
Centre for Global South Studies (CGSS)

A compass on a world map, signifying the difference between the Global South and Global North.

We are an interdisciplinary hub for the study of the Global South

The Centre for Global South Studies (CGSS) provides a comprehensive home for University of Essex academics and postgraduate students researching the Global South and its connections to the Global North. The centre provides a hub for related interdisciplinary initiatives and activities.

The term ‘Global South’ has developed out of a need to establish collaborations between regions historically marginalized to highlight and address shared problems and resources critically. The ‘Global South’ encompasses spaces and peoples negatively impacted by colonialism and contemporary global capitalism.  This accounts for oppressed communities within affluent countries in the north and recognizes that there are economic Souths in the geographic North and Norths in the geographic South.

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Professor Sandya Hewamanne, Director of the Centre for Global South Studies (CGSS).
"Promotion of research teaching and discourse on the Global South and its connections to processes centered in the global north is the core objective of the Centre for Global South Studies."
Professor Sandya Hewamanne Director Centre for global south studies

Our core aims:

  • To provide a comprehensive home for University of Essex academics and postgraduate students researching the Global South and its connections to the Global North, and to create a hub for related interdisciplinary initiatives and activities.
  • To provide sustainable forums to discuss and analyse issues concerning and shaping the Global South and its connections to the Global North from multiple perspectives.
  • To contribute to the recruitment and training of PGT and PGR students.
  • To facilitate training and research collaboration with existing partners and with other national Global South networks within the UK.
  • To develop collaboration with local and national and international NGOs, community organisations and public agencies associated with issues concerning the Global South.
  • To facilitate outreach and impact of our research through yearly knowledge exchange activities aimed at different audiences.
  • To facilitate successful bids for interdisciplinary research projects and impact activities.
  • To promote networking and collaboration between scholars from the Global South and Global North. 

Highlights of our work:

Our activities

January 2024

A seminar hosted by Dr Helena Marambio on ‘Transformative Human Rights Education: Right to Information, Dance and Disabled People in Sri Lanka and Nepal.'

November 2023

Collaboration with the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies to bring Professor Melinda Mendlebaum (Brazil) to the University of Essex in Spring 2024.

A seminar by Dr Yemisi Sloane on ‘Internalized Coloniality and It’s role in shaping patterns of domestic abuse in Nigerian communities in Britain.'

October 2023

Co-branded seminar with the Centre for Criminology with Dr Zoha Waseem on ‘’Insecure Guardians: Policing in Pakistan.'

Application for an International Visiting Fellowship for Dr Sirima Thongswagan (Thailand) in collaboration with the Centre for Migration Studies.

Postgraduate Research student, Victor Porto Almeida, gave a talk on ‘Green harms and crimes in the Brazilian Amazon: Impact on ecosystems and the indigenous peoples,' co-branded with the Centre for Criminology.

Seminar series (with the special theme of highlighting PGR student, and recent graduate scholarship)

July 2023

Capacity building workshop in Sri Lanka with local university faculty and members of community organizations 

Artful Struggles in Sri Lanka: Comparative Perspectives 

Organized by the Essex Law School and the Essex Transitional Justice Network, this art exhibit and workshop focused on the political struggles and art in Sri Lanka and the Global South with a panel discussion, including the Sri Lankan artist who started the art gallery at the protest site.

June 2023

The Centre for Global South Studies blog series ‘Voices of the Global South’ was launched.

March 2023

The Centre for Global South Studies webpage and social media accounts; Twitter and Instagram, were launched.

A seminar by Professor Srila Roy with Dr Maitrayee Basu on ‘Changing the Subject: Feminist and Queer Politics in Neoliberal India.’

An in-person seminar by Kartini Abu Talib on ‘Muslim Women and Deradicalization in Malaysia: Former Militant’s Narratives.’  

February 2023

Launch event with key note speaker Shailaja Fennel from the University of Cambridge and a student panel representing Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research students.

Our research

The Global South encompasses spaces and peoples negatively impacted by colonialism and contemporary global capitalism.  This accounts for oppressed communities within affluent countries in the north and recognizes that there are economic Souths in the geographic North and Norths in the geographic South.

The Centre for Global South Studies is proposed with the core aims of providing a comprehensive home for University of Essex academics and postgraduate students researching the Global South and its connections to the Global North, and to create a hub for related interdisciplinary initiatives and activities. 

The Centre is committed to enhancing the University’s wider research profile, including organizing seminars, a working paper series, and applying for interdisciplinary grants leading to research publications.

The proposed MA in Global South Studies will provide a platform for academics and students to explore the Global South from diverse perspectives. As the first Centre for Global South Studies in the UK, CGSS is working towards widening international research opportunities, and networking with scholars from the Global South. Our working paper series highlights works from scholars from the Global South enabling capacity building.

Our education

We support PGR students through supervising, mentoring research projects on the Global South.  Our PGR student focused activities include annual PGR panel presentations, seminar series and a monthly film discussion groups.  If you are interested in applying for an interdisciplinary PhD program at Essex, please contact Professor Sandya Hewamanne.

To view the staff profiles, research interests and supervision status of our contributors, please visit our members.

Our members

Our interdisciplinary research and teaching brings together researchers from a broad range of disciplines. Our centre provides a hub for those looking to further their understanding of the Global South and other related issues.

Please visit our members to view our academic staff profiles and discover academic supervision opportunities.

Our news

The Centre for Global South Studies is an active participant in the research community. Our most recent news includes:

A row of old looking library books
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A compass on a world map, signifying the difference between the Global South and Global North.
Contact us
Centre for Global South Studies Professor Sandya Hewamanne
University of Essex
University of Essex Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex