Dr Yingqin Zheng

y.zheng@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872730
EBS.3.34, Colchester Campus
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Perspectives on Technology, Organisation and Society (BE437)
The Management of Innovation and Organizational Change (BE885)
Research Methods in Management (BE969)
Journal articles (22)
Jaroenpool, J., Maneerattanasak, S., Adesina, F., Phumee, A., Stanikzai, MH., Ponprasert, C., Zheng, Y., Shohaimi, S., Nam, TT., Ageru, TA., Syafinaz, AN. and Suwanbamrung, C., (2024). A primary school-based dengue solution model for post-COVID-19 in southern Thailand: Students understanding of the dengue solution and larval indices surveillance system. PLOS ONE. 19 (12), e0313171-e0313171
Pandey, P. and Zheng, Y., (2023). Social positioning matters: A socialized affordance perspective of
Pandey, P. and Zheng, Y., (2023). Technologies of Power in Digital Inclusion. Journal of the Association of Information Systems. 24 (5), 1334-1357
Chib, A., Ang, MW., Zheng, Y. and Nguyen, SH., (2022). Subverted agency: The dilemmas of disempowerment in digital practices. New Media & Society. 24 (2), 458-477
Zheng, Y. and Wu, PF., (2022). Producing speed on demand: Reconfiguration of space and time in food delivery platform work. Information Systems Journal. 32 (5), 973-1004
Zheng, Y. and Walsham, G., (2021). Inequality of what? An intersectional approach to digital inequality under Covid-19. Information and Organization. 31 (1), 100341-100341
Qureshi, I., Pan, SL. and Zheng, Y., (2021). Digital social innovation: An overview and research framework. Information Systems Journal. 31 (5), 647-671
Zheng, Y. and Walsham, G., (2021). Inequality of what? An intersectional approach to digital inequality under Covid-19. INFORMATION AND ORGANIZATION. 31 (1)
Jiménez, A. and Zheng, Y., (2021). Unpacking the multiple spaces of innovation hubs. The Information Society. 37 (3), 163-176
Zheng, Y., (2020). Digital Economies at Global Margins. Economic Geography. 96 (2), 190-192
Azer, E., Harindranath, G. and Zheng, Y., (2019). Revisiting leadership in information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled activism: A study of Egypt’s grassroots human rights groups. New Media & Society. 21 (5), 1141-1169
Zheng, Y., Hatakka, M., Sahay, S. and Andersson, A., (2018). Conceptualizing development in information and communication technology for development (ICT4D). Information Technology for Development. 24 (1), 1-14
Jiménez, A. and Zheng, Y., (2018). Tech hubs, innovation and development. Information Technology for Development. 24 (1), 95-118
Zheng, Y. and Yu, A., (2016). Affordances of social media in collective action: the case of Free Lunch for Children in China. Information Systems Journal. 26 (3), 289-313
Abbott, P., Zheng, Y., Du, R. and Willcocks, L., (2013). From boundary spanning to creolization: A study of Chinese software and services outsourcing vendors. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 22 (2), 121-136
Ai, S., Du, R., Abbott, P. and Zheng, Y., (2012). Internal and contextual factors, knowledge processes and performance: From the Chinese provider’s perspective. Expert Systems with Applications. 39 (4), 4464-4472
Zheng, Y., Venters, W. and Cornford, T., (2011). Collective agility, paradox and organizational improvisation: the development of a particle physics grid. Information Systems Journal. 21 (4), 303-333
Du, R., Ai, S., Abbott, P. and Zheng, Y., (2011). Contextual Factors, Knowledge Processes and Performance in Global Sourcing of IT Services. Journal of Global Information Management. 19 (2), 1-26
Feng, J., Du, R., Ai, S., Zheng, Y. and Abbott, P., (2011). An empirical research of relation norms on IT outsourcing performance. Procedia Engineering. 24, 214-218
Zheng, Y. and Stahl, BC., (2011). Technology, capabilities and critical perspectives: what can critical theory contribute to Sen’s capability approach?. Ethics and Information Technology. 13 (2), 69-80
Zheng, Y., (2009). Different spaces for e-development: What can we learn from the capability approach?. Information Technology for Development. 15 (2), 66-82
Zheng, Y. and Walsham, G., (2008). Inequality of what? Social exclusion in the e‐society as capability deprivation. Information Technology & People. 21 (3), 222-243
Books (2)
Jones, M., Mukherjee, A., Thapa, D. and Zheng, Y., (2023). Preface
Zheng, Y., Abbott, P. and Robles-Flores, JA., (2022). Preface
Book chapters (13)
Jones, M. and Zheng, Y., (2023). Beyond the snapshot: Reconceptualising human agency and context in qualitative IS research. In: Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems: New Perspectives. 340- 359
Roberts, T. and Zheng, Y., (2022). Datafication, Dehumanisation and Participatory Development. In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Springer International Publishing. 377- 396. 9783031194283
Pandey, P. and Zheng, Y., (2020). Power, Technology and Empowerment. In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Springer International Publishing. 165- 179. 9783030646967
Thapa, D. and Zheng, Y., (2019). Capabilities and Affordances in the ICT4D Context. In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Springer International Publishing. 49- 59. 9783030191146
Pandey, P. and Zheng, Y., (2019). Unpacking Empowerment in ICT4D Research. In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Springer International Publishing. 83- 94. 9783030191146
Jiménez, A. and Zheng, Y., (2017). A Spatial Perspective of Innovation and Development: Innovation Hubs in Zambia and the UK. In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Springer International Publishing. 171- 181. 9783319591100
Eades, G. and Zheng, Y., (2014). Counter-Mapping as Assemblage. In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 79- 94. 9783662457078
Abbott, P., Zheng, Y. and Du, R., (2014). Innovation in a Collaborative Project. In: SpringerBriefs in Digital Spaces. Springer International Publishing. 45- 54. 9783319144207
Abbott, P., Zheng, Y. and Du, R., (2014). VanceInfo’s Reconfigurative Strategy. In: SpringerBriefs in Digital Spaces. Springer International Publishing. 35- 44. 9783319144207
Stahl, B., Carroll-Mayer, M., Elizondo, D., Wakunuma, K. and Zheng, Y., (2012). Intelligence Techniques in Computer Security and Forensics: At the Boundaries of Ethics and Law. In: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 237- 258. 9783642252365
Zheng, Y. and Stahl, BC., (2012). Evaluating Emerging ICTs: A Critical Capability Approach of Technology. In: Philosophy of Engineering and Technology. Springer Netherlands. 57- 76. 9789400738782
Zheng, Y. and Zhang, C., (2012). Cyberactivism and Collective Agency: Cases from China. In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 310- 319. 9783642333316
Abbott, P., Zheng, YQ., Du, R. and Willcocks, LP., (2012). Offshoring: Cross-Cultural Strategies from the Offshore Provider’s Perspective. In: The New IT Outsourcing Landscape. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 206- 221. 9781349595327
Conferences (19)
Jones, M., Mukherjee, AS., Thapa, D. and Zheng, Y., (2023). After Latour
Kumaralalita, L. and Zheng, Y., (2023). Digital Financial Inclusion and Resilience – A Crowd-Funded Microloan Platform in Indonesia
Pandey, P. and Zheng, Y., (2020). Power, Technology and Empowerment: A Case Study of Community Health Workers in India
Thapa, D. and Zheng, Y., (2019). Capabilities and Affordances in the ICT4D Context: Similarities, Differences, and Complementarities
Kyriakidou-Zacharoudiou, A. and Zheng, Y., (2018). Engendering Virtual Communities of Practice: A study of a Globally Distributed Grid Development Project
Jimenez, A. and Zheng, Y., (2016). A capabilities approach to innovation: A case study of a technology and innovation hub in Zambia
Eades, G. and Zheng, Y., (2014). Counter-mapping as assemblage reconfiguring indigeneity
Zheng, Y. and Yu, A., (2014). Social media, institutional innovation and affordances: The case of free lunch for children in China
Zheng, Y. and Abbott, P., (2013). Moving up the value chain or reconfiguring the value network? An organizational learning perspective on born global outsourcing vendors
Abbott, P., Zheng, Y., Modi, S. and Du, R., (2012). Moving up the value chain: Exploring the issues for chinese software & services outsourcers
Ai, S., Du, R., Abbot, P. and Zheng, Y., (2011). Creolization, Innovation, Knowledge Sharing and Performance in Global Sourcing of IT Services
Stahl, B., Elizondo, D., Carroll-Mayer, M., Zheng, Y. and Wakunuma, K., (2010). Ethical and legal issues of the use of computational intelligence techniques in computer security and computer forensics
Abbott, P., Zheng, Y., Du, R. and Willcocks, L., (2010). From boundary spanning to creolization: Cross-cultural strategies from the offshore provider's perspective
(2009). The Interpretive Flexibility of an E-Government Project: From an Actor-Network Theory Perspective
Zheng, Y., Venters, W. and Cornford, T., (2009). Social capital in distributed system development: A case of grid development in particle physics
Zheng, Y., Venters, W. and Cornford, T., (2007). Agility, improvisation, or enacted emergence? distributed development of a particle physics grid
Zheng, Y., (2007). A structurational conceptualization of information literacy: Reflections on research in rural South Africa
Yingqin Zheng, (2005). Information Culture and Development: Chinese Experience of E-Health
Reports and Papers (1)
Zheng, Y. and Heeks, R., Conceptualising Information Culture in Developing Countries
Grants and funding
Interdisciplinary Network Assessing Women's Digital Inclusion as a Social Determinant of Health
Academy of Medical Sciences