The world of recruitment is constantly adapting to ever changing circumstances. As fast-evolving technology has become more available to us, it is not a surprise that most job opportunities are now accessed online. In this blog we’ll be breaking down the online recruitment process and sharing some tips could help you along the way.

Job hunting:

Here is a list of some useful places to find a job:

  • CareerHub vacancy board – Many opportunities for Essex students and graduates.
  • Where to find a job – You can make use of our range of resources to help you find the right job.
  • Social media – You might find it surprising, but many social media platforms have a fit for purpose job search function. Check out LinkedIn Jobs, for example, where you can effectively tailor your search.
  • Employer websites – If you want to know what’s available within your dream company then visit their site, learn about the company, and seek out their opportunities.

Online applications:

Whilst similar to the physical application process, digital applications may be different from the traditional methods. Here are some ways in which the process can differ:

  • Applicant tracking systems – Around 75% of CVs will now go through these systems. This means that software will most likely review your application details before a human. Make sure that your CV is ATS ready.
  • Online assessment centres – These are convenient ways to get a group of prospective employees together to assess their potential. Check out our ‘What to expect from a virtual assessment centre’ article.
  • LinkedIn Easy Apply – Yes, social media is moving away from cute pet pictures! Various social media platforms have a ‘quick apply’ feature for job listings. This functionality will gather content from your profile and autofill sections of the application. Make sure your profile is up to date.

Online interviews:

Online interviews are becoming more commonly practised, as many businesses are currently working from home or see the value of this format. Here are some tips to shine:

  • It is important to remember that ‘normal’ interview etiquette is still required, so make sure that you prepare as usual and dress appropriately on the day.
  • Remember, you are in the comfort of your own home, you can maximise your preparation time before the interview begins, and even have some sneaky notes or buzz words in front of you, hidden from the interviewers’ view.
  • Maintain good communication skills during the interview. Making eye contact is quite challenging via video, but ensure that you are looking at the screen and nodding/engaging when the interviewers are talking to you.
  • Make sure there are no noise or visual distractions on the day. Any interruptions may break your focus and distract the interviewer.

Keep going and remember that Careers Services are here to help you.

Check out our events, appointments and resources available on CareerHub and CareerHub+

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