Accommodation information for current students

Accommodation thumbnail

Get up to £750 cashback with accommodation

Returning student accommodation applications for the academic year 2025-2026 are now open!
Apply today and get up to £750* cashback!

Stay in official University accommodation
for another year and get your bills included, 24-hour security, tenancies to suit term time, and Essex Sport membership at our Colchester Campus. What's more, you can choose to live with friends, and stay nice and close to all our academic buildings and on-campus activities.

Accommodation Catered Meal Packages

You are able to purchase the catered meal package either one term at a time or for the entire academic year (all three terms). It is designed to be used daily Monday to Friday during term time

Moving into your accommodation

Your welcome pack

Download our welcome pack to help make the most of your time in our accommodation.

Kitchen, bedding and electrical items

Essex Essentials is a one-stop shop to help you make your time at university hassle free.

Room inventories

Find out what furniture is in your room and how much each item is to replace.

Life in accommodation

Accommodation options

Find out more about our different accommodation options available.

Internet, phone, insurance and TV

Guidance for students regarding TV usage within accommodation, accessing telephone services and reporting internet faults.

Laundry services on campus

There are laundry facilities located in each area of our accommodation in Colchester and Southend.

Lost keys, keycards or fobs

Guidance for students who have lost their keys, keycard or fob to access their campus accommodation.

Apply to be an Accommodation Representative

If you are interested in earning a bit of money whilst living in our accommodation you can apply to be an Accommodation Representative.

Communal living

Need some advice on communal living? Check out our hints and tips to help guide you.

Accommodation safety and security

Discover fire, electrical and safety advice for living in accommodation at Essex.

Repairs and faults

Find contact details to report a fault or repair at your accommodation.

Going away for more than 7 days

For health and safety reasons we need to know if you are going to be away from your room for more than 7 days.

Residence Life

A Residence Life team will welcome you to your accommodation, answer any questions and help sort any issues you may encounter with your accommodation.

Accommodation complaints

If you have any concerns about the service you've received from us, you should raise them with a member of staff in the relevant team as soon as possible.

Changing accommodation

Room exchanges

Discover how you can move to another room and exchange with another student.

Transfer to a vacant room

If you'd like to transfer to an empty room or check availability, find out more.

Leaving accommodation

Moving out

Find out what you need to do before you move out of accommodation at Essex.

Withdrawing from the University and your accommodation

If you decide to withdraw permanently or temporarily from the University, find out the procedure to follow regarding your accommodation.

student talking to support staff
Contact us

For enquiries about accommodation or about an application you're making, contact us at the Student Services Hub. Quote your full name and PRID or PG number on all correspondence.