Welcome new students

New student registration

A student visiting student services

How to register

We can’t wait for you to join our University of Essex family.

Follow the steps below to officially register as a University of Essex student.

Steps to Register  Returning Students

Step 1: Set up your Essex IT account

You’ll get an email from us to confirm your Essex IT account (@essex.ac.uk) is ready for collection, once your student record is setup, this will be approximately 6 weeks before your course is due to commence.. This is a step you should complete as soon as possible as it unlocks access to your University email account, as well as a range of other systems, including our Online Pre-Registration system. 

To set your Essex IT account up, you’ll need your PRID and your passphrase. These are the same details as you used in our My Essex applicant portal. 

Get your IT account

Step 2: Complete Online Pre-Registration

As a new student you'll need to complete Online Pre-Registration before your course starts.

Start online Pre-Registration

Once in the portal, you'll be asked to complete key steps in the Pre-Registration area.

It is essential that you complete this as soon as possible and before you attend your In-Person Registration Appointment, as we won’t be able to confirm your registration without this.  

You should also take the time to familiarise yourself with our Registration Regulations

Step 3: Paying your tuition fees / Making sure your funding is in place

As one of the compulsory steps of registration, you will need to ensure the University is in receipt of the required amount for your tuition fees, before you can begin attending teaching and accessing other resources. 

If your studies are being funded by Student Finance England or another sponsor, you should make sure you have submitted any required application forms, evidence or returned any required agreements to them at the earliest opportunity. This will mean that your funding should be in place ready for you to complete registration. Where we have been notified you are receiving funding, our Online Registration system will reflect this when you enter the ‘Fees’ section. You will still be presented with the total annual fee for your course, as this will be the amount charged to any funding body, but you will not be asked to make payment of this amount in our system. It is important to note that if your circumstances change and for example any funding application is rejected at a later date, if you are registered, you will become liable for the tuition fees for your course.

If you are funding your own studies or receiving funds from a funding source that requires you to make payment to the University, you should ensure you have made arrangements to make this payment with adequate time for these to clear before the start of term. Further information can be found on our How to Pay Your Fees page.

You can also make payment of your tuition fees within our Online Pre-Registration portal, using our Webpay system to make credit or debit card payments; or our Flywire system to make a tracked bank transfer. 

Step 4: Attending your Registration Appointment

After completing Online Pre-Registration and paying your tuition fees, you’ll need to attend a Registration Appointment. You’ll need to complete this step after you arrive on campus and before you begin attending any teaching events for your course. 

We must see you in-person to be able to confirm your registration as an official student (please note the only exception to this is if you are registering on a distance learning course or a modular course, with no in-person teaching, in which case you’ll be supported with completing these steps remotely).

Dependant on the time of year and the location that you are registering at, you may need to pre-book an appointment to see us. Further information on how to pre-book an appointment can be found under your start date below.

Completing your Right to Study Check

As a new student, you’ll need to complete a Right to Study Check before you can officially register for your course. This is so we can verify your identity and ensure where required, you have the correct immigration permissions to study with us.

The Right to Study Check consists of a review of your original ID/immigration documents and where required, these will be recorded on your student record

If eligible, you will be invited to upload your ID/immigration documents via our Online Right to Study Check area in our Online Registration portal. You should try to do this as soon as possible and where possible, before you arrive on campus.

If you are not eligible to upload your documents online, we just need to see these documents at your in-person Registration Appointment. Your Right to Study Check area will provide you with information to help you prepare the documents you need to bring with you. 

At your appointment, we’ll need you to bring your ID/Immigration documents with you and these must be original/hard copy documents. 

We will not confirm your official registration as a student, until you have attended your in-person Registration Appointment and completed your Right to Study Check.

Autumn Term

Registration for Autumn Term 2024 is now closed.

Information on how to register for Autumn Term 2025 will be available nearer the time.

Joining us from September

Autumn term key dates

Term starts on Thursday 02 October 2025.

Online Pre-Registration for courses starting in October 2025 opens in September 2025. 

Please note some courses may have earlier start dates, but you will be advised by your department where this is the case. 

Our Registration Hubs on Colchester and Southend Campus will be open during Welcome Week to enable you to complete your In-Person Registration Appointment.  

There are a number of ways you can prepare for the start of term, including familiarising yourself with the steps needed to complete registration for your course and ensuring these are completed at the earliest opportunity. It is particularly important to complete Online Pre-Registration and make payment of the required tuition fees before term starts and then be on campus, ready to attend your in-person registration appointment (where your registration will be confirmed) at the start of term.  

Autumn Registration Appointments

Once you've completed all the online steps in our registration process and you've arrived on campus, you'll need to attend an in-person registration appointment.

Please see details of where and when you can complete your Registration Appointment below:

Colchester Campus

We'll publish information on where and when you can attend your in-person registration appointment at Colchester Campus on this page soon. 

Southend Campus 

We'll publish information on where and when you can attend your in-person registration appointment at Southend Campus on this page soon. 

Loughton Campus

We'll publish information on where and when you can attend your in-person registration appointment at Loughton Campus on this page soon. 

Latest Autumn registration dates 

As a reminder, term starts on Thursday 02 October 2025. Where possible, please make arrangements to be able to arrive, register and begin attending classes from the start of term.

Our latest registration dates for the Summer Term will be published here soon.

Spring Term

Joining us from January

Spring term key dates

Term starts on Monday 13 January 2025.

Online Pre-Registration for courses starting in January 2024 opens on Monday 02 December.

Online Pre-Registration

Please note some courses may have earlier start dates, but you will be advised by your department where this is the case. 

Our Registration Hubs on Colchester and Southend Campus will be open during Welcome Week to enable you to complete your In-Person Registration Appointment.  

There are a number of ways you can prepare for the start of term, including familiarising yourself with the steps needed to complete registration for your course and ensuring these are completed at the earliest opportunity. It is particularly important to complete Online Pre-Registration and make payment of the required tuition fees before term starts and then be on campus, ready to attend your in-person registration appointment (where your registration will be confirmed) at the start of term. 

It is important to note that you should not attend teaching, examinations or submit work until you have completed all required steps for registration (including payment of your tuition fees). This is in line with our Regulations relating to Registration.

Spring Registration Appointments

Once you've completed all the online steps in our registration process and you've arrived on campus, you'll need to attend an in-person registration appointment.

Please see details of where and when you can complete your Registration Appointment below:

Colchester Campus

Student Services Hub, First Floor of the Silberrad Student Centre – You do not need to pre-book your appointment to attend this Registration Hub.

Southend Campus 

Student Services Counter, Second Floor of the Forum Building - You'll need to pre-book your appointment to attend this Registration Hub.

Book your appointment here

Latest Spring registration dates 

As a reminder, term starts on Monday 13 January 2025, the dates below should only be used in exceptional circumstances, where you are unable to arrive and register for your course at the start of term due to circumstances beyond your control. 

Where possible, please make arrangements to be able to arrive, register and begin attending classes from the start of term.

Where you are unable to arrive and complete registration by the latest publicised arrival date, you can let us know you would like to request to register late by completing our quick online form.

Any decision taken via this process will consider the academic impact of you joining your course late. We will respond as soon as possible within 5 working days with what you need to do next and provide you with options if you will not be able to complete registration with us this term.

All Postgraduate Research Degrees


Latest registration deadline
All Postgraduate Research Degrees starting in January 2025 (including PhD, MPhil, MD, Prof Doc)   Monday 10 February 2025  

Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)

Course Latest registration deadline
MSc Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications   Wednesday 15 January 2025  
MSc Artificial Intelligence    Wednesday 29 January 2025  

Essex Business School (EBS) 

Course Latest registration deadline
MSc Business Analytics   Monday 10 February 2025  
Master of Business Management (MBM)   Monday 10 February 2025  
MSc Global Project Management    Monday 10 February 2025  
MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation   Monday 10 February 2025  
MSc International Business & Entrepreneurship    Monday 10 February 2025  
MSc International Marketing & Business Intelligence   Monday 10 February 2025  


Course Latest registration deadline
MSc Economics of Business Management   Monday 10 February 2025  
SKKU arrangement UG link   Monday 10 February 2025  

Edge Hotel School

Course Latest registration deadline
BA Hotel Management    Monday 10 February 2025  
MSc International Hospitality Management    Monday 10 February 2025  


Course  Latest registration deadline
Master of Public Policy (MPP) 
Monday 10 February 2025  
MA Politics   Monday 10 February 2025  

Health and Social Care (HSC)

Course Latest registration deadline
Oral Health Science   Tuesday 21 January 2025  
MSc Global Public Health   Monday 10 February 2025  
MRes Health Research   Monday 10 February 2025  

Language and Linguistics

Course Latest registration deadline
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 
Monday 10 February 2025  
MA Applied Linguistics   Monday 10 February 2025  


Course Latest registration deadline
LLM International Commercial and Business Law 
Monday 10 February 2025  
LLM International Law   Monday 10 February 2025  

Life Sciences

Course Latest registration deadline
MSc Cancer Biology Monday 10 February 2025

Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS)

Course Latest registration deadline
MSc Applied Data Science  Monday 10 February 2025  
MSc Data Science   Monday 10 February 2025  
MSc Data Science with Professional Placement   Monday 10 February 2025  
MSc Data Science and Its Applications   Monday 10 February 2025  

Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies (PHAIS) 

Course Latest registration deadline
MA Western Marxism 
Monday 10 February 2025  


Course Latest registration deadline
MSc Psychology   Monday 10 February 2025  

Summer Term

Joining us from April

Summer term key dates 

Term starts on Tuesday 22 April 2025.

Online Pre-Registration for courses starting in April 2025 is now open.


Online Pre-Registration

Please note some courses may have earlier start dates, but you will be advised by your department where this is the case. 

Our Registration Hubs on Colchester and Southend Campus will be open during at the start of term to enable you to complete your In-Person Registration Appointment. 

There are a number of ways you can prepare for the start of term, including familiarising yourself with the steps needed to complete registration for your course and ensuring these are completed at the earliest opportunity. It is particularly important to complete Online Pre-Registration and make payment of the required tuition fees before term starts and then be on campus, ready to attend your in-person registration appointment (where your registration will be confirmed) at the start of term. 

It is important to note that you should not attend teaching, examinations or submit work until you have completed all required steps for registration (including payment of your tuition fees). This is in line with our Regulations relating to Registration.

Summer Registration Appointments

Once you've completed all the online steps in our registration process and you've arrived on campus, you'll need to attend an in-person registration appointment.

Please see details of where and when you can complete your Registration Appointment below:

Colchester Campus

Student Services Hub, First Floor of the Silberrad Student Centre – You do not need to pre-book your appointment to attend this Registration Hub.

Southend Campus 

Student Services Counter, Second Floor of the Forum Building - You'll need to pre-book your appointment to attend this Registration Hub.

Latest Summer registration dates

As a reminder, term starts on Tuesday 22 April 2025, the dates below should only be used in exceptional circumstances, where you are unable to arrive and register for your course at the start of term due to circumstances beyond your control.

Where possible, please make arrangements to be able to arrive, register and begin attending classes from the start of term.

Where you are unable to arrive and complete registration by the latest publicised arrival date, you can let us know you would like to request to register late by completing our quick online form.

Any decision taken via this process will consider the academic impact of you joining your course late. We will respond as soon as possible within 5 working days with what you need to do next and provide you with options if you will not be able to complete registration with us this term.

All Postgraduate Research Degrees

Course Latest registration deadline
All Postgraduate Research Degrees starting in April 2025 (including PhD, MPhil, MD, Prof Doc)   Tuesday 20 May 2025   

Health and Social Care (School of)

Course Latest registration deadline
Nursing Degree Apprenticeship (starting 31 March 2025) 
Monday 19 May 2025

Dates for any other courses will be added here, as these become available

Returning Students

As a returning student you will need to complete Online Registration at the start of each academic year to ensure you can continue to access and teaching for the next stage of study on your course. 

You’ll also need to complete Online Registration if you are a student returning from a period of intermission.

Please note that in instances where you may have undertaken summer reassessment (i.e. in August or September), you will not normally be able to re-register for your course until your Resit Results have been published by the Board of Examiners. You may encounter an error code where you attempt to register before this. 

For further information on completing the registration process as a returning student, please visit our Returning Student Registration page. 

Two woman talking at a helpdesk
Need help?

For further help and advice please contact the Student Services Hub.