Qi Zhu

qz21485@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
- Coup d'état
- Chinese Politics
- Chinese History
I am a PhD student of Political Science in the Department of Government at the University of Essex. My research focuses on authoritarian regimes, democratization, international conflict, coup d'état, and political economy.
MSc of International Economics, Finance and Development University of Surrey, UK (2019)
Master of Economics Fudan University, China (2002)
Bachelor of Economics Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China (1997)
Research and professional activities
How Autocratic Regimes Affect Coup Attempts and Coup Success
Lots of studies have discussed coups, but the majority of them focus on the determinants of coup attempts and pay little attention to coup success. However, not only coup success is worth studying itself, but the chances of success of coups could impact coup attempts as well. Therefore, it is logical to analyse coup attempts and coup success as interactive factors. This study uses the sample selection model (two-stage probit model) to explain why coups are more frequently in some autocratic coun
Supervisor: Kristian Skrede Gleditsch , Saurabh Pant
Research interests
Coups in autocracies
My research focuses on authoritarian regimes, democratization, international conflict, coup d'état, and political economy.