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Essex is proud to be part of the Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) Alliance – a vibrant higher education partnership that offers the leading model of a young, student-centred, non-elitist and inclusive European University.

Four students chatting outside in the sunshine

Listening to and amplifying the student voice is crucial to the success of the YUFE Alliance. Essex is now looking for three students to join the YUFE Student Forum to help co-create the YUFE vision.

Respect, diversity and inclusivity are at the core of YUFE, as confirmed by our Code of Conduct; we strongly encourage students from all backgrounds to apply for the Student Forum and help us foster a truly inclusive YUFE community.

3 female students sitting round table looking at their laptops

The YUFE Alliance is one of dozens of multi-institutional partnerships set up to develop a new approach to European higher education and research. YUFE brings together ten young research-intensive European universities and two industry partners to deliver a programme of education and research activities.

Here at Essex, we are proud of our continuing participation in this innovative Alliance with our European friends and partners.

Students from all over Europe have played a vital role in all stages of YUFE, from design through proposal preparation to implementation. The purpose of the Student Forum is to ensure that the needs and perspectives of students remains central to the realisation of the YUFE vision. 

What does being a YUFE Student Forum member involve?

YUFE Student Forum representatives participate fully in the governance structure of YUFE. As a Forum member you will contribute to the YUFE Student Journey, to the Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity programme, and to other YUFE initiatives and priorities as they emerge. You will have the opportunity to travel to other YUFE partner institutions, and to interact with your peers on the Forum, as well as working with senior leaders and academics across Essex and the Alliance as a whole.

Are you the ideal candidate?

The ideal candidates need strong communication and organisation skills, and the drive and confidence to contribute to this pioneering initiative.

You must be able to dedicate at least ten hours per month to YUFE activities and be willing to engage in occasional European travel to attend Forum meetings in person.

Two students with laptops looking at eachpther

If appointed, we will expect Student Forum members to identify a particular Work Package they wish to work on with Essex staff (one of these will need to be the Work Package on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, so please let us know if you have a particular interest in this area). We also hope that Student Forum members will be able to help raise awareness of YUFE within the Essex Students Union, Departments and by contributing to a blog and other social media. 

Student Forum members will a receive an honorarium of £2,000, payable in two instalments at the start and end of their term of office. The opportunity will last for one year, November 2024 to October 2025, with the possibility of renewal. It is open to Essex students at all levels (UG, PGT, PGR), regardless of whether you are registered on a YUFE programme of study or not. The start date will be on, or soon after, Monday 4 November 2024.

Want to know more?

Please email Dr Dorian Hayes (, Deputy Director of Partnerships (Europe), for an informal discussion.

Want to apply?

Please send your current CV together with a one-page motivation letter explaining why you think you have what it takes to join the YUFE Student Forum to Dorian Hayes (, using the subject line “YUFE Student Forum Application”, by close-of-play on Monday 21 October 2024. Please be sure to hold the afternoon of Wednesday 23 October for in-person interviews.