Professor Shahzad Uddin

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 874150
EBS.3.47, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
I am available to see students during the term time. I am usually in the office. Please send an email to either for virtual or face-to-face meetings. You will receive a response within a day.
Shahzad Uddin is a Professor of Accounting and Director of the Centre for Accountability and Global Development at Essex Business School, University of Essex. He is the founding editor of the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies (JAEE). Professor Uddin received the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) 'Distinguished Academic Award' in 2022, recognising his significant contributions to academic accounting and his pivotal role in shaping accounting and finance education in the UK. He was conferred as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, acknowledging his impactful contributions to the field in 2024. His scholarly contributions have been recognised by the British Sociological Association and the Labor and Employment Relations Association in the United States. Professor Uddin has authored numerous academic and non-academic articles on a wide range of topics, including accounting and development, sociology of work, and corporate governance and sustainability. His research has been published in prestigious journals, such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, Public Administration, Development and Change, Social Science and Medicine, Work, Employment and Society, and the Journal of Critical Realism. Shahzad’s research spans a broad geographic scope, focusing on the majority world (non-Western countries) across multiple continents, including Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. He has published extensively on countries such as Palestine, Bangladesh, Japan, the Czech Republic, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, China, Ghana, and Uganda, along with other majority world countries.
MSc (Manchester)
PhD (Manchester)
FCMA The Cost and Management Accountants,
FHEA Higher Education Academy,
University of Essex
Professor of Accounting, Essex Business School, Univeristy of Essex (1/9/2010 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Management accounting
Corporate Governance, CSR and Sustainability
Accounting and Economic Development
New Public Management and Governance
Conferences and presentations
Keynote Speaker
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Associaton Conference 2024, 28/10/2024
Panel Member, Symposium, Accounting in Non-Western Countries
European Accounting Association 2024, 15/5/2024
Keynote Speaker
BAFA Annual Conference, 2024, 9/4/2024
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
International Management Accounting (BE154)
Data Analysis: Cross Sectional, Panel and Qualitative Data Methods (BE369)
Research Methods in Accounting (BE951)
In-Site Workshop Series (BE961)
Previous supervision

Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 5/10/2022

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/12/2020

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/9/2020

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/7/2020

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/3/2019

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/6/2018

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/3/2016

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/1/2016

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/4/2015

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/12/2014

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2013
Journal articles (49)
Lockwood, M., The State They're In
Alazzeh, D. and Uddin, S., (2025). Accountability and Sovereignty: Financial Controls in the Palestine-Israel Indigenous-Settler Relationship. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 101, 102784-102784
Buanaputra, V. and Uddin, S., (2024). The Power Struggles of Executives and Legislators in a Kingship Budget Setting: The Role of Informal and Formal Power. Public Administration. 102 (1), 131-146
Ghattas, P., Soobaroyen, T., Uddin, S. and Marnet, O., (2024). Auditing the auditors: A performative ‘spectacle’ of public oversight. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 37 (3), 764-789
Alazzeh, D. and Uddin, S., (2024). New Public Financial Management in Liberal Peacebuilding Discourse: The Palestine-Israel Conflict and The World Bank. Financial Accountability and Management. 40 (4), 549-572
Pianezzi, D., Mori, Y. and Uddin, S., (2023). Public-Private Partnership in a Smart City: a curious case in Japan. International Review of Administrative Sciences. 89 (3), 632-647
Ahmed, S. and Uddin, S., (2023). Reflexive deliberations of family directors on corporate board reforms: publicly listed family firms in an emerging economy. Accounting Forum. 48 (1), 170-200
Ahmed, S. and Uddin, S., (2023). Symbolism as practice: A practice theoretical understanding of audit committee practices in emerging market family companies. Accounting Forum. 49 (1), 45-72
Uddin, S., Ahmed, S. and Khandkar, S., (2023). Supply Chain Accountability, COVID-19, and Violations of Workers’ Rights in the Global Clothing Supply Chain. Supply Chain Management. 28 (5), 859-873
Khandakar, S. and Uddin, S., (2022). Labour Controls, Unfreedom and Perpetuation of Slavery on a Tea Plantation. Work, Employment and Society. 36 (3), 522-538
Ahmed, MS. and Uddin, S., (2022). Workplace Bullying and Intensification of Labour Controls in the Clothing Supply Chain: Post-Rana Plaza Disaster. Work, Employment and Society. 36 (3), 539-556
Smyth, S., Uddin, S. and Lee, B., (2022). Subject, method and praxis – Conducting critical studies in accounting research. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 86, 102481-102481
Uddin, S., Popesko, B., Papadaki, Š. and Wagner, J., (2021). Performance measurement in a transitional economy: unfolding a case of KPIs. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 34 (2), 370-396
Mahmood, Z. and Uddin, S., (2021). Institutional logics and practice variations in sustainability reporting: evidence from an emerging field. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 34 (5), 1163-1189
Uddin, S., Mori, Y. and Shahadat, K., (2020). Private management and governance styles in a Japanese public hospital: A story of west meets east. Social Science and Medicine. 245, 112719-112719
Uddin, SN., Mori, Y. and Adhikari, P., (2019). Participatory Budgeting and Local Government in a Vertical Society: A Japanese Story. International Review of Administrative Sciences. 85 (3), 490-505
Jayasinghe, K. and Uddin, S., (2019). Continuity and Change in Development Discourses and the Rhetoric Role of Accounting. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. 9 (3), 314-334
Uddin, S. and Ahmed, S., (2018). Toward a Political Economy of Corporate Governance Change and Stability in Family Business Groups: A Morphogenetic Approach. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 31 (8), 2192-2217
Tsamenyi, M., Hopper, T. and Uddin, S., (2017). Changing Control and Accounting in an African Gold Mine: An Emergence of a New Despotic Control. Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change. 13 (2), 282-308
Alawattage, C., Wickramasinghe, D., Tsamenyi, M. and Uddin, S., (2017). DOING CRITICAL MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH IN EMERGING ECONOMIES. Advances in Scientific and Applied Accounting. 10 (2), 177-188
Uddin, S., Jayasinghe, K. and Ahmed, S., (2017). Scandals from an island: Testing Anglo-American corporate governance frameworks. critical perspectives on international business. 13 (4), 349-370
Uddin, S., Siddiqui, J. and Islam, MA., (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures, Traditionalism and Politics: A Story from a Traditional Setting. Journal of Business Ethics. 151 (2), 409-428
Siddiqui, J. and Uddin, S., (2016). Human rights disasters, corporate accountability and the state: Lessons learned from Rana Plaza. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 29 (4), 679-704
van Helden, J. and Uddin, S., (2016). Public sector management accounting in emerging economies: A literature review. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 41, 34-62
Ashraf, J. and Uddin, S., (2016). New public management, cost savings and regressive effects: A case from a less developed country. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 41, 18-33
Avina-Vazquez, CR. and Uddin, S., (2016). Social capital, networks and interlocked independent directors: a Mexican case. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. 6 (3), 291-312
Ashraf, J. and Uddin, S., (2015). Military, ‘managers’ and hegemonies of management accounting controls: A critical realist interpretation. Management Accounting Research. 29, 13-26
Ashraf, J. and Uddin, S., (2015). Management Accounting Research and Structuration Theory: A Critical Realist Critique. Journal of Critical Realism. 14 (5), 485-507
Stergiou, K., Ashraf, J. and Uddin, S., (2013). The role of structure and agency in management accounting control change of a family owned firm: A Greek case study. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 24 (1), 62-73
Junaid Ashraf, M. and Uddin, S., (2013). A Consulting Giant; a Disgruntled Client: A ‘Failed’ Attempt to Change Management Controls in a Public Sector Organisation. Financial Accountability & Management. 29 (2), 186-205
Uddin, S., Gumb, B. and Kasumba, S., (2011). Trying to operationalise typologies of the spectacle. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 24 (3), 288-314
Tsamenyi, M. and Uddin, S., (2011). Editorial. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. 1 (1)
(2010). Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. 11 (1)
Hopper, T., Tsamenyi, M., Uddin, S. and Wickramasinghe, D., (2009). Management accounting in less developed countries: what is known and needs knowing. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 22 (3), 469-514
Uddin, S., (2009). Rationalities, domination and accounting control: A case study from a traditional society. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 20 (6), 782-794
Tsamenyi, M., Noormansyah, I. and Uddin, S., (2008). Management controls in family-owned businesses (FOBs): A case study of an Indonesian family-owned University. Accounting Forum. 32 (1), 62-74
Uddin, S. and Choudhury, J., (2008). Rationality, traditionalism and the state of corporate governance mechanisms. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 21 (7), 1026-1051
Xu, W. and Uddin, S., (2008). Public sector reforms, privatisation and regimes of control in a Chinese enterprise. Accounting Forum. 32 (2), 162-177
Xu, W. and Uddin, S., (2008). Public sector reforms, privatisation and regimes of control in a Chinese enterprise. Accounting Forum. 32 (2), 162-177
Uddin, SN., (2007). The Role of Accounting in Lending Decisions for Small Firms: Evidence from a Less Developed Country
Uddin, SN. and Khan, MHA., (2006). The Role of Accounting in Lending Decisions for Small Firms: Evidence from a Less Developed Country. Reserch in Accounting in Emerging Economies. Vol. 7, 29.-53
Uddin, S. and Tsamenyi, M., (2005). Public sector reforms and the public interest. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 18 (5), 648-674
Uddin, S., (2005). Privatization in Bangladesh: The Emergence of 'Family Capitalism'. Development and Change. 36 (1), 157-182
Uddin, SN. and Khan, MHA., (2005). Cronyism in Lending Decisions – Evidence from a Less Developed Country. Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation. Vol.19 (Issue 8), 298-303
Uddin, SN. and Khan, MHA., (2004). Lending Decisions by Financial Institutions for Small Firms. Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation. Vol.19 (Issue 7), 251-257
Uddin, S. and Hopper, T., (2003). ACCOUNTING FOR PRIVATISATION IN BANGLADESH: TESTING WORLD BANK CLAIMS. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 14 (7), 739-774
Uddin, S. and Hopper, T., (2001). A Bangladesh soap opera: privatisation, accounting, and regimes of control in a less developed country. Accounting, Organizations and Society. 26 (7-8), 643-672
Uddin, S. and Hopper, T., (2001). A Bangladeshi Soap Opera: Privatisation, Accounting, and Regimes of Control in a Less Developed Country. Accounting, Organizations and Society. 26 (7/8), 643-672
Uddin, SN., (1996). Privatisation Issues in Developed and Developing Countries. Journal of Business Administration. Vol. 22 (No. 3&4), 75-90
Books (4)
(2012). Handbook of Accounting and Development. Edward Elgar Publishing. 9781848448162
Uddin, S. and Tsamenyi, M., (2010). Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies. Emerald Group Publishing. 0857244515. 9780857244512
(2009). Accounting in Emerging Economies. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 1849506256. 9781849506250
Uddin, S., (2008). Corporate Governance in Less Developed and Emerging Economies. Emerald Group Publishing. 1848552521. 9781848552524
Book chapters (14)
Ashraf, J., Hopper, T., Lassou, P., Moses, O., Jayasinghe, K., Soobaroyen, T. and Uddin, S., (2019). Researching and publishing on accounting in emerging economies: an experiential account. In: The Routledge Companion to Accounting in Emerging Economies. Editors: Weetman, P. and Tsalavoutas, I., . Routledge. 259- 273. 9780815356202
Ashraf, MJ., Hopper, T., Lassou, P., Olayinka, M., Jayasinghe, K., Soobaroyen, T. and Uddin, S., (2019). Researching and publishing on accounting in emerging economies: an experiential account. In: The Routledge Companion to Accounting in Emerging Economies. Editors: Weetman, P. and Tsalavoutas, I., . Routledge. 1351128485. 9781351128483
Uddin, SN., (2017). Theorising management accounting practices in Less Developed Countries. In: The Routledge Companion to Performance Management and Control. Editors: . Routledge. 287- 305. 1138913545. 9781138913547
Uddin, SN., (2015). Social Theorisation of Accounting: Challenges to Positive Research. In: The Routledge Companion to Financial Accounting Theory. Editors: Jones, S., . Routledge. 472- 491. 1135107262. 9781135107260
(2015). Special Issue: Finance, Development, and Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies
Hopper, T., Tsamenyi, M., Uddin, S. and Wickramasinghe, D., (2012). Management Control after Privatization: Illustrations from Less Developed Countries. In: Handbook of Accounting and Development. Edward Elgar Publishing. 206- 223. 9781848448162
Hopper, T., Tsamenyi, M., Uddin, S. and Wickramasinghe, D., (2012). Introduction: Accounting and Development. In: Handbook of Accounting and Development. Edward Elgar Publishing. 1- 14. 9781848448162
Hopper, T., Tsamenyi, M., Uddin, S. and Wickramasinghe, D., (2012). Accounting and Development. In: Handbook Of Accounting And Development. Editors: Hopper, T., Tsamenyi, M., Uddin, S. and Wickramasinghe, D., . Edward Elgar. 1- 15. 9781848448162
Hopper, T., Tsamenyi, M., Uddin, S. and Wickramasinghe, D., (2012). Management Control and Privatisation. In: Handbook Of Accounting And Development. Editors: Hopper, T., Tsamenyi, M., Uddin, S. and Wickramasinghe, D., . Edward Elgar. 206- 223. 9781848448162
(2011). Review of Management Accounting Research. In: Review of Management Accounting Research. Editors: Abdel-Kader, MG., . Palgrave Macmillan UK. 415- 449. 9781349321971
Tsamenyi, M. and Uddin, S., (2008). Introduction to corporate governance in less developed and emerging economies. In: Corporate Governance in Less Developed and Emerging Economies. Editors: Tsamenyi, M. and Uddin, S., . Emerald. 1- 11. 9781848552524
Khan, MHA. and Uddin, S., (2006). Lending Decisions and Accounting Information: Evidence from Bangladesh. In: Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies. Elsevier. 29- 52
Uddin, SN., (1999). Management Control, Ownership and Development. In: Economic Decentralization and Public Management Reform. Editors: Mackintosh, M. and Roy, R., . Edward Elgar Publishing
Uddin, SN., (1995). Some Challenges and Alternatives to Positive Accounting Research. In: Accounting Theory A Contemporary Review. 0729509850. 9780729509855
Conferences (1)
Al-Azzeh, D. and Uddin, S., 1. Exploring accountability mechanisms in the settler colonial context: A case of Palestine and Israel, Accounting and Accountability in Emerging Economies, UK, 2023.
Thesis dissertation (1)
Uddin, SN., (1995). Management Control System and Development: A Literature Review. Master's Thesis
Other (1)
Alazzeh, D. and Uddin, S., Weaponising Revenue Controls: Dominance of Israel over Palestine. Everyday Society,British Sociological Association
Grants and funding
To explore the work-life balance of doctors and elucidate the underlying reasons for the high workload of doctors especially in Japanese settings
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
Accounting, Accountability and Reporting Reforms in Mauritius: Who (really) benefits from (all) this transparency?
Mauritius Tertiary Education Commission
Accounting, Accountability and Reporting Reforms in Mauritius: Who (really) benefits from (all) this transparency?
Mauritius Tertiary Education Commission
A Strategy to solve England's litter problem
Campaign to Protect Rural England
Academic support hours:
I am available to see students during the term time. I am usually in the office. Please send an email to either for virtual or face-to-face meetings. You will receive a response within a day.