Choose a study
Once you join our database, we'll email you with alerts for studies you can take part in. You can choose which ones to participate in and you will be offered a number of different dates and times.
You can take part in each study once. If you decide to take part in a study, we will send you an email detailing how to book your place and how long the study will be. Participants are invited in a random order to take part in studies, so you may not receive an invite even if a friend has - don't worry, more studies will be coming!
You can browse upcoming studies and discover the exciting work that is taking place at Essex, by visiting our online recruitment system SONA. SONA can be used by everyone, whether they belong to the University or not. If you have any questions regarding SONA, please contact us.
Understand our rules and privacy policy
Our studies are always conducted with informed consent. You will be provided with details about the study before you agree to participate. Your data is kept strictly confidential at all times. For more information please read our participant rules (.pdf) and our privacy policy (.pdf).
What happens if I have to cancel?
If you have booked to take part but can no longer attend the study, please contact us to cancel at least 24 hours before the study commences. If you book but don't arrive for a number of studies, we will remove you from our database and you will no longer be able to participate.