Continuing Professional Development

Applying and Using Learning in Practice


The details
Applying & Using Learning in Practice
30 credits
Level 7
09 January 2025
Colchester Campus, Southend Campus

For module start dates, view our Module Calendar.

As a health or social care professional you engage regularly in continuous professional development (CPD).

Although CPD is highly valuable in terms of shaping your ideas, learning techniques and broadening understanding, you may not have had the ‘space’ for reflection, or to consider how you have applied that learning in your professional practice.

This module gives you an opportunity to demonstrate how you have applied the learning into day to day practice and therefore helps to bridge the practice-theory gap.

This module is part of our MSc Advanced Clinical Practice programme and our Advanced Clinical Practitioner Apprenticeship programme.

Learning outcomes

After this module you will be able to:

  • Articulate or summarise key aspects of learning derived from attendance/participation of a set of events.
  • Show a detailed understanding of the key principles or techniques presented in the learning events.
  • Demonstrate an ability to critically appraise the evidence base for applying a change to practice.
  • Analyse how the learning has been applied to an individual context.
  • Propose a plan that encompasses potential areas for future development arising from the ‘application of learning to practice’ process.

Accreditation and professional recognition

This module links into requirements for NMC or HCPC as evidence of CPD.

Entry Requirements

You must:

  • be a practising professional (health or social care)
  • be familiar with, and able to undertake, self-directed study
  • bring to the course a wealth of practical experience
  • require primarily guidance and support whilst undertaking the course.


Module Outline

Students choose three learning experiences or events from their last two years of practice. These could be:

  • Formal training events or conferences
  • Academic study
  • critical incident analyses
  • job or role shadowing
  • case reviews
  • in-work journal clubs
  • visits to other services
  • supervision sessions - professional, managerial and peer
  • service activities - evaluation, audits or other clinically related activities
  • reading research articles
  • networking or other meetings

In this module you will work independently under the supervision of an academic. You will be encouraged to reflect and analyse your learning through tutorials, and also prepare SMART goals for how you take the learning back into your practice area, or reflect on how you applied the learning in practice, the challenges encountered .

We understand that deciding where and what to study is a very important decision for you. We’ll make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the courses, services and facilities as described on our website. However, if we need to make material changes, for example due to significant disruption, or in response to COVID-19, we’ll let our applicants and students know as soon as possible.

Assessment strategy

Assessment is via a written critically reflective portfolio as follows:

  • Account of 3 events
  • A 4000 word reflective account of application of learning to practice.
  • Supportive evidence.

Fees and funding

Our CPD Funding page has more information on fees for our modules and potential funding sources.

What's next

We have guidance on making your application and the forms to download on our how to apply page.

Get in touch

If you require further details about this module, including future course dates, please email