We Are Essex

Anitra's story

Anitra George

"I live my life thinking you have to make the most of everything"

I’m proud of the way I’ve been able to help young people in my country, Antigua, as a youth mentor in my church group. People come on Friday nights and it’s just a time where you can talk to them and try to set them on the right path, make sure they know they’re valuable, they’re worth something. I’m a Christian, so my faith in God is what inspires me.

I’ve tried lots of other things, but languages are my passion. In my first law class I thought, “Nah, this isn’t for me.” But I’ve stuck with languages. I was teaching Spanish before I came here. When I go back after my Masters I will probably continue teaching Spanish, but I hope I’ll be able to eventually get into translation.

The little things make me happy, like when you’re carrying lots of stuff and someone holds the door open for you, or when it’s sunny outside. I live my life thinking you have to make the most of everything.


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