What we changed
Since 2019, the film has been shown to members of the military community, to veterans and their families, prisoners, medical professionals and students, and at film festivals. To date, almost 500 people have seen it.
Jay, Johno and Dan often accompany Nic, taking questions from audiences.
Audience feedback illustrates the film’s power to change perceptions with 96% saying that LIFTED had made them think differently about PTSD.
Nic’s approach, which empowered Jay, Johno and Dan to speak freely and openly, has positively affected their health and wellbeing: “I got to tell you stuff that I’ve not even told my wife,” one said.
Seeing public reactions to the film and speaking to audiences has been part of the healing process.
“It made me realise how far I have now come on my journey to recovery,” added another.
LIFTED allowed the men’s families to be heard too. One partner said: “It was good to be able to discuss how PTSD affects the family. Family members don’t always have a voice.”