Hi everyone! My name is Aron Hugh, and I am one of the new Bi Officers of the Staff LGBTQ+ Forum.

You might be thinking, why is bisexual awareness important? Is it really that challenging being bi? The truth is there are many different experiences that bi people have, and they can’t be summed up in a single blog post. However, from my own experience and the experiences of people I know, biphobia and bi erasure (ignoring bisexuality) are real issues.

My own experience growing up was confusing. Like a lot of people, I had never heard of bisexuality, and I really wish I had. Certainly, no one was talking about bisexuality in school or at home. I can’t remember when I heard the term, but it instantly made me feel at ease, like I didn’t have to ‘choose a side’.

Despite my own acceptance of the fact I was bi, the reaction I had was not always accepting. Some people thought I was gay and just wanted to soften the blow, some people thought I was confused, and some people thought I was trying to be different. However, there were also some great reactions and, in coming out, I found a new community of like-minded people who weren’t interested in dissecting what I had told them but instead gave their support immediately.

Being part of the Staff LGBTQ+ Forum is important to me because I think sometimes you do need support from people who really understand what it is like to be you. I also hope that bringing light to the issues that the stereotypes and judgements that bi people experience will help colleagues to understand how they can help our community feel understood and accepted.