Dr Ruth Weir

rweir@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873686
Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
11-12 on Friday
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Violence Against Women
I use quantitative methods to model the predictors and prevalence of crime.
Geographical Information Systems
I have expertise in applied GIS research, particularly in crime and social science applications. I have also taught GIS to undergraduates, postgraduates, staff and external agencies.
I have conducted a number of evaluations for public sector and third sector organisations.
Current research
An exploratory investigation of the implementation of Stalking Protection Orders in England and Wales
This study explores the use of Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs) in tackling and preventing stalking in England and Wales. The project investigates: what types of stalking are being addressed by SPOs; how SPOs are being used by the police, the CPS and HMCTS; differences in approach among forces, challenges and best practice. This project is one of the first to analyse quantitative data on SPOs from Freedom of Information requests to all police forces in England and Wales, the CPS and HMCTS. In-depth insights into implementation, challenges and best practice are drawn from interviews with practitioners working with stalking including police, stalking charities, NGOs, the CPS and HMCTS.
Conferences and presentations
Individuals, Families and Neighbourhoods: Predictors of Domestic Abuse in Essex
Violence Against Women and Girls Network, 15/7/2020
LGA Annual Fire Conference and Exhibition 2019
Invited presentation, LGA Annual Fire Conference and Exhibition 2019, Harrogate, United Kingdom, 12/3/2019
Journal articles (9)
Hadjimatheou, K. and Weir, R., (2025). Adolescent domestic abuse and its consequences: a rapid systematic review. Journal of Family Violence
Lundrigan, S., Weir, R., Newton, A., Agudelo, K. and Dhami, M., (2024). Patterns and Predictors of Stranger Rape Locations. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 30 (1), 181-209
Weir, R., (2024). Differentiating risk: The association between relationship type and risk of repeat victimization of domestic abuse. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 18
Wang, R., Cleland, CL., Weir, R., McManus, S., Martire, A., Grekousis, G., Bryan, D. and Hunter, RF., (2024). Rethinking the association between green space and crime using spatial quantile regression modelling: Do vegetation type, crime type, and crime rates matter?. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 101, 128523-128523
Hadjimatheou, K., Quiroz Flores, A., Weir, R. and Skevington, T., (2024). Using unsupervised machine learning to find profiles of domestic abuse perpetrators. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 18, 1-13
Bland, M., Weir, R., Adisa, O., Allen, K., Ferreira, J. and Maitra, DR., (2022). Describing Patterns of Known Domestic Abuse Among Different Ethnic Groups. Frontiers in Psychology. 13, 917543-
Weir, R., (2019). Using geographically weighted regression to explore neighbourhood level predictors of domestic abuse in the UK. Transactions in GIS. 23 (6), 1232-1250
Gill, AK., Cox, P. and Weir, R., (2018). Shaping Priority Services for UK Victims of Honour-based Violence/Abuse, Forced Marriage, and Female Genital Mutilation. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 57 (4), 576-595
Weir, RM. and Bangs, M., (2007). The Use of Geographic Information Systems by Crime Analysts in England and Wales. Home Office Research Study. 03/07
Book chapters (1)
Day, AS., Jenner, A. and Weir, RM., (2018). Domestic Abuse: Predicting, Assessing and Responding to Risk in the Criminal Justice System and Beyond.. In: Women and the Criminal Justice System Failing Victims and Offenders?. Editors: Milne, E., Brennan, K., South, N. and Turton, J., . Springer. 67- 94. 3319767747. 9783319767741
Reports and Papers (3)
Adisa, O., Allen, K., Kumari, M., Weir, R. and Bond, E., (2020). Mapping the VAWG funding ecosystem in England and Wales
Weir, R., (2019). Colchester Borough Homes - Community plan analysis
Reinhardt, G. and Weir, R., (2019). Safe and Well Evaluation Report
Thesis dissertation (1)
Weir, R., (2020). Individuals, Families and Neighbourhoods: Predictors of Domestic Abuse in Essex
Grants and funding
Home Office Perpetrator Fund Project - identifying predictors of harm from domestic abuse for Black, Asian, and minoritised communities
University of Suffolk
Understanding Domestic Abuse Perpetrators' (A mixed methods, Home Office-funded project in collaboration with Essex Police
Home Office
PI will help CBH learn about asset mapping, including how to use open-access software.
Colchester Borough Homes
Academic support hours:
11-12 on Friday