Dr Aaron Wyllie

a.wyllie@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1702 328511
GB.1.24, Southend Campus
I graduated with both undergraduate (Bachelor of Social Work) and postgraduate (PhD) degrees in social work from Monash University, Australia. Subsequently, I have been a lecturer within the Social Work and Social Justice Division since 2018, and Programme Lead/Course Director for the BA Social Work programme since 2020. My research is broadly focused across three key areas. Firstly, building on my previous practice experiences with older people, my doctoral research explored the role of place and space in shaping experiences of disadvantage and community connectedness among older people. During COVID, I continued this area of research through collaboration with colleagues from the Essex Autonomy Project, focusing on the rights and wellbeing of older people living in locked down care homes. Secondly, I am interested in the history of social work as a profession, both within the UK and globally. I have recently published (with Professor Vasilios Ioakimidis), an edited volume with Policy Press exploring incidents of social work complicity and resistance with oppressive and punitive practices. I am currently continuing this work through an exploration of the history of transport as an enabling technology for social work's 'neo-liberal turn' within the United Kingdom, alongside a range of collaborations with international colleagues focused on documenting and highlighting social work history. Thirdly, I have broad interests and expertise with respect to creative and participatory research methodologies, and research ethics and integrity.
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Monash University,
Bachelor of Arts Monash University,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Monash University,
University of Essex
Lecturer and Programme Lead, Division of Social Work and Social Justice, University of Essex (1/8/2018 - present)
Departmental Ethics Officer, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (10/3/2020 - 10/10/2023)
Academic Offence Adjudicator, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (10/4/2019 - present)
Research and professional activities
Current research
Social Work Education and Criminal Records
Decision-making at social work education admissions regarding applicants with criminal records
Social work students with criminal records
Exploring the policies, processes and practices of admissions decision-making in relation to social work students with criminal records in England
Conferences and presentations
Evidence on the relationship between breastfeeding and long-term outcomes
Annual Kathmandu conference on Nepal and Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal, 25/7/2023
Realising Criminal Records: Exploring the role criminal records play in decision-making about admissions to social work programmes in England
European Conference for Social Work Research 2021, Bucharest, Romania, 5/5/2021
Realising criminal records: an examination of the role of criminal records checks in social work education admissions
European Conference of Social Work Research (ECSWR), European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 7/4/2021
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Introduction to Sociological and Psychological Frameworks (HS190)
Professional Skills 1 (HS194)
Introduction to Research Methodologies (HS290)
Independent Study (HS390)
Research Perspectives (HS392)
Rights Based Research and Dissertation (HS657)
Social Work Dissertation (HS659)
Interpersonal Skills for Practice (HS192)
Legislation, Regulation and Ethics for Practice (HS292)
Journal articles (6)
Bald, C., Wyllie, A. and Martinez Herrero, MI., “Stuck in the middle”: social work educator attitudes to admissions decision-making in relation to applicants with criminal records to social work courses in England. Comunitania Journal
Fitton, E., Kuylen, M., Wyllie, A., Michalowski, S., Bhatt, V. and Martin, W., (2023). Managing DNACPR Recommendations in Residential Care: Towards Improved Training for Social Care and Capacity Professionals. The British Journal of Social Work. 53 (5), 2979-2999
Kuylen, M., Wyllie, A., Bhatt, V., Fitton, E., Michalowski, S. and Martin, W., (2022). COVID-19 and the Mental Capacity Act in care homes: Perspectives from capacity professionals. Health and Social Care in the Community. 30 (5), e3018-e3028
Bald, C., Wyllie, A. and Martinez Herrero, MI., (2022). Criminal records and public sector professional education: the role of criminal background checks in admissions to social work courses in England. Probation Journal. 69 (3), 337-352
Bhatt, V., Michalowski, S., Wyllie, A., Kuylen, M. and Martin, W., (2021). Human Rights and COVID Triage: A Comment on the Bath Protocol. Journal of Medical Ethics. 47 (7), 464-466
Wyllie, A. and Saunders, BJ., (2018). ‘Everyone has an agenda’: Professionals’ understanding and negotiation of risk within the Guardianship system of Victoria, Australia. Health and Social Care in the Community. 26 (4), 581-589
Books (1)
Ioakimidis, V. and Wyllie, A., (2023). Social Work's Histories of Complicity and Resistance A Tale of Two Professions. Policy Press. 1447364287. 9781447364283
Book chapters (4)
Ioakimidis, V. and Wyllie, A., (2023). Learning From the Past To Shape the Future: Uncovering Social Work’s Histories of Complicity and Resistance. In: Social Work's Histories of Complicity and Resistance A Tale of Two Professions. Editors: Ioakimidis, V. and Wyllie, A., . Policy Press. 3- 28. 9781447364283
Bald, C., Carter, L., Ferstman, C., Fagan, A., Gilbert, G. and Wyllie, A., (2020). The Impact on Vulnerable Populations. Vulnerability: A Discussion. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 147- 148. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Wyllie, A., (2020). The Human Rights of Older People during Covid-19: Social Wellbeing and Access to Care and Support for Older People in the United Kingdom. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 197- 203. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Wyllie, A., (2020). Covid-19 and Social Work with Adults. In: Social Work and Covid-19: Relationship-based Practice in a Global Pandemic. Editors: Buzzi, P. and Megele, C., . Critical Publishing. 237- 243
Conferences (2)
Wyllie, A., Realising Criminal Records: an examination of the role of criminal records checks in social work education admissions.
Wyllie, A., Negotiating neighbourhood change in later life: acts of adaptation, resistance and withdrawal among older adults living in Melbourne, Australia
Thesis dissertation (1)
Wyllie, A., (2020). Finding (a) place in later life: Exploring the role of place and space in shaping older people's experience of social exclusion
Grants and funding
NIHR/Thurrock Council post doc
Thurrock Council
Evaluation - ECC ARPSM Role
Essex County Council
Pursuing Independent Paths KTP
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Community and Residents Experience
North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
Community and Residents Experience
North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
NIHR CRN Eastern Social Care Research Readiness Project
National Institute for Health Research
NIHR CRN Eastern Social Care Research Readiness Project
National Institute for Health Research
NIHR CRN Eastern Social Care Research Readiness Project
National Institute for Health Research
NIHR CRN Eastern Social Care Research Readiness Project
National Institute for Health Research
Knowledge, Research and Evaluation Strategy - A Better Start Southend
NIHR Supplement
National Institute for Health Research