
Essex Biomedical Sciences Centre (EBSC)

The Essex Biomedical Sciences Centre (EBSC) is a local medical research partnership that promotes biomedical and health-related translational research through collaboration between academic staff in the University, principally in the School of Life Sciences, and clinicians in Hospital NHS Trusts in the region.

The Centre was initially set up as a partnership with Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust, but now incorporates Southend Hospital NHS Trust, Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust and Mid Essex Hospital NHS Trust.

The EBSC operates by bringing together scientists and clinicians with common research interests using its web pages of individuals and their interests, convening discussion meetings and advising on operational and administrative issues associated with research. The aims of the EBSC are to:

  • Provide a network organisation for promoting and facilitating clinically relevant, translational research activities in the biomedical/health sciences
  • Provide the essential infrastructure support and facilities together with scientific and clinical specialities
  • Exploit opportunities for securing research funding
  • Provide an academic partnership for local Hospital NHS Trusts
  • Attract and retain clinicians of the highest calibre by providing research opportunities and potential for career development and continuing professional development.
Get in touch
Dr Ralf Zwacka School of Life Sciences