Jim Vine

jim.vine@essex.ac.uk -
2N2.6.03, Colchester Campus
I am most interested in undertaking research that helps to identify what works in real world contexts. This includes conducting randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of new policies and practices as well as undertaking research with existing data. I am also interested in research that helps to understand what the full range of impacts of activities are, for example trying to assess both the social and economic impacts of interventions.
MSci Physics (Hons) University of Nottingham, (2001)
MA Housing Policy and Practice (Distinction) Sheffield Hallam University, (2010)
MBA Cranfield University, (2012)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Housing-related organisations
Local government
Interests in local government service delivery, across a variety of areas including housing, waste management, and others. Also interested in local government finance, especially national systems for allocating funding to various local governments.
Other public services
Behavioural science (including design, implementation and testing of interventions)
Standards of evidence
The development and use of standardised approaches in the evidence sector. Includes standards for producing evidence (such as research and evaluations that seek to investigate the effectiveness of interventions).
Personal finance, financial inclusion / financial exclusion, FinTech
Personal finance, including financial inclusion / financial exclusion, and the role of FinTech (financial technologies).
Journal articles (3)
Pearce, J. and Vine, J., (2014). Quantifying residualisation: the changing nature of social housing in the UK. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. 29 (4), 657-675
Vine, J. and Pearce, J., (2013). Building new homes for rent. Town & Country Planning. 82, 271-273
Vine, J. and Strutt, J., (2011). More Homes and Better Places. Town & Country Planning. 80 (10), 442-444
Books (18)
Vine, J., Rallings Adams, M-K., Knudsen, C., Lawton, R. and Fujiwara, D., (2017). Valuing Housing and Local Environment Improvements using the Wellbeing Valuation Method and the English Housing Survey: Results and Guidance Manual. HACT. 978-1-911056-07-2
Vine, J., Knudsen, C. and Goddard, P., (2016). Community Investment and the Bottom Line: Investigating associations between community investment and housing providers’ costs using advanced data science techniques. HACT
Fujiwara, D. and Vine, J., (2015). The Wellbeing Value of Tackling Homelessness: Identifying the impact on life satisfaction using the Journeys Home dataset. HACT. 978-1-911056-00-3
Trotter, L., Vine, J., Leach, M. and Fujiwara, D., (2014). Measuring the Social Impact of Community Investment: A Guide to using the Wellbeing Valuation Approach. HACT. 978-0-9561369-9-2
Diacon, D., Pattison, B., Strutt, J. and Vine, J., (2011). More Homes and Better Places: solutions to address the scale of housing need. BSHF. 978-1-901742-34-3
Pattison, B. and Vine, J., (2011). Housing Benefit Claimant Numbers and the Labour Market: Modelling and analysis.. BSHF
Pattison, B., Strutt, J. and Vine, J., (2011). Self-Help Housing: Supporting locally driven housing solutions. BSHF
Vine, J., (2010). Housing Benefit and the Emergency Budget of June 2010: A summary of measures with analysis. BSHF
Pattison, B., (2010). Tenure Trends in the UK Housing System: Will the private rented sector continue to grow?. BSHF. 978-1-901742-18-3
Pattison, B., Strutt, J. and Vine, J., (2010). The Impact of Claimant Numbers on Housing Benefit Expenditure: Sensitivity analysis using three scenarios. BSHF
Diacon, D. and Vine, J., (2010). Living a Good Life: Bringing relationships, community and purpose to the lives of marginalised people. BSHF. 978-1-901742-32-9
Diacon, D., Pattison, B. and Vine, J., (2010). BSHF Submission to Spending Review 2010. BSHF. 978-1-901742-22-0
Diacon, D., Pattison, B., Strutt, J. and Vine, J., (2010). Support with housing costs: developing a simplified and sustainable system. BSHF. 978-1-901742-23-7
Burton, D., (2010). Abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies: Rapid impact assessment for the Midlands and North of England. BSHF. 978-1-901742-27-5
Diacon, D., Pattison, B. and Vine, J., (2009). The Future of Housing: Rethinking the UK housing system for the twenty-first century. BSHF. 978-1-901742-09-1
(2009). Perspectives on the Future of Housing: a collection of viewpoints on the UK housing system.. BSHF. 978-1-901742-12-1
Diacon, D., Pattison, B., Vine, J. and Yafai, S., (2008). Home from Home: Addressing the Issues of Migrant Workers’ Housing. BSHF. 978-1-901742-07-7
Diacon, D., Kriteman, H., Vine, J. and Yafai, S., (2007). Out in the Open: Providing accommodation, promoting understanding and recognising rights of Gypsies and Travellers. BSHF. 978-1-901742-02-2
Conferences (4)
Vine, J., Financial inclusion in India and the UK: some comparisons
Vine, J., Burton, J., Couper, MP. and Jackle, A., Measuring smartphone operating system versions in surveys: How to identify who has devices compatible with survey apps
Vine, J., Jackle, A., Burton, J. and Couper, MP., Getting consent to survey in new ways: evidence from experiments about questions by SMS in the Understanding Society Innovation Panel
Vine, J., (2018). A standardised approach to producing evidence of the effectiveness of interventions
Reports and Papers (13)
Arun, T., Murinde, V., Markose, S., Kostov, P. and Vine, J., (2025). UK–India Bilateral Trade in FinTech and FinTech – Enabled Services: Emerging Trends and Potential for Growth
Vine, J., AGUIRRE, E., Al Baghal, T., Benzeval, M., Burton, J., Butler, C., Chung, H., Couper, M., Coutrot, A., Delaney, L., Fowler, C., Jäckle, A., Kumari, M., Lieutaud, M., Mansfield, KL., Mitchell, L., Parutis, V., Payne, J., Popli, G., Przybylski, AK., Raj, S., Ratcliffe, A., Soetevent, AR., Spiers, H., van den Berg, GJ., Voorintholt, L. and Wang, S., (2024). Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 16: results from methodological experiments and new data
Vine, J., (2018). Standardising Standards: The Case for Shared Standards in the Evidence Sector
Vine, J., (2016). Comprehensive value assessment: A matrix visualisation approach to help identify the range of ways social housing providers’ activities generate value
Vine, J., (2016). Standard for Producing Evidence — Effectiveness of Interventions — Part 1: Specification
Vine, J., (2016). Standard for Producing Evidence — Effectiveness of Interventions — Part 2: Explanation and Elaboration
Vine, J., (2016). Producing Evidence of Effectiveness: A guide to the main steps
Vine, J., (2016). General Requirements for Evidence — Part 1: Vocabulary
Vine, J., (2015). Introduction to research methods and considerations of their relative strengths
Vine, J., (2015). Learning lessons from challenges encountered in evidence-based practice in other sectors
Trotter, L., Vine, J. and Fujiwara, D., (2015). The Health Impacts of Housing Associations’ Community Investment Activities: Measuring the indirect impact of improved health on wellbeing - An analysis of seven outcomes in the Social Value Bank
Diacon, D., Moore, T., Pearce, J. and Vine, J., (2012). Building New Homes for Rent: Creating a tipping point
Vine, J., (2011). Supporting Self-Help Housing: Enabling community organisations to access the Empty Homes Programme
Other (9)
Vine, J., (2016).Effects of communication on uptake of a social landlord’s money advice for tenants at risk of eviction: a randomised controlled trial - Registered protocol
Vine, J., (2016).Effects of communication on uptake of a social landlord’s money advice for tenants at risk of eviction: a randomised controlled trial - Deviations from protocol
Vine, J., (2016).Effects of communication on uptake of a social landlord’s money advice for tenants at risk of eviction: a randomised controlled trial - Analysis plan
Vine, J., (2016).Impact of communication methods on engagement with support services offered by a social landlord: a randomised controlled trial - Registered protocol
Vine, J., (2016).Impact of communication methods on engagement with support services offered by a social landlord: a randomised controlled trial - Deviations from protocol
Vine, J., (2016).Impact of communication methods on engagement with support services offered by a social landlord: a randomised controlled trial - Analysis plan
Vine, J., (2016).Impact on rent payment outcomes of employment support for recipients of partial housing benefit: a randomised controlled trial - Registered protocol
Vine, J. and Pattison, B., (2009).Providing Accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers in Leicestershire: A financial analysis,BSHF
Moore, T., Vine, J. and Pattison, B., (2008).Review of the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessments in the East Midlands,BSHF
Grants and funding
CO Evaluation Task Force ESRC Policy Fellowship
Economic and Social Research Council
IAA ECC Challenge Lab project - Waste Busters
University of Essex
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