Professor Ray Turner

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Colchester Campus
Ph.D. Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science University of London, (1973)
Ph.D. Philosophy University of London, (1981)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Theoretical Computer Science
Mathematical Logic
Philosophy of Mathematics
Philosophy of Computer Science
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/2/2022

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 4/11/2015
Journal articles (25)
Raymond, T., Computability in Specification. Journal of Logic and Computation. 16 (6), 841-865
Turner, R., (2021). Computational Abstraction. Entropy. 23 (2), 213-213
Turner, R., (2020). Computational Intention. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric. 63 (76), 19-30
Turner, R., (2020). COMPUTATIONAL ARTIFACTS: THE THINGS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE. Philosophy & Technology. 33 (2), 357-367
Turner, R., (2014). Programming Languages as Technical Artifacts. Philosophy & Technology. 27 (3), 377-397
Turner, R., (2011). Specification. Minds and Machines. 21 (2), 135-152
Turner, R., (2008). Computable Models. Journal of Logic and Computation. 18 (2), 283-318
Turner, R., (2007). Understanding Programming Languages. Minds and Machines. 17 (2), 203-216
Turner, R., (2005). The Foundations of Specification. Journal of Logic and Computation. 15 (5), 623-662
Turner, R., (2005). Semantics and Stratification. Journal of Logic and Computation. 15 (2), 145-158
Turner, R., (2001). Type inference for set theory. Theoretical Computer Science. 266 (1-2), 951-974
Turner, R., (1999). Sets, types and type-checking. Journal of Logic and Computation. 9 (6), 959-975
Mirian-Hosseinabadi, S-H. and Turner, R., (1998). Constructive Z. Journal of Logic and Computation. 8 (1), 49-70
Turner, R., (1997). Reading between the lines in constructive type theory. Journal of Logic and Computation. 7 (2), 229-250
TURNER, R., (1996). Weak Theories of Operations and Types. Journal of Logic and Computation. 6 (1), 5-31
TURNER, R., (1993). Lazy Theories of Operations and Types. Journal of Logic and Computation. 3 (1), 77-102
Obeid, N. and Turner, R., (1991). Logical foundations of nonmonotonic reasoning. Artificial Intelligence Review. 5 (1-2), 53-70
Turner, R., (1990). Logics of truth.. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. 31 (2)
Chierchia, G. and Turner, R., (1988). Semantics and property theory. Linguistics and Philosophy. 11 (3), 261-302
Turner, R., (1987). A theory of properties. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 52 (2), 455-472
Turner, R., (1985). Nominalization and Scott's domains. II.. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. 26 (4)
Turner, R., (1985). An Introduction to the Formal Specification of Relational Query Languages. The Computer Journal. 28 (2), 162-169
Turner, R., (1985). Three theories of nominalized predicates. Studia Logica. 44 (2), 165-186
Turner, R., (1983). Montague semantics, nominalization and Scott's domains. Linguistics and Philosophy. 6 (2), 259-288
Turner, R., (1981). Counterfactuals without possible worlds. Journal of Philosophical Logic. 10 (4), 453-493
Books (8)
Turner, R., (2018). Computational Artifacts Towards a Philosophy of Computer Science. Springer. 3662555646. 9783662555644
Turner, R., (2009). Computable Models. Oxford University Press (OUP). 1848820526. 9781848820524
Turner, R., (1991). Truth and Modality for Knowledge Representation. Mit Press
Turner, R., (1991). Constructive Foundations for Functional Languages. McGraw-Hill Book Company Limited
Chierchia, G., Partee, BBH. and Turner, R., (1988). Properties, Types and Meaning Volume I: Foundational Issues. Springer Science & Business Media. 1556080670. 9781556080678
Chierchia, G., Partee, BBH. and Turner, R., (1988). Properties, Types and Meaning Volume II: Semantic Issues. Springer Science & Business Media. 1556080697. 9781556080692
Chierchia, G., Partee, BBH. and Turner, R., (1988). Properties, Types and Meaning - Vol I + II. Springer. 1556080891. 9781556080890
Turner, R., (1984). Logics for Artificial Intelligence. Ellis-Horwood. 0-85312-713-1
Book chapters (7)
Turner, R., types. In: Handbook of Logic and Language. Editors: Van Benthem, J., . Elsevier. MIT.. 555- 607
Turner, R., (2022). REPRESENTATION AND ABSTRACTION IN THEORIES OF OPERATIONS AND CLASSES. In: Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology. Editors: Marvan, T., . College Publications. 133- 167. 978-1-84890-368-5
Turner, R., (2019). Correctness, Explanation and Intention. In: Turner R. (2019) Correctness, Explanation and Intention. In: Manea F., Martin B., Paulusma D., Primiero G. (eds) Computing with Foresight and Industry. CiE 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11558. Springer, Cham. Springer International Publishing. 62- 71. 978-3-030-22995-5
Turner, R., (2013). Machines. In: A Computable Universe Understanding and Exploring Nature as Computation. Editors: Zenil, H., . World Scientific. 9814374296. 9789814374293
Fox, C. and Turner, R., (2012). In Defense of Axiomatic Semantics. In: Philosophical and Formal Approaches to Linguistic Analysis. Editors: Stalmaszczyk, P., . Ontos Verlag. 9783868381429
Turner, R., (2010). Programming Languages as Mathematical Theories. In: Thinking Machines and the Philosophy of Computer Science Concepts and Principles. Editors: Vallverdú, J., . IGI Global. 1616920149. 9781616920142
Turner, R. and Eden, AH., (2008). Philosophy of Computer Science. In: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2011 Edition). Editors: Zalta, E., . Stanford University
Conferences (5)
Turner, R., An algebraic theory of formal languages
Kruschwitz, U., De Roeck, A., Scott, P., Steel, S., Turner, R. and Webb, N., (2000). Extracting Semistructured Data - Lessons Learnt
Kruschwitz, U., De Roeck, A., Scott, P., Steel, S., Turner, R. and Webb, N., (1999). Natural language access to Yellow Pages
Henson, M. and Turner, R., (1982). Completion semantics and Interpreter Generation
Turner, R. and Raskovsky, M., (1979). Compiler generation and denotational semantics
Reports and Papers (2)
Eden, AH. and Turner, R., (2005). CSM-419 Towards an ontology of software design: the Intension / Locality Hypothesis
Turner, R., (2004). CSM-396 - The Foundations of Specification I
Other (1)
Turner, R. and Angius, N., (2017).Philosophy of Computer Science