to retain the knowledge of departing knowledge workers in the manufacturing industry. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. 50 (4), 631-651

Zainuddin, Z., Chu, SKW., Shujahat, M. and Perera, CJ., (2020). The impact of gamification on learning and instruction: A systematic review of empirical evidence. Educational Research Review. 30, 100326-100326

Zainuddin, Z., Shujahat, M., Haruna, H. and Chu, SKW., (2020). The role of gamified e-quizzes on student learning and engagement: An interactive gamification solution for a formative assessment system. Computers & Education. 145, 103729-103729

Tehseen, S., Mughal, SA., Durst, S., Shujahat, M., Qureshi, ZH. and Kokkalis, P., (2019). Composition-based view of the firm as a promising approach to studying small businesses. Production. 29

Kianto, A., Shujahat, M., Hussain, S., Nawaz, F. and Ali, M., (2019). The impact of knowledge management on knowledge worker productivity. Baltic Journal of Management. 14 (2), 178-197

Razzaq, S., Shujahat, M., Hussain, S., Nawaz, F., Wang, M., Ali, M. and Tehseen, S., (2019). Knowledge management, organizational commitment and knowledge-worker performance. Business Process Management Journal. 25 (5), 923-947

Butt, MA., Nawaz, F., Hussain, S., Sousa, MJ., Wang, M., Sumbal, MS. and Shujahat, M., (2019). Individual knowledge management engagement, knowledge-worker productivity, and innovation performance in knowledge-based organizations: the implications for knowledge processes and knowledge-based systems. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. 25 (3), 336-356

Sumbal, MS., Tsui, E., Irfan, I., Shujahat, M., Mosconi, E. and Ali, M., (2019). Value creation through big data application process management: the case of the oil and gas industry. Journal of Knowledge Management. 23 (8), 1566-1585

Shujahat, M., Sousa, MJ., Hussain, S., Nawaz, F., Wang, M. and Umer, M., (2019). Translating the impact of knowledge management processes into knowledge-based innovation: The neglected and mediating role of knowledge-worker productivity. Journal of Business Research. 94, 442-450

Malik, S., Nawaz, F., Shujahat, M., Kianto, A., Hussain, S. and Ali, M., (2019). The determinants of the online banking adoption behavior by the theory of trying in developing countries: The case of Pakistani banks. Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal. 11 (2), 247-261

Zainuddin, Z., Shujahat, M., Chu, SKW., Haruna, H. and Farida, R., (2019). The effects of gamified flipped instruction on learner performance and need satisfaction. Information and Learning Sciences. 120 (11/12), 789-802

Nawaz, F., Shahzad, F., Ur Rehman, I., Shujahat, M., Hyder, S. and Al Barghouthi, S., (2019). The Performance of Gaussian and non Gaussian dynamic models in assessing market risk: The Implications for risk management. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 48 (13), 3360-3376

Hussain, S., Shujahat, M., Malik, MI., Iqbal, S. and Mir, FN., (2018). Contradictory results on the mediating roles of two dimensions of trust between transformational leadership and employee outcomes. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. 5 (1), 39-63

Shujahat, M., Ali, B., Nawaz, F., Durst, S. and Kianto, A., (2018). Translating the impact of knowledge management into knowledge‐based innovation: The neglected and mediating role of knowledge‐worker satisfaction. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries. 28 (4), 200-212

Islam, S., Malik, MI., Hussain, S., Thursamy, R., Shujahat, M. and Sajjad, M., (2018). Motives of excessive Internet use and its impact on the academic performance of business students in Pakistan. Journal of Substance Use. 23 (3), 254-261

Islam, S., Malik, MI., Hussain, S., Thursamy, R., Shujahat, M. and Sajjad, M., (2018). Motives of excessive Internet use and its impact on the academic performance of business students in Pakistan. Journal of Substance Use. 23 (1), 103-111

Shujahat, M., Hussain, S., Javed, S., Malik, MI., Thurasamy, R. and Ali, J., (2017). Strategic management model with lens of knowledge management and competitive intelligence. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. 47 (1), 55-93

Book chapters (1)

Shujahat, M., Akhtar, A., Nawaz, F., Wang, M. and Sumbal, MS., (2020). Knowledge Risk Management in Two-Tier HRM Structures. In: Management for Professionals. Springer International Publishing. 49- 68. 9783030351205

Conferences (3)

Shujahat, M., Drucker’s Knowledge Worker Productivity Theory Model

Ali, M., Fatima, N., Hengky, L., Jabbour, CJC., Salam, MA. and Shujahat, M., (2023). Greening Workforce to Achieve Corporate Sustainability Performance through a Moderated Mediation

Shujahat, M., Razzaq, S., Minhong, W. and Durst, S., (2019). Personal Knowledge Management and Knowledge Worker Productivity in the Healthcare Sector

+44 (0) 1702 328533


GB.3.18, Southend Campus

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