Dr Ximena Velasco Guachalla

vv20291@essex.ac.uk -
5.405, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Thursdays 14:00 - 16:00
Academic Support Hours: Thursdays 14:00 - 16:00 or by appointment.
PhD Comparative Politics University of Colorado at Boulder, (2020)
MA Comparative Politics University of Colorado at Boulder, (2015)
University of Essex
Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (18/5/2020 - present)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Research Project: Politics (GV831)
Journal articles (14)
Hummel, C. and Velasco-Guachalla, XV., (2024). Activists, Parties, and the Expansion of Trans Rights in Bolivia. Comparative Politics. 56 (3), 321-343
Touchton, M., Knaul, FM., Arreola-Ornelas, H., Porteny, T., Carniado, ÓM., Faganello, M., Hummel, C., Otero, S., Insua, J., Patino, F., Undurraga, E., Pérez-Cruz, P., Sanchez-Talanquer, M., Velasco Guachalla, VX., Nelson-Nuñez, J., Boulding, C., Calderon-Anyosa, R., Garcia, PJ. and Vargas Enciso, V., (2023). Non-pharmaceutical interventions to combat COVID-19 in the Americas described through daily sub-national data. Scientific Data. 10 (1), 734-
Touchton, M., Knaul, FM., Arreola-Ornelas, H., Porteny, T., Carniado, ÓM., Faganello, M., Hummel, C., Otero, S., Insua, J., Patino, F., Undurraga, E., Pérez-Cruz, P., Sanchez-Talanquer, M., Velasco Guachalla, VX., Nelson-Nuñez, J., Boulding, C., Calderon-Anyosa, R., Garcia, PJ. and Vargas Enciso, V., (2023). Author Correction: Non-pharmaceutical interventions to combat COVID-19 in the Americas described through daily sub-national data. Scientific Data. 10 (1), 751-
Touchton, MM., Knaul, FM., Arreola-Ornelas, H., Calderon-Anyosa, R., Otero-Bahamón, S., Hummel, C., Pérez-Cruz, P., Porteny, T., Patino, F., Garcia, PJ., Insua, J., Mendez-Carniado, O., Boulding, C., Nelson-Nuñez, J. and Velasco Guachalla, VX., (2023). Learning from Latin America: Coordinating Policy Responses across National and Subnational Levels to Combat COVID-19. COVID. 3 (9), 1500-1515
Velasco-Guachalla, VX., Hummel, C., Nelson-Nuñez, J. and Boulding, C., (2022). Legitimacy and Policy during Crises: Subnational COVID-19 Responses in Bolivia. Perspectives on Politics. 20 (2), 528-546
Knaul, F., Touchton, M., Arreola-Ornelas, H., Calderon-Anyosa, R., Otero-Bahamon, S., Hummel, C., Perez-Cruz, P., Porteny, T., Patino, F., Rifat, A., Garcia, P., Insua, J., Mendez, O., Undurraga, E., Boulding, C., Nelson-Nunez, J., Velasco Guachalla, VX. and Sanchez-Talanquer, M., (2022). Strengthening Health Systems to Face Pandemics: Subnational Policy Responses to Covid-19 in Latin America. Health Affairs. 41 (3), 454-462
Griffin, JD., Kiewiet de Jonge, C. and Velasco Guachalla, VX., (2021). Deprivation in the Midst of Plenty: Citizen Polarization and Political Protest. British Journal of Political Science. Online (51), 1080-1096
Hummel, C., Knaul, FM., Touchton, M., Velasco Guachalla, VX., Nelson-Nuñez, J. and Boulding, C., (2021). Poverty, precarious work, and the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from Bolivia. The Lancet Global Health. 9 (5), e579-e581
Velasco Guachalla, VX., Hummel, C., Handlin, S. and Smith, AE., (2021). Latin America Erupts: When Does Competitive Authoritarianism Take Root?. Journal of Democracy. 32 (3), 63-77
Velasco Guachalla, VX., Hummel, C., Nelson-Nuñez, J. and Boulding, C., (2021). Compounding Crises: Bolivia in 2020. Revista de ciencia política (Santiago). 41 (2), 211-237
Bearce, DH. and Velasco-Guachalla, VX., (2020). How Can We Explain Regime Type Differences If Citizens Don't Vote Based on Foreign Economic Policy?. Foreign Policy Analysis. 16 (3), 492-503
Velasco Guachalla, V., Hummel, C., Nelson-Nunez, J. and Boulding, C., (2020). Bolivia: lessons from the first six months of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Temas Sociales. 47
Boulding, C., Foxworth, R., Núñez, JN. and Velasco Guachalla, XV., (2019). Indigenous attitudes toward the political system in Bolivia. Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública. 8 (1), 41-41
Baker, A. and Velasco-Guachalla, VX., (2018). Is the Informal Sector Politically Different? (Null) Answers from Latin America. World Development. 102, 170-182
Book chapters (1)
Velasco-Guachalla, VX. and Mathesová, K., (2024). Behavioral consequences of corruption: protest. In: Handbook on Gender and Corruption in Democracies. Edward Elgar Publishing. 338- 358. 9781803923239
Grants and funding
Highlight SDAI: Successful Reintegration Trajectories of Ex-Combatants in Colombia
Economic and Social Research Council
Strengthening trust and socioeconomic inclusion
University of Essex (GCRF)
Academic support hours:
Thursdays 14:00 - 16:00