Dr Danielle Tucker

dtucker@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872527
EBS.3.50, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
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Dr Danielle Tucker is a Reader in Management at the University of Essex. Her research interests focus on evaluating complex change management initiatives for public sector organisations (including Police, Local Authority, Local Government, NHS Trusts and health and social care providers). Specifically, she has published research on the interpretation of communication during organisational change, the use of organisational change agents and middle managers to facilitate change. She is particularly interested in the flow of information and ideas across boundaries, partnership working and collaboration arrangements (e.g. integrated care) Danielle's work draws upon the literature of organization studies, public management, strategic management and organisational psychology. She favours a multidisciplinary approach to research. She has over 10 years experience of both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods. Danielle is an Academic Associate of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
PhD in Management, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
BA Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management and Social Psychology, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
University of Essex
EBS Director of Impact and Enterprise, University of Essex (1/7/2022 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Organisational change management
Change Communication
Organisational Trust
Public Sector Management
Organisational Memory and Forgetting
Policy Implementation
Change Agents
Organisational Failure
Integrated Care
Current research
Employee reactions to organisational change in an integrated organisational collaboration.
In particular the interpretation of strategic communication
Evaluating Care Closer to Home
Service evaluation of a social care provider programme
Managing organisational change: technology adoption and enhancing healthcare provision
Role crafting strategies for authenticity
Using identity theory to explore the agency of middle managers in crafting change management roles
Public sector organisational failure
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Principles and Practices in Human Resource Management (BE475)
Managing Organisational Change (BE482)
Understanding Organisational Change (BE491)
Professional and Academic Development (Management and Marketing) (BE909)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Health and Organisational Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/12/2021

Degree subject: Business Administration
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/7/2019

Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Master of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/3/2018
Journal articles (13)
Tucker, D., Hendy, J. and Chrysanthaki, T., (2022). How does policy alienation develop? Exploring Street-Level Bureaucrats’ agency in policy context shift in UK telehealthcare. Human Relations. 75 (9), 1679-1706
Hendy, J. and Tucker, D., (2021). Public Sector Organizational Failure: A study of collective denial in the UK National Health Service. Journal of Business Ethics. Online (4), 1-16
Zubac, A., Dasborough, M., Hughes, K., Jiang, Z., Kirkpatrick, S., Martinsons, M., Tucker, D. and Zwikael, O., (2021). The strategy and change interface: Understanding 'Enabling" processes and cognitions. Management Decision. 59 (3), 481-505
Hancock, P. and Tucker, D., (2020). Recognition and change: Embracing a mobile policing initiative. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 33 (5), 965-977
Yeow, P., Dean, A., Tucker, D. and Pomeroy, L., (2019). Group-works: exploring multiplex networks, leadership and group performance. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. 6 (4), 227-245
Poels, T., Tucker, DA. and Kielema, J., (2017). The development of a theoretical framework of Organisational Rhythm. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 30 (6), 888-902
Tucker, DA., Hendy, J. and Barlow, J., (2016). The dynamic nature of social accounts: An examination of how interpretive processes impact on account effectiveness. Journal of Business Research. 69 (12), 6079-6087
Barlow, J., Hendy, J. and Tucker, DA., (2016). Managing major health service and infrastructure transitions: A comparative study of UK, US and Canadian hospitals. World Health Design. 9 (1), 8-22
Tucker, DA., Hendy, J. and Barlow, J., (2015). The importance of role sending in the sensemaking of change agent roles. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 29 (7), 1047-1064
Tucker, DA. and Hendy, J., (2015). An Examination of the Processes by which Social Accounts Influence Change. Academy of Management Proceedings. 1 (1), 11084-11084
A. Tucker, D., Hendy, J. and Barlow, J., (2014). When infrastructure transition and work practice redesign collide. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 27 (6), 955-972
Yeow, P., Dean, A. and Tucker, D., (2014). Bags for Life: The Embedding of Ethical Consumerism. Journal of Business Ethics. 125 (1), 87-99
Tucker, DA., Yeow, P. and Viki, GT., (2013). Communicating During Organizational Change Using Social Accounts. Management Communication Quarterly. 27 (2), 184-209
Books (2)
Tucker, D., Cirella, S. and Kelly, P., (2024). Organizational Change Management Inclusion, Collaboration and Digital Change in Practice. Sage Publications Limited. 152979224X. 9781529792249
(2022). Effective Implementation of Transformation Strategies. Springer Nature Singapore. 9789811923357
Book chapters (9)
Tucker, D. and Lind, S., (2022). Family Firms and Mergers and Acquisitions: The Importance of Transfer of Trust. In: Effective Implementation of Transformation Strategies. Springer Nature Singapore. 387- 406. 9789811923357
Zubac, A., Tucker, D., Zwikael, O., Hughes, K. and Kirkpatrick, S., (2022). Introduction: The Customer Value Creation Strategy. In: Effective Implementation of Transformation Strategies. Springer Nature Singapore. 205- 212. 9789811923357
Zubac, A., Tucker, D., Zwikael, O., Hughes, K. and Kirkpatrick, S., (2022). Introduction: The Resource Strategy. In: Effective Implementation of Transformation Strategies. Springer Nature Singapore. 319- 325. 9789811923357
Zubac, A., Tucker, D., Zwikael, O., Hughes, K. and Kirkpatrick, S., (2022). Introduction: The Strategy Process. In: Effective Implementation of Transformation Strategies. Springer Nature Singapore. 25- 29. 9789811923357
Zubac, A., Tucker, D., Zwikael, O., Hughes, K. and Kirkpatrick, S., (2022). Introduction: The Resource Strategy. In: Effective Implementation of Transformation Strategies: How to Navigate the Strategy and Change Interface Successfully. 319- 325
Zubac, A., Tucker, D., Zwikael, O., Hughes, K. and Kirkpatrick, S., (2022). Introduction: The Financial Strategy. In: Effective Implementation of Transformation Strategies. Springer Nature Singapore. 131- 137. 9789811923357
Zubac, A., Tucker, D., Zwikael, O., Hughes, K. and Kirkpatrick, S., (2022). Introduction: Non-market Strategies. In: Effective Implementation of Transformation Strategies. Springer Nature Singapore. 409- 414. 9789811923357
Zubac, A., Tucker, D., Zwikael, O., Hughes, K. and Kirkpatrick, S., (2022). Introduction: Navigating the Strategy and Change Interface Successfully. In: Effective Implementation of Transformation Strategies. Springer Nature Singapore. 1- 22. 9789811923357
Tucker, DA. and Cirella, S., (2018). Agents of change: insights from three case studies of hospital transformations. In: Research in Organizational Change and Development. Editors: Shani, AB. and Noumair, D., . Emerald. 307- 340. 9781787563520
Conferences (3)
Ahmed, MS. and Tucker, D., (2020). Accounting and Construction of Wage Theft: A form of Organisational Corruption
Tucker, DA., Hendy, J. and Barlow, J., (2012). Sensemaking and Social Accounts of Middle Managers
Grants and funding
Evaluation M&NEE MIND Consultancy
Mid and North East Essex MIND
Academic Knowledge Mobilisation (KM) Lead for the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration for the East of England (NIHR ARC EoE)
NIHR ARC East of England
Community360 KTP 22_23 R4
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Change Agent Learning and Development Toolkit
British Academy
Change Agent Learning and Development Toolkit
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Provide PM assistance
Long term Impact of Care Closer to Home on Anglian Community Enterprise
Anglian Community Enterprise
Academic support hours:
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