Continuing Professional Development

Applying and Using Learning in Practice


The details
Applying and Using Learning in Practice
15 credits
Level 7
05 January 2026

This module allows students the opportunity to take a structured approach to applying learning to their professional practice.

Those working in healthcare and sport commonly attend learning events such as conferences, workshops, skills training or role shadowing as part of their professional development. Although highly valuable in terms of shaping ones ideas, learning techniques and broadening understanding, there is limited opportunity afforded within these ‘one-off’ learning events to allow demonstration of reflection, critical analysis, contextualisation and evaluation.

This module is designed to give people working in health and sport an opportunity to demonstrate how they have applied the learning they have gained from such events to their day to day practice.

Applying and Using Learning in Practice is a supervised project. This module has no formal taught component, with all sessions being based around individual or group tutorials. In weeks when no formal tutorials are scheduled students will be expected to be preparing work for tutorial discussions and assessment. Academic staff are available for supervision and advice.

During the module students will need to have undergone a collection of recent learning events (normally they will need to have occurred in the last 2 years). Students will be expected to;

  • reflect upon,
  • critically analyse,
  • contextualise, and
  • evaluate how these learning events have been applied to their practice working in health.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module you will be able to;

  1. Summarise key aspects of learning derived from attendance/ participation of a set of events where complex material has been presented.
  2. Show advanced understanding of the key principles or techniques presented in the learning events.
  3. Demonstrate an ability to examine, synthesise and evaluate the evidence base for applying a change to practice.
  4. Evaluate how the learning has been applied to an individual context.
  5. Propose a plan for future development for yourself and the setting in which you work arising from the ‘application of learning to practice’ process.

Entry Requirements

Students commencing this module will:

  • be practising/working in a healthcare or sporting setting or students of health or sports related programmes
  • be familiar with, and able to undertake, self directed study
  • bring to the module a wealth of practical experience
  • require primarily guidance and support whilst undertaking the module.

Students will also need to have participated in a collection of recent learning events (normally they will need to have occurred in the last 2 years).


Module Outline

Applying and Using Learning in Practice is a supervised project. This module has no formal taught component, with all sessions being based around individual or group tutorials.

Students will need to have undergone a collection of recent learning events (normally they will need to have occurred in the last 2 years).

Students will normally be required to complete projects within a 2 term period.

We understand that deciding where and what to study is a very important decision for you. We’ll make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the courses, services and facilities as described on our website. However, if we need to make material changes, for example due to significant disruption, or in response to COVID-19, we’ll let our applicants and students know as soon as possible.

Assessment strategy

Achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be assessed by coursework. This is split into 2 sections:

  • Part A carries 20% weighting for this module. It will consist of description and evidence to support attendance at, or participation in, at least 3 events and the aims intended. You will need a maximum of 500 words for each event.
  • Part B carries 80% weighting for this module. It will consist of a 2000 word reflective account on learning events, including an account of application of learning to practice.

You will also submit supportive evidence.

Fees and funding

If you have any questions about the module fees please email

In the first instance approach your Education Liaison Manager to see if funding can be secured via the organisation you are working for.

What's next

To apply for an individual module please complete the module application form (.docx) and email to for the attention of Sophie Young.

Get in touch

If you have any queries about our SRES CPD modules please email our MSK team