• Internship Organisation: East London Business Alliance (ELBA), London
  • Internship Role: Education Project Co-ordinator
  • Length of Internship: 3 months

After graduation I assumed that I would be able to get a job fairly easily, however this was not the case. I decided to do an internship to help me gain the relevant skills and experiences needed in the work environment. When I saw this internship with ELBA, its mission and values aligned with mine.

My greatest achievement during my internship was when I worked on a Black History month project. This was a great opportunity to develop my project management skill as we had a concept but no budget. It was very successful and I really enjoyed working on a project that I am passionate about. I was required to represent ELBA at a careers fair and speak about my experiences and chosen career pathways to year 10 students. I enjoyed this and developed my presentation skills.

I’ve learnt that I am adaptable to situations and that I can be very resilient. Prior to my internship I faced rejections however, this did not stop me. Applying for an internship was my best career move as I grew professionally. I was placed on ELBA’s Eagles Graduate CSR programme and have found a career in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at a global law firm. I would 100% recommend Essex Interns to anyone. Without this internship I would not have known what career I wanted, and what my strengths and weakness are. I met lovely and supportive people and networked across various corporations. The experiences and personal development that has taken place over those 3 months is truly amazing.

Thank you for providing this opportunity to graduates!