Get clearing ready

With Results Day nearing, you might be hearing the word 'Clearing' floating around. Below, BSc Business Management student Neil Chamroo recounts his experience of joining Essex Business School at the University of Essex through Clearing, and how that decision has got him to where he is today.

A headshot of student Neil Chamroo with plants in the background

What happened when results day didn’t go to plan?

At A-level, I studied Computing, Maths and Business. My predicted grades were surprisingly high, like A* high, which made me believe I could choose top universities for my options. I struggled during my A-levels as I found Computing and Maths extremely hard.

Through my A-levels, I received some support from my teachers, but I was mostly supported by family and friends who pushed me through the two years. I come from a family with parents who couldn't afford to do their A-Levels in Mauritius let alone university. I knew how proud a moment me going to university would be for my parents.

Before getting my A-Level results, I was not feeling worried or stressed, but this changed after I got them. I knew I tried my hardest, but my grades didn’t allow me entry to my chosen universities. I was left panicking in what were the last minutes at my sixth form. I knew how much I wanted to get into university so that I could proceed with Business.

This is why I decided to apply to university through Clearing.

Why Essex Business School at The University of Essex?

The University of Essex stuck out because it was far from home and the cost of living is cheap compared to London. I wanted independence away from my parents and I knew I needed to be out of the house for maximum focus.

The A-Level results were tough to get over, but the fact that the University of Essex accepted me to become a student through Clearing was a mission of success, in my eyes.

Through Clearing, I was able to get a place on BSc Business Management. I chose this course because Business Management is broad, and I wasn’t sure what sector I’d like to get into. I have always loved business since a young age, being entrepreneurial even at school from selling sweets, sneakers or even clothes. Owning my own business was a dream but it seemed highly unlikely until I finished University and started my own business in 2022.

What it is like studying at Essex?

My experience at the University of Essex has been amazing. Just living alone is a big step for people to overcome. Social skills and getting out of your bubble are also great skills that university brings you.

As my course was broad, it led me to explore every single option I had to choose from and one of them was Essex Startups, which is a part of the University of Essex. The Essex Startup's team supports students and graduates who are interested in starting their own businesses. I was able to home in on my entrepreneurial skills and boost the progress of my own social enterprise. The company I founded in 2022 is a social enterprise that strives to tackle knife crime and youth violence in London through mentoring. The events that Essex Startups held helped me understand what running a business is truly like.

What advice would you give students about to go through clearing?

A-Levels are harder than University, now don't take that the wrong way and get disheartened, look at it as your final battle that you need complete and then the opportunities unravel. Just like me, I could've easily been distraught and demotivated to do anything after I failed my A-Levels.

Instead, I saw the wider picture and went for it by applying through Clearing. What I have learnt at Uni will stick with me forever and the skills I developed will help me in my business. So, if you need to or want to go through Clearing, pick up the phone and call those Universities, as the perfect Uni for you could be one phone call away.

Any final thoughts on your clearing experience?

Without the University of Essex (and Clearing), I would not be the young man I am today, open to learning, curious about the world, a business owner and most importantly a BSc Business Management Graduate. I plan to take what I learned and put it to the test within my business. As of now, it seems to be moving positively at a good pace.

Do not waste opportunities, overcome the fear of taking risks and go to university regardless of whether it’s through Clearing. If it is not for you, there are always options out there, but you would not know that if you never tried.


Get clearing ready