
Professor Reed Wood

Department of Government
Professor Reed Wood
  • Email

  • Location

    5.004, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Thursday 13:00-15:00 or by appointment.



Reed M. Wood is Professor of International Relations in the Department of Government at the University of Essex. He received a Ph.D. (2010) in Political Science from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. His research investigates the complex interconnections between gender and political violence and its implications for politics and society. His recent research has focused on the participation of women in rebel and terrorist organizations and their impact on the dynamics and duration of armed conflict, the influence of gender diversity on conflict resolution and post-conflict peace, and the effects of election violence on descriptive representation in national legislatures. He is currently involved in several ongoing data collection projects, including the Women in Armed Rebellion Dataset (WARD), the Sub-National Analysis of Repression Project (SNARP), and the Political Terror Scale (PTS). Professor Wood is current available to supervise post-graduate research students (PhD/MPhil) interested in positivist approaches to the study of gender and armed conflict, the quantitative study of human rights and state repression, or domestic armed conflict (terrorism, civil war, insurgency, etc).


  • PhD University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,


University of Essex

  • Director of Eduction, Government, University of Essex (15/9/2024 - present)

  • Extracted Employability Lead, Government, University of Essex (1/8/2023 - 1/10/2024)

  • Director of Education, Government, University of Essex (1/3/2022 - 15/9/2023)

  • Professor, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2022 - present)

Other academic

  • Associate Professor, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University (1/8/2010 - 30/12/2019)

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Chen-Yu Lee
Chen-Yu Lee
Degree subject: Political Science
Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 3/8/2023


Journal articles (36)

Wood, R., (2024). The Effects of Electoral Violence on Women’s Legislative Representation. Political Research Quarterly. 77 (3), 915-930

Juanchich, M., Oakley, CM., Sayer, H., Holford, DL., Bruine de Bruin, W., Booker, C., Chadborn, T., Vallee-Tourangeau, G., Wood, R. and Sirota, M., (2024). Vaccination invitations sent by warm and competent medical professionals disclosing risks and benefits increase trust and booking intention and reduce inequalities between ethnic groups.. Health Psychology. 43 (10), 718-729

Wood, RM., Juanchich, M., Ramirez, M. and Zhang, S., (2023). Promoting COVID-19 vaccine confidence through public responses to misinformation: The joint influence of message source and message content. Social Science and Medicine. 324, 115863-115863

Cordell, R., Wood, RM. and Wright, TM., (2023). Disease and Dissent: Epidemics as a Catalyst for Social Unrest. Global Studies Quarterly. 3 (2)

Ramirez, M. and Wood, R., (2023). Authoritarian Opposition? Authoritarian Disposition and Resistance to Public Health Mitigation Strategies during COVID-19. Political Research Quarterly. 77 (1), 239-254

Wood, RM. and Allemang, L., (2022). Female fighters and the fates of rebellions: How mobilizing women influences conflict duration. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 39 (5), 565-586

Wood, R., Reinhardt, G., RezaeeDaryakenari, B. and Windsor, L., (2022). Resisting Lockdown: The Influence of COVID-19 Restrictions on Social Unrest. International Studies Quarterly. 66 (2)

Davenport, C., RezaeeDaryakenari, B. and Wood, RM., (2022). Tenure through Tyranny? Repression, Dissent, and Leader Removal in Africa and Latin America, 1990–2006. Journal of Global Security Studies. 7 (1)

Cordell, R., Clay, C., Fariss, C., Wood, R. and Wright, T., (2022). Disaggregating Repression: Identifying Physical Integrity Rights Allegations in Human Rights Reports. International Studies Quarterly. 66 (2)

Cordell, R., Clay, KC., Fariss, CJ., Wood, RM. and Wright, TM., (2020). Changing standards or political whim? Evaluating changes in the content of US State Department Human Rights Reports following presidential transitions. Journal of Human Rights. 19 (1), 3-18

Manekin, D. and Wood, R., (2020). Framing the Narrative: Female Fighters, External Audience Attitudes, and Transnational Support for Armed Rebellions. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 64 (9), 1638-1665

Windsor, LC., Yannitell Reinhardt, G., Windsor, AJ., Ostergard, R., Allen, S., Burns, C., Giger, J. and Wood, R., (2020). Gender in the time of COVID-19: Evaluating national leadership and COVID-19 fatalities. PLoS One. 15 (12), e0244531-e0244531

Ramirez, MD. and Wood, RM., (2019). Public Attitudes toward Private Military Companies: Insights from Principal–agent Theory. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 63 (6), 1433-1459

Best, RH., Shair-Rosenfield, S. and Wood, RM., (2019). Legislative Gender Diversity and the Resolution of Civil Conflict. Political Research Quarterly. 72 (1), 215-228

Cingranelli, D., Mark, S., Gibney, M., Haschke, P., Wood, R. and Arnon, D., (2019). Human Rights Violations and Violent Internal Conflict. Social Sciences. 8 (2), 41-41

Thomas, JL. and Wood, RM., (2018). The social origins of female combatants. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 35 (3), 215-232

Wood, R. and Ramirez, MD., (2018). Exploring the Microfoundations of the Gender Equality Peace Hypothesis. International Studies Review. 20 (3), 345-367

Shair-Rosenfield, S. and Wood, RM., (2017). Governing Well after War: How Improving Female Representation Prolongs Post-conflict Peace. The Journal of Politics. 79 (3), 995-1009

Wood, RM. and Thomas, JL., (2017). Women on the frontline: Rebel group ideology and women’s participation in violent rebellion. Journal of Peace Research. 54 (1), 31-46

Wood, RM. and Molfino, E., (2016). Aiding Victims, Abetting Violence: The Influence of Humanitarian Aid on Violence Patterns During Civil Conflict. Journal of Global Security Studies. 1 (3), 186-203

Wood, RM. and Wright, TM., (2016). Responding to Catastrophe: Repression Dynamics Following Rapid-onset Natural Disasters. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 60 (8), 1446-1472

Wood, R., (2016). Intrastate Conflict and Civilian Victimization

Wood, RM. and Sullivan, C., (2015). Doing Harm by Doing Good? The Negative Externalities of Humanitarian Aid Provision during Civil Conflict. The Journal of Politics. 77 (3), 736-748

Wood, RM. and Kathman, JD., (2015). Competing for the Crown. Political Research Quarterly. 68 (1), 167-179

Salehyan, I., Siroky, D. and Wood, RM., (2014). External Rebel Sponsorship and Civilian Abuse: A Principal-Agent Analysis of Wartime Atrocities. International Organization. 68 (3), 633-661

Wood, RM., (2014). From Loss to Looting? Battlefield Costs and Rebel Incentives for Violence. International Organization. 68 (4), 979-999

Wood, RM. and Kathman, JD., (2014). Too Much of a Bad Thing? Civilian Victimization and Bargaining in Civil War. British Journal of Political Science. 44 (3), 685-706

Wood, RM., (2014). Opportunities to kill or incentives for restraint? Rebel capabilities, the origins of support, and civilian victimization in civil war. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 31 (5), 461-480

Kathman, JD. and Wood, RM., (2014). Stopping the Killing During the “Peace”: Peacekeeping and the Severity of Postconflict Civilian Victimization. Foreign Policy Analysis, n/a-n/a

Wood, RM., (2014). Aiding Labor: Foreign Aid and the Promotion of Labor Rights in LDCs. Journal of Human Rights. 13 (2), 186-204

Wood, RM., Kathman, JD. and Gent, SE., (2012). Armed intervention and civilian victimization in intrastate conflicts. Journal of Peace Research. 49 (5), 647-660

Crescenzi, MJC., Kathman, JD., Kleinberg, KB. and Wood, RM., (2012). Reliability, Reputation, and Alliance Formation1. International Studies Quarterly. 56 (2), 259-274

Kathman, JD. and Wood, RM., (2011). Managing Threat, Cost, and Incentive to Kill. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 55 (5), 735-760

Wood, RM. and Gibney, M., (2010). The Political Terror Scale (PTS): A Re-introduction and a Comparison to CIRI. Human Rights Quarterly. 32 (2), 367-400

M Wood, R., (2010). Rebel capability and strategic violence against civilians. Journal of Peace Research. 47 (5), 601-614

Wood, RM., (2008). “A Hand upon the Throat of the Nation”: Economic Sanctions and State Repression, 1976-2001. International Studies Quarterly. 52 (3), 489-513

Books (1)

Wood, R., (2019). Female Fighters: Why Rebel Groups Recruit Women for War. Columbia University Press. 9780231192996

Grants and funding


The Gendered Consequences of Political and Electoral Violence

Leverhulme Trust


Evaluating the Influence of Exposure to Anti-vax Protests on Vaccine Hesitancy across Diverse Audiences

British Academy


Evaluating the Influence of Exposure to Anti-vax Protests on Vaccine Hesitancy across Diverse Audiences

British Academy



5.004, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Thursday 13:00-15:00 or by appointment.

More about me