Professor Christopher Willett

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 872556
4SB.5.14, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday 11:00-12:00 and Friday 11:00-12:00
For 30 years I have taught, researched, published and advised in the areas of UK, EU and global consumer and contract law; commercial law; sales law; food law; digital content law; services of general interest; financial services law; and unfair terms and practices law. I have worked at Essex since 2011, before which I taught at the Universities of De Montfort, Warwick, Brunel and Oxford Brookes. I am a Visiting Professor at the University of Udine in Italy; and also have close research links in Australia, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, the Middle East, the Netherlands and Serbia. I regularly conduct studies and research reports and advise on law reform for the UK government, the EU and other bodies, e.g. I worked closely with the UK government on the recent Consumer Rights Act and I was one of the authors of the recent Fitness Check of EU Consumer and Marketing Law, a report carried out for the European Commission which has led the Commission to propose a variety of law reforms. Between 2014-2017 I served as a Council Member of the consumer organisation Which?
LL.B (Hons)
Certificate in Curriculum Development (Higher Education).
Research and professional activities
Research interests
UK, EU and global consumer and contract law
commercial law
services of general interest
unfair terms and practices law
quality and safety of goods and services
financial services
digital content law
Current research
major legislative reform of UK consumer law
reform of UK and EU financial services law
the values and ethics of UK and EU consumer law
global regulation of light pollution
Conferences and presentations
The Domestic Battle Between Information and Substantive Rights, Consumer Protection Conference, Exeter, December 2012
Exeter, United Kingdom, 2012
The Unfair Practices Directive in the UK, Experiencing the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, December 2012
Competing Ethics of Consumer Protection, European Consumer Protection conference, Leicester, December 2010
Leicester, United Kingdom, 2010
The Limits of Transparency as a Consumer Protection Tool, Consumer Protection Conference, Leeds, December 2009
Leeds, United Kingdom, 2009
Key Issues in Modernising Unfair Terms and Practices Law, Keynote Address to the Australian Consumer Law Roundtable, Monash University, February 2009
Melbourne, Australia, 2009
Direct Producer Liability, Manchester (Manchester/Munster/European Commission conference on Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Law), January, 2009
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2009
Social Justice in UK Consumer Law, EUI, Florence, November 2008
Florence, Italy, 2008
Unfairness Under the UCPD, Durham, Conceptualising Unconscionability, September, 2008
Durham, United Kingdom, 2008
A New Framework for Services of General Interest, Capetown, April 2007.
Cape Town, South Africa, 2007
Mapping the Relationship Between European Private Law and National Legal Cultures (with E. Bergamini), Helsinki, August 2006
Helsinki, Finland, 2006
The Conceptual Basis of Liability for Services, International Association of Consumer Law, Lima, Peru, May 2005.
Lima, Peru, 2005
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Consumer Contract Law (LW241)
Commercial Contract Law (LW242)
Digital Technologies, Law and Society (LW368)
Foundation Essay (LW617)
Contemporary Issues in Commercial and Business Law (LW663)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/2/2024

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/10/2021

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/3/2021

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/11/2020

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/6/2020

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/11/2016

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/10/2014
Journal articles (15)
Durovic, M. and Willett, C., (2023). A Legal Framework for Using Smart Contracts in Consumer Contracts: Machines as Servants, Not Masters. The Modern Law Review. 86 (6), 1390-1421
Willett, C., (2018). Re-theorising Consumer Law. Cambridge Law Journal. 77 (1), 179-210
Fejős, A. and Willett, C., (2016). Consumer Access to Justice: The Role of the ADR Directive and the Member States. European Review of Private Law. 24 (1), 33-60
Willett, C., (2013). Transparency and Fairness in Australian and UK Regulation of Standard Terms. University of Western Australia, Law Review. 37 (1), 72-85
Willett, C., (2012). GENERAL CLAUSES AND THE COMPETING ETHICS OF EUROPEAN CONSUMER LAW IN THE UK. The Cambridge Law Journal. 71 (2), 412-440
Koutsias, M. and Willett, C., (2012). The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive in the UK. Erasmus Law Review. 5 (4), 237-251
Willett, C., (2012). General Clauses and Competing Ethics of European Consumer Law in the UK. The Cambridge Law Journal. 71 (02), 412-440
Willett, C., (2011). The Functions of Transparency in Regulating Contract Terms: UK and Australian Approaches. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 60 (02), 355-385
Willett, C., (2010). Fairness and Consumer Decision Making under the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive. Journal of Consumer Policy. 33 (3), 247-273
Twigg-Flesner, C., Weatherill, S. and Willett, C., (2002). Law Information and Product Quality. Introductory Remarks by the Editors of the Special Issue. Journal of Consumer Policy. 25 (3-4), 291-297
Oughton, D. and Willett, C., (2002). Quality Regulation in European Private Law. Journal of Consumer Policy. 25 (3-4), 299-328
Willett, C., (1994). Can disallowance of unfair contract terms be regarded as a redistribution of power in favour of consumers? A comment spurred by the article by Wilhelmsson in JCP, 1994, Nos. 3–4. Journal of Consumer Policy. 17 (4), 471-482
Rawlings, P. and Willett, C., (1994). Ombudsman schemes in the United Kingdom's financial sector: The insurance ombudsman, the banking ombudsman, and the building societies ombudsman. Journal of Consumer Policy. 17 (3), 307-333
WILLETT, C., (1991). The Food Safety Act 1990: Substance or Symbolism?. Statute Law Review. 12 (2), 146-155
Willett, C., (1991). The Unacceptable Face of the Consumer Guarantees Bill. The Modern Law Review. 54 (4), 552-560
Books (1)
Atwood, B., Thompson, K. and Willett, C., (2010). Food Law (3rd edition). Tottel Publishing. 9781847660954
Book chapters (21)
Howells, G., Twigg-Flesner, C. and Willett, C., (2021). 3D Printing: Clarifying Legal Principles and Concepts. In: EU Internet Law in the Digital Single Market. Springer International Publishing. 509- 521. 9783030695828
Willett, C., (2019). Regulating Prices and Charges in the UK: Information versus Substance, General Clauses versus Rules Developed by Regulators. In: Control of Price Related Terms in Standard Form Contracts. Editors: Atamer, YM. and Pichonnaz, P., . Springer. 978-3030230562
Willett, C., (2019). Contract in the new public sector. In: From Dissonance to Sense: Welfare State Expectations, Privatisation and Private Law. 349- 392
Howells, G., Twigg-Flesner, C. and Willett, C., (2018). Protecting the Values of Consumer Law in the Digital Economy: The Case of 3D-Printing. In: Digital Revolution - Challenges for Law. Data Protection, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Products, Blockchain Technology and Virtual Currencies. Editors: De Franceschi,, A., Schulze, R., Graziadei, M., Pollicino, O., Riente, F., Sica, S. and Sirena, P., . Beck - Hart - Nomos
Wilhelmsson, T. and Willett, C., (2018). Unfair terms and standard form contracts. In: Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law, Second Edition. 139- 171
Rott, P. and Willett, C., (2018). Consumers and services of general interest. In: Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law, Second Edition. 267- 307
Howells, G., Twigg-Flesner, C. and Willett, C., (2017). Product liability and digital products. In: EU Internet Law: Regulation and Enforcement. Editors: Synodinou, T-E., Jougleux, P., Markou, C. and Prastitou, T., . Springer. 183- 195. 9783319649559
Willett, C., (2017). Autonomy and fairness: The case of public statements. In: Information Rights and Obligations: A Challenge for Party Autonomy and Transactional Fairness. 1- 15
Howells, G. and Willett, C., (2016). 3D Printing: The Limits of Contract and Challenges for Tort. In: Digital Revolution Challenges for Contract Law in Practice. Editors: Schulze, R. and Staudenmayer, D., . Nomos/Hart. 67- 86. 9781509907335
Willett, C., (2014). Contra Emptor Interpretation-Protecting Service Providers from EU Law. In: Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation: Liber Amicorum for Hans Micklitz. Editors: Purnhagen, K. and Rott, P., . Springer. 709- 732. 978-3-319-04902-1
Koutsias, M. and Willett, C., (2014). Implementation, Approximation and Harmonization: UK implementation of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive. In: The European Unfair Commercial Practices Directive Impact, Enforcement Strategies and National Legal Systems. Editors: van Boom, W., Garde, A. and Akseli, O., . Ashgate. 21- 44. 978-1-4724-2340-5
Willett, C. and Farah, Y., (2013). Unfair Contract Terms: Rethinking Remedies and Enforcement. In: Rights and Remedies for the Consumer in The European Union. Editors: Buttigieg, E., . Gutenberg Press. 29- 48. 978-99957-0-452-0
Willett, C. and Morgan-Taylor, M., (2012). Recognising the limits of transparency in EU consumer law. In: European Consumer Protection. Cambridge University Press. 143- 163. 9781107013018
Willett, C., (2011). Social justice in the office of fair trading versus commutative justice in the Supreme Court. In: The Many Concepts of Social Justice in European Private Law. 359- 383
Willett, C. and Oughton, D., (2010). Consumer Protection. In: Commercial and Consumer Law. Editors: Furmston, M. and Chuah, J., . Pearson. 9781405873673
Rott, P. and Willett, C., (2010). Consumers and Services of General Interest. In: Handbook Of Research On International Consumer Law. Editors: Howells, G., Ramsay, I., Wihelmsson, T. and Kraft, D., . Edward Elgar. 295- 332. 9781847201287
Willett, C., (2010). Unfair terms. In: A Factual Assessment of the Draft Common Frame of Reference. Editors: Antoniolli, L. and Fiorentini, F., . Sellier European Law Publishers. 53- 76. 9783866531222
Willett, C., (2010). Unfair terms, and standard form contracts. In: Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law. Editors: Howells, G., Ramsay, IM. and Wilhelmsson, T., . Edward Elgar. 158- 191. 9781849806312
Willett, C., (2010). Unfairness under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations. In: Unconscionability in European Financial Transactions Protecting the Vulnerable. Editors: Kenny, M., Devenny, J. and Fox O'Mahony, L., . Cambridge University Press. 350- 374. 9780521190534
Willett, C., (2009). Direct producer liability. In: Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law. Editors: Howells, G. and Schulte, R., . Sellier European Law Publishers. 189- 209. 9783866530829
(2009). European Perspectives on Producers' Liability. In: European Perspectives on Producers' Liability: Direct Producers' Liability for Non-conformity and the Sellers' Right of Redress. Sellier de Gruyter. 505- 514
Conferences (1)
Willett, C., (2020). Control of Price Related Terms in Standard Form Contracts in the UK: Regulating Prices and Charges in the UK: Information Versus Substance, General Clauses Versus Rules Developed by Regulators
Reports and Papers (2)
Fejős, A. and Willett, C., (2018). The obligation to assess consumers’ creditworthiness in the UK in Jose Manuel Busto Lago (ed.) El Nuevo paradigm de la solvenicia del consumidor de creditor en la Union Europea,
Willett, C., (2017). Fitness Check of EU Consumer Law
Academic support hours:
Monday 11:00-12:00 and Friday 11:00-12:00