Sarah Rawlins (BA Sociology, 1984) and Adrian Porter (BA Sociology, 1984).

We met on the first day of fresher's week in 1981, both having just moved into the towers - Flat 11, Bertrand Russell.

We got together properly in the second term, spring 1982. We were both undergraduates in the Sociology department and, as far as we recall, spent every single night of our first year in the SU bar with a large group of like-minded friends - date nights weren't really a thing for us in the 80s! 

With a full grant and no tuition fees, it was a very different student experience compared with today. We've been happily married for over 30 years; now enjoying an active retirement. Our son is much older now than we were when we met! Who'd have thought...all down to an Essex romance.On the left, a photo of Sarah and Adrian in the 1980s. On the right, a more recent photo of them enjoying a drink in the sunshine.