Prof Jane Wright

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+44 (0) 1206 872559
5S.6.1, Colchester Campus
Journal articles (6)
Terwindt, C., Leader, S., Yilmaz Vastardis, A. and Wright, J., (2018). Supply chain liability: pushing the boundaries of the common law?. Journal of European Tort Law. 8 (3), 261-296
Wright, J., (2016). The Operational Obligation under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Challenges for Coherence ? Views from the English Supreme Court and Strasbourg. Journal of European Tort Law. 7 (1), 58-81
Wright, J., (2014). A damp squib? The impact of section 6 HRA on the common law: horizontal effect and beyond. Public Law. April, 289-305
Wright, J., (2013). Review of A Fenyes/E Karner/H Koziol/E Steiner (eds), Tort Law in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2011). xxiv + 906 pp. ISBN 978-3-11-025966-7. ? 199.95 (hardback).. Journal of European Tort Law. 4 (3), 347-350
Wright, J., (2010). Retribution but No Recompense: A Critique of the Torturer’s Immunity from Civil Suit. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 30 (1), 143-178
Wright, J., (2009). Interpreting Section 2 of the Human Rights Act 1998 ? towards an indigeneous jurisprudence of human rights. Public Law. 2009, 595-616
Books (2)
Wright, J., (2017). Tort Law and Human Rights - Second Edition. Hart. 9781841139074
Thurtle, VJ. and Wright, J., (2008). Promoting the Health of School Age Children. Quay Books. 9781856423564
Book chapters (3)
Wright, J., (2010). European legal frameworks that respond to diversity and the need for institutional change: to what extent are the Canadian concept of ?reasonable? accommodation and the European approach of ?mutual? accommodation reflected in those frameworks? Which conceptual approach provides the better way forward in the European context?. In: Institutional accommodation and the citizen: legal and political interaction in a pluralist society. Council of Europe Publishing. 143- 159. 9789287167408
Wright, J., (2008). International Human Rights Law. In: The New Oxford Companion to Law. Editors: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J., . Oxford University Press. 9780199290543
Wright, J., (2008). The Right to Family Life. In: The New Oxford Companion to Law. Editors: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J., . Oxford University Press. 9780199290543