
Dr Ellisif Wasmuth

School of Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr Ellisif Wasmuth
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 872622

  • Location

    5B.115, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Office hours/Academic support hours: Tuesdays 3-4 pm Thursdays 2-3 pm Zoom options available upon request.



Born in Norway, Istudied philosophy and engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) before moving to London to do an MPhilSt in Philosophy at Kings College London. I completed my PhD in 2016 at the Faculty of Classics at the University of Cambridge, and worked as a Stipendiary Lecturer at St Johns College, Oxford beforejoining the University of Essex in 2017.


  • PhD University of Cambridge,

  • MPhilSt King's College London,

  • BA Norwegian University of Science and Technology,

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Ancient Philosophy, with particular focus on Plato

ancient conceptions of the self and self-knowledge

Socratic ethics

the Platonic dialogueAlcibiades I.

Current research

Plato: First Alcibiades

Book project. In progress.

“Plato on self-knowledge as mirroring: Alc. I 132d1–133c8”

Journal article. In progress.

“Why Socrates’ legs don’t run off to Megara: moral deliberation in Plato’s Crito”

Journal article. In progress.

Conferences and presentations

Institute of Classical Studies Speaker series

Invited presentation, Invited Speaker Series, London, United Kingdom, 12/2/2018


Journal articles (4)

Wasmuth, E., Plato on self-knowledge as mirroring: 'Alcibiades I' 132d1–133c8

Wasmuth, E., (2020). Why Socrates' legs didn't run off to Megara: Moral deliberation in Plato's 'Crito'. Phronesis. 65 (4), 380-413

Wasmuth, E., (2018). Selverkjennelse og Statsmannskunst i Alkibiades I (Self-knowledge and statesmanship in Alcibiades I). Agora. 2018 (2-3), 20-45

Wasmuth, E., (2015). ΩΣΠΕΡ ΟΙ ΚΟΡYΒΑΝΤΙΩΝΤΕΣ: THE CORYBANTIC RITES IN PLATO'S DIALOGUES. The Classical Quarterly. 65 (1), 69-84

Book chapters (1)

Wasmuth, E., (2023). Interpretations and Echoes of the Delphic Maxim in Pre-Christian Greek Philosophy. In: Know Yourself. De Gruyter. 55- 84

+44 (0) 1206 872622


5B.115, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Office hours/Academic support hours: Tuesdays 3-4 pm Thursdays 2-3 pm Zoom options available upon request.