Dr Ana Tomcic

ana.tomcic@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Popular Film, Literature and Television: A Psychosocial Approach (PA108)
Current Debates in Psychosocial Studies (PA407)
Psychoanalytic Theory (PA901)
Psychoanalysis: Controversies and Contexts (PA976)
Journal articles (4)
Minozzo, A. and Tomcic, A., Conference Review. Psychoanalysis on the Margins: The Forgotten Legacy of Free Clinics. The Polyphony
Tomcic, A., (2024). Psychoanalysis at Hawkspur Camp and other Therapeutic Communities for Antisocial Children and Young People. Psychoanalysis and History. 26 (2), 187-208
Tomčić, A., (2024). ‘Psychoanalysis for the Many’: Melitta Schmideberg's Work with Offenders in Psychoanalytic Free Clinics. Psychoanalysis and History. 26 (3), 291-312
(2024). Images. American Imago. 81 (4), vi-vii