Dr Lisa Wood

ljwoodm@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday 9-5, Tuesday 9-5, Friday AM
PgDip Medical and Clinical Education University of Essex, (2016)
PhD in Clinical Psychology University of Manchester, (2017)
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology University of East London, (2012)
Masters in Research Psychology University of Manchester, (2007)
Batchelor of Science in Psychology University of Essex, (2006)
University of Essex
Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, University of Essex (1/10/2015 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
CBT and third wave approaches (CFT) for psychosis
Stigma and discrimination of mental health and psychosis
Approaches to recovery in psychosis
Acute mental health care
Systematic reviews and meta analysis
Complex intervention development and evaluation
Teaching and supervision
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 19/11/2021

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 30/10/2020

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 30/10/2020

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/5/2020

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 18/11/2019

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2019

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/10/2018

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/10/2018

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/10/2018

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 18/4/2018
Journal articles (79)
Morrison, AP. and Wood, LJ., Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)
Wood, L., Morrison, AP., Lay, B., Williams, C. and Johnson, S., (2025). Delivering a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) informed crisis intervention in acute mental health inpatient settings: a therapy protocol. Psychosis. 17 (1), 57-68
Abraham, T., Gill, H. and Wood, L., (2025). Psychosocial interventions offered across inpatient and crisis settings to the social networks of service users with psychosis: A systematic review. Psychiatry Research. 343, 116267-116267
Wood, L., Williams, C., Luxon, L., Kumary, A. and Roth, A., (2025). Developing a psychosocial competency framework for adult and older adult acute mental health inpatient care. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
Fahy, L., Lee, L., Newlove, L., Wood, L. and O'Driscoll, C., (2025). Barriers and facilitators to engagement in psychological therapy in first episode psychosis: A meta‐ethnography and qualitative comparative analysis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
Partovi Tabar, P., Lloyd-Evans, B., Low, J., Scior, K. and Wood, L., (2025). A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the stigma of psychosis in middle eastern populations.. Stigma and Health
Yang, J., Glover, N. and Wood, L., (2025). Patient experiences of crisis home treatment teams: a systematic review and thematic synthesis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Wood, L., Rowe, A., Persaud, K., Nyikavaranda, P., Malde-Shah, N., Guerin, E., Dare, C., Constant, C. and Birken, M., (2024). Reflections on the coproduction of a crisis-focused intervention for inpatient settings underpinned by a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) model. Psychosis. 16 (3), 313-324
Morgan, C., Clarkson, L., Hiscocks, R., Hopkins, I., Berry, K., Tyler, N., Wood, L. and Jacobsen, P., (2024). What should inpatient psychological therapies be for? Qualitative views of service users on outcomes. Health Expectations. 27 (1), e13889-
Richardson Velmans, S., Joseph, C., Wood, L. and Billings, J., (2024). A systematic review and thematic synthesis of inpatient nursing staff experiences of working with high‐risk patient behaviours. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 31 (3), 325-339
Pyle, M., Loftus, L., Emsley, R., Freeman, D., Gillard, S., Gumley, A., Sierpatowska, J., Wood, L., O’Connor, RC., Pfeiffer, P., Simpson, SA., Cockayne, N., Shields, G., Beckley, A., Beckwith, H., Filippidou, M., Glen, C., Allan, S., Hazzard, R., Longden, E., Peel, H., Larsen, M., Bucci, S. and Morrison, AP., (2024). Study protocol for an adaptive, multi-arm, multi-stage (MAMS) randomised controlled trial of brief remotely delivered psychosocial interventions for people with serious mental health problems who have experienced a recent suicidal crisis: Remote Approaches to Psychosocial Intervention Delivery (RAPID). Trials. 25 (1), 460-
Johnson, S., Birken, M., Nyikavaranda, P., Kular, A., Gafoor, R., Parkinson, J., Hutchings-Hay, C., Gant, T., Molai, J., Rivera, J., Fenwick, J., Bendall, C., Blakley, L., Bacarese-Hamilton, T., White, VC., Holden, MK., Seale, J., Hardy, J., Fraser, KL., Mitchell, L., Lay, B., Mbeah-Bankas, H., McCrone, P., Freemantle, N., Wood, L., Lobban, F. and Lloyd-Evans, B., (2024). A crisis planning and monitoring intervention to reduce compulsory hospital readmissions (FINCH study): protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 10 (1), 35-
Jacobsen, P., Berry, K., Clarkson, L., Hiscocks, R., Hopkins, I., Morgan, C., Tandon, D., Teale, A-L., Tyler, N. and Wood, L., (2024). Development of a core outcome set for psychological therapy trials on acute psychiatric inpatient wards. BMC Psychiatry. 24 (1), 821-
Goulding, L., Williams, J., White, A., Jackson, A., Lelliott, Z., Adams, S., Chua, K-C., Nahabedian, N., Onwumere, J., Woollard, J., Sevdalis, N. and Gaughran, F., (2024). Remote consultations in mental health: collaborative evaluation applying learning health systems thinking. BJPsych Bulletin, 1-10
Wood, L., Butterworth, H., Nyikavaranda, P., Ariyo, A., Malde‐Shah, N., Guerin, E., Birken, M., Persaud, K., Dare, C., Morant, N. and Johnson, S., (2024). Patient's Experiences of a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Informed Crisis Intervention for Psychosis Delivered in Inpatient Settings: A Qualitative Exploration. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 31 (4), e3033-
Ahmed, H., Bendall, C., Anwar, F., Al‐Janabi, M. and Wood, L., (2024). A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis Examining the Facilitators and Barriers of Psychological Intervention Delivery in Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Teams. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 31 (4), e3032-
Pyle, M., Corrigan, PW., Wood, L., Pilling, S., Murphy, E., Macafee, G., Kelly, K., Byrne, R., Dunbar, E., Jones, E., Hudson, J., Jones, W., Hazzard, R., Larson, JE., MacLennan, G., Swingler, J., Peters, S. and Morrison, AP., (2024). A feasibility randomized controlled trial of an individually delivered, peer support intervention to reduce the impact of psychosis stigma and discrimination for people with psychosis: the let's talk study. Psychological Medicine. 54 (16), 4600-4611
Pallucca, C., Lisiecka-Ford, DM., Wood, L., Abul, A., Jolly, AA., Tozer, DJ., Bell, S., Forster, A., Morris, RG. and Markus, HS., (2024). Apathy After Stroke. Neurology. 102 (3), e208052-
Wheeler, C., Wood, L., Quinlan, E. and Spencer, A., (2023). “Snitches get stitches”: a qualitative exploration of childhood bullying in first episode psychosis. Psychosis. 15 (4), 344-356
Man, H., Wood, L. and Glover, N., (2023). A systematic review and narrative synthesis of indirect psychological intervention in acute mental health inpatient settings. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 30 (1), 24-37
Rivett, E. and Wood, L., (2023). Experiences of staff and the support received following incidents of high-risk behaviours in acute mental health inpatient wards: a qualitative exploration. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 12 (1), 1-12
Solanki, J., Wood, L. and McPherson, S., (2023). Experiences of adults from a Black ethnic background detained as inpatients under the Mental Health Act (1983). Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 46 (1), 14-20
Douglas, C., Wood, L. and Taggart, D., (2022). Recovery priorities of people with psychosis in acute mental health in-patient settings: a Q-methodology study.. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 50 (1), 1-14
Wood, L., Byrne, R., Enache, G., Lewis, S., Fernández Díaz, M. and Morrison, AP., (2022). Understanding the stigma of psychosis in ethnic minority groups: A qualitative exploration.. Stigma and Health. 7 (1), 54-61
Wood, L. and Newlove, L., (2022). Crisis-focused psychosocial interventions for borderline personality disorder: systematic review and narrative synthesis. BJPsych Open. 8 (3), e94-
Abou Seif, N., Wood, L. and Morant, N., (2022). Invisible experts: a systematic review & thematic synthesis of informal carer experiences of inpatient mental health care. BMC Psychiatry. 22 (1), 347-
Wood, L., Jacobsen, P., Ovin, F. and Morrison, AP., (2022). Key Components for the Delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for Psychosis in Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Settings: A Delphi Study of Therapists’ Views. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open. 3 (1), sgac005-
Wood, L., Williams, C., Pinfold, V., Nolan, F., Morrison, AP., Morant, N., Lloyd-Evans, B., Lewis, G., Lay, B., Jones, R., Greenwood, K. and Johnson, S., (2022). Crisis-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) in acute mental health inpatient settings (the CRISIS study): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 8 (1), 205-
Nabi, Z., Stansfeld, J., Plöderl, M., Wood, L. and Moncrieff, J., (2022). Effects of lithium on suicide and suicidal behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 31, e65-
Butterworth, H., Wood, L. and Rowe, S., (2022). Patients’ and staff members’ experiences of restrictive practices in acute mental health in-patient settings: systematic review and thematic synthesis. BJPsych Open. 8 (6), e178-
Moncrieff, J., Plöderl, M., Nabi, Z., Stansfeld, J. and Wood, L., (2022). Evidence does not confirm that lithium prevents suicide: a reply to Bschor et al.. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 31, e88-
Jones, A., Read, J. and Wood, L., (2021). A retrospective case study of the thematic content of psychotic experiences in a first episode psychosis population. Journal of Mental Health. 30 (4), 509-517
Wood, L., Williams, C., Pinfold, V., Nolan, F., Morrison, AP., Morant, N., Lloyd-Evans, B., Lewis, G., Lay, B., Jones, R., Greenwood, K. and Johnson, S., (2021). Crisis-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp) vs Treatment as Usual in Acute Mental Health Inpatient Settings (The CRISIS Study): Protocol For a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial
Vyas, A., Wood, L. and McPherson, S., (2021). A qualitative exploration of stigma experiences of second-generation British South-Asian people using an early intervention in psychosis service. Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches. 13 (4), 302-314
Emrich, L., Wood, L. and Taggart, D., (2021). The subjective experience of recovery from psychosis in an acute mental health inpatient setting. Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches. 13 (2), 154-166
Evlat, G., Wood, L. and Glover, N., (2021). A systematic review of the implementation of psychological therapies in acute mental health inpatient settings. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 28 (6), 1574-1586
Barnett, P., Goulding, L., Casetta, C., Jordan, H., Sheridan-Rains, L., Steare, T., Williams, J., Wood, L., Gaughran, F. and Johnson, S., (2021). Implementation of Telemental Health Services Before COVID-19: Rapid Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 23 (7), e26492-e26492
Wood, L., Constant, C. and Byrne, A., (2021). Exploring the experience of acute inpatient mental health care from the perspective of family and carers of people experiencing psychosis: A qualitative thematic analysis study conducted during the COVID‐19 pandemic. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 30 (6), 1620-1629
Yiu, HW., Rowe, S. and Wood, L., (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychosocial interventions aiming to reduce risks of suicide and self-harm in psychiatric inpatients. Psychiatry Research. 305, 114175-114175
Wood, L., Alonso, C., Morera, T. and Williams, C., (2021). The evaluation of a highly specialist inpatient psychologist working with patients with high risk presentations in an acute mental health inpatient setting. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care. 17 (1), 29-40
Jacobsen, P. and Wood, L., (2020). Risk of contamination when planning psychological therapy trials can be assessed using a simple framework. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 124, 8-15
Wood, L., Williams, C., Billings, J. and Johnson, S., (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of cognitive behavioural informed psychological interventions for psychiatric inpatients with psychosis. Schizophrenia Research. 222, 133-144
Barnett, P., Goulding, L., Casetta, C., Jordan, H., Sheridan-Rains, L., Steare, T., Williams, J., Wood, L., Gaughran, F. and Johnson, S., (2020). Implementation of Telemental Health Services Before COVID-19: Rapid Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews (Preprint)
Stockmann, T., Wood, L., Enache, G., Withers, F., Gavaghan, L. and Razzaque, R., (2019). Peer-supported Open Dialogue: a thematic analysis of trainee perspectives on the approach and training. Journal of Mental Health. 28 (3), 312-318
Wood, LJ., Williams, C., Enache, G., Withers, F., Fullarton, K., Salehi, D. and Draper, M., (2019). Examining cognitive functioning of adult acute psychiatric inpatients through a brief screening assessment. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 42 (1), 64-70
Wood, L., Williams, C., Billings, J. and Johnson, S., (2019). The role of psychology in a multidisciplinary psychiatric inpatient setting: Perspective from the multidisciplinary team. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 92 (4), 554-564
Wood, L., Williams, C., Billings, J. and Johnson, S., (2019). Psychologists’ Perspectives on the implementation of Psychological Therapy for Psychosis in the Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Setting. Qualitative Health Research. 29 (14), 2048-2056
Wood, L., Jones, A., Bishop, E. and Williams, C., (2019). Evaluating the introduction of assistant psychologists to an acute mental health inpatient setting. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care. 15 (1), 21-30
Wood, L., Williams, C., Billings, J. and Johnson, S., (2019). The therapeutic needs of psychiatric in-patients with psychosis: A qualitative exploration of patient and staff perspectives. BJPsych Open. 5 (3), e45-
Fife, S., Blumenfeld, F., Williams, C. and Wood, L., (2019). A feasibility study highlighting challenges in evaluating a structured, psychological treatment for self-harm in adult psychiatric inpatient settings. Psychiatry Research. 282, 112609-112609
Wood, L. and Alsawy, S., (2018). Recovery in Psychosis from a Service User Perspective: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis of Current Qualitative Evidence. Community Mental Health Journal. 54 (6), 793-804
Wood, L., Byrne, R., Enache, G. and Morrison, AP., (2018). Acute Inpatients’ Experiences of Stigma From Psychosis: A Qualitative Exploration.. Stigma and Health. 3 (1), 1-8
Wood, LJ., Byrne, R., Enache, G. and Morrison, A., (2018). A brief cognitive therapy intervention for internalised stigma in acute inpatients who experience psychosis: A feasibility randomised controlled trial. Psychiatry Research. 262, 303-310
Birtel, MD., Wood, L. and Kempa, NJ., (2017). Stigma and social support in substance abuse: Implications for mental health and well-being. Psychiatry Research. 252, 1-8
Wood, L., Byrne, R. and Morrison, AP., (2017). An Integrative Cognitive Model of Internalized Stigma in Psychosis. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 45 (06), 545-560
Wood, L. and Irons, C., (2017). Experienced stigma and its impacts in psychosis: The role of social rank and external shame. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 90 (3), 419-431
Wood, L., Byrne, R., Burke, E., Enache, G. and Morrison, AP., (2017). The impact of stigma on emotional distress and recovery from psychosis: The mediatory role of internalised shame and self-esteem. Psychiatry Research. 255, 94-100
Wood, L., Burke, E., Byrne, R., Enache, G. and Morrison, AP., (2016). Semi-structured Interview Measure of Stigma (SIMS) in psychosis: Assessment of psychometric properties. Schizophrenia Research. 176 (2-3), 398-403
Wood, L., Byrne, R., Varese, F. and Morrison, AP., (2016). Psychosocial interventions for internalised stigma in people with a schizophrenia-spectrum diagnosis: A systematic narrative synthesis and meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Research. 176 (2-3), 291-303
Razzaque, R. and Wood, L., (2016). Exploration of the Effectiveness and Acceptability of a Professional Mindfulness Retreat for Psychiatrists. Mindfulness. 7 (2), 340-348
Wood, L., Burke, EM., Byrne, R. and Morrison, A., (2016). Examining service user experiences of a Cognitive Therapy intervention for self-stigma in psychosis. Psychosis. 8 (3), 238-249
Burke, E., Wood, L., Zabel, E., Clark, A. and Morrison, AP., (2016). Experiences of stigma in psychosis: A qualitative analysis of service users’ perspectives. Psychosis. 8 (2), 130-142
Wood, L. and Irons, C., (2016). Exploring the Associations between Social Rank and External Shame with Experiences of Psychosis. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 44 (5), 527-538
Morrison, AP., Burke, E., Murphy, E., Pyle, M., Bowe, S., Varese, F., Dunn, G., Chapman, N., Hutton, P., Welford, M. and Wood, LJ., (2016). Cognitive therapy for internalised stigma in people experiencing psychosis: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Psychiatry Research. 240, 96-102
Wood, L. and Alsawy, S., (2016). Patient experiences of psychiatric inpatient care: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care. 12 (1), 35-43
Razzaque, R. and Wood, L., (2015). Open Dialogue and its Relevance to the NHS: Opinions of NHS Staff and Service Users. Community Mental Health Journal. 51 (8), 931-938
Wood, L., Burke, E. and Morrison, A., (2015). Individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp): A Systematic Review of Qualitative Literature. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 43 (3), 285-297
Razzaque, R., Okoro, E. and Wood, L., (2015). Mindfulness in Clinician Therapeutic Relationships. Mindfulness. 6 (2), 170-174
Alsawy, S., Wood, L., Taylor, PJ. and Morrison, AP., (2015). Psychotic experiences and PTSD: exploring associations in a population survey. Psychological Medicine. 45 (13), 2849-2859
Taylor, PJ., Hutton, P. and Wood, L., (2015). Are people at risk of psychosis also at risk of suicide and self-harm? A systematic review and meta-analysis.. Psychological Medicine. 45 (5), 911-926
Wood, L., Burke, E., Byrne, R., Pyle, M., Chapman, N. and Morrison, A., (2015). Stigma in psychosis: A thematic synthesis of current qualitative evidence. Psychosis. 7 (2), 152-165
Wood, L., Birtel, M., Alsawy, S., Pyle, M. and Morrison, A., (2014). Public perceptions of stigma towards people with schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety. Psychiatry Research. 220 (1-2), 604-608
Hutton, P., Wood, L., Taylor, PJ., Irving, K. and Morrison, AP., (2014). Cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis: rationale and protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychosis. 6 (3), 220-230
Kilbride, M., Byrne, R., Price, J., Wood, L., Barratt, S., Welford, M. and Morrison, AP., (2013). Exploring Service Users’ Perceptions of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis: A User Led Study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 41 (1), 89-102
Wood, L., Price, J., Morrision, A. and Haddock, G., (2013). Exploring service users perceptions of recovery from psychosis: A Q‐methodological approach. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 86 (3), 245-261
Wood, L., Lala, P., Fearns, N. and Higginbotham, A., (2012). Coming together: Evaluating the efficacy of group psychoeducation for people diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Clinical Psychology Forum (229), 47-51
Haddock, G., Wood, L., Watts, R., Dunn, G., Morrison, AP. and Price, J., (2011). The Subjective Experiences of Psychosis Scale (SEPS): Psychometric evaluation of a scale to assess outcome in psychosis. Schizophrenia Research. 133 (1-3), 244-249
Wood, L., Price, J., Morrison, A. and Haddock, G., (2010). Conceptualisation of recovery from psychosis: a service-user perspective. The Psychiatrist. 34 (11), 465-470
Lisa, W. and Emma, B., (2010). Ecstasy (MDMA) and its Relationship with Self- Report Depression, Anxiety and Schizotypy. Clínica y Salud. 21 (2), 151-157
Dataset (1)
Haddock, G., Wood, L., Watts, R., Dunn, G., Morrison, AP. and Price, J., (2012).Subjective Experiences of Psychosis Scale
Academic support hours:
Monday 9-5, Tuesday 9-5, Friday AM