
Policies, strategies and reports

Our commitments

We take environmental and social responsibility seriously at Essex. Here you will find all of our policies, strategies and reports indicating the commitments we have made and our goals for the future. These documents are reviewed annually and will be updated accordingly.

Sustainability Policy and Strategy


This report details the assessment of the quantity of CO2e absorbed by university owned land (sequestered) per year.

Emissions and discharges

Carbon Management Plan

We will be developing a new Carbon Management Plan over the coming months as part of our Sustainability Sub-Strategy 2021-26. The principles of our current plan still remain while this work is undertaken.

The existing Carbon Management Plan sets out the steps necessary for the University to achieve its target of reducing CO2 emissions by 43 percent by 2020 from a 2005 baseline. 

The University is currently developing its new Carbon Management Plan, and will also produce a more detailed Decarbonisation Plan later in 2024. The focus remains on an overall reduction in carbon emissions through improved energy efficiency, with our net zero target set for 2035, as detailed in the Sustainability Sub-Strategy. The new CMP will be reviewed and approved at senior management level, and updated on this page as soon as possible. (Updated June 2024)

Approximately 60 percent of all the University’s Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions are from student accommodation (including external student accommodation).

This report, produced by consultants LCMB, details are scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions baseline, and advised our approach to making a net zero commitment. It identifies opportunities for carbon reduction across our three campuses and indicates investment required to achieve our ambitions.

As we develop our work on Scope 3 emissions, we have undertaken an initial exercise to assess data we currently hold.

F Gases

The University's HVAC and refrigeration is maintained to comply with high standards to prevent escape of gases. Any refrigerants removed during the maintenance process are handled by a registered waste carrier.

Hazardous products

Our School of Life Sciences carefully manages the disposal of any hazardous wastes, and laboratory staff adhere to a comprehensive Waste Disposal Handbook (.pdf).


Scope 1 and 2 for in-house university accommodation for 2023

Energy type  tCO2e 
 Gas 2,801
 Electricity  1,494
 Total 3,575

Scope 3 for externally provided accommodation for 2023

Accommodation kWh tCO2e
Quays 2,854,121  522.10
Meadows 1,726,956 315.91
Copse 2,087,273 381.82
Total 6,668,350 1,219.83
Accommodation kWh tCO2e
Quays 906,712  187.76
Meadows 719,153 148.92
Copse 568,135 117.65
Total 2,194,000 454.32


The energy policy outlines the university’s commitment to minimising energy consumption in order to avoid unnecessary expenditure, protect the environment and prolong the useful life of fossil fuels.

Energy usage for 2023

 Campus  Electricity (kWh)  Gas (kWh)
Colchester   16,771,815  25,347,978
Southend  2,921,652  2,601,895
Loughton  348,754  490,657
Total  20,042,221  28,440,530



The Student and Staff Engagement Plan sets out the university’s stance on maximising sustainability engagement throughout each campus. This includes marketing strategies, education and events.


The Statement of Investment and Banking Principles sets out the University’s agreed approach to ethical investment and banking. This policy is reviewed by the Investment Committee, with approval given by the University Steering Group. Details of the Investments Committee and its members can be found in the full list of the Committees of Council. (.pdf)

The University of Essex Portfolio Overview lists all investments made over the recent financial year, as a percentage of the overall fund.

The procurement audit provides details of the estimated tonnes of carbon emissions (tCO2e) associated with our spending activities across each category. Information is received from Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC) and will be updated annually.

This Financial Procedure Note provides additional guidance and supplementary information in regards to the University's Financial Regulations.

The University’s Financial Regulations specify the procedural and ethical expectations for research funding and gifts.


The sustainable food policy outlines Essex Food’s commitment to sustainability. The scope of this policy does not extend to the SU Bar and the SU Kitchen, for which the University does not have responsibility. When the University outsources catering contractors, they must adhere to the standards outlined within the sustainable food policy, as outlined in our tender specification documents.

Social responsibility

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion report on Access supports the Education Committee in setting the priorities for 2021-22 and beyond in relation to equality and diversity matters, to ensure that every student can achieve their potential.

The gender pay policy outlines the University’s commitment to providing and promoting equal pay.

Our people supporting strategy describes the University’s action plan to establish, monitor and promote parity of pay, equality and diversity and health safety and wellbeing among other things surrounding our employees.

Matters around ethics of organisations are covered in our Code of Good Research Practice (.pdf). For example, we do not undertake research of which the primary purpose is for defence/military use, or accept funding from the tobacco industry. Visit the Research Governance pages for more information.

Outsourcing staff

The University makes minimal use of outsourced/contract staff and will assess occurrences on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with People and Culture and our Central Procurement Unit. Where outsourced staff are deemed necessary, suppliers will be expected to demonstrate that pay and conditions for their staff working at the University align with the University's own staff contracts, as part of the tender process. 

For example, the below wording has been included in a previous tender question:
The supplier will ensure that staff allocated to this contract are paid as a minimum the current Living Wage. The supplier shall also ensure that if any additional hourly rates are charge for Bank Holiday working, that staff working Bank Holidays receive this additional pay in the normal proportions. The supplier shall also ensure that it complies with the restrictions of the Working Time Directive in relation to working time, rest breaks and holiday entitlement.

Student support

The University offers support for living costs for students through a number of different funds. You can find out more information in our student finance section.

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Backed by the Minister for Higher and Further Education, former Equalities Select Committee Chair Maria Miller MP and campaign group #CantBuyMySilence, The University of Essex commits to not using Non-Disclosure Agreements to silence people who come forward to raise complaints of sexual harassment, abuse or misconduct, or other forms of harassment and bullying.

Sustainability Policy and Strategy

The Sustainability Sub-Strategy is our overarching document for all sustainability-related issues. The document itself is a combination of policy and strategy. It begins by outlining our commitments to sustainability and ends with a set of SMART targets to aid us in fulfilling these commitments.

The Sustainability Sub-Strategy is reported on annually to University Steering Group (USG) to update on progress made against our core objectives.


Travel survey 2023 data

Campus attended Main mode of transport  Number of staff/students 
 Colchester  Bus 102 
 Colchester  Car share  43 
 Colchester  Drive alone 152 
 Colchester  Electric scooter
 Colchester  Get dropped off
 Colchester  Half walk, half drive
 Colchester  London Underground
 Colchester  Park and Ride
 Colchester  Cycle/eBike 48 
 Colchester  Motorcycle
 Colchester  Train 15 
 Colchester  Walk 187 
 Loughton  Bus
 Loughton  London Underground
 Loughton  Walk
 Southend  Bus
 Southend  Drive alone
 Southend  Get dropped off
 Southend  Park and Ride
 Southend  Train
 Southend  Walk 10 

The Sustainable Travel Plan outlines a package of measures to promote the use of sustainable modes of transport and to encourage a reduced reliance on private cars.

Waste reduction and recycling

This document sets out the procedures relevant to our environmental commitments to waste management.

These documents outline the waste treatments of Veolia for the University by total waste collected and proportion recycled.

Minutes taken from meeting with UoE and Waste contractor Veolia (6 September 2018), covering discussion of waste mass statistics and waste auditing at the University.

This table breaks down 2023 waste data for the University by category and proportion recycled.

This table breaks down 2022 waste data for the University by category and proportion recycled.

This table breaks down 2021 waste data for the University by category and proportion recycled.

This table breaks down 2020 waste data for the University by category and proportion recycled.

This table breaks down 2019 waste data for the University by category and proportion recycled.



Our Maintenance team have detailed plans of campus that indicate the flow of our drains, which either run into sewers or directly into the water course. Consequently all discharges are carefully managed to avoid pollution incidents. 

Our Grounds team uses a clear water wash pad which uses recycled rain water to wash their vehicles and machinery. The wash pad also captures any oil or fuel leaks within the system, it is then cleaned and reused.

Water usage for January 2023 - December 2023

 Campus  Discharge volume
 Colchester   175,074m3
 Southend  31,774m3
 Loughton  2,787m3
 Total  209,635m3


University of Essex Colchester Campus
Get in touch
Sustainability Team